Domain Research Lijun

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This chapter consists of two parts. They are domain research and technical research. Both
researches will be conducted to understand how the current system works and to determine
the tools needed to develop the proposed system.

Domain Research

In this section, a research about the current system will be conducted. Particular research
areas include:
The purpose and uses of the current system
advantages and disadvantages, and
how the current system work
3.1.1 About Online Video Search
Purpose and Uses
Online video search is a web application system that provides a solution to let users to search
video and view the video information. In addition to online search, users also can attention
and get video news and information through the following methods:
Read newspaper or magazine,
Listen to radio, and
Watch television (TV)
Among those methods mentioned above, the most popular method used is online search. It is
because many video news and information can be obtained from the internet. Users can
obtain detailed video information by using the system. Unlike others method, provide only
general video information.
Online video search not only can be used to search about video information, it also can use to
search about actor details. Users can search actor details like filmography, biography, awards,
photos and news.
Online video search can be used by anyone ranging from teenager to old people, who know
the basic internet skills can use it to search video and view the information. It can be accessed

in anywhere and anytime. The only condition is that their device (laptop, television, smart
phone or iPad) need to have internet connection.
There are many online video search systems available. Each of it has its own purpose and
Online Video Search

Purpose and Uses To let users to purchase or rent

To let users to download video

To let users to search video and

view the information

To let users to watch video online

and download it

To let users to watch and streaming

video online

To let users to buy movie ticket


Table 1: Purpose and uses of online video search system

Although each online video search has different purpose and uses, but they have common
features, which are:
1. Enable users to read video synopses and other video related information
2. Enable users to watch trailers or clips
3. Enable users to learn old videos and discover new ones
4. Enable users to review video, video news and comment
5. Enable users to find out what's coming soon and new release videos

Advantages and Disadvantages

Every system do has its own advantages and disadvantages, no exception for online video
search system.
The advantages of using online video search are:
1. Easy to look for old, latest and upcoming video and the information
Anyone who are interest or want to know old, new and upcoming video information can
simply visit any online video search to search and view the information. Under normal
circumstances, the search result will display within a minute. Users do not need to await
television (TV), radio or newspaper to announce has what new videos and when the video
will be released.
By using online video search, users can view new and upcoming videos without have to
search it, because those videos information will be displayed in the website home page.
2. Convenience to buy or rent video
Some online video searches offers buy or rent video services. Users can online shopping
video without have to go to the video store. However, shopping video online is suitable
for people who have a valid credit card and understand the process of shopping online.
3. Save money to buy or rent video
Some online video searches offer download or watch function. Users can search and
download any video that is available to download. Besides that, they can also streaming
and watching video online. These functions enable users to save money to buy or rent a
video; or movie ticket, because they can download and watch video for free.
The disadvantages of using online video search are:
1. Cannot access the system if has no internet connection
Online video search is an online system. Users are required to connect his/her device (laptop,
Smartphone or iPad) to the internet in order to use the functionality of the application.

3.1.2 How Current System Work

How Video Search Engine Works
There are many online video searches on the internet. Although each of them have different
function and design, but they have the same purpose, which is to let users to search their
favorite video information and news. The search engine or called video search engine is the
core of the system.
The task of video search engine is similar to others search engine, that is to present the most
relevant and useful information to the end users based on what they are looking for. Every
type of video search engine work in difference way, but they all perform two basic tasks,
which are:
1. They search the internet or in their own server based on users entered terms
2. "They allow users to look for words or combinations of words found in that index" (1)
The video search engine is a web based search engine that crawls through the web or its own
server for video content. Every "search engine employs special software robots called
spiders" (2) or sometimes called crawlers. It used by the search engine to "crawl out across
the internet to find and collect the best information possible". (6)
The video search engine crawlers will crawl through the internet server or its own server to
find and collect required video data and information and then "indexing (storing) the
information" (6) by "add to the search engine indices" (4).
In addition to the spider, there are two pieces of software that works together with the spider
software to create a search engine, they are index and query. The index software "takes all
the information gathered by the crawlers and catalogs the data to determine the most
significant keywords" (5). The video search engine algorithm does this process.
The query software will present the result to the end user. When user enters words in the
search query box, the query software "looks at the index and determines which content in the
server have the most relevant information that relates to the query". (5) It "checks through all

the records that have been created by its own index software" (4) and those records are
collected from the spider software.

How Video Search Engine Access Content

There are two approaches for the video search engine to obtain content. The first approach is
accessed to the internet server and search through the network. There are some video search
engines searching content on the internet network or video repositories.
The second approach is accessed to the private network. There are some video search engines
uploaded and hosted their content on its own server or repositories. The spider software will
crawl through the server to search for relevant content.

How Video Search Engine Search and Provide Relevant Information

The video search engine allow users to search video in different criteria such as names, plots,
quotes, phrases, titles or users own words and so forth. Each online video search will
determine its search engine can accept which type of search terms. For example, some video
search engine only accepts titles while some accept quotes, names and so forth.
Every search engine has its own search approach in searching relevant information based on
what users are looking for. One of the approaches is referring to metadata. Image, document,
video, webpage and software have its own data and information stored inside in it. That
information is called metadata. It assists a search engine to provide relevant information
when a user enters specific words in the query box. For an example, when a user enters a
movie title in the search box called "kung fu panda", everything that match and related to the
title will be displayed (see Figure 4).

Figure 4
"Metadata is technical data that serves to provide context or additional information about
other data". (7) It can be defined as to describe attribute of a data. For an example, a video
may include metadata that describe the video title, video description, video format, the author
of the video, the video release date and so forth. These information give the video search
engines understand what the video is about. By classify and organize the metadata in
different categories such as title, name and so forth, this allows users to search video
information via different criteria. Example of video search engine on online video search that
allow users to search video information via different criteria is imdb (see Figure 5).

Figure 5
Metadata can be classified into two types, which are source metadata and added metadata.
Source metadata is a type of data that is generated by the software or devices. For an example,
when a video is created, the devices and software used such as video camera and editing
software will auto generate the metadata for the video. The metadata may include the video
file name, format, size, color and so forth.
Added metadata is type of data that is added by human. After a video is created, the video
editor or publisher may add additional information to describe the video. For example, the
video information that shows on the online video search is added metadata (see Figure 4).
The added metadata may include the video synopsis, released date, director, cast overview
and so forth. It is not auto generated by any software or devices, it is added manually by
In conclusion, online video search use metadata for the following two reasons:
1. To help the video search engine better understand the video content, and
2. To provide more information about the video to the end user

Metadata can be effectively used for various purposes "if someone has taken time to attach
the metadata" (8). On the other hand, "if the authors, publishers or third party creators do not
take the time to attach metadata when they create, upload, or edit videos or video document,
the benefits of metadata will be lost". (8)

How Video Search Engine Sorting Results

There are various sorting method can be used by video search engine to sort the search results.
The sorting method includes sort by relevance, recently, date, number of views, user rating,
time, year or alphabet.
Most of the video search engines sort their search result based on relevancy. It is because that
result may closest and relevant to what the user are looking for. Users may quickly find what
they want in the first or second result.
Besides that, there are some video search engines allow user to sort the results by different
criteria, such as mrqe (see Figure 6). This provides a choice for users to view the search
result in different criteria based on their needs.

Figure 6
Below are the sorting method used by video search engines in sorting their search result:
Video search engine

Sorting method
Order by relevance


Order by relevance

Table 2: sorting method of video search engines

Steps of Using Online Video Search to Perform Task

The steps of performing task on each online video search are mostly similar. Below will
outline the number of steps required to search and view video information, write user review
for a video and rate a video.
Below are the basic steps required to search and view video information:
1. Visit any online video search webpage
2. Enter video title in the search box
3. Click the search button or magnifier icon

to view the video information

Below are the basic steps required to write user review for a video:
1. Visit any online video search webpage
2. Search a video
3. Find the user review section
4. Login as a member or register a new member
5. Write the review and submit
Below are the basic steps required to rate a video:
1. Visit any online video search webpage
2. Search a video
3. Login as a member or register a new member
4. Rate the video

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