Chapter 1 - Answers To Concept Checks
Chapter 1 - Answers To Concept Checks
Chapter 1 - Answers To Concept Checks
3. Listed here are the eight the main components of personal financial planning. Describe an
action for one or more areas that you might need to take in the next few months or years.
Answers will vary.
Concept Check 1-2 (p. 9)
1. What are some examples of long-term goals?
Long-term goals are financial objectives more than just a few years off (usually more than
five years), such as retirement savings, money for childrens college education, or other longterm savings goals.
2. What are the main characteristics of useful financial goals?
Useful financial goals should (1) be realistic; (2) be stated in specific, measurable terms; (3)
have a time orientation; and (4) imply the type of action to be taken. (pp. 8-9).
3. Match the following common goals to the life situation of the people listed.
A. pay off student loans
A young couple without children
B. start a college savings fund
An older person living alone
C. increase retirement contributions
A person who just completed college
D. financing of long-term care
A single mother with a pre-school daughter
The person may be selling a financial planning product or may represent a specific point of
view. Concerns can be minimized by comparing several sources of information.
7. Talk with several people about their career choices. How have their employment situations
affected their financial planning activities?
Answers will vary. Encourage students to relate their findings to current or future career
8. Conduct a web search for a financial planning topic on which you would like additional
information. List the web address and two key ideas you obtained from the web site.
Answers will vary.
After obtaining this data, students should be able to discuss the influences of these economic
factors on their financial decisions.
1. What actions have the Blakes taken that would be considered to be wise financial planning
Wise financial actions by the Blakes include funds set aside for the education of their children
and deposits to a retirement fund.
2. What actions might be appropriate to address the concerns faced by the Blake household?
The Blakes should consider the financial burdens of raising children and paying for their
education, the care of aging parents, and setting aside funds for retirement.
3. Conduct an Internet search to obtain additional information that might be of value to the
Encourage students to relate their research findings to specific aspects of the Blakes