Ict Implementation in Governance PDF
Ict Implementation in Governance PDF
Ict Implementation in Governance PDF
Learning Outcomes
ICT Implementation in Governance: Issues, Challenges and Suggestions
References and Further Readings
highlight the issues and challenges facing ICT implementation in governance; and
Technology is transforming governments, especially, in the performance of their
functions. This is the sole reason for governments all over the world embracing
technology and becoming electronically viable. ICT enables and facilitates good
governance agenda of transparency, accountability, empowerment, decentralisation and
fiscal reforms. It is this agenda that governments of today are aspiring to achieve.
Governments are using ICTs in restructuring their traditional organisational set up, reengineering the work processes, interacting with citizens and stakeholders, rendering
services and information, and efficient human resources management, financial
management and decision-making.
Hence, ICTs are playing a significant role in enabling governments to pursue the agenda
of good governance. However, skilled manpower, ICT infrastructure, ICT architecture,
resources, political leadership, committed bureaucracy, and citizen awareness are
required to enable ICTs to perform this role. But lack of human resources, organisational
and technological infrastructure, etc. have posed hindrances to the effective
implementation of ICT in governance. This has resulted in its minimal use. Many of the
ICT-based projects have, therefore, resulted in wasteful expenditure and ineffective
service delivery. The challenge is to overcome these hindrances and provide for an
optimal exploitation of ICT in governance.
In this Unit, we are going to discuss the issues that pose a challenge to the optimal use
and implementation of ICT in governance. We will also be dealing with measures, which
help in addressing these issues and challenges effectively. However, for information of
our students, we have used the words e-governance, e-government and ICT-based
projects interchangeably, even though they mean different and are distinct.
Work Plan
The Working Group on E-Government in the Developing World considers
infrastructure, economic health, education, information policies, private sector
development, institutional frameworks, human resources, budgetary resources, interdepartment communication flows, etc. as crucial factors for the success of e-governance
projects. If these factors are well in place then they can lay down the roadmap for
effective e-governance implementation. Countries like India, face problems of low
connectivity, technical professionals, finances, and other resources coupled with
inappropriate planning. Hence, it becomes difficult to develop specific applications and
Therefore, for successful implementation of e-governance projects, a work plan has to be
chalked out. The work plan should include six key elements, as pointed by the Working
of e-
represents the priority objectives of government and the shared vision of all stakeholders.
A shared vision of e-government means a shared stake in the outcome.
Robert Schware and Bhatnagar mention about the involvement of users in the
Computer-aided Administration of Registration Department (CARD) Project in Andhra
Pradesh. A group of users were selected to participate in the various tasks to redesign
business processes in the Registration Department and subsequently participate in the
design and development of the software. No external technical personnel were recruited,
which provided a sense of system ownership and even control on technology by the
users. This fostered a sense of ownership and trust in the Project. Likewise, the
SmartGov initiative in Andhra Pradesh involved the stakeholders and end-users at all
stages of the Project.
E-government applications should be preceded with re-engineering of the administrative
processes in the government departments or organisations. Most often, e-government
applications are implemented in a quick time frame without adequate re-engineering of
the existing organisational structure and work procedures. If ICT has to enable efficiency
in governmental functioning, it is necessary that the departments carry out a
rearrangement and reorganisation of their administrative structure and work processes. If
e-government application is implemented without re-engineering, it becomes difficult to
make subsequent changes in the work processes once the e-government application is
implemented. Hence e-government may not work and the resources may get wasted.
Therefore, the complex work processes and procedures have to be simplified before
initiating ICT projects or programmes.
Subhash Bhatnagar emphasises that the reforms should be in place before an egovernment application is implemented so that the immediate impact and efficiency and
transparency gains associated with e-government application can be acquired. Reengineering administrative processes, according to him, therefore requires
implementation of substantive reform in organisational structure, a change in culture and
mindset, training and improvement of skills, and putting in place the appropriate
supporting ICT infrastructure to enable online processes that are timely and efficient to
both the user and the government department.
E-governance projects must be citizen-centric. Such projects should provide for
improved service delivery, public participation, accessibility to comprehensive and
qualitative information, and improved quality of life for large number of citizens. They
should focus on how citizens use and process increasing amounts of information in their
everyday life. Websites should be designed to give complete information so that an
individual may not have to follow up it with a visit or call. Projects facilitating citizen
services should be based on the needs of the people and how they can be best delivered
electronically. This will enable projects to address to specific needs of identified
communities and gain public trust and wider usability.
But as G. Anathakrishnan points out that for most citizens the only brush with egovernment is a visit to rudimentary websites put up by individual departments that offer
no alternative to the difficult relationship they have with government to get their
entitlements. In theoretical terms, Anathakrishnan says that e-governance in the country
is still largely in the information phase and faces an uphill task to reach interactivity and
actual delivery of services. Merely computerising the departments and automating the
traditional and old procedures will not result in responsive e-government.
According to Jaju, the bane of most of the government databases is that it is driven by
individuals rather than systems and hence most of it is never updated once the individual
Political will and leadership is a needed for initiation, successful implementation and
sustenance of e-government programmes and projects. Political support and commitment
to ICT projects can really bring in the desired change in governance. Political leaders
need to have the will, resolve and leadership to take on risks, overcome resistance, secure
funds and publicly subscribe, uphold and support e-government. Rather, the political
leaders must be made e-literate that can help them to understand the benefits accruing of
such projects, and motivate them to employ ICT in their departments and deliver
effective public services to the people.
The greatest problem is of sustenance, as with change in political power e-governance
projects are not carried further with the same zest and zeal by the new minister. As
Bhatnagar points out that frequent changes in the ministers may create problems when
the new minister is not supportive of the ideas and innovations implemented by his/her
predecessor. Change in the political leadership also result in changes in administrative
leadership that may create problems especially through implementation. However, if the
backup support from the citizens, businesses and public sanctity through legislature is
existing, e-governance projects can be carried forward with the same fervour even when
there is a change in political leadership.
Transparency and Accountability
E-government projects or websites do not focus much on the objectives of ensuring
transparency and accountability of the government officials or departments. As Katherine
Reilly puts it that numerous websites created by government departments are ineffective
because they tend to focus on the single objective of providing electronic access to
information. Not enough effort is made to ensure that transparency and accountability are
increased. Achieving or increasing accountability or transparency is unplanned in the
design objectives, as Gopa Kumar Krishnan finds that reduction of corruption is often
incidental and not part of the design objectives of e-government initiatives.
According to him, there has to be an implicit hierarchy and sequentiality of objectives on
which e-government applications should focus. Increasing access to information,
presenting the information in a manner that leads to transparency of rules and their
application in specific decisions, and increasing accountability by building the ability to
trace decisions/actions to individual civil servants are the successive stages in the
hierarchy. These stages will ensure reduction in corruption and openness in
administration. Departmental websites should fulfil these objectives. Departments should
publish budgetary allocations and expenditure on the web. There should be systems for
tracking status of applications for a variety of licenses. There must be sharing of the
citizens charter and performance data on the web. These steps by officials and
departments will definitely increase accountability and transparency.
Resistance to Change
The fast and smooth implementation of e-government gets hampered by the officials
resistance to it. If the government is to excel in a corporate way, officials readiness to
bring about this corporate culture within government is essential. The level of resistance
to change and level of involvement by officials in setting policies and practices will
greatly impact how fast or smooth the implementation of e-government will be
(Working Group). Bureaucracy, that is, officials and employees at all levels, resist to egovernment initiatives due to reasons, such as fear of losing jobs, losing power,
unfamiliarity with technology, increased work, losing unofficial payments, having no
monetary and professional gains, etc.
Bhatnagar cites the example of SmartGov initiative in Andhra Pradesh in 2002, which
brought about electronic application in workplaces by integrating workflow and
knowledge management, and thereby increasing efficiency of file handling processes by
introducing the concept of a paper less office. But it faced implementation challenges and
resistance from employees. Many senior officials and staff did not use the ICT
applications and applied the manual system in their day-to-day work. They found it time
consuming to operate via the SmartGov. The officials felt that they could sign a physical
file within seconds than an electronic file. Hence, even after the SmartGov move, the
manual system prevailed upon it. Technical and management problems such as,
deployment of hardware, getting the software loaded and employees to operate it, and too
many vendors for handling different aspects of network maintenance and hardware
maintenance created difficulty. In some departments, the number of PCs installed was
inadequate. One PC was shared among three people that drastically reduced the
efficiency of the officials and staff. As a result files were dealt and transferred physically.
Thus, SmartGov did not create enthusiasm among the government departments and
evoked resistance from the employees and officials.
To overcome this resistance, it is necessary to involve the officials at the early stage of egovernment planning. Their suggestions and feedback to improve the e-government plan
at any stage should be welcomed and acted upon. The plan should highlight the benefits
accruing from the application of ICT in day-to-day work that can help in boosting their
confidence and trust in the system. Equally, they must be imparted training in ICT usage
in departmental work, decision-making and service delivery. Successful projects
generally spend about ten percent of the budget on training. Training will reorient them
with new perceptions in their jobs, develop competencies and make them knowledgeable.
Benchmarks and parametres should be set to assess the performance of the employees
and officials. Officials should find returns in the form of professional opportunities and
rewards for successful adoption of new procedures, work practices and responsibilities.
Innovative compensation packages and professional perks should also be offered
(Working Group).
Human and financial resources are required for the effective implementation of egovernance projects. Human capital in terms of skilled professionals with experience in
procuring, evaluating and implementing ICT solutions is very much needed in
government. Hence more technological institutions are required to provide technological
professionals in the country.
Equally, financial resources and budget has to be earmarked to ensure initiation and
sustenance of projects. In the words of Subhash Bhatnagar, costs of e-government
projects depend on the initial conditions-whether the application is built from scratch
replacing an existing manual system or is an extension of an existing computerised
system. Major cost elements are hardware and software at the back end, data conversion,
training, maintenance, and communications infrastructure to link the public access points
to the back end. Costs vary quite dramatically according to scope and scale of application
(e.g. AP CARD online services cost was 4.3 million, Mandals online in AP cost was 13
million, Bhoomi online in Karnataka was 4 million, and Warana village information
kiosks cost was 500,000-cost is in terms of US dollars). But most often resource
constraints force departments to use in-house software developers who are not up-to-date
in their technical skills and tend to economise on hardware and software purchase. Egovernment projects, hence, need to be provided with enhanced budget and financial
Back-end Computerisation
Back-end computerisation is required in all departments to enable better delivery of
front-end services to the citizens. It has to be complete and in place before the front end
services are delivered. All related database of different departments should be
computerised, consolidated and centralised. All departments have to be linked to this
shared central database and operate through it so that any transaction done is
citizens can download information pertaining to various services online without visiting
the government departments physically. However, officials often resist sharing and
dissemination of information to the people, which hampers the smooth and rapid flow of
information and prevents a more functional approach to service delivery. Hence, an ICT
policy is necessary, which makes it mandatory on part of officials to provide information
to the public.
We have recently enacted the Right to Information Act 2005, which enables and
empowers every citizen to seek information from government, inspect any government
document and seek certified copies thereof. Some laws on Right to Information also
empower citizens to inspect any government work or to take sample of material. The
government departments are required to host and disseminate information pertaining to
development programmes and other services online for the public, businesses and others.
Many of the state governments have not yet implemented the Act, even though the date
set for the implementation got over by October 2005. There must be a follow up action
and stringent measures against such a callous attitude of the state governments in the full
implementation of the Act.
Legal Recognition
Legal recognition is required for easy and smooth ICT transactions. An Act has to be
provided to confer legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic
data interchange and other means of electronic communication, which involve the use of
alternatives to paper-based methods of communication and storage of information, and
electronic filing of documents with government agencies. Such an Act renders legal
sanctity to ICT based initiatives and facilitates smooth government and business
Governments all over the world have taken different approaches in implementing a legal
framework for e-government and e-commerce. Some have opted for the creation of an
umbrella law that encompasses all e-transactions. A large umbrella law saves the need for
amending a multitude of laws that address procurement, tax, archives, etc. The
UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce is a generic law adopted by many
countries like Australia, Hong Kong, Korea (Republic), Singapore and the Philippines.
The Model Law provides generally that electronic communications should be given
equivalent legal effect to paper-based communication;s and specifically addresses how
certain types of electronic communications could substitute existing paper-based means
of satisfying requirements of writing, signatures, and contract formation (Samtani and
We have promulgated the Information Technology Act 2000, (see Annexe) which
provides for authentication of digital signature, legal recognition of electronic records,
use of electronic record and digital signatures in government and its agencies; attribution,
acknowledgement and despatch of electronic records; secure electronic record and digital
signatures, regulation of certifying authorities of digital signatures, duties of subscribers,
penalties and adjudication, Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal, offences, and
amendments to the Indian Penal Code, the Indian Evidence Act 1872, the Bankers Book
Evidence Act 1891, and the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 (IJPA, July-August 2000).
Legal framework and information security are very important criterion for promoting a
positive e-environment for business and commercial transactions. Security, protections,
legal reforms, privacy and recognition of digital interactions and signatures are, therefore,
the critical prerequisites. This also poses faith and trust of businesses and citizens in egovernment applications and enhances usability and sustainability.
New Projects
New and future e-government projects should be initiated after taking cognisance of the
already existing or undertaken projects. Proper study and diagnosis of the expenditure,
results, and issues/obstacles in the existing programmes should be undertaken. Today, we
see a great amount of duplication existing in e-government efforts, which has led to
adverse costs, time and energy. Ideas and suggestions from successful ICT projects are
not usually obtained or acquired that can be later adapted according to ones own
particular context. A handbook with key project findings should be prepared that can be
used as a resource guide for developing new projects.
New e-government projects should be started on a pilot basis. Pilot projects expose the
potentials and challenges in implementation. This can help in reviewing and revising the
projects for better results in future. Such pilot studies enable to judge the aptness of the
project, skills and knowledge of employees, adequacy of financial resources, and thereby
strengthen the project and its implementation. Problems and challenges can be
immediately met that will ensure smooth and effective execution and realisation of the
project in future.
E-government projects should be based on realistic targets that can be achieved in quick
succession in a definitive way with very little risk involved. For this reason, the projects
should be small rather than large and ambitious. According to Bhatnagar, it is necessary
to take small steps with activities that are manageable within a relatively short time
frame. This allows greater flexibility for tailoring the system and formulating a long-term
strategy based on the actual experiences of the organisation and feedback from the client.
Many local governments and state governments have seen impressive results because
they are well placed to implement small, focused projects that involve low risk. He
identifies the Bhoomi Project, which became successful because of using a phased
approach in defining its scope. Anathakrishnan points out to the phased effort of the State
of Kerala in modernising its local self-government institutions, which began with ten
institutions and now is applied to more than 1250 panchayat institutions. The Project has
used the local bodies as the base to deliver services, fostering involvement of the rural
population and increasing accountability at the grassroots. Rather, what started off with
600 kendras in Malappuram district has expanded to cover 6000 points Statewide.
Bridging the Digital Divide
E-government applications should be widespread so as to cover disadvantageous, rural
and remote areas of the country. The disadvantaged population should be able to access
internet and web for various services and information that holds value for them.
Provision of technological infrastructure must be a necessary element of an e-government
effort in these areas. If the targeted clientele are not able to access services owing to the
need of technology, e-government plan must ensure the same to enable access. This will
help in bridging the digital divide or gap between the rural and urban areas.
Further, grassroots organisations and NGOs have to play an important role in
interpreting the information-related needs of rural communities and in making
information and knowledge usable by such communities (Bhatnagar).
Monitoring and Evaluation
Independent monitoring and evaluation of e-government projects and programmes is
necessary to judge their effectiveness. A legal authority/cell must be constituted in each
ministry/department for effective coordination, time management, cost management and
monitoring and evaluation of respective projects. Success must be judged or measured on
the basis of well-laid down performance criteria, including:
for successful application of ICTs in governance, there is need to give importance to
certain crucial factors. These factors pertain to proper planning, well laid down vision
and priorities, ICT architecture and infrastructure, professionals and skilled manpower,
commitment and leadership of ministers, acceptance by officials, transparency and
accountability, citizen-centredness, adequate finances, public-private partnership, legal
recognition, well laid down information policy, documentation; and monitoring and
These factors can lay down the roadmap for e-governance in countries, especially, of the
developing world. Before setting on board an e-governance project, all the abovementioned aspects need to be addressed to enable the project to make its visible impact.
Countries like India must definitely take cognisance of these factors and plan and
implement its e-governance strategy effectively.
Narrate some of the issues and challenges faced in implementation of an e-government
project. You can explain with the help of some examples. Please let us know how you
suggest improving upon them