British Parliamentary Debate
British Parliamentary Debate
British Parliamentary Debate
1. Introduction
2. The format, or, Rules of the game
3. The positions and roles
4. Motions and definitions
5. Style or substance?
6. Judging
7. What next?
1. Introduction
There is a reason why this guide is not called How to win in British
Parliamentary Debating, or even How to avoid losing in BPD because
there is not, will never be, and cannot be a foolproof way of winning, or
even avoiding last place, in a debate. If there were, the book would have
been written, we would all have read it and debating as a competitive
activity would cease to exist!
That being said, the aim of this guide is to help you prepare as much
as possible for debate competitions conducted in the British Parliamentary
style. We will look at the format of debates, and what are termed the
standing orders, the speakers positions in the debate and the role they are
required to fulfil, motions and how (and when) to define them, style and
substance (also called matter and manner), the vagaries of judging and
how to cope with them, and finally, where to go, and what to do from here.
By the end of the pack, you will hopefully feel confident that you
know what you are doing, and to a certain extent, how you are going to do
it. Remember, you can have all the advice, encouragement and coaching in
the world, but when you go into a debate and you stand up to speak, its all
down to you.
Leader of the
Member for
Government Whip
Opposition Whip
Prime Minister
When all eight speeches have been delivered, the debate is considered at
an end, and the judging process begins (see Judging, p.18) So far, so
straightforward. But there are certain conventions and expectations in BP
debates and this is what we mean when talking about the rules of the
First, BP debating aims to recreate to a degree the style of debating
practised in Parliament and in august institutions such as the Oxford and
Cambridge Unions. It is therefore essential that Parliamentary language is
used at all times. Thus, debaters are addressed as Sir or Madam, the
chair of the debate is often referred to as Mr Speaker, and debaters will
often make reference to members of the House. While this may seem
excessively formal, there is good reason. A debate is not an argument in
the sense that most of us understand that word it is not about shouting
more loudly or more forcefully than your opponent (see Style or
substance? p.16) or insulting them. They may smell a bit, look like a
bulldog eating a wasp, or have the most ridiculous hair since Einstein, but
pointing out will not win you the debate.
On the contrary, if you are rude, you will be warned by the Chair, and
you may lose points, and subsequently, the debate if you continue.
Respectful language is what is called for, and what the judges will expect to
hear. It should not need to be stressed that vulgar language and swearing
are never acceptable, but unfortunately, some people still forget. Debating
is about making arguments in a controlled, adult fashion and any swearing
is usually severely penalised.
Second, we come to points of information (POIs). These are an
integral part of BP debating, and one of the ways in which BP differs from
one, and all members, whether speaking or not, are expected to behave in a
correct and fitting manner.
d. Extension Speakers
The Members for Government and Opposition are also known
as extension speakers quite simply, because their role is to
extend the debate. There is a lot of confusion, even at university
level, as to what constitutes a valid extension, and it is probably
easier to define in terms of what it is not, rather than what it is.
An extension is not something which extends the mechanism
or definition provided by 1st Government. If the debate is about EU
expansion into Turkey, for example, you dont extend by adding
Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria! If a motion stating that This House
Believes in Corporal Punishment is defined as parents right to
smack their children, it is not legitimate to say that schoolteachers
should be allowed to do it as well. You get the idea.
What an extension does do may be defined as one of two
things: it either provides a significantly deeper level of analysis of
material on the table, or introduces a new element or direction to
the debate. New examples to support existing arguments are again
not enough. By way of an example, let us imagine that the first half
of the debate on corporal punishment has concentrated on rights
of the parents, rights of the child, affects on behaviour and
development, and the benefits or otherwise to society. A legitimate
extension would be to talk about when corporal punishment is
used in general, when society does allow or condone, or even
practice physical punishment and the principles behind
physical/non-physical punishment in general. This is known as
widening the debate. Similarly, but conversely, where 1st
Government has set up a principled debate (e.g. on positive
discrimination) it is entirely legitimate to narrow the debate to talk
side of the table. Similarly, you must take POIs during your speech
to show that you are responding to the moment and not just
reading a prepared text. As to how many POIs you should take, a
good rule of thumb is at least one, and no more than two, for a five
minute speech (remember, there are only three unprotected
minutes) and at least two, and no more than three, for a seven
minute speech. POIs are not separate to your role, they are part of
it, and not offering or taking one can again be enough to cost you
the win in a close room.
So what should you say? The POI should be as relevant as
possible to what is being said, and should help your side and
damage the arguments of the other. It is difficult, obviously to give
an example in the abstract, but you could try something like
Statistics show that while crime is decreasing, violent crime is
increasing. How does your proposal for 24-hour pub licences help
And when should you accept the offer of a POI? When you
know you are on solid ground. If you are unsure about the validity
of one of your arguments, and all four people on the other side
leap to their feet, its probably not a good idea to invite them to tell
you why you are wrong! Wait until youre making your strong
arguments, and take a point then, if you can.
5. Style or substance?
The question here is, what matters most, being a charming, witty and
engaging speaker, or having so many facts and figures to support your
arguments, and the analysis to go with it that you cannot be beaten on
substance? Once again, if there was one right answer, we wouldnt need a
guide like this.
The fact is, even judges at World Championships cannot begin to
agree on this! The Australians will always prioritise your matter (substance)
over your manner; in Ireland you could win a debate just telling jokes for
seven minutes. Happily, in Britain, we fall somewhere between the two, and
marks for speakers are awarded equally for manner and matter. This is the
fairest way, as it does not give an unfair advantage to either the comic or
the encyclopaedia that sends you to sleep.
Matter is important you cannot win a debate without providing
examples to support your argument, and some analysis as to why that
example works, why it works for your case, and why it is better than the
example given by the other side of the table. But there is nothing more
boring than someone who reels off facts and figures in a barely audible,
monotonous voice, looking down at the floor. If the judge is so bored that
he stops listening then it doesnt matter how good your argument is if the
judge doesnt hear it, you wont get the credit.
That is not to say that you must be the funniest person in the world
to win. Not everyone is, or can be funny, and when someone tries and fails,
it can be worse than not trying. But what everyone can, and should do, is
have inflection, stress the words and the points you want the judges to
notice (try slowing down your speech when making your killer point), and
make regular eye contact with all the judges. If you can crack a joke, great,
you should do so, but do not make your speech a stand-up routine. Being
funny wont win the debate (except in Ireland!) so make sure that, if you are
funny, you are funny whilst being relevant and making strong arguments. If
you can do that, you will be very hard to beat.
A word must also be said about structure, which is part of both
manner and matter. The simple fact is, most judges are quite simple, and
will get lost in your speech if you dont signpost what you are saying. At
the university level, some of the best speakers lose because they forget
their structure (or they think they are good enough not to need it!)
Everybody needs good structure. This is because when you are
speaking and making good eye contact with the judges it can be difficult
for them to note everything down. A clear structure highlights points at the
beginning in big bold headings (This is what I am going to talk about
today [1,2,3]), flags each new point as it is raised (This is the 1st/2nd/3rd
point I am going to bring to the table), and finishes by briefly recapping
those points (So what have I told you? Ive told you [123]).
You can then be sure that the judge has had plenty of opportunity to
note down what the points are, so that when you are developing them in
the middle of your speech, he/she can concentrate on the argument and
analysis that goes with it. Every debate culture in the world recognizes the
importance of clear structure, and it is, fortunately, one of the few things on
which we all agree!
6. Judging
All judges, although it may not seem like it, are human honest! That
is to say, they are not perfect, debate-judging machines. They can (and do)
make mistakes. But they try very, very hard not to make mistakes, and
most of the time, they succeed.
So what will they look for from you? Put simply, all of the above!
Structure, style, arguments backed up by examples and supported by
analysis, good rebuttal of an opposing teams arguments, and plenty of
POIs being offered. All these help you win a debate, but there will be times
when you do all of this, and still dont win. So what happened?
The judge has to balance the arguments he/she has heard what
were the killer points, and who made them? Did the style of the PM
overcome the substance of the Leader of the Opposition? It is very rare
that debaters will be evenly matched in all areas, and the judge must decide
what was more important in that debate.
What a judge should never do is bring his/her own knowledge to the
debate. Judges are not there to judge you on what wasnt said, or on what
they expect to be said, they judge on what has been brought to the table by
you. That is not to say that, if the big arguments have been missed, they
cannot mention it in their feedback (e.g. I was surprised that nobody
mentioned X, as it is central to the debate, [but it has not affected the
decision in any way]) as feedback is not just about why they made the
decision they did, it is about helping you to become better debaters.
So what will happen when the debate is done, and judgment has
been made? For most debates, you will receive open adjudication you
will be told your position in the debate, and reasons for it. For later rounds,
semi-finals, etc., it will generally be kept secret until the finalists are
announced. This helps to keep the suspense. In any case, once a decision
is announced, you can then approach your judges for feedback.
Remember, even if you disagree with the decision, listen to the
reasons for it. Most judges have debated before, some to an exceptionally
high level, and will be able to justify their choice of winner and loser. If you
think a decision is wrong, and the justification given also seems wrong,
you may wish to complain to the tournament organisers they wont
change the decision, but will look carefully at that judge in the future.
Be careful, though. If you complain about every decision where you
lose or come third, people may start to think that the problem lies with you
rather than with your judges. Bad judging does sometimes happen, and it
can be devastating, but all debaters suffer from it, and all have to deal with
it. It is unfortunate, but it is also the nature of debating, and how you cope
with a bad decision, and how you respond to it in the next round, often
says more about you as a debater than winning every round.
7. What next?
1 Govt Member
or Prime Minister
1 Opp Member
or Leader of the Opposition
2 Govt Member
or Member of the Government
2 Opp Member
or Member of the Opposition
7 minutes
7 minutes
7 minutes
7 minutes
7 minutes
3 Opp Member
or Member of the Opposition
7 minutes
Govt Whip
7 minutes
Opp Whip
7 minutes
3 Govt Member
or Member of the Government
Interpretation of motion
Case for the Government (2-3
major points)
Refute govt case
Present new reasons to reject the
Defend and extend govt case
Present new reason for the motion
Refute new govt reason for the
Refute original government case
Present new reason to reject the
Refute new reason to reject the
Defend original govt arguments
Introduce major new arguments
for the motion lead the debate in
a new direction without being
Refute new reason for the motion
Refute previous government case
Defend and extend major opp
arguments to reject the motion
No new issues
Refute and rebuild previous
Summarize the debate and case
for the govt
No new issues
Refute and rebuild previous
Summarize the debate and the
case for the opp
Part 1 Introduction
1.1 The format of the debate
1.1.1 The debate will consist of four teams of two persons, a chairperson (who may or may not
be) an adjudicator or panel of adjudicators.
1.1.2 Teams will consist of the following members:
1.1.3 Members will deliver substantive speeches in the following order:
(1) First Government Member; or Prime Minister
(2) First Opposition Member; or Leader of the Opposition
(3) Second Government Member;
(4) Second Opposition Member;
(5) Third Government Member;
(6) Third Opposition Member;
(7) Government Whip;
(8) Opposition Whip.
Opening Government Team:
"First Government member" and "Second Government member";
Opening Opposition Team:
" "First Opposition member" and "Second Opposition member";
Closing Government Team:
" "Third Government member" and "Opposition Whip";
Closing Opposition Team:
"Third Opposition member" and " Opposition Whip".
1.1.4 Members will deliver a substantive speech of seven minutes duration and should offer
points of information while members of the opposing teams are speaking.
1.2 The motion
1.2.1 The motion should be unambiguously worded.
1.2.2 The motion should reflect that this is an international activity.
1.2.3 The members should debate the motion in the spirit of the motion and the tournament.
1.3 Preparation
1.3.1 The debate should commence 30 minutes after the motion is announced.
1.3.2 Teams should arrive at their debate within five minutes of the scheduled starting time for
that debate.
1.3.3 Members are permitted to use printed or written material during preparation but not during
the debate. Hand written notes made during preparation are allowed. The use of electronic
equipment is prohibited during the debate unless needed by debaters qualifying under the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
1.4 Points of Information
1.4.1 Points of Information (questions directed to the member speaking) may be asked between
first minute mark and the six-minute mark of the members speeches (speeches are of seven
minutes duration).
1.4.2 To ask a Point of Information, a member should stand, extend their hand towards the
member speaking. The member may announce that they would like to ask a "Point of
Information" or use other words to this effect.
1.4.3 The member who is speaking may accept or decline to answer the Point of Information.
1.4.4 Points of Information should not exceed 15 seconds in length.
1.4.5 The member who is speaking may ask the person offering the Point of Information to sit
down where the offerer has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard and understood.
1.4.6 Members should attempt to answer at least two Points of Information during their speech.
Members should also offer Points of Information.
1.4.7 Points of Information should be assessed in accordance with clause 3.3.4 of these rules.
1.4.8 Points of Order and Points of Personal Privilege are not permitted.
1.5 Timing of the speeches
1.5.1 Speeches should be seven minutes in duration (this should be signaled by two strikes of the
gavel). Speeches over seven minutes and 15 seconds may be penalized.
1.5.2 Points of Information may only be offered between the first minute mark and the six-minute
mark of the speech (this period should be signaled by one strike of the gavel at the first minute
and one strike at the sixth minute).
1.5.3 It is the duty of the Speaker of the House to time speeches.
1.5.4 In the absence of the Speaker of the House, it is the duty of the Chair of the Adjudication
panel to ensure that speeches are timed.
1.6 The adjudication
1.6.1 The debate should be adjudicated by a panel of at least three adjudicators, where this is
possible. During preliminary rounds there will usually be one adjudicator.
1.6.2 At the conclusion of the debate, the adjudicator(s) rank the teams, from first placed to last
place. (see Part 5: The Adjudication).
1.6.3 There will be verbal critique of the debate. The verbal adjudication should be delivered in
accordance with clause 5.5 of these rules.
Part 2 Definitions
2.1 The definition
2.1.1 The definition should state the issue (or issues) for debate arising out of the motion and
state the meaning of any terms in the motion which require interpretation.
2.1.2 The Prime Minister should provide the definition at the beginning of his or her speech.
2.1.3 The definition must:
(a) have a clear and logical link to the motion - this means that an average reasonable person
would accept the link made by the member between the motion and the definition (where there is
no such link the definition is sometimes referred to as a "squirrel");
(b) not be self-proving - a definition is self-proving when the case is that something should or
should not be done and there is no reasonable rebuttal. A definition is may also be self-proving
when the case is that a certain state of affairs exists or does not exist and there is no reasonable
rebuttal (these definitions are sometimes referred to as "truisms").
(c) not be time set - this means that the debate must take place in the present and that the
definition cannot set the debate in the past or the future; and
(d) not be place set unfairly - this means that the definition cannot restrict the debate so narrowly
to a particular geographical or political location that a participant of the tournament could not
reasonably be expected to have knowledge of the place.
2.2 Challenging the definition
2.2.1 The Leader of the Opposition may challenge the definition if it violates clause 2.1.3 of these
rules. The Leader of the Opposition should clearly state that he or she is challenging the
2.2.2 The Leader of the Opposition should substitute an alternative definition after challenging the
definition of the Prime Minister.
2.3 Assessing the definitional challenge
2.3.1 The adjudicator should determine the definition to be unreasonable where it violates clause
2.1.3 of these rules.
2.3.2 The onus to establish that the definition is unreasonable is on the members asserting that
the definition is unreasonable.
2.3.3 Where the definition is unreasonable, the opposition should substitute an alternative
definition that should be accepted by the adjudicator provided it is not unreasonable.
2.3.4 Where the definition of the Opening Government is unreasonable and an alternative
definition is substituted by the Opening Opposition, the Closing Government may introduce
matter which is inconsistent with the matter presented by the Opening Government and
consistent with the definition of the Opening Opposition.
2.3.5 If the Opening Opposition has substituted a definition that is also unreasonable, the Closing
Government may challenge the definition of the Opening Opposition and substitute an alternative
2.3.6 If the Closing Government has substituted a definition that is also unreasonable (in addition
to the unreasonable definitions of the Opening Government and Opening Opposition, the Closing
Opposition may challenge the definition of the Closing Government and substitute an alternative
Part 3 Matter
3.1 The definition of matter
3.1.1 Matter is the content of the speech. It is the arguments a debater uses to further his or her
case and persuade the audience.
3.1.2 Matter includes arguments and reasoning, examples, case studies, facts and any other
material that attempts to further the case.
3.1.3 Matter includes positive (or substantive) material and rebuttal (arguments specifically aimed
to refute the arguments of the opposing team(s)). Matter includes Points of Information.
3.2 The elements of matter
3.2.1 Matter should be relevant, logical and consistent.
3.2.2 Matter should be relevant. It should relate to the issues of the debate: positive material
should support the case being presented and rebuttal should refute the material being presented
by the opposing team(s). The Member should appropriately prioritize and apportion time to the
dynamic issues of the debate.
3.2.3 Matter should be logical. Arguments should be developed logically in order to be clear and
well reasoned and therefore plausible. The conclusion of all arguments should support the
members case.
3.2.4 Matter should be consistent. Members should ensure that the matter they present is
consistent within their speech, their team and the remainder of the members on their side of the
debate (subject to clauses 2.3.4, 2.3.5 or 2.3.6 of these rules).
3.2.5 All Members should present positive matter (except the final two members in the debate)
and all members should present rebuttal (except the first member in the debate).
3.2.6 All Members should attempt to answer at least two points of information during their own
speech and offer points of information during opposing speeches.
3.3 Assessing matter
3.3.1 The matter presented should be persuasive. The elements of matter should assist an
adjudicator to assess the persuasiveness and credibility of the matter presented.
3.3.2 Matter should be assessed from the viewpoint of the average reasonable person.
Adjudicators should analyze the matter presented and assess its persuasiveness, while
disregarding any specialist knowledge they may have on the issue of the debate.
3.3.3 Adjudicators should not allow bias to influence their assessment. Debaters should not be
discriminated against on the basis of religion, sex, race, color, nationality, sexual preference, age,
social status or disability.
3.3.4 Points of information should be assessed according to the effect they have on the
persuasiveness of the cases of both the member answering the point of information and the
member offering the point of information.
Part 4 Manner
4.1 The definition of manner
4.1.1 Manner is the presentation of the speech. It is the style and structure a member uses to
further his or her case and persuade the audience.
the audience.
4.1.2 Manner is comprised of many separate elements. Some, but not all, of these elements are
listed below.
4.2 The elements of style
4.2.1 The elements of style include eye contact, voice modulation, hand gestures, language, the
use of notes and any other element which may affect the effectiveness of the presentation of the
4.2.2 Eye contact will generally assist a member to persuade an audience as it allows the
member to appear more sincere.
4.2.3 Voice modulation will generally assist a member to persuade an audience as the debater
may emphasize important arguments and keep the attention of the audience. This includes the
pitch, tone, and volume of the members voice and the use of pauses.
4.2.4 Hand gestures will generally assist a member to emphasize important arguments.
Excessive hand movements may however be distracting and reduce the attentiveness of the
audience to the arguments.
4.2.5 Language should be clear and simple. Members who use language, which is too verbose or
confusing, may detract from the argument if they lose the attention of the audience.
4.2.6 The use of notes is permitted, but members should be careful that they do not rely on their
notes too much and detract from the other elements of manner.
4.3 The elements of structure
4.3.1 The elements of structure include the structure of the speech of the member and the
structure of the speech of the team.
4.3.2 The matter of the speech of each member must be structured. The member should
organize his or her matter to improve the effectiveness of their presentation.
4.3.3 The matter of the team must be structured. The team should organize their matter to
improve the effectiveness of their presentation. The team should:
(a) contain a consistent approach to the issues being debated; and
(b) allocate positive matter to each member where both members of the team are introducing
positive matter; and
(a) include: an introduction, conclusion and a series of arguments; and
(b) be well timed in accordance with the time limitations and the need to prioritize and apportion
time to matter.
Above average to very good. The standard you would expect to see from a team at the
finals level or in contention to make to the finals. The team has clear strengths and some minor
Average. The team has strengths and weaknesses in roughly equal proportions.
Poor to below average. The team has clear problems and some minor strengths.
Very poor. The team has fundamental weaknesses and few, if any, strengths.
5.4 Marking the members
5.4.1 Individual members marks should be given the following interpretation:
Excellent to flawless. The standard of speech you would expect to see from a speaker at
the Semi Final / Grand Final level of the tournament. This speaker has many strengths and few, if
any, weaknesses.
Above average to very good. The standard you would expect to see from a speaker at
the finals level or in contention to make to the finals. This speaker has clear strengths and some
minor weaknesses.
Average. The speaker has strengths and weaknesses and roughly equal proportions.
Poor to below average. The team has clear problems and some minor strengths.
Very poor. This speaker has fundamental weaknesses and few, if any, strengths.
5.5 Verbal adjudications
5.5.1 At the conclusion of the conferral, the adjudication panel should provide a verbal
adjudication of the debate.
5.5.2 The verbal adjudication should be delivered by the adjudicators.
Public Speaking:
A professional
1. Who does it, and who needs it?
2. When are we going to use it?
3. How do we do it?
a. Communication breakdown
b. Body Language
c. Facial Expressions
d. The Voice
4. Using the voice as a tool
a. Breathing
b. Pitch
c. Tone
d. Pace
e. Clarity
f. Volume
5. The text
a. Its not what you say; its how you say it
b. Be careful what you say
c. Rhetoric and humour
6. Knowing what works for you
7. Bringing it all together
3. How do we do it?
a. Communication breakdown
By this, we do not mean a breakdown in communication but rather a
breakdown of communication, as it is important to know first how we
communicate generally, before we begin to look at specific areas of
communication we might want to improve.
Through studies of communication, we know that anywhere between 70% and
80% of communication is non-verbal; that is to say, approximately _ of what
is understood has nothing to do either with the words you say or how you say
them. In face-to-face communication, the vast majority of what we
communicate is done so through our body language and facial expressions.
When there is conflict between what is being said, and the body language that
accompanies it, our natural reaction is to believe not the words but the
demeanour of the person. So it is imperative that we ensure that we are
delivering a constant message through all media; otherwise we will only
convince people of their own confusion.
When looking at that portion of communication that is verbal, there is a further
breakdown: if we take an approximate figure of 25% - 30% of all
communication being both the words we say, and how we say them, studies
have shown that only 7% of the overall total is what is actually said! The
remaining 18% - 23% is dependent on our voice; the pitch, tone, pace,
volume, even the accent contribute more to others understanding of our
message than the text we have selected so carefully.
Added to this is the problem known as the 1/3 rule: one third of what we say
is never heard; one third of what is heard is never listened to; and one third of
what is listened to is never understood. By using the various techniques of the
professionals, we can overcome as far as possible these obstacles. By using
our voice effectively, we will ensure that more of what we say is heard; by
making ourselves interesting to listen to, we will ensure that people do listen,
more of the time; by using language appropriately, we will ensure that people
understand. We will look at these potential obstacles in more detail later, but
we must first deal with those aspects of non-verbal communication, to ensure
there are no conflicting messages.
b. Body Language
Body language is something that we are all aware of to a certain degree; some
people are experts in reading body language, and are particularly good at
detecting abnormal behaviour in body language which might indicate that
someone is being defensive or is lying. But we are most aware of body
language when it is bad, when someone either moves not
at all, or excessively. The reason for this is simple: we notice things that
distract us, and good body language is not distracting. That said, there is no
right or wrong way to stand, no measurement of how much you should
gesticulate, or how often. And this is not the place for a detailed examination
of the study of body language. But there are a few things which might help
people to find what works for them.
When speaking in public, we will, in all likelihood be on our feet. We
therefore need to find a stance that is comfortable, and that fits with what we
are trying to say. Standing with the feet shoulder-width apart works for most
people, as there is no undue stress on the muscles in the back and the leg. A
much wider stance, or a narrower one is more difficult to maintain as the
stresses applied to individual muscle groups are increased. Standing in this
way also helps with breathing (see Using the voice as a tool).
Gestures, when appropriate, can highlight the text we are delivering in much
the same way as formatting a document on a word processor. Using hands to
emphasise a particular point is a very effective way of helping an audience to
remember it. But just like formatting, when it is overdone it ceases to have any
effect. An entire essay presented in bold text or in italics has no highlighting
effect; similarly, if we (over)use the same gestures all the time, they no longer
act as pointers, but as a distraction. There is also no right or wrong way to
gesture; with practice we will all know what feels natural, what feels right,
and therefore what will appear most comfortable to an audience. The last word
on gesticulation is to keep it small. That doesnt mean that people at the back
of the auditorium shouldnt be able to see it, but that the gesture shouldnt hide
what is being said. Remember that we need the largest possible number of
people to like us when we are speaking; keeping our gestures moderate will
alienate as few as possible
c. Facial Expressions
Facial expressions tell us a huge amount about the message being delivered,
and about the demeanour of the person delivering that message. However, as
most public speaking occurs in a large auditorium, its importance diminishes
as people are rarely that close. With the notable exception of political
conferences, where giant screens flank the stage and project a magnified
image of the speakers face, simple, neutral facial expressions are all that is
needed for the majority of speeches.
A smile often helps. Try smiling at someone (not in a creepy way) and see
how quickly they respond with a smile its a natural reaction, and one to
which we are all prone. Again, smiling at people, and getting them to smile
back is a good way of being likeable, and we know that likeability is
something we want and need to achieve. But smiling all the time, smiling
when it is not appropriate or jars with what is being said all that will do
is send conflicting messages that will confuse and ultimately turn off an
Sometimes, though, we might be addressing a group small enough for them to
be aware of all our expressions. It might seem simplistic to say it, but
expressions should as far as possible match the text the chosen look should
reflect and support the thrust of what is being said. And again, we need to
remember that the more extreme our facial expressions, the fewer people are
likely to find them attractive.
We can practice expressions of emotions (surprise, anger, humour, etc.) by
ourselves, with nothing more complex than a mirror. That is how actors do it,
so that when called upon to look surprised or horrified or whatever, they know
into which position to pull their faces. As public speakers, we shouldnt need
that level of theatrics, but some reinforcement of the emotion of our point can
help us to be very persuasive indeed.
d. The Voice
This is where it gets serious, and this why the voice, or using the voice has a
section all of its own. As public speakers, the voice is the most effective tool,
or weapon, we have. Used well, we can carry our audience on a journey from
the start of our speech (our departure point) to our destination. And that
destination is not the end of our speech, but getting the audience to the point
where they are ready to say, Yes. Whatever it is you are selling, yes!
We can make that journey as meandering and as scenic as we like, making the
passenger on that journey feel as relaxed and as comfortable as possible, or we
can race through to the end, hoping that we have carried everyone with us
breathlessly, and only checking once we have reached the end. Unsurprisingly,
neither of those methods is the most effective. We need as the drivers of this
journey to have a clear focus on just where is our ultimate destination, just
what it is we want to achieve. But we must not have the attitude of getting
there as quickly as possible, even at the cost of losing some people along the
way. We need to make our passengers on this journey as comfortable as
possible; we need to check that they have seen the points of interest along the
way, and that they are happy to continue on our journey with us. Only then
can we be sure that when we reach our destination our audience are standing
happily alongside us, and are ready to buy, or have already bought, whatever it
is we are selling. Learning to use the voice as a tool of the trade is the best
way of achieving that.
a pitch-perfect note (although if you can, your friends will find it more
pleasant!), but to produce a steady sound for as long as possible. The longer
you can hold the note steady, the more control you have over your breathing.
b. Pitch
The pitch of a voice is a natural characteristic of it, and we do not want to
change too much that is natural. Remember, we are at our most likeable when
we are comfortable with what we are doing and saying, so keeping things as
natural as possible will always be the best way of communicating.
There are times, though, when Nature can be bettered. Some people have a
naturally high-pitched voice, and those people often do well to try and modify
the extremes of their voice. It is a fact that lower-pitched voices often resonate
more, are easier to hear in a full auditorium as they sound richer, and for some
reason are associated with authority. Think of when we say someone spoke
with gravitas; very often we mean that the pitch of their voice and their tone
were in the lower register, and this somehow transposes in the mind to a
seriousness which is then equated with subject matter.
However, as with all things, variety is also important. It is unlikely that the
entirety of our speech will require the same pitch in fact, if it does, then we
probably need to go away and think about the speech. If it all requires the
same serious pitch, we might want to think about introducing some levity here
and there to break things up a little. And in those lighter moments, that is
exactly where a lighter pitch can be used. Its almost like verbal highlighting:
our pitch tells our audience whether something is serious and needs to be
weighted as such, or when something is comedic, lighter and thus inviting a
release of the tension, or even laughter.
c. Tone
Tone is inextricably linked to pitch. As with pitch, the tone in which we say
something is directly connected to the seriousness or otherwise of the subject.
Where the two differ is that we are often much more aware of tone as
something we decide and control, something less endemic to our natural
Tone does not just relate to seriousness, either. Harder edges to the sounds of
vowels can make one sound alternately serious, firm, adamant, angry, defiant,
confident or bombastic. All of these might be useful at some point, and it is
important to practice trying to sound as though we are conveying an emotion
that matches your text. There is no point
one can also talk more quickly without any loss of meaning, or confusion as to
what is being said.
f. Volume
A brief note on volume: whilst it is obviously important to speak loudly
enough to be heard, we should be able to achieve this without shouting (see
Breathing). However, if we want to grab the audiences attention in the
middle of our speech, we should not raise your voice but lower it. It might
seem counter-intuitive but it works. When we soften the tone, slow the pace or
lower the volume, people actually start to lean towards us, the speaker, in a
physical manifestation of active listening. Try abruptly dropping the volume
next time you are out with friends and you will see what is meant. Do the
same with an audience whenever you want them to pay particular attention to
something; you will often be amazed at how effective it can be.
The final thing to be said about all elements of the voice is that we should
never make assumptions about what can be heard in the auditorium. We may
very well think that we are projecting beautifully, enunciating clearly, and that
our voice is so rich, and so interesting a sound, that our audience are hanging
on your every word. But we cannot know that for sure: the most important
thing we can do with our voice is use it to check and ensure that everyone can
hear us, and can understand what is being said. Only then can we begin to
think about getting across the right message.
5. The text
a. Its not what you say; its how you say it
There is a saying in public speaking, and it is known as the 1/3 rule. It states
that no matter what the topic, the audience or the speaker, for the majority of
public addresses, one third of what we say is never heard; one third of what is
heard is never listened to; and one third of what is listened to is never
understood. This is not so in every case, and the skill of the accomplished
public speaker is in overcoming this rule. We need to look at each aspect of
this rule in turn, to determine why it might be the case that things are not
heard, listened to, or understood, and to work out correctly how we can
overcome these obstacles when speaking ourselves.
The first part of the rule states that one third of what is said is not even heard.
This is not due to inaudible, mumbling speakers who forget to switch on their
microphone. In those cases, far more than one third is lost! This is due most
often to the fact that audiences, even ones who have paid to hear what is being
said, decide very quickly that they dont want to be there, and that the speaker
has nothing of value to tell them. Psychologists tell us that such decisions are
made by the majority of people in the first minute or so of somebodys speech,
and almost all have made that decision within the opening five minutes. Why
is this?
There is no one single reason beyond the fact that they decide based on first
impressions, that they dont like the person speaking, and therefore either
disagree with their ideas, or think them crass and stupid. And it isnt about
getting peoples attention; remember that they must have paid some attention
in order to make the decision that they do not want to pay any more! Any
number of things can turn off an audience the way you approach the stage or
lectern, the perception of confidence or a lack thereof, the opening line falling
flat through delivery or poor selection; the list goes on. And as we have said
all along, there is no way of guaranteeing that everyone will like us, no matter
what we do. But a calm, confident presence will in the majority of cases be
just what we are aiming for, and what an audience will find most pleasing.
The second part of our rule states that of what is heard, one third is never
given the required listening. Again, this has to do with those elements of the
voice that were looked at earlier; variance in pitch, tone, pace and volume can
make our voice more interesting for the audience, encouraging active
listening, and holding the interest, in the same way that music is more
interesting when it is not monotonous. But there is a more general mistake that
people make when making public addresses that contributes to this second
element. Audiences that have admitted switching off (that is, they hear
everything, but take none of it in), often complain that the speaker made no
attempt at engagement, that they
(the audience) were being talked at rather than to. Teachers and lecturers are
sometimes guilty of this, particularly those who feel less comfortable
addressing a large room. They may still be very effective educators in other
ways, but pupils most often report that the feeling of being talk at creates a
profound disenfranchisement from the material being presented. It has even
passed into common English parlance: the term lecturing now has extremely
negative connotations when used outside academic realms
So how can we ensure that our audience are engaged, that they feel somehow
part of the process? Eye contact is important, as is a sometimes less formal
tone, as if the process is one of conversation and dialogue (which we know it
isnt, but we can still adopt that particular style). And asking questions, even
rhetorical ones, is the best way of all to ensure engagement. Asking questions
directly of an audience is the perfect way of checking understanding
essential before moving on to the next part of the speech. But asking questions
abstractly, rhetorically, can help to create the nodding dog effect (also now
known as the Churchill effect!). All the questions we use should have one
answer that is obvious and that fits with the speech that is, when the tone of
the speech is positive, the questions should invite only an affirmative
response. Similarly, when the focus of the speech is ultimately negative, the
questions should be answerable only in the negative. As the audience at first
unconsciously responds to each inserted question with a nod or a shake, they
feel more engaged with the text being delivered, even to the extent that some
feel their responses are noted by, and influence the subsequent performance
of, the speaker. [See also Rhetoric and humour]
The final part of the rule that we need to deal with is the part that states that of
what is listened to, one third is never understood. This in part is due to the
language used, and we will address that separately [see Be careful what you
say]. But it is also often due to the fact that audiences are not able to follow
the speakers train of thought or logic. The former Deputy Prime Minister of
Great Britain, the Right Honourable John Prescott MP was famous for making
public statements which at times seemed incomprehensible to English
speakers. Such were the tortured syntax, the incomplete thought structure, the
lack of logic, and the leaps from topic to topic that many thought him idiotic,
and incapable of better. It characterised him as a bumbling fool, despite the
fact that he had been a senior member of Government for ten years, and a
member of the House of Commons for far longer. Delivering a prepared, and
written in full, address, Mr Prescott has little difficulty, but cannot escape the
fact that he is reading, not giving, a speech. This is however far preferable to
what happens when he begins to speak unprepared!
This, however can be avoided, and quite simply. Knowing our speech well
enough (if we have time to rehearse it) that we do not need to read
it is one option it then becomes important to ensure that our speech is well
written. That means taking the time to explain the most complex issues as they
need explaining, and slowing and measuring our delivery when reaching this
point of the speech to ensure that we carry our audience along with us.
And dont forget to check the audiences understanding when you have done
so! If however learning the speech by rote is not an option, because of a
curtailed preparation time for example, then there is one simple rule to follow:
do not attempt to speak at the speed with which you think! Think your
thoughts, order them, then express them out loud. Once again, a calm,
measured pace will help; this will give us the time to think through what we
are saying, and gives our audience the impression that we are always in
control. This is particularly effective when dealing with a question and answer
session at the end of an address, for example. It is much harder to be confident
when things are unprepared (like audience questions), and consequently, so
much more effective when we can manage it.
b. Be careful what you say
One of the most common problems experienced by the public speaker is,
whilst they are sure that what they are saying is both insightful and true, the
reaction from the audience is often somewhat different. Very often, this is
because the speaker forgets for whom the speech is meant.
We are not speaking to show how much we know, nor to show how
impressive is our vocabulary, but that is the trap into which most people often
fall. As we have said all along, the key to persuasion is in getting the message
across in the most effective manner that means being likeable, knowing our
audience, and crucially, using an appropriate register of language. If we are
trained in a specific discipline, and the room is full of those who have also
studied this area, then we can be sure that they will, or at least should,
understand technical terms, abbreviations and jargon without the need for
further explanation.
Most audiences, however, are not themselves technocrats. Therefore we
should address our language to those whom we know make up the majority of
the audience. This does not mean however that we should talk down to or
patronise them. People who feel that they are being treated as stupid will
become very resistant very quickly to anything we have to say, so judging the
register correctly is both imperative and extremely difficult to do as quickly as
we need.
In most environments, we simply will not know or not have access to
information regarding the make-up of our audience, so, as with other elements,
we need to find what will appeal to a broad cross-section of the audience. And
it really is quite simple: speak as though to the well-
informed layman, and you will not go far wrong. We can be sure that we will
not be patronising too many people, and it gives us an opportunity to introduce
specialist terms, abbreviations and the like, which has the effect of helping our
audience to feel like they are being admitted to some privileged and exclusive
club, something they are likely to enjoy, and respond to well.
c. Rhetoric and humour
We will cover this quite briefly, as this is not the place for a detailed study of
rhetoric from the classic to the modern, but it is nevertheless important to
mention. Using rhetorical devices (asking questions in our speech, creating the
perfect soundbite) has been seen over the past few years as a way of masking
a lack of content, or substance. The modern media decry soundbites issuing
from politicians and ask where the honesty is in modern politics. It is true that
a speech that consists of nothing but rhetorical flourish can on closer
examination seem a bit thin (think Barack Obama and his use of Can we
change? Yes, we can!; its a nice thought, but not a policy) but the fact is
that a well-turned phrase, a catchy line, or even a good joke is all far more
memorable than dry analysis.
What is ideal is a combination of the two, unsurprisingly. Of course there
should be solid content in the speech, and some of it might be necessarily less
interesting to present (data, statistics, etc.), but if we are able to give the data
and then a pithy one-liner to wrap it up, that will help our cause.
[If you are not sure about what is good rhetoric, there are numerous collections
of great speeches of our time, focussing on speakers such as Dr Martin
Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, and even Churchill, with
commentators highlighting why the believe the speech or the speaker to be
effective. You may or may not agree with what is chosen as great, but it is
always important to know not just what we consider to be good speaking, but
what others mean by this too.
You should also look at other examples of rhetoric, for example in
Shakespeare. Marc Anthonys speech in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar [Act
III, Scene ii] is a fine example of the use of rhetorical devices to reinforce a
point or to convince an initially hostile audience. Similarly, King Henrys
address to his troops in Henry V [Act III, Scene i] (which in fact is the only
speech in the scene) is a rousing cry to the troops to give them the courage to
fight in the face of what seem insurmountable odds. When reading the
speeches, do not read them in isolation, but try to place them within the
context of the play. What are the speakers trying to achieve in each case?
What obstacles do Anthony and King Henry face before making their speech?
And how do they overcome these, if they ever do? Look at how each speaker
uses logos (logic), ethos (belief) and
pathos (emotion) at different times to produce different effects, and decide for
yourself how successful you think they are.
Once you have an understanding for yourself of what you think works or
doesnt as rhetorical device, you can search for other examples to broaden
your knowledge of rhetoric and style, and you will find what works best for
you, and what makes you feel comfortable. Oh, and if you know you arent
funny, then dont make jokes! (See Knowing what works for you)]
you might often change completely as you gain more experience and more
If you really struggle with the self-awareness necessary to determine what is working,
do not be shy about enlisting the help of family and friends. People who know you
and can be unflinchingly honest are your best allies practice in front of them, try out
different techniques, speeds, pitches, accents everything in fact that you can alter.
Ask them to be brutally honest (siblings and friends are often better at this than
parents, but you never know) and also to be focussed in criticising what works and
what doesnt. Ask them to think about why something was or wasnt effective; ask
them which speakers they enjoy, and find most persuasive; ask them everything!
Only by asking for feedback, and acting upon it, can we hope to improve as speakers
in public.
Structure, Data
& Analysis
consider the overall impact. Hopefully, all this will convince them of
the truth of what we say.
b. The structure of an argument
The structure of each argument also follows the rule of introductionbody-conclusion, but may be broken down further to ensure that whilst
each point is complete and distinct in itself, it is also linked expressly
to each subsequent point and to the overall theme of the speech. The
individual argument structure can also help to make our arguments
more persuasive as we recognise the natural biases active in all humans
when presented with information. We will discuss these biases when
looking at the presentation of data later, but will introduce them briefly
There is no one single way of presenting an argument that is always
more effective, or more convincing for all people. Depending on what
argument we are trying to make, and what we hope to achieve by it, as
well as our natural inclination towards one style of delivery or another,
there are numerous options from which we can choose.
Often, telling a story is a great way of gaining and holding peoples
attention initially. We have what psychologists refer to as narrative
bias, which means that we process information presented in narrative
form more readily; we are inclined to think that, as more individual
detail is provided, that the scenario is more likely to occur. We are also
more likely to retain that information, storing it in more accessible
memory. This is in part due to the humanisation effect that the
narrative creates, coupled with experiential and corroborative bias. As
we said, we will look at these later.
But just telling a story is obviously not enough; we have no way of
ensuring that the audience knows the argument is contained within, or
even sees any relevance to our tale. The next step, then, is to explain
the relevance, to provide the moral of the story. We
highlight the issues, motives and actions the story provides that can be
extrapolated, and we show how these hold true in the vast majority of
cases. In doing so, we must be clear about the steps of logic we are
making, and are asking the audience to make, and we need to be sure
that these steps are simple and clear, not blind leaps of faith.
We then need to talk about implications: of our individual point for the
overall argument, and for wider issues. In any debate, there are often
several arguments that can be brought; it is therefore important to
ensure that we say exactly why this one needs to be prioritised and
dealt with, rather than any other we might have used.
Implications are also negative; that is to say, we should consider, and
demonstrate the net deficit in ignoring a particular strand of the
argument, and show why the cost of ignoring it will be far greater than
if other considerations are forgotten. We should remember that, whilst
in a perfect world we would like to give due consideration to all
arguments, very often we are constrained by time or circumstance such
that it is not always possible. Arguments should never be dismissed out
of hand, but equally, where we only have an opportunity to make one
are not big leaps, that the conclusion we reach is reasonable, rational,
even ordinary.
If we do this well, we can create something of a nodding dog effect;
we can see the affirmation of our argument in the body
language of our audience. As we take them through each stage of our
argument for a second time, the audience recognises rather than learns;
this feeds our corroborative bias, as we think we are confirming
something we already know. Then, even if our conclusion may have
seemed at first outlandish, we often find the response: I had never
thought of it like that, but now that you mention it If our logic is
good, if our argument is good, then what was originally a surprising
conclusion will often seem like the most reasonable one of all.
Finishing the point well will also allow us to check for any lack of
understanding or confusion. As we reiterate, and paraphrase, we may
encounter different responses: Oh, thats what was meant, I didnt
get the first time, and others. This affords us the opportunity to
revisit with the audience those parts of the arguments that are
particularly complex, to make sure that we have spent the proper time
giving an adequate explanation.
Last, when we finish our point properly, we have time to pause, and
collect our thoughts, before presenting the next strand of the argument.
We know we need to provide a link between arguments, to show a
consistent position, and also to ensure that the arguments we present
are not in themselves contradictory, and ending the point well is an
indication and a reminder to do this. Again, we show the audience that
each part of the argument has been considered, and weighted,
researched and prepared. Our own confidence in our performance will
be enhanced, as will the audiences confidence in us, and in what we
c. Diversions
Like all journeys, we may at times be subjected to forced diversions, or
spur-of-the moment detours to places of interest along the way. With
our arguments, these come in the form of objections or
counterarguments, or innocent questions from our audience. We need
to be able to cope with these being thrown in our path, without letting
them distract us from our ultimate destination.
Knowing our structure, and knowing it well, allows us to divert from
the originally planned route without difficulty, as we know just how to
get back on track. We can overcome obstacles, find routes around
objections, and deal with comments and questions that might be
tangential to the topic without the fear that we will get lost and be
unable to recover our original position. Having objections or questions
listened and responded to immediately is what those asking them want;
being able to do so means we are more likely to convince them with
our response.
3. Data, and how we use it
a. Presentation
We assume that the data we are going to present should be at once
empirically valid and contentious. If it is otherwise, it should not be in
the debate. Any data that is clearly false is only going to harm our
position, whilst any data that can only be interpreted in one fashion,
that leads inescapably to one conclusion, is moot, in terms of
argument. Happily, most data will be both valid, and capable of
supporting more than one position, or will be countered by conflicting
data that is equally valid empirically. But often, the audience has little
or no opportunity of checking the data to make decisions for
themselves, or of comparing conflicting data when necessary. They are
reliant on us for our interpretation of the data, and the implications, but
also for the initial presentation of that data. And how we choose to
present the data can affect peoples initial perception of it, and how
they receive our subsequent interpretation of it.
We have mentioned briefly certain biases that exist to a greater or
lesser degree in all of us, and these biases affect the way we receive,
process, and store information. These are the narrative, corroborative,
and experiential biases, and have been discovered, examined and
tested by leading academics and researchers in the field of behavioural
psychology. In addition to these, there exist also what are known as the
humanisation effect, the herding effect and group polarisation, which
all affect whether we in fact make decisions based on rationale or
emotion. All too often, we make irrational decisions, and spend a long
time after convincing ourselves of their inherent rationality (what is
sometimes called backwards rationalisation, itself an element of the
corroborative bias). We also need to recognise the difficulty we face
when instinctive reactions (fear, aggression, desire) are in effect, and
how they impair our ability to make decisions about data, and the
arguments they are used to support.
Below is an explanation of each bias, how it interacts with other biases,
and the implications each has for how we present data and arguments.
Narrative bias
When we create a story around a piece of information, we feed the
narrative bias. Psychologists discovered that when more detail is
provided (whether or not the data is specifically relevant) we are
more inclined to believe the tale. This is even true when the extra
detail in fact limits the probability of a certain event (Kahneman,
Consider the following two scenarios:
A: Tom and Mary seemed happily married. Mary killed Tom last
B: Tom and Mary seemed happily married. Mary killed Tom last
week for the life insurance money.
Most of us choose B as the more likely of the two scenarios. But it
isnt. If B is true, then A is also true, necessarily so, because B
contains all the information of A. So they are at least equally
probable. In fact, B is less likely to occur, simply because it limits
the possible motives for Marys action. With A, Mary might have
killed Tom for the insurance money, or she could have done it for
the inheritance from his family, on discovering that Tom was
having an affair, because she found his habit of clipping his
toenails in the living room intolerable, or even accidentally. All of
these are possible with A, but are excluded by the extra information
in B. So why do we do it?
The answer lies in the way our brains receive and process
information. We can easily imagine someone killing for money
(the explicit motive in B), particularly in a seemingly happy
marriage. We may have read about, or it might just be something
we could imagine. Either way, the presentation of the narrative link
(in this case, the motive) to connect two seemingly disparate
statements (as we have in A) means that our minds can more easily
process and store the information. The two statements no longer
need to be remembered independently; the link means we store one
piece of information, albeit a more complex one.
This is due in part to the corroborative and experiential biases, and
it is to these that we shall now turn.
We may think that this is due to any number of factors: the fact that
young black men are more likely to come from poor backgrounds than
their white counterparts, have more limited access to education, sports
facilities, and this breeds crime, or we may think that institutional bias
in the police and the judiciary result in higher arrest and conviction
rates for young black males, but we would need reference to other data
to support either of these contentions (such as data illustrating that
young black males are statistically more likely to be given harsher
sentences and twice as likely to face the death penalty as others for
the same crime). [And these are not necessarily mutually exclusive; it
is possible that they might work in tandem, thereby exacerbating the
effect of each.]
As for the presentation itself of data, we should remember how our
natural biases work, and present the information accordingly.
Remember the humanisation effect: 20% and 1/5 are abstracts, portions
of a greater whole that may be unquantifiable in our minds. One in
every five people has far greater impact. Remember the narrative bias,
the humanisation effect, used to great effect by famine relief charities
in their campaigning. The picture of the plaintive starving child, and
her story; her name, age and background are all there, as, in detail, is
her daily suffering. Then we are told that there are millions like her.
(But when we donate, we do not picture millions, we picture one, two,
or a few starving children.) It makes the information easy to process
and therefore persuasive. Charities wouldnt do it if it didnt work.
However, we should always be aware that if one in five is affected,
four in five are not. Statistics often require some form of comparative
analysis, both with the correlative statistic, and with sometimes with
the historical data, too. First, correlatives: if 51% of the people want to
do something, should they have the right? It is after all, democratic.
But what of the rights of the correlative 49%? Can they be subsumed
so easily? Rarely will we have to deal with such a close split, but even
when talking about the 70th or 80th percentile in terms of numbers
benefiting, we still need to address the needs of three in every ten
people. So we need to show why those benefiting are more important
(primary stakeholders).
Also, we often talk of something being better (safer, quicker, cleaner,
more effective and often with a degree of improvement: 20% cleaner,
for example), but than what? Without providing the comparative, and
thus the metric by which these things should be judged, we make it
more difficult for our audience to accept the validity of the argument.
make us ill or that we associate with illness are stored and recalled
easily (both of these make sense in the context of evolution). But we
cannot, as evolved humans, accept that we are controlled to such a
degree, we superimpose rational reasons on instinctive, gut reactions.
Think of when we shop, in the sales. Very often we buy items we did
not intend, which caught our eye. It is our desire for the object that
compels us to the purchase, but very quickly we rationalise the idea
that we in fact have made a saving (of whatever was the discount in
price). We have spent money; we have experienced a cost, for a
luxury, that we then turn into a saving. We go further, and create an
opportunity cost, by convincing ourselves that we would have bought
the item at some point if we had resisted today, and so we now have a
comparison for the cost, which is a greater cost at a later date. This
increases the feeling of having saved, and diminishes the idea that our
decision was in any way irrational.
But what does this mean for our argumentation? If people are just
irrational beings, what is the point of trying to reason with them? The
point is that, whilst we are all heir to these natural biases, reactions,
and irrationalities, we are also rational beings, capable, when we try, of
correct analysis of data, of drawing logical conclusions, and of
demonstrating the empirical truth of an argument. But we are also lazy,
and allow those old instinctive methods of decision-making to come to
the fore. The easier we make our argument to follow, with clear
structure, relevant examples, analysis of why data is important, the
easier we make it for our audience to agree. And that, after all, is what
we want.
Models, Agents,
& Stakeholders
2. Agents
a. Two sides of every coin
b. Why who affects when and how
c. The devil is in the details
3. Stakeholders
a. Everyone is affected by everything
b. Primary, secondary and tertiary stakeholders
c. Involuntary, irreversible harm, and the numbers
1. Models
a. Necessary and sufficient
When considering whether to introduce a model, the debater should first
consider whether a model, or indeed a policy of any kind, is needed in this
It is enough, then, to say (briefly) what you are going to do, or hope to
achieve (e.g. invade, or effect regime change), who you will choose to get
to do it (e.g. a coalition of the willing) and when they will move (e.g. in
six weeks, if no weapons inspectors have been admitted). We do not need
to outline exactly how the invasion, stage by stage, might work; we are
not, after all, military experts, and no-one expects a speech talking about
first- and second-wave troops, and their specific duties. If we are that good
at determining specific policy, then perhaps those talents would be put to
better use at the heart of government; they are certainly wasted in students
We will need to provide some argument justifying why the agent chosen
will be effective in delivering what we propose, too, and perhaps why we
have chosen them over another potential agent, but again, we know that
whomever we choose, there will be reasons why, and why not, they are the
right, or the best choice. And we will also need to show how and why they
can achieve what we propose, but this should not be the main thrust of the
argument. The MAD structure should simply lead us to the principled
arguments about why doing what we propose is a good thing, why helping
those people identified as stakeholders is important, or the most important
thing we can do.
2. Agents
a. Two sides of every coin
The choice of agent is perhaps crucial to our ability to build principled
arguments, but choosing the wrong agent wont necessarily lose the
debate. It will however allow the Opposition to present our case as illconceived, as we need to have thought through the benefits and deficits of
a particular choice, and be able to justify that choice.
Let us consider a model requiring invasion of a particularly country,
perhaps to effect regime change. We have more than one option available
to us, and need to be aware that whichever we pick, there will be reasons
for and against that choice. So what are those choices? We could choose
unilateral invasion, a coalition of the willing or a league of
democracies, or even a multinational force under the auspices of an
established international group, such as the United Nations or African
Union. Let us then look at each of those of in turn to determine what might
be the benefits or otherwise of choosing a particular agent.
It does not matter for the purpose of this exercise where we select as prime
target for invasion; it is enough that in country X, legitimate power has
been seized illegitimately, and that the rights of the people are being
ignored or abused. Our resolution for this debate is simple: [that] This
House Would Invade Country X. [We do not need to spend much time
talking about our model being one of invasion (thats a given, in the
resolution); were the resolution to read THW Effect Regime Change in
Country X, we would need to state explicitly that invasion was our
preferred method, as opposed to supporting and funding domestic
insurgency, for example.] Our job here is simply to choose an agent, and
then to provide some justification for that choice. Each agent we choose
brings with it certain advantages and disadvantages, and all need to be
looked at carefully, so the right choice can be made.
when we consider how effective they might be. Similarly, when we try to
mitigate those failures by shifting our choice from one agent to another,
we often lose from one side as much as we gain from the other our
coalition of the willing may have slightly more international scope and
therefore legitimacy, but the very nature of that coalition means that it
cannot act as quickly.
There is rarely one agent that is perfect, but some are often better than
others, and we need to be aware of what each can and cannot, or should
and should not, do. We need to acknowledge, for example, the problem of
the UN taking sides in a political conflict; that is why
they are often reluctant to act except in cases of last resort. Second, the UN
is not, primarily, a military organisation; it has no standing army, and
troops are brought together from member states. This has its own issues, in
terms of command structure, differing training and expertise levels,
cultural sensibilities, &c. However, if we choose NATO, which is a
military organisation, we need to be careful about where they can act with
legal force, and also the risk that NATO may be seen as Western imperial
forces, particularly if deployed against non-democratic countries, Islamic
nations, &c.
As a base, it is often a good idea to choose an agent based on their ability
to act; we can provide reasons why the action is needed, and similarly,
reasons why our chosen agent is best placed to achieve the stated aims. If
we choose an agent based solely on their legitimacy, and cannot
demonstrate clearly that they can, in practicable terms, do anything, we are
likely to lose the argument. Linked to this are ideas of legal as well as
moral authority, as whom we choose greatly affects what they will do
when, and in some cases to whom, and we will look at this below.
b. Why who affects when and how
Once a particular agent has been chosen (accepting that there is never the
perfect agent), we need to be aware of what that choice means for the
subsequent, supporting arguments we need to make. In order to be able to
argue effectively, it is imperative that we understand the various legal
mechanisms and constraints under which these agents must act, and
incorporate this into our arguments as to why we have chosen this agent.
Lets first deal with ideas of competence: certain international institutions
have competence in certain areas. The World Trade Organisation (WTO),
for example, regulates trade disputes often, and with some success, so can
be said to have competency in this area. In addition, certain legal
instruments, such as treaties, state that countries who are signatory to those
instruments agree to be governed by the WTO in this area. Likewise, the
European Union (EU) has agreed competency over (for example)
employment laws, even at a domestic level, for its member states, and this
stems from the idea of the EU as primarily a free trade area. It does not,
however, have competency for national defence (which would require far
greater political rather than economic union), and as such has no standing
army. It therefore cannot direct member states to take action regarding
national security; this power has not been given to Brussels, and therefore
the EU has no legitimacy to pronounce, or to act in this area.
wing, its body, its eye. Here, asserted the Meister, was where we should
look for evidence of the divine power behind all, the creative force of the
Creator. I do not intend to engage in a theological argument against
Meister Eckhart here, but simply to use his aphorism to show the dangers
for debaters in focussing too much on the minutiae and not enough on the
bigger picture.
As we have discussed, there is no one perfect model or agent for any
action; we cannot, nor should we, attempt to identify the panacea, and
doing so will only lead us into difficulty. What we do need to is pick a
suitable agent, and be able to justify that choice, but only as a means of
getting to the more important argument that of why? It is easy for
debaters to forget this, particularly when models are attacked and
demolished so comprehensively at times; it can lead us to the position that
we must try to identify all possible objections, and eliminate them where
As shown above, when shifting choice of agent to attempt this, we often
can eliminate some objections, whilst at the same time creating new. There
is little benefit therefore in spending most of the preparation time in going
through in detail all the pros and cons of a particular agent as compared to
another; we run the risk of forgetting about any justification for our action
at all. Again, we should also not be thinking through our policy in such
minute detail that all angles are covered: who the agent is, what they will
do at each stage of the policy, what will happen if things go wrong, how
they will respond to this type of resistance, what the policy will be for
dealing with innocent civilians, civilian insurgents, non-uniformed
combatants and the like. We will waste all our preparation time thinking of
every eventuality, so that we can prepare a response to it, and we will
likely include those responses unnecessarily when outlining our model, in
an effort to prevent interjections through points of information, or equally
to pre-empt substantive lines of attack.
The debate then quickly becomes one about the feasibility and nothing else
of the model; in BP format, this means all the principled arguments are left
for the lower House, and the opening teams are left behind. In two team
formats, it just makes for a dull mechanistic debate, with neither side
making the principled (and usually more meaty) arguments. Either way,
the debate will not be fun.
3. Stakeholders
a. Primary, secondary and tertiary stakeholders
Stakeholders are those people who will be affected by a particular model
or policy, and therefore need to be considered when we are formulating
our policy choice, and choosing our agent. We need to identify who they
are, how they will be affected, and if possible, the likely reaction or
outcome of that effect.
But we need to be aware that whatever our policy or action , it will have
some effect on all people within a given society, however tangential that
effect appears to be. We do not have time to talk about all effects on all
people, but we should nevertheless consider those actions that always have
more direct impact on wider groups than others.
that one group is more relevant than the other. Consider a policy that
requires students to pay for their university education (whether through
loans, graduate tax, or whatever mechanism): this clearly affects those who
are or who wish to become students, but may have equal, albeit, different
effect on the universities and academic staff. We might give students the
label of primary stakeholder, simply because they are who comes to mind
first, and we might think at first that the impact on academic staff, research
assistants, and others, is not as immediate, but a brief consideration of the
issues reveals them to be impacted to as great a degree, albeit in different
Tertiary stakeholders are those who are affected by policy, but are once
removed from that policy. We would, in a debate about university
education funding, need to consider the effects of our policy on students,
academic staff, and also on parents of those students, on employers and
business who recruit from university graduates, on neighbouring countries
who may have different policies (as was the case in the UK, where English
universities introduced top-up fees, but their Scottish counterparts did not.
This massively increased the number of applications from English students
to Scottish universities, whilst at the same time giving English universities
comparative advantage in terms of funding. This then created the
conditions for academics in Scotland to look to those universities in the
north of England as alternative employers, and a potential brain drain,
which had its own impact upon the students in Scotland). Although the
other schools cannot be said in any way to be primary, or even secondary
stakeholders, they are clearly affected by the policy, and have an affect of
their own, so that those who benefit from the policy may in fact be harmed
by other aspects of it.
We can continue down the list of who is affected, how, and to what degree
almost ad infinitum. At each stage, we need to consider what impact we
have upon them, what the reaction to such an impact might be, and what
further impact they will have on others above and below them in our list.
Only then can we be certain that we have given due consideration to each
group, and have evaluated the potential impact, both positive and negative,
of our policy overall.
that correct consideration is given to all the groups concerned, and our
arguments will be focused and targeted to address these individuals needs.
2. Summaries
a. Identifying clash
b. She said, he said avoiding summary by
c. Biased adjudication your chance to evaluate
d. Characterising the debate
1. Extensions
a. New, interesting and relevant
When new to debating, particularly to the British Parliamentary format,
one of the more difficult concepts to grasp is that of the extension speech
this is the speech given by the third speaker on each side of the debate, to
open the lower half of it. It is a peculiarity of BP debating that the closing
Government and Opposition teams are in competition not just with the
opposing benches, but also with the opening half of their own benches, and
this is what makes the extension speech special.
The simplest and perhaps best characterisation of the extension speech is
that it should be new, interesting and relevant. Each of these elements is
key to a good extension speech, and none is sufficient on its own.
However, there are also certain things that the extension speaker should
not do, and it is important to be equally aware of these. We will look at
each of the three crucial elements in turn, and in doing so, highlight the
potential errors that can be made (and should be avoided) by the competent
Let us first look at this idea of saying something new; what exactly does
that mean? It should be obvious that in our role as third speaker we need to
add something to the debate, and not simply repeat what was said in the
Upper House. Thus what we say should be, or appear, new. That does not
mean that we introduce new elements of the model if there is one, but that
we present new argumentation, new analysis, to further the position of our
bench. This might be analysis of a stakeholder group not previously
mentioned, or significantly deeper analysis of something touched on by the
Upper House without being fully developed. Either of these is valid, and
judges should be able to recognise when significant new analysis has been
given, as opposed to a sophisticated repackaging of the arguments. We
should be aware though, that sometimes, even a clever repackaging might
be enough if the upper bench has presented some good ideas in a
confused and muddled fashion, the judges may well welcome some clarity
being provided, and feel that the third speaker has done their job by adding
this clarity.
The reason for not allowing extensions to the model or policy, if there is
one, is simple: the Opposition bench cannot be expected to respond
properly in the opening half of the debate if some of the model is kept
hidden from them; in the same way that the model, in its entirety, should
form part of the Prime Ministers speech and not be shared by PM and
DPM, it is equally unfair if some of the model is not made explicit until
the third speaker.
The next element to consider is, is our new material interesting? There
might be much that is new to say, but the judges and audience will want it
to be just as interesting as that which has gone before. We can make
ourselves interesting to listen to through good public speaking technique,
but the material itself should also hold the interest. We must remember
that, as third speaker, we have had more time to think of our arguments,
and as such we might be able to present what at first seem like counterintuitive arguments, because we have thought them through, and can
explain the logic in them. This will (or should) always be interesting as
argument, as it is not formulaic, predictable or otherwise ordinary.
What also makes argument interesting is the way in which it is presented.
Considering the effect of things like the narrative bias, experiential bias
and humanisation, it is possible to ensure that we present arguments in an
accessible way, and a way to which people are more likely to respond
favourably. By creating a narrative framework for our argument, and
humanising that narrative, we can be confident that the audience will listen
to what we have to say. If it is also new, and as we will discuss shortly,
relevant, then we will ensure that we are fulfilling the requirements of our
Lastly, we need to be careful that what we are adding to the debate is the
most relevant material yet to be introduced. We might have some
fascinating and new insight into the plight of a particular group, but
without being able to link this back to the resolution and the specific
positions established in the Upper House, the material is wasted. The
relevance to the debate as it is happening is perhaps the most important
element of the three (although none of them can be dismissed); many
times, the third speaker on each side will give a fluent and eloquent
speech, certainly new, and genuinely interesting, but one that may have
just as well occurred in a vacuum. Unless we can demonstrate the
relevance of our material, then what we say, no matter how beautifully
presented, structured and delivered will, will carry no weight. We do not
want to be told at the end that we just were not in the debate. So that new
group of stakeholders we have identified, the new principle we introduce
to be upheld, the clever re-presentation of earlier arguments all must be
done with this question in mind: why does any of this matter? The
arguments we choose as third speaker should be those that are most
important to the debate that have not yet been introduced, the key elements
that are thus far missing from the table. If we can identify and present
those well, we should be able to put ourselves in a particularly strong
position by the end of the debate.
quo. In doing so, the Government will need to introduce a model for this
change, an agent of change, and so on. They will also need to talk about
who exactly they are trying to help, and in what way this supposed benefit
is likely to be achieved. Good Government teams will also include some
analysis of who may be harmed by the policy, and why it is justifiable to
do this. Similarly, opening Opposition, if competent and doing their job,
will also focus on the merits or otherwise of the model, and provide the
correlative analysis to the Governments. This means that the wider
principles, the broader philosophical justifications for the debate, will be
untouched, or at least underdeveloped. This then is where the focus of the
extension should perhaps lie. Clearly defining the supporting principle of
philosophy that upholds our sides position, and successfully analysing
why this principle is, and should continue to be, upheld. This will show a
consistency with the opening half of our bench, whilst giving us an
opportunity to distinguish ourselves from them, by introducing new
arguments that are evidently important to the debate.
As mentioned, on occasion, the upper Houses coverage of the important
issue is, or appears to be, comprehensive, leaving us little room to extend.
In this case, there may be more than option. If the model is complex, and
the principle we wish to uphold so important, it is likely to need significant
analysis, and may not get sufficient time if too many arguments are being
introduced. Equally, there may be other principles we hold as dear, and
can demonstrate are also supported by the policy, and we can choose to
talk about these as our new material.
noticeably different from the other half of our bench, whilst at all times
maintaining consistency, and avoiding contradiction. That in itself will
cover the new, and hopefully, the interesting. As long as we then make
sure that what we have to say is also relevant, we will be fulfilling our role
identify, using a simple metric that group we need to spend time talking
about, to ensure that their significance in the debate is not missed.
Lastly, we should not forget that when applying analysis of the
stakeholders affected, we should still provide links back to the founding
position or principle established by the upper House. Maintaining
consistency with the opening position is key if the analysis is to remain
interesting and relevant, as well as new.
2. Summaries
a. Identifying clash
Summary speeches are perhaps the hardest to instruct, and rely most on
our ability to see the debate, and the arguments contained within it. But
there are some things which, beginners and experts alike, we would do
well to remember when planning and delivering our summary.
The first of these is identifying clash, that is, how arguments from each
side conflict with each other. If arguments have been effectively presented
and rebutted, the clash should be obvious. But it can be harder to spot,
when arguments appear to run parallel to one another rather than hitting
each other head-on.
In cases such as these, the clash is often one of the principle or
philosophical justification, and although not fully examined in earlier
arguments, can be better exposed by effective summary. We should be
able to address the arguments already presented, and analyse which of
them is the stronger, by providing further analysis of their implications
(this is legitimate, and is not considered new material). Similarly, we
should be able to provide additional rebuttal, if needed to the stronger
arguments of the other side. In this way we can create further clash,
making it more explicit for the audience, and therefore rendering the job of
judging the debate much clearer.
Clarity of the argument is what we are aiming for in a good summary.
Presenting arguments as clashing along defined themes (three is often a
good number) gives this clarity, and presents the debate as a cohesive
whole, rather than just a series of arguments presented in chronological
fashion. Summaries of this kind are basic, and little to the debate; we will
look at how to avoid the summary by numbers next.
b. She said, he said avoiding summary by numbers
When starting debate, nervous participants are often coached to summarise
in a purely chronological fashion, to ensure that no element of the debate is
missed. We write diligently all through the debate, and then read our
flow almost verbatim forgetting that the judges often have the same
information in front of them, and would do as well to read their own notes!
We add nothing substantial, and in fact can often weaken our teams
position, as we repeat more arguments from the Upper House than from
our partner.
To help us do this, we can adapt the way we flow the debate, so that the
notes from which we draw our summary already have arguments grouped
together by topic or theme, perhaps on different sheets of paper for each.
This will keep them clear and distinct in our minds, and thus in our
presentation. Much is made of having a clear, logical structure in debate;
in summary, this is crucial. Our structure informs, and is informed by, the
arguments as they have clashed across the table, and our focus should be
on demonstrating this adequately to the judges.
c. Biased adjudication your chance to evaluate
As the summary speaker, we have a unique opportunity to present the
entire case for our side, and contrast it with the entire case of the
opposition, and to tell the judges exactly why, at each instance, the
arguments of our bench were the better structured, presented and analysed.
We also have an opportunity to tell our audience just why the arguments
brought by our team in extension are the most relevant, interesting and
significant in evaluating this debate. It is an opportunity not to be missed.
In order to do this, we should focus on which arguments we feel have won
the debate, on the analysis presented by our partners, and we should
reiterate its crucial nature in the debate. We should, though, refrain from
attempting to adjudicate the debate as whole, rather than just the
Judges often do not like to be told that a team has not provided a model,
has failed to offer points of information, &c. As judges, they should know
this, and it is not our job to point out these things. We should be focused
on the argumentation and analysis alone, and leave judging things like role
fulfilment to, well, the judges. It is one thing to point out the weakness of
the opposition argument brought in extension, and quite another to say
there was no extension, and so the judges should disregard that team. That
is a judgment too far.
But if we remember that our job is provide a comparative evaluation of the
arguments, then we are free to show the judges through further analysis
just why our arguments have held throughout the debate, remaining
standing at the end, and therefore, why we should win.
d. Characterising the debate
Characterisation, or crystallisation, of the debate as a whole can be a very
useful tactic when presenting a summary of the arguments. In the same
way, giving the judges or audience a metric by which the can evaluate the
arguments, and then providing an analysis of that metric can be very
persuasive. Often, we will hear accomplished and experienced debaters
begin their summaries in similar ways: What this debate is about, or,
What this debate come down to, even, The way we should judge this
debate is The debater often then goes on to talk about the relative
burden of each side, and how they feel that respective burden has been
discharged, by delineating the main areas of the debate (often termed
areas of clash) and dividing up the arguments accordingly. When looking
at each area, they identify and analyse the major arguments for and against
the resolution, providing further analysis and rebuttal where necessary, and
giving that biased evaluation to show the merits of their bench and their
team as being greater than any others. But they always return to that same
characterisation of the debate to reinforce in the audiences mind just why
the debate has been won so convincingly.
The clarity of this characterisation, and their ability to make it encapsulate
all the arguments within the debate is what gives the speech its rhetorical
power; by being able to see, and therefore show, the framework on which
all the argumentation has rested, they can give confidence to the audience
that analysis in summary is accurate, because the identification has been
accurate. When we achieve this too, we can put our audience at ease; they
can have confidence in us, and therefore in what we say.
We as a summary speaker should be thinking about this characterisation
from the first minute of our preparation time. We should ask ourselves,
what is this debate about, really? At its most fundamental, what is the
single issue that needs to be addressed as a priority? Once we have
identified this, we can work with our partner to develop a firm line of
extension, and we can also be sure that, as we listen to arguments being
presented in the debate, we are already assessing them in terms of this
characterisation, how they might fit into our framework and areas of clash,
and how best we might summarise them individually for the audience. As
such, we give ourselves the best chance of presenting a strong, confident
summary of the debate, and one which the judges or audience should have
no trouble believing.