Order of The Black Dragon

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The Order of the Black Dragon

The Order

New Track: Knight

The Order is a predominantly military organization

dedicated to guiding and promoting trade between nation states. With deep coffers and an almost invisible
agenda, it has found welcome in most major trade cities.
Therein, by small steps or great leaps, it has grown.
Once a provincial organization, The Order of the
Black Dragon is now an enormous knightly order so
steeped in tradition that its roots in the machinations of
an ancient black dragon are almost forgotten. Recently,
it has branched out into other regions in the plane, and
the simple device of a black, scale-shaped shield has
become iconic, an emblem of safety for lost travelers
and frightened merchants. Few know that, despite its
wide reach, The Order is merely one of thousands of
organizations linked to the strange and ancient conspiracy known as The Halcyon. It, in turn, is a servitor
of an even more ancient hierarchy, one deeply decayed
by time. Despite that gradual loss of cohesion, these
strange and distant masters retain a measure of control
over their pawns. Even now, The Order heeds their call,
passed along across vast distances by hundreds or thousands of intermediaries.

Skilled swordfighters, accomplished riders and excellent jousters, Knights are the go-to men when a monster
needs slaying, or a war needs fighting. While traditionally Knights are considered honourable and just, plenty
of less-than-scrupulous individuals use that image to
take advantage of unsuspecting victims.
Acquiring the Knight track changes your KOM to
Strength unless Strength is already your KDM.
Special: Knight is only available with Guild Initiation.
Restriction: Knight abilities do not function while unarmed or using weapons based on unarmed attacks,
such as Knuckledusters.
1st Circle Deadly Blades: Any successful combat maneu-

ver you perform deals additional damage equal to your

KOM plus your character level. This damage is [Precision] damage, and applies to all maneuvers, including
Charge, except Power Attack and Deadly Aim. This
damage never stacks with itself. So, for instance, if you
Trip on a Charge due to some special ability, it only applies once.
2nd Circle Valiant Challenge: Creatures in your [Melee]

Joining The Order

The Order is represented by five different tracks. These
are the Elementalist (Acid), Assassin, Knight, Mechanist
Savant, and Dragon tracks. Buy-in for The Order may
involve higher-than-normal social commitments. As a
result, The Order offers the additional benefit of access
to caravans at the first circle, and then limited access to
planar travel at the fourth circle. They are also an excellent source of quests with monetary rewards, but these
quests are often terribly difficult, particularly as one progresses deeper into the mysteries behind The Order.

range must attack you if able when making melee attacks. The first instance of this ability to apply against
a given creature overrides subsequent instances, so the
first Knight to arrive is the mandatory target until he
leaves, even if a second Knight also engages the same foe
at a later time.
3rd Circle Indefatigable: As a move action, you may

become [Steadied] for one [Round]. While [Steadied],

you may make one additional attack of opportunity
each [Round], and whenever you make an attack of opportunity, you may place yourself anywhere inside your
[Melee] range. This does not trigger attacks of opportunity, as it is not movement.

[Steadied] is a new
condition granted
by the Knights Indefatigable ability.
It has no inherent
effect, but represents the Knights
defensive stance.

4th Circle As The Six Hundred: You may Charge twice as

a standard action: make a Charge, and then make a second Charge immediately afterwards. The penalties and
benefits of these Charges do not stack.
5th Circle Interrupt: While [Steadied], once per [En-

counter], you may negate any one ability used within

your [Melee] range as an immediate action. This includes spells or spell-like abilities cast within your [Melee] range, but not regular attacks. You may also use this
ability against ongoing effects such as [Fast healing].
They are negated for one [Round], which still counts
against their duration.
6th Circle On Heroes: As part of a Charge, at any point

in the Charge, you may move anywhere within your

[Melee] range and make a [Bonus attack]. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. After
you make this [Bonus attack], you may continue your
Charge in a straight line from your current location.
7th Circle New And Old: You may use any combat ma-

neuver other than Charge in place of an attack of opportunity. Alternatively, you may Flurry with your attacks
of opportunity. This allows you to make two attacks
instead of one.
Additionally, you may now use Interrupt twice per

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