Insurance Tips

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We're here to help you get smart about insurance, whether you are buying insurance for the

first time,
getting more insurance, or renewing the insurance you already have. Take steps to Smart Insurance
today with the information we've gathered in this web site. Insurance knowledge is your best policy!
Insurance is not a fun topic to discuss or think about, yet it is important and serves to protect your
financial future. You'll feel tremendous relief if you need insurance and have it in place.
Insurance provides monetary compensation against a predetermined risk. An insurance company
offers such protection for a payment (or premium). It is also the amount the insurance company
agrees to pay when an unfortunate event occurs. Insurance is a benefit to the society at large by
allowing individuals to share the risks faced by many people. An insurance policy is a written
agreement between an insurance company and an individual or organization that requires insurance.
The insurance policy sets out the terms and conditions and specifies the risks that will be
compensated for. Online insurance quote helps you to shop for insurance via the Internet. It offers a
quick, safe and convenient method to shop for insurance from the comfort of your home.
History of Insurance
The practice of insuring can be traced back to ancient Babylonia. The merchants paid a sum of money
(including interest) only after the goods arrived safely. Mariners from Phoenicia had used a system
called as bottomry analogous to Insurance during 1200 B.C. With the growth of trade, the practice of
insuring became a necessity.
Importance of Insurance
Risk is an inevitable part of everyday life. Nobody can say beforehand when an undesirable event may
occur or how grave the damage may be. Investing in insurance is said to be less risky. This is because
an underlying principle is the 'law of large numbers'. The law states that the ability to predict losses
improves with larger groups. Insurance is widely available and affordable. It is a significant economic

Types of Insurance
Four broad categories of insurance can be considered, according to what it covers:

Property and casualty

Health and disability
Old age and unemployment

Insurers refer to insurance purchased by individuals as personal lines coverage and insurance
purchased by businesses as commercial coverage. One can purchase all types of coverage via online
insurance quotes. However, it is in the interest of the customer to check out multiple competing
quotes to find with provider offers best terms and rates as per his unique requirements.
Insurance Information and Tips
We've scoured the Internet to locate and provide you with a collection of articles on the subject of
Insurance. These articles are packed with excellent information and tips about all types of insurance
coverage including General Insurance, Auto Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance,Home
Insurance, Insurance Agents, Travel Insurance and more.

General Insurance
Insurance, in law and economics, is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the
risk of a contingent loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one

entity to another, in exchange for a premium, and can be thought of as a guaranteed and known small
loss to prevent a large, possibly devastating loss. An insurer is a company selling the insurance; an
insured or policyholder is the person or entity buying the insurance. The insurance rate is a factor
used to determine the amount to be charged for a certain amount of insurance coverage, called the
premium. Risk management, the practice of appraising and controlling risk, has evolved as a discrete
field of study and practice.
Ways to Find Cheap Commercial Insurance by Jack Goldhammer
Regardless of what kind of business or company you manage or what commercial sector you operate,
you have to be sure that you are covered by the right insurance. Especially now that the present
economic climate has been harsh on both large and small businesses, everybody is trying to survive
this crisis by way of putting on more security insurance.
IRS Small Business Health Care Tax Credit For Small Business Owners by S. Brett Anderson
Beginning the week of April 19, the IRS sent over 4 millions letters to small business owners alerting
them of the new health care tax credits and encouraging them to check their eligibility. The new
Internal Revenue Service Small Business Health Care Tax Credit helps small businesses and small taxexempt organizations across the nation afford the cost of covering their employees' health care
How Much Disability Insurance Coverage Do You Need? by Michael Relvas
Disability insurance is a financial services product used to protect a person's most valuable financial
asset, the ability to earn an income. Due to the importance and complexity of Disability coverage,
there are many factors that must be decided on, including the amount of monthly benefit a policy
should provide. So how should someone determine how much Disability benefit they should have?
Considering Pet Health Insurance by Jacob Lumbroso
If you have a pet at home, one of your primary concerns will be their health. It is not always easy to
know when your pet is not feeling well - they can't tell you when they're feeling under the weather,
though certain animals such as dogs can be quite descriptive of how they feel by their actions or
perhaps better said, their lack of them.
Insurance Liability - A Valuable Piece by Brantley Graham
There are many pieces to a successful coverage policy. The most important piece might be insurance
liability. There are many different kinds of agencies and brokerages however each of them puts an
intense focus on this aspect of the coverage. Risk financing has become extremely important in these
difficult times. When deciding what is good for your business it is common to overlook the coverage
that is already in place or even may not be in place. It seems that it has been there forever and no
need to change or update it. But this might be a lapse in judgment as appropriate coverage or lack
thereof can make or break a business.
Buying the Insurance Plan Or Policy Online by Frankie Russo
Whatever be the type of Insurance policy you are looking for, these days there are hundreds and
more of online insurance companies awaiting prospective buyers with another hundreds and more of
policy types to choose from. Maximum choices in minimum price and lesser time are the watchwords!
Benefits of Online Insurance Policy: Unlike going to Insurance Company, Agent or a Broker that
operates in real world, where you would need to sacrifice much of your time and effort, Online
Insurance Companies selling policies online are always a better...
Choosing Pet Insurance Plans by Gabriel Killian
Choosing a pet health insurance plan can provide some security when providing for a family pet, but
are all pet insurance companies the same? Is the cheapest pet insurance the way to go when deciding
on a policy that fits your needs? Information on pet health insurance plans and how they work.
Specialist Mobile Phone Insurance Or Phone Insurance From Network Providers by Shan
Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of out lives, empowering us with the latest in
telecommunications and entertainment. They are some of the most sophisticated devices in today's

world and most advanced phones come for a good amount of money. But owing to their high prices
and their portability they have become increasingly vulnerable to theft. Not only this, most phones are
also susceptible to damage as they are very compact and delicate. It is often very expensive to
replace a lost or damaged handset and it can go as far as 400 for latest smart-phones. The best way
to protect them is to get mobile phone insurance which will cover for the replacement of the devices
in the event of their damage or theft.
Short-Term Disability Insurance For Individuals by Michael Relvas
The number of companies offering Short-Term Disability insurance for individuals is very limited and
not usually very well priced. If you are interested in obtaining a Short-Term Disability policy you
should consider the options available by designing a Long-Term Disability policy to fill a short-term
need. You could obtain more comprehensive coverage than available with Short-Term Disability and
at a very attractive price.
Mobile Phone Insurance - Time to Protect Your Mobile Phone by Shan Polluk
For protecting one's handset, a mobile phone insurance proves a good option. In addition of providing
financial backup in case the handset gets lost, damaged etc., numbers of insurance policies provide
coverage against other trivial things also including coverage against against fraudulent calls etc.

General Insurance
The Importance of Personal Liability Insurance by Bernard B.
Personal liability insurance, also referred to as personal umbrella insurance, is another product we use
to keep our assets in tact. Since we live in a litigious society, we believe that it's a good strategy to
have an insurance policy that can withstand a financial blunder caused by a lawsuit.
Types of Disability Insurance by Michael Relvas
There are two types of Disability insurance a person can have: Long-Term disability and Short-Term
disability. Depending on your work situation, you may be eligible for both types of coverage through
your employer in the form of a group plan. For those who are not provided these benefits at work,
you are able to obtain both Short and Long-Term coverage directly through an insurance company on
an individual basis.
Family Decision - Do You Really Need Long-Term-Care Insurance? by Gurhan Gary Demirkan
The change in the family demographics due to severe economic changes for the past decade has
created an extensive need for Long Term Care. Rather than focusing on the need for Long Term Care
and Long Term Care Insurance, let's focus on the changes within our families which is actually one of
the key causes of needing Long Term Care Insurance.
Insurance For Water Damage Will Help Save Your Property by Sam Barton
Insurance for water damage in your home is often part of your general homeowners policy. Your
insurance may cover losses that are due to a pipe that burst or an appliance that leaks, but may not if
you are exposed to a flood, tornado or hurricane. For this kind of coverage you will need a separate
policy. Unfortunately, many homeowners recognize this way too late. You can choose how much
coverage you purchase, but do get the extra coverage.
Get Liability Insurance For Small Business by Ricky Lim
Liability insurance for small business is a necessity in today's society. This kind of insurance protects
small business from lawsuits involving any bodily injuries that took place within the premises of the
business to customers, vendors, visitors, or employees and injuries sustained that were the results of
actions or negligence of the business's employees.
How Insurance Fraud is Costing Everyone by Dominick Steadman
An insurance con is produced when benefits are got from an insurance company after staging
dishonest information. A typical example of a scam is when a false accident is reported or a person

pretends to have lost an item. To raise the chances of gaining from an insurance claim, some people
may decide lie about some of the facts presented.
3 Myths About Buying Medical Insurance For Your Pets by Josh LaForet
One of the worst feelings a pet owner can come across is having their pet become sick and they can't
afford to pay for their medical care. With a routine visit to the veterinarian costing somewhere around
$300, it's no wonder why people are struggling. However, this scenario could be prevented by having
a pet medical insurance plan in place. Unfortunately there's a lot of misinformation about this type of
insurance since it's relatively new to the market.
Compare Some Brokers Insurance on the Internet by Adriana N.
When someone starts to talk about shopping for insurance, the normal reaction by people is not
usually a flattering one. However, it is a necessity that must be done or the individual stands to suffer
some very heavy economic losses. Luckily, today we can compare brokers on the Internet in just a
few hours and find the right policies.
Insurance Probabilities by Sarah Martin
All types of insurance probabilities are determined on an empirical basis. There are some chances of
loss, however, which cannot be determined either by logic or from past experience. Unemployment is
an example. Unemployment occurs with such a degree of irregularity that, as yet, no one has
succeeded in working out a method of determining its future incidence.
The Commercial Cost of Flood Damage by Derek Rogers
One of the top priorities of a businessperson with a store of their own is to make sure that the store
premises are insured against any chance of flood damage. This is for the simple reason that a
company or individual could well risk bankruptcy just down to damage caused to stock and equipment
in a warehouse or office.

General Insurance
Banfield Pet Insurance - A Leader in Preventive Care by Sherry L Harris
Banfield pet insurance policies set the industry standard in preventive care pet insurance. With their
signature Optimum Wellness Plans Banfield policies are designed to encourage regular medical care
which has been proven to keep pets healthy and eliminate medical problems before they become
chronic health problems.
What Most Vision Insurance Policies Cover by Wade Henderson
Almost as in the case of a car, eyes need to be periodically checked in order to ensure that our vision
continues to work correctly. And, as with a car, visual care can also cost a considerable sum of
money. Vision insurance assists people who have refractive errors (including those who suffer shortsight, hypertropia or astigmatism) and can help them reduce their expenses and allow them to plan
eye care for the future.
FERS - Disability Insurance For Federal Government Employees by Michael Relvas
It is all too often that I hear Federal Government employees speaking of how great their benefits are
because they work for the Federal Government. In some ways they are correct - the Federal
government does provide high quality benefits for its employees and in most cases they are very well
taken care of. In regard to their group Long-Term Disability insurance however, the Federal Employee
Retirement System (FERS) program falls short of their elite reputation.
Medical Insurance Claim Denials C 7 Steps to Get Them Paid by Alice Scott
Medical insurance claims are denied for all sorts of reasons. What do you do if you feel the insurance
company should have paid on a claim but has denied it? Having run a medical billing service for
twelve years, weve see a lot of denials on claims. The biggest key to getting a claim paid when it is
denied incorrectly is to act on it immediately. Sometimes in a busy medical office, there is a tendency

to put a denial in a pile or drawer or take care of it later, but this is a mistake. The sooner the
problem is dealt with, the more likely you are to get the decision reversed and the claim paid.
Empty Property Insurance - Insurance That Will Help You by Sanjana Antony
The United Kingdom has different policies when it comes to times when you have to leave your
property unattended. This is an excellent way to ensure that your property is safe from any kind of
misfortune that could occur while your not there. This insurance policy is not included in the normal
home insurance policy or is not even a part of it. Therefore if an individual has to leave his home
unattended for any reason he will have to apply for his empty property insurance.
What May Be Included in Insurance For Static Caravans? by Roger J Jones
Insurance for static caravans may cover a wide range of things, from protecting the contents of your
freezer to providing you with a brand new replacement caravan in the event yours was destroyed. The
cost of insurance may vary between providers as can the limits and exclusions, so these do need to
be compared.
Burial Insurance Benefits by Jeff Peter
These days, buying different kinds of insurance is very popular-auto, life, and so on. However, many
people are still hesitant about buying burial insurance, when in fact, this is something that they
should pay more attention to because it will surely happen sooner or later.
Risk Management & Insurance by Steven Saw
Risk Management & Insurance are universal and lies at the heart of all economic activities of
individuals, businesses and governments. Though effective use of risk management & insurance
techniques, we attempt to use our limited economic resources - capital, land and labor - efficiently to
further our economic well being. Scientific, technological and managerial developments have afforded
us the ability of dealing with many of those risks. It is true that, frequency of loss has been
decreasing for many technologically sophisticated processes and activities, but the adverse
consequences of losses that do occur have increased.
Insurance Cons - How Fraud is Costing All of Us by Berenice Taveras
An insurance scam is made when benefits are received from an insurance company after staging
dishonest information. A typical example of a scam is when a fraudulent accident is reported or a
person pretends to have lost an item. Another example is when someone tells a "white lie" as means
to improve the opportunities of getting an insurance compensation.
Six Sigma For Insurance Firms by Tony Jacowski
In effect, we can say that Six Sigma is applicable in any organization, irrespective of the actual
number of processes that might be there in the organization. To understand how Six Sigma is helping
insurance firms, it is essential to talk about some of the main processes where Six Sigma has been
successfully deployed. Policy Conversion Process The main worry for most insurance firms is usually
policy conversion turnaround time, which determines how well the firm is able to market and sell its

General Insurance
How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost? by George Sandler
Most pet owners in the United States have not taken out insurance for pets, the reason for which
remains a mystery. The average American has health insurance, we must be forgiven for not caring
enough about our pets then? Many do not consider it an important issue, however, pet owners soon
realize that evaluates the bills are expensive and not much treatment for them to enter into four
figure bills. Over the last decade there were some areas that have experienced increases in price and
professional vets are amongst them, this has meant that providers of insurance products for pets
have also been forced to increase premiums.

Vision Insurance Providers Protect Your Eyes and Your Pocketbook by H M Brown
Your eyes are important. Without your vision, you would be blind. Don't make the mistake of thinking
that vision insurance only covers glasses. There are plenty of conditions you should be insured
against. But, even if you never have a horrible disease, your vision coverage will provide you with eye
prescriptions like glasses or contact lenses helping to reduce the costs you will have to endure
Equine Horse Insurance by Simon Hemmings
Its estimated that in the UK the horse population is almost one million. Due to the greater value of
horse compared to dogs, cat or other common pets and the fact that vet fees are greater too has
made the UK equine insurance market is very competitive. Most horse owners will have some form of
horse medical cover as a way to cover the high horse treatment fees.
Divorce Survival Tip Number 19 - Get Your Own Insurance Coverage by Ronald S Lasorsa
Surviving divorce isn't just about legal fees, court documents and relationship challenges, it comes
with several other obstacles that are often overlooked until the last minute. Take for example
insurance coverage. Many people do not realize they need to replace the insurance coverage they had
as a couple with individual policies.
Why You Need Motorboat Insurance by Ian Mcculloch
Insuring your motorboat really is important. Although many of us are looking for ways to cut back on
spending during this recession, do not stop paying for your insurance! During the past few years more
and more people had the money to buy motorboats. So there are a lot of novice boaters handling
powerful fast boats. Some of these boaters have taken to the water.
Pet Insurance Advice - 3 Tips to Keeping Your Pets Healthy and Happy on a Budget by Josh
As a pet owner, the last thing you ever want to face is having to choose between keeping your pet
alive and financial concerns. Unfortunately, that's a situation that millions of pet owners are finding
themselves in each and every day because they lack the proper insurance coverage for their pets.
This has happened because there's a lot of misinformation out there about the affordability of pet
Income Protection Insurance: A Boon for the Salaried Class by Darlene Kaitlin
The main cause of worry for all salaried people is that what would become of their families if
something unfortunate were to happen to them. People who are the sole breadwinners of the their
families, especially have this tension about an uncertain future and the fate of their loved ones. The
Income Protection Insurance or Permanent Health Insurance is aimed at relieving the tensions of
people whose main source of livelihood is the fixed income that they bring home at the end of every
Why Jet Ski Insurance is Different by Ian Mcculloch
Jet Ski Insurance is different in some ways to other types of boat insurance. As with all insurance you
should be aware of what is being quoted to you in the form of cover. Personal Watercraft (PWC) or Jet
Skis are very popular and are often seen around the coast not only at weekends but also on summer
evenings. With the increase of these craft being used there is also an increase in the number of
accidents. Collisions between jet skis and other boats happens on a regular basis. Many PWC users
are new to boating and because these craft are fast over the water there is little time to avoid
obstacles in their way. This is why...
Confused by Insurance Claims? by Derek Rogers
So something has just happened to your home, and you need to file an insurance claim. It doesn't
matter what. It could be fire damage, it could be water damage, or a tornado could have ripped
through your living room while you were watching reruns of Doctor Who. Regardless, you need to get
it taken care of, but once you called in your claim, something happened that was comparable to the
disaster that preceded your claim: a whirlwind of confusion.
Three Reasons Why Income Protection Insurance May Be Useful by Jason Hulott

If you have started to think about income protection insurance and why it may be useful to you then
you may still be at the stage where you aren't quite sure why yet. This kind of insurance policy was
established to help people if they lost their salary by giving them a replacement income. This may be
useful in three ways.

General Insurance
Why Windsurfers Need Insurance by Ian Mcculloch
Windsurfing insurance or sailboard insurance as it is sometimes called, can be a fairly low cost
expense. Most insurance companies will offer cover for your windsurf board on coastal and inland
waters. They will cover you during travelling to and from the water and also if you store your board in
a secure locked area. Standard practise is to provide cover for accidental loss or damage, fire and
theft. Your policy should include public liability insurance, as this is often a requirement before you
What is the Best Boat Insurance Company? by John Martinez Jr
There is no answer when someone asks which boat insurance company is best. There are so many
options it is difficult to determine the best. It really all depends on what the specific needs of the
person you want to make sure the boat.
The 411 on AFLAC - Is This Supplemental Insurance Right For You? by Jonathan Kraft
You've doubt seen this duck that loves to quack "AFLAC!" Have you wondered just what AFLAC stands
for? The acronym is for American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus (Georgia). But have
you also wondered if you need this supplemental insurance for your family?
Disability Benefits: Are You Considered Disabled? by Jack Burton
If you are considering applying for disability it is important to understand what Social Security
considers to be disabled. Here are several questions to help you decide if your medical condition
meets Social Securitys criteria for approval.
How to Obtain Flood Insurance in Florida by Damien Dro Amerson
All across the United States, there are a large number of homeowners who have flood insurance
coverage on their homes. An even larger number of homeowners do not have flood insurance
coverage, even though they should. Due to a large number of natural disaster and rare weather
events, there are many American homeowners that are interested in obtaining flood insurance
coverage for their home.
Top Ten Questions About Workers' Compensation by Deirdre Reedy
Injured in a work-related accident? Workers' Compensation law can be confusing, particularly when
you are recovering from serious injuries. Following are some of the most frequently asked questions
about Workers' Compensation and work-related injuries.
Can I Work and Still Get Disability Benefits? by Becca Rode
This can be a complicated question, as are most questions regarding the subject of Social Security
disability. Can you work and still get disability benefits? The answer is possibly. It is possible, but it
depends on the amount of money you make and when you are doing it.
Calculate Back Injury Compensation Claim Amount! by Sadhna D
If you have met with an accident due to the negligence of someone, you can make a claim. The
amount of compensation, you can receive depends on several factors. It depends on the type of injury
you have suffered, the place where the injury occurred, the amount of losses or damages you have
suffered, etc. Even though, the amount of compensation for each injury varies dramatically, accident
claims specialists can give you an approximate idea of the amounts of compensation you can claim.

Occupational Accident Insurance For The Best Protection by Dean Forster

Accidents and hazards are part of our day to day life, and they are sometimes related to our
occupation as well. You may suffer from an accident while performing your job. Such accident may
result in your untimely loss of life, or temporary or permanent disability. While most hazards can be
foreseen, accidents occur without warning. Therefore, it is proper to be prepared for any such
accident, and its consequential affects. An occupational accident insurance might just be the answer
you need. It is an accident insurance for your protection.
Medicare Supplement Plans - Medigap Plans M and N by Garrett Ball
Medicare Supplement plans have been primarily the same since 1992, when they were originally
standardized. However, as of June 1, 2010, the Federal Government is mandating changes to these
plans. Some of our other articles have addressed changes to existing plans and the removal of some
of the existing plans, but this article is intended to explain how the two newest plans, Medigap Plan M
and Medigap Plan N work and the coverage that they will provide.

General Insurance
Insuring Your Jewelry - Is It Worth It? by Marc Ilgen
Insuring your jewelry with a policy of its own is very much worthwhile considering that the coverage is
quite broad and the premiums low. Even though homeowners insurance is supposed to have a jewelry
insurance component built in, it is often found that covered jewelry is valued very low. When a claim
does need to be made, a separate insurance policy yields better coverage.
Does My Business Need Workers' Compensation Coverage? by Mike Burgelin
One of the questions many business owners face when they start a new business is whether they are
required to carry workers' compensation insurance on the employees they hire. While most states
vary in their rules and regulations regarding workers' compensation, let's take a look at Florida's
workers' compensation guidelines.
Medi-Gap and Supplemental Insurance by Lance Winslow
Does your medical insurance cover you completely? Most people are unaware of exactly how much
their medical insurance covers and are often shocked to find that certain things are not covered after
it is too late. One recommendation that is often given in medical insurance articles is to ask your
insurance agent about Medi-Gap insurance or supplemental insurance.
What's the Difference Between a Medicare Supplement Policy and a Medicare Advantage
Policy? by David Hecker
Many people get confused between a Medicare Supplement and a Medicare Advantage policy. Many
people think that they are the same thing, but they are not. A Supplement Policy will pay AFTER
Medicare. Depending on the plan that you have chosen, it will pay the Part A Deductible (for the
hospital) and possibly the Part B Deductible (for the doctor). It may then pay the 20% that medicare
does not pay, and even possibly the extra 15% (Part B Excess Charges), if the doctor does not accept
"Assignment" (the allowable charge by Medicare).
Principles of Insurance by Prerna Joneja
Insurance is a cover used for protecting a person from the financial losses. Financial losses can take
many forms. There are risks to our investments, liabilities for our actions, and risks to our ability to
earn income. The insurer and the insured are the main two parties involved in insurance. The insurer
is the insurance company which will provide the cover to the insured against any financial losses. The
insured may be an individual person or a group of people like an employer, members of a society, etc.
Pet Insurance Horse Coverage by Michael Bens
Many people board horses and often pay high expenses to cover the pets. Dogs, cats, and other
household pets often go without care because the owners cannot afford to pay the medical treatment
and medicines to care for the pets. Horses are more expensive than common pets, but the laws state

that these creatures need medical treatment and vaccines, thus what can an owner do. Owners can
take out pet insurance policies that will cover the pets 80/20 in most instances.
Workers Compensation - Who Really Pays For Your Loss by Patrick Nolan
The Workers Compensation experience modification factor adds an element of risk financing to your
restaurants workman's compensation insurance policy premium. Learn how your modification factor is
developed and how your claims effect what you ultimately pay in premium.
Why an Individual Disability Insurance Policy Is Better Than Group LTD by Robert
Millions of people are insured by group long term disability plans. However, there are drawbacks to
this coverage and situations where the policies will not pay. Unfortunately, many group plans do not
pay for the type of disability that is most likely to occur. Theoretically, you are covered. But are you?
Let's contrast some of the more important contract provisions in a group LTD plan and an individual
policy. You can come to your own conclusion.
Why Boat Insurance Is A Necessity by John Edwardson
Boat insurance is necessary for all boat owners who live on or really value their boats. If it is
something that you feel you must replace then you need to insure it. If you live on your boat it is
absolutely necessary that it be insured. Who would want to lose their home?
Increase Your New York Maternity Leave Pay by Applying For Short Term Disability
Insurance by Kevin Haney
How long can you pay your bills on $170 per week - before taxes? The New York area has the nation's
highest cost of living, and some of the highest incomes to help pay those bills. While the New York
State Short Term Disability Insurance is good to have should you miss work, it does not replace a
significant percentage of most New Yorker's income.

General Insurance
Workmens Compensation Insurance and Your Business Future by Lance Winslow
If you are a small business employer and even have only one employee then you better have
workmen's compensation insurance, if you don't in some places you can be thrown in jail. Employees
can get hurt anytime and you just never know what can happen. If they are on their way to work or
on there way home your small business might be liable for some or all of their lost wages if they are
injured. This is my view of the situation.
Umbrella Insurance for Greater Coverage by Joseph Kenny
When the amount of a claim against you exceeds the coverage provided by your home or auto
insurance policy, you are saddled with the prospect of settling this excess liability on your own. Your
insurance company will not cushion you against this contingency. However, there is a way out. To
overcome this eventuality, you can obtain an excess liability policy, or an umbrella policy.
Texas Flood Insurance - 8 Reasons Why by Glenn Lamb
As a Houston, Texas Farmers insurance agent I frequently get questions about flood insurance. Here
are eight reasons to consider getting flood insurance:
Insurance For Illegal Immigrants! by Russell Longcore
Do you think that illegal immigrants should be able to buy auto insurance? New Mexico's legislature
passed a law in 2003 that allows illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses so that the public would be
safer. States regularly deny driver's licenses to foreign citizens no matter what there immigrant status
is. Some states like California began tightening their requirements for driver's licenses, and many
immigrants couldn't renew their licenses, and their car insurance was cancelled automatically.
Types of Long Term Care Insurance by Tim Gorman
Regardless of what some people might think, medical insurance will not cover the expenses and
services that long term care insurance covers. There are three types of long term care insurance. The

first plan is the skilled nursing care. It has to be ordered by a physician and the patient must be able
to fully recover form his or her illness or injuries. It involves a treatment plan, skilled therapy with a
licensed therapist and nursing care.
Selling Your Insurance Agency Or Book of Business! by Joshua D Hadley
I have been approached with this question so many times I am losing count. How much is my
insurance practice or book of business worth? To answer this question I will draw upon my experience
as a intermediary and bring to light some of the things to avoid when selling your insurance agency,
or book of business.
Worksite Wellness by Cathy Aguirre
Employers increasingly are realizing the value that worksite wellness programs deliver as an effective
tool to improve employee health, increase productivity, reduce absenteeism and lower health care
Laptop Insurance: The Vital Parts by Duncan Elliott
Imagine if, for whatever reason, you were without your laptop. You need to do some work on it, or
maybe some planning - you know why you need it. But you cannot. It is incredibly frustrating. Many
people have been in this situation. Your laptop might be lost, stolen, damaged or just plain not
working. How soon would it be before you are back with a functioning laptop, and how much is it
going to cost you to get there?
Overhead and Profit Disputes in Property Claims by Russell Longcore
If you do not know how to handle overhead and profit (OHP) issues in your insurance claim
settlement, you could lose tens of thousands of dollars that you are entitled to collect. Yet, many
policyholders find themselves forced to use savings or borrowed money to complete repairs. It should
almost never be so.
Hacker Insurance For E-Commerce Business by Alexander Gordon
Computer crimes or computer security breaches cost American companies a whopping $150 millions
in lost revenues every year. This includes theft of information, sabotage of data or networks, system
penetration by outsiders, abuse of internet access, spoofing, viruses, financial fraud, active
wiretapping, unauthorized insider access and theft of laptops, etc.

General Insurance
The History and Principles of Insurance by Amit Laufer
Insurance as we know it today could be traced to the Great Fire of London, that in 1666 devoured
13,200 houses. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin founded the Philadelphia Aid for the Insurance of Houses
from Loss by Fire. The exact time or occurrence of the loss need to be uncertain. The value of losses
ought to be relatively unsurprising.
Breaking the Code and the Bank - Ordinance or Law Coverage and Your Property
Insuranceby Dan Weedin
What you don't know can cost you your building and your business. Make sure you don't get
blindsided due to inadequate limits on this coverage few really understand. Learn from this article and
then go ask your agent.
Smart Planning On Boat Sales Insurance - Salvage Boat Ownership Deals! by Abhishek
Learn how to plan out a fixed amount of boat sales insurance salvage boat ownership for yourself and
make the ultimate affordable deal for yourself as the boat owner, with tips from experts who have
been there, done that. Yes, we are talking about using otherwise damaged vessels that can be turned
around to give them a new lease on life with adequate repairs and servicing contracts undertaken by
buyers smart enough to judge the true value of a good quality salvage boat.
Create Maternity Leave Pay Using Short Term Disability Insurance by Kevin Haney

Your health and ability to work may be your most important asset. Short-term disability provides
important income protection, and workingwomen who are planning a pregnancy have an extra
incentive to buy this valuable coverage: they are planning to use the benefit, and will likely generate
a substantial return.
Boat Insurance Online by Alison Cole
When buying online boat insurance one should get proper coverage for man-made catastrophes,
burglaries, or natural disasters. By taking advantage of certain offers, one should be able to obtain a
discount on online boat insurance rates.
Motor Boat Insurance Basics by Mansi Aggarwal
Sailing off into the blue yonder, has the salutary effect of blowing cares and stresses away with the
winds. However, before you sail away in your new boat, consider the merits of these questions. Do
you have boat insurance? Moreover, are your insurance needs fully met?
Obtaining Supplemental Fertility Insurance by Wade Robins
If you are having a problem getting pregnant and want to see a specialist then you may know how
much that can cost. Most infertility clinics have financial counselors that can help you get the help you
need to cover costs. If you have some insurance but think you need more you can purchase
supplement insurances that will cover what your insurance does not cover.
The Awful Truth about Annuity and Insurance Leads by Bill Broich
You see the websites, you see the ads: exclusive, never before sold, prospects eager to buy,
insurance and annuity Leads. Some leads cost a few dollars - others are over one-hundred a pop. I
was curious, just how good are these insurance and annuity leads? I decided to find out. Im not
going to name specific insurance and annuity lead websites, but I will give you a summary of how it
all shook out.
How to Claim Your Disability Insurance Benefits by Natalie Aranda
We all hope that we never need disability insurance or critical illness insurance. However, a lot of us
do find ourselves at some point in our lives thankful that we spent those few dollars per week for just
such a case.
Is Pet Insurance Worth It? by Brian Carr
Essentially pet insurance works in roughly the same manor as many regular health insurance plans in
the sense that you have a deductible, co-pay and an exhaustive list regarding what procedures the
pet insurance will or will not cover. The procedures covered by pet insurance range from routine vet
visits to kidney transplants.

General Insurance
E & O Insurance for Notaries by Lisa T
We humans all make mistakes from time to time, however in a professional arena some honest
mistakes, can cost the company, or individual dearly. E & O insurance may be a way to protect your
life savings.
How to Lower Your Health Insurance Premiums by Mansi Aggarwal
Human beings are mortal. Though every single life has to terminate one day yet it is the very nature
of rational agents to plan for the expected as well as the unexpected happenings in their future. The
most prudent plan to secure your and the lives of your loved ones is to get your life insured.
Medical Billing and Insurance Fraud by Ricci Mathew
A big chunk of the total claims received by insurers are fraudulent claims that run into billions of
dollars annually. Health Insurance fraud is today a very serious problem and a great challenge, as it
has proved to be very costly to the US health-care system.

Third Party Liability Pet Insurance by Michael Bens

Third Party Insurance is generally for vicious dogs. Few policies often will provide coverage for cats;
however, the policy is rare, since cats often pose no threats. The third party will provide liability
coverage to owners whose animal has caused harm, either by biting or damaging property. The
damage or injures will include coverage for animal attack on other animals.
Insurance Fraud - Spotting Insurance Scams by Louis Zhang
The majority of people who commit insurance fraud don't think they're hurting anybody directly. In
fact, they think they're hurting major corporations who have enough money that they don't care
anyway. This is not the case. In the United States, insurance scams cost an estimated $875 per
person annually. It adds up to approx. $80 billion per year, and with the rapid growth of technology,
it's getting harder and harder to catch.
Boat Insurance - Top Frequently Asked Questions by Lorraine Grant
If you're buying a boat or you already own one, boating or marine insurance is a necessity. This
article cover the top frequently asked questions about boating insurance and why it's so important to
What To Do When You Suffer An Injury On The Job? by Jerry Lutkenhaus
An injury on the job is usually governed by the workers compensation rules in your state. You should
have a working knowledge of these rules so that you can be properly compensated if you do suffer an
injury on the job. In Virginia your employer is required to post a short summary of your rights in a
conspicuous place.
Michigan Personal Injury Liability Insurance by Ken Marlborough
In todays litigious society, even small mishaps can lead to dreadful results and can end up in large
lawsuits. Thats why it becomes almost mandatory for many people to opt for personal injury liability
insurance. Personal injury liability insurance protects you from liability under the law if you are sued
for something you did or didnt do to cause a personal injury to someone else. If you are an owner
of a property or if you drive a car or operate a business, then you are exposed to a legal liability.
Long-Term Care Insurance Industry - 2009 Forecast and Trends by Jesse Slome
Long-term care insurance will experience continued growth in policy sales in 2009. What significant
trends in long-term care insurance marketing and product development will impact the industry and
insurance agents and financial professionals who market long-term care insurance.
Owning an Independent Insurance Agency by Tom Tessin
When you are considering your own business an independent insurance agency is a great business
that provides you with many benefits. Many people never think about becoming an insurance agent
because they feel that the procedure might be complicated and expensive. The truth is about anyone
can start their own agency with little to know formal training.

General Insurance
Insurance Billing Software by Steve Valentino
Insurance billing software programs are accounts receivable, insurance billing, and practice
management. Any good packages will deliver state-of-the-art features that are easy to use and work
like a healthcare practices manual accounting system.
Short Term Disability Insurance by Damian Sofsian
Short-term disability insurance (also known as STD) is a branch of general disability insurance
policies. This type of insurance covers potential disabilities only for a short period of time. That is, if
you happen to be unable to work for a limited period, the insurance will cover a percentage of your
salary; this continues until you are again able to work or until the deadline of the coverage expires.
Why Bicycle Insurance is Essential and Worth Considering by Peter Robson

While there are many ways to safely secure your basic bicycle, these will not always prove to be
foolproof and therefore taking out adequate basic bicycle insurance is an important additional step.
Another reason why bicycle insurance is becoming even more essential is because you and I are
looking to alternate forms of economical transport (much like the fuel economizer gas moped scooter)
but more of a human propelled nature.
Electronics Insurance - Are Your Electronics and Computers Covered by Your
Insurance? by Russell Longcore
Most people I talk to think that if they have homeowners or renters insurance, their consumer
electronics are covered. But they usually find out that their assumptions aren't claims time.
Sure, some of the property is covered. But there are a bunch of limits and exclusions that will surprise
you if you have a loss and file a claim. Don't wait until claim time to learn about this important
coverage. Read this article carefully and make good decisions about your coverage.
What Exactly is Commercial Insurance? by Mark R Burdett
So what is Commercial Insurance? Put very simply, Commercial Insurance is protection for your
business. From new start businesses to those well established; an unexpected event could destroy
your business if adequate cover isnt in place.
Commercial Insurance - What Does General Liability Insurance Cost? by Dave Melanson
Commercial General Liability insurance is in large demand for all types of business's. Whether you are
a contractor, printer, manufacturer or retail/wholesale operation you need to be covered properly. I
have put together some frequently asked questions when customers are buying their commercial
liability policy and they ask what they needed and what they don't. What is the cost of commercial
General Liability Insurance?
Employer Liability Insurance by Steve Valentino
Employer liability insurance is generally present in workers' compensation policies. This form of
liability insurance protects the employers against employee claims for accidents resulting from alleged
employer negligence. Normally, employees do have the right to statutory benefits. Yet, there are
instances when employees can file a lawsuit against their employers. An employer who is overtly
negligent can be sued by his employees.
Personal Injury Claims - How Insurance Companies Place a Value Your PI Claim by Steven
All insurance companies have different methods for placing a value on your claim, but there are a few
factors that are constants in every case. The insurance company will be looking at any property that
was damaged, physical and or emotional damage to you, both long and short term, medical bills, and
other damages.
General Insurance Software by Steve Valentino
A good general insurance software package should improve the efficiency and profitability of
insurance agencies by providing easy to learn systems at affordable prices. A few companies who
provide such packages include...
Cheap Insurance Secrets by Steven Gillman
Can you find cheap insurance? Yes. You can not only spend less on all types of insurance, but you can
get more of the coverages you need for less. Here are a few insider secrets to help you out.

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