OMR Exam Exec PRG 30062014 PDF

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1. The Institute has decided to introduce OMR based Examination in the following three subjects
of the CS Executive Programme (New Syllabus) wherein students are required to attain working
knowledge, with effect from December, 2014 Examinations:

Cost and Management Accounting ( Module-I)

Tax Laws and Practice (Module-I)
Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II)

2. In the above three subjects, candidates knowledge, competency and proficiency would be
examined through objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) under OMR system.
However, in the remaining four subjects of the Executive Programme (New Syllabus) namely,
(i) Company Law, (ii) Economic and Commercial Laws, (iii) Company Accounts and Auditing
Practices, and (iv) Capital Markets and Securities Laws, candidates would continue to be
examined through descriptive examination.

In OMR based examination, each paper shall be of three hours duration having 100 Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQs) of one mark each. The questions shall be of average, above average
and difficult level covering entire syllabus. In case any paper is divided into different Parts, i.e.,
Part - A, Part - B, etc., requisite number of questions shall be asked from the respective Part
corresponding to the weightage of marks as prescribed in the syllabus.


There will be no negative marking for wrong answers. Each question shall contain four answer
options and the candidate shall be required to select one option as his/her correct answer and
mark in the OMR answer sheet by darkening the respective circle with blue/black ball point

5. Question paper booklet for (i) Cost and Management Accounting (Module-I) and (ii) Tax Laws
and Practice (Module -I) papers shall be provided in English language only. However,
candidates who opt for writing the examination in Hindi medium shall be provided question
paper booklet of Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II) paper in English along with
its Hindi version. However, the OMR Answer sheets for all the three subjects would be
provided in English language only.
6. Time Table and Programme for CS December, 2014 examinations has been uploaded on the
Institutes website. The examination for the above three subjects shall be held consecutively on
22nd, 23rd and 24th December, 2014 irrespective of their Modules of examination.
7. Sample question papers for OMR examination in the above three subjects have been hosted on
the website of the Institute for the reference of the students. Detailed instructions for appearing
in OMR examination shall be uploaded on the website of the Institute shortly.


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