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L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.


Numerical investigation on stress corrosion cracking behavior of

dissimilar weld joints in pressurized water reactor plants
Lingyan Zhao

School of Science, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China
[email protected]

He Xue
School of Mechanical Engineering, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China
[email protected]

Fuqiang Yang
School of Science, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China
[email protected]

Yaohong Suo
School of Science, Xian University of Science and Technology, Xian 710054, China
[email protected]
ABSTRACT. There have been incidents recently where stress corrosion cracking (SCC) observed in the dissimilar
metal weld (DMW) joints connecting the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) nozzle with the hot leg pipe. Due to the
complex microstructure and mechanical heterogeneity in the weld region, dissimilar metal weld joints are more
susceptible to SCC than the bulk steels in the simulated high temperature water environment of pressurized
water reactor (PWR). Tensile residual stress (RS), in addition to operating loads, has a great contribution to SCC
crack growth. Limited experimental conditions, varied influence factors and diverging experimental data make it
difficult to accurately predict the SCC behavior of DMW joints with complex geometry, material configuration,
operating loads and crack shape. Based on the film slip/dissolution oxidation model and elastic-plastic finite
element method (EPFEM), an approach is developed to quantitatively predict the SCC growth rate of a RPV
outlet nozzle DMW joint. Moreover, this approach is expected to be a pre-analytical tool for SCC experiment of
DMW joints in PWR primary water environment.
KEYWORDS. Dissimilar metal weld; Stress corrosion cracking; Residual stress; Crack growth rate.



issimilar metal weld (DMW) joints are widely used to connect the low alloy steel (LAS) nozzles to austenitic
stainless steel (SS) pipes in primary water systems of pressurized water reactors (PWR). To form a DMW joint,
nickel-based alloy is generally pre-deposited on the ferritic reactor pressure vessel (RPV) nozzle face firstly, then

L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

welding is carried out between the buttering layer and the pipe with nickel-based alloy. Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of
DMW joints has been paid more attention in the nuclear power industry [1]. Failures show that nickel-based alloy and its
associated weld metals are more susceptible to SCC in the simulated high temperature water environments of PWR [2-4].
As a weld filler metal, the high-temperature yield strength of Alloy 182 makes it more susceptible to SCC and produce
high welding residual stresses [5].
Generally, residual stresses (RS) in DMW joints are up to or even over the material yield stresses at service temperature.
Tensile residual stress is one of dominant factors resulting in SCC of DMW joints [6]. RS may have a great contribution to
the total stress field when pipe surface SCC in nuclear power plants is assessed. Therefore, before evaluating SCC growth
at flaws in actual DMW joints of PWR plants, accurate RS distribution needs to be performed.
The film slip/dissolution oxidation model is widely regarded as a reasonable description of SCC growth estimation in the
nickel-based alloys in high temperature oxygenated environment [7]. In this model, the strain rate at crack tip is usually
used as a unique factor to describe the mechanical condition. Because it is difficult to directly obtain the strain rate at the
steadily growing crack tip, elastic-plastic finite element method (EPFEM) is adopted to simulate the local stress-strain field
and calculate the strain rate at crack tip [8]. Moreover, the SCC growth rate could be quantitatively estimated [9].
In this paper, based on the film slip/dissolution oxidation model and EPFEM, an approach is developed to quantitatively
predict the SCC growth rate of a RPV outlet nozzle DMW, which services in complex operating loads and welding
residual stress. Moreover, the crack driving force and the SCC behavior of the DMW joint were discussed in detail.

Geometry and material configuration

he schematic of the configurations and weld geometry of a RPV outlet nozzle DMW joint is shown in Fig. 1. The
hot leg pipes are typically large diameter and thick wall pipes. The outside and inside diameters of the pipe are
1001.6mm and 834.6mm, respectively, and the thickness is 83.5mm. Assume that the DMW joint consists of a low
alloy steel RPV nozzle, Alloy 182 buttering, Alloy 182 weld metal and a stainless steel safe-end.

Figure 1: Geometry and material configuration of a DMW joint.

To study the cracking behavior and estimate the SCC growth rate of a representative DMW joint used in PWR, three
models with small size flaws are considered in our simulation, that is, three axial semi-elliptic cracks are of different crack
length (2c) and crack depth (a) as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. For an axial semi-elliptic crack, the crack angle () varies
from 0 to 180. An initial axial inner surface crack having an aspect ratio (2c/a) of 3 and a flaw depth (a) of 5mm, 7.5mm
and 10mm for the axial crack case are assumed, respectively.


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

Figure 2: Geometry of the DMW joint sub-model.

Figure 3: Crack locations and depths in the sub-model.

Material mechanical property of the DMW joint

The stress-strain relationship beyond yielding is represented as Romberg-Osgood equation at the loading stage, and the
relationship is linearly elastic at the unloading stage in this simulation. Romberg-Osgood equation is written as:

0 0


0 is the yield strength of the material;
0 is the yield strain of the material;
is the dimensionless material constant;
n is the strain-hardening exponent of the material.
The mechanical properties of materials are given in Tab. 1. The strain-hardening exponent of these materials is obtained
in the following equation [10].

ln(1390 / 0 )


where =0.163.
The microstructure characterization of the fusion boundary region of an Alloy 182-A533B LAS dissimilar weld joint has
showed that there is a narrow high hardness zone (HHZ) in the dilution zone of Alloy 182. Further, a sharp increase of
the hardness was observed in the HHZ of Alloy 182 [11]. High yield stress is consistent with high hardness. Therefore,
Alloy 182 buttering has higher yield stress than that of Alloy 182 weld because of the existence of HHZ.


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

Poisson ratio,

Yield stress,
0 (MPa)

Hardening exponent,



Elastic modulus,
E (MPa)





Alloy 182 Buttering






Alloy 182 Weld













Table 1: Material mechanical parameters for the FEM simulation.

Residual stress and operating loads

Only the hoop stress is used in the current evaluation based on some assumptions because the pipe flaw is an axial crack.
The distribution of residual stress [12] is shown in Fig.4. Note that only the hoop stress for an axial crack was applied in
the weld region.
Welding residual stress (MPa)


H o o p S tre s s

-5 0
0 .0

0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .4 0 .5 0 .6 0 .7 0 .8 0 .9
N o rm a lize d d is ta n c e fro m p ip e in sid e to o u tsid e

1 .0

Figure 4: Welding residual stress profiles.

Normal operating loads for RPV nozzles are listed in Tab. 2. In addition to that, both axial and hoop stresses varying
through-thickness induced by internal fluid pressure are considered. The welding residual stress applied as field and
remote bending moment are also taken into account.
Service temperature [13]

Inner pressure

Axial pressure

Bending moment
2 492

Welding residual stress

Shown in Fig. 4

Table 2: Normal operating loads for RPV nozzles.

FEM model

A commercial FEM code, ABAQUS, was used in this simulation analysis. Based on symmetry condition, half of the
model was investigated. The pipe symmetry surface is symmetric restrained in X-Y plane. Appropriate extensions of the
left and right ends in the model have been made to reduce the influence of edge effect on the analysis results. Considering
the nozzle and pressure vessel are rigidly connected, the fixed constraint on the left is set. The combined operating loads
such as internal pressure, weight and moment loads are applied on the safe end DMW joint.
Sub-model technique was adopted to investigate the crack local stress-strain field in detail. With different sampling
location, three models are calculated based on the sub-model technique. Boundaries of the sub-model are driven by the
stress-strain obtained from the global model analysis [14].
Fig.5 gives the mesh of a DMW joint specimen (global model and sub-mode), where X-Y datum is the crack surface and
Z-axis is the crack growth direction. Mesh at the vicinity of crack front is observably refined in both global model and


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

sub-model. 90387 and 46110 8-node linear brick elements are adopted in the global model and sub-model, respectively.
There are 28020 elements in the vicinity of 2 mm around the crack front in the sub-model, more than the half the element
total number. The minimum size of the element is about 0.02mm in the sub-model.

Figure 5: Mesh of the finite element model.



echanical factors, such as crack opening stress, plastic strain and J-integral ahead of crack front, are always
important to discuss the SCC crack growth behaviors. To quantitatively estimate SCC growth rate of the flaws
in DMW joints, the local opening stress, plastic strain and J-integral ahead of crack front are investigated in this

Distributions of the hoop stress and hoop strain

The hoop stress and the hoop plastic strain are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, respectively. It is obvious that the effect of
operating loads on the DMW joint containing defects is much smaller than that of residual stress. Only operating loads
(OL) applied, the hoop stress and strain is linear along pipe through-thickness. Comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 6, the hoop
stress induced by RS and OL is not a simple summation of that induced by hoop RS and OL due to the high stress, which
exceeds the yield stress of Alloy 182 weld. Under the combined effects of RS and operating loads, the distribution of
hoop stress and hoop strain along pipe through-thickness is consistent with that of hoop residual stress in Fig. 4.


Only OL



Hoop plastic strain,h

Hoop stress, h(MPa)


Only OL




Normalized distance from pipe inside to outside

Figure 6: Hoop stress along pipe through-thickness.




Normalized distance from pipe inside to outside

Figure 7: Hoop strain along pipe through-thickness.


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

Distributions of stress and strain ahead of crack fronts

Crack tip strain ct is the main mechanical parameter affecting SCC growth rate in Fords model [15], which is widely used
in analyzing SCC behavior of key materials in PWR components. Because it is difficult to directly obtain ct, plastic strain
p was used to replace ct at a characteristic distance r0 ahead of crack tip in FRI model [16]. Thus, the critical issue is to
estimate r0 when SCC growth rate is predicted. Considering that the mechanical field near crack front is pertinent to SCC
growth, r0 is regarded to be smaller than the plastic zone size.
Strain and strain rate quickly decrease with the increasing r0. On the other hand, the error in numerical calculation is very
big at the crack tip because of the stress-strain singularity near the crack tip. Considering the above factors and comparing
the crack tip plastic zones where the equivalent plastic strain is 0.2% with different crack depths, the reasonable distance
from crack front is designated as 60m in this paper.
In Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, the opening stress and normal plastic strain at a characteristic distance (r0=60m) ahead of crack front
are observably small when the crack depth is 5mm. The difference between yield stresses of interface materials lead to the
jump of opening stress along crack fronts in Fig. 8 could be explained that for 7.5 and 10 mm cracks the crack passes
Alloy 182 buttering, where contains much higher yield stress. The opening stress and normal plastic strain for 7.5 and
10mm crack make little difference. These results suggest that the normal plastic strain ahead of deeper crack front has a
smaller gradient.
The stress and strain are symmetrically distributed ahead of crack front when the crack depth is 5mm. For the partial
crack in Alloy 182 buttering, the opening stress ahead of the crack front (a=7.5mm and =150) increases sharply,
whereas the strain decreases. As the crack grows, the opening stress ahead of the crack front (a=10mm and =120)
becomes larger. The effect of crack depth on the stress ahead of crack fronts is more dramatic than it on the strain.
At the interfacial region between Alloy 182 buttering and Alloy 182 weld, the stresses ahead of crack fronts suddenly
increase while the strains decrease due to different material yield stresses of the two sides. Under the same loading
condition, the equivalent stress intensity factor ahead of crack front increases with crack length. The increment of stress
ahead of crack front, which increases with the applied loads, is connected with the yield stresses of interface materials.






Normal plastic strain,p

Opening stress, zz(MPa)









Crack angle, ( )



Figure 8: Opening stress ahead of crack fronts (r0=60m).



Crack angle, ( )



Figure 9: Normal plastic strain ahead of crack fronts (r0=60m).

Cracks are mainly located in the high residual stress region when the crack depth varies from 5mm to 10mm. Thus,
residual stress has a great influence on stress and strain ahead of crack front. The local stress-strain field of shallow surface
crack is dominated by RS, not the welded mechanical heterogeneity. The effect of residual stress on crack local stress and
strain will become smaller with deeper crack.

Normal plastic strain rates and J-integrals

Normal plastic strain rates and J-integrals ahead of the crack fronts can be seen in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively.
Located in the middle of a homogeneous material Alloy 182 weld, the stress, plastic strain, plastic strain rate and J-integral
ahead of crack front are minimal and of the same trend when the crack length is 5mm. The normal plastic strain rate is
higher at the deepest point than each end of the crack front. Correspondingly, the growth rate at the deepest point of the


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36




J-integral, J(N/mm)

Normal plastic strain rate, dp/da(1/mm)

crack front is the highest. The strain rate increments significantly decrease with the increasing crack depth, which indicates
that the deep surface crack growing slow down.
The J-integral is not increasing with crack length (from 7.5 mm to 10 mm) in Fig. 11 because the hoop stress that causes
the crack opening is decreasing (normalized distance from 0.09 to 0.125) in Fig. 4 with crack length (from 7.5 mm to 10
mm). That is, the loading conditions (mainly the RS) are different when the crack length is 7.5 mm and 10 mm. The
increase of J-integral should be offset by the decrease of crack driving force.
The distributions of strain rate and J-integral ahead of deeper surface crack front are quite different in the interfacial
region of Alloy 182 buttering and Alloy 182 weld. The strain rate decreases due to the constraint of material with high
hardness while J-integral increases in the interfacial region. Some researchers discovered that the mechanical properties of
welded joints had many distinct characteristics compared with homogeneous materials, especially for the fracture
properties. Path dependence of J-integral exists because of the finite deformation in the vicinity of crack tip and the
heterogeneous mechanical properties of welded joint. Therefore, there are some doubts on the applications of J-integral in
heterogeneous DMW joints [17]. The plastic strain rate should be a more reliable fracture parameter to evaluate the SCC
behavior of DMW joint than J-integral.





Crack angle, ( )





Figure 10: Normal plastic strain rate ahead of crack fronts




Crack angle, ( )



Figure 11: J-integral ahead of crack fronts.

SCC growth rate

In order to predict the amount of time required before leakage occurs in normal PWR, a detailed prediction on stress
corrosion cracking growth rate of DMW joints are performed by many researchers. Generally, stress corrosion cracking
growth law for Alloy 82/182 weld metals in PWR primary water environment has been described as a function of applied
stress intensity factor KI and thermal activation corrosion term: temperature, based upon the extensive SCC material
testing data [18]. These correlations provide the flaw evaluation guidelines for Ni-based alloy materials in PWR
The stress intensity factor KI along the crack front in the elastic-plastic material is converted by the value of J-integral.
However, there are some doubts on the applications of J-integral along interface crack front in heterogeneous DMW
joints. Combined with EPFEM, a pre-analytical method is used to predict SCC growth rate of DMW joints in PWR
The stress corrosion cracking growth rate can be written as:

d m
a ( p )1 m


where the oxidation rate constant a is 7.47810-7, the exponent of current decay curve m is 0.5 [19].
Fig. 10 shows the normal plastic strain rate at a characteristic distance (r0=60m) ahead of the crack fronts. Based on the
normal plastic strain rates and the formula, SCC growth rate evaluations were performed for Alloy182 weld metal
conservatively at a service temperature of 345C. The disposition curves of SCC growth rate are shown in Fig. 12. The
units describe crack growth rate in terms of millimeter per second. Note that for the axial crack case, because low alloy


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36

steel and stainless steel have significantly lower SCC susceptibilities and growth rates, the crack growth law was only
applied to the partial model including Alloy182 buttering and Alloy182 weld.

EAC crack growth rate, dd/dt (mm/s)










Crack angle, ( )



Figure 12: Crack growth rate of Alloy 182 in the DMW joint.

The shallow surface crack growth rate at both ends is much lower than that at the middle. However, the deep surface
crack growth rate is relatively uniform and its increment slows down with the increasing crack depth. The gradients of
plastic strain and plastic strain rates decrease as the crack advances. Due to the constraint of strong material, CGR of the
deep surface crack locates in Alloy 182 buttering decreases sharply, and the crack growing in Alloy 182 buttering is
inhibited. However, the partial crack locates in Alloy 182 weld comes to stable growth. The crack will no longer be ideal
semi-elliptic with the continuous crack growing. The crack shape will change considerably.
The welding residual stress referred here is a result of higher hoop stress in the DMW joint SCC susceptible region, and
dropping off in the safe-end and nozzle regions. Finally, the crack shape development results in crack growth outside of
the DMW region.


onsidering the interactive effect of operating loads and welding residual stress, the stress-strain field ahead of
inner surface axial crack fronts of a RPV outlet nozzle DMW joint is simulated by using EPFEM. The crack
driving force, such as opening stress, plastic strain, plastic strain rate and J-integral are analyzed. Focusing on RS
and crack depth, the SCC growth rate of a DMW joint was quantitatively predicted. Main conclusions can be summarized
as follows:
(1) Crack local stress-strain field, J-integral and crack growth rate of DMW joints are dominated by residual stress, not
welded mechanical heterogeneity. The hoop stress and hoop strain varying through-thickness of the welded area is quite
different with or without residual stress. The distributions of hoop stress and hoop strain are consistent with residual
(2) The strain rate ahead of deeper crack front decreases due to the constraint of high hardness material, whereas, Jintegral increases in the interfacial region of Alloy 182 buttering and Alloy 182 weld. Path dependence of J-integral exists
because of welded mechanical heterogeneity. Therefore, plastic strain rate should be a more reliable fracture parameter to
evaluate the SCC behavior of DMW joint than J-integral.
(3) The shallow surface crack growth rate at both ends is much lower than that at the middle. However, the deep surface
crack growth rate is relatively uniform. Due to the constraint of strong material, located in Alloy 182 buttering, the crack
growing is inhibited. The crack locates in Alloy 182 weld grows steady and the crack shape will change considerably.
(4) Based on the film slip/dissolution oxidation model and EPFEM, a valid approach is provided to quantitatively
estimate SCC growth rate of DMW joints in PWR environment.


L. Zhao et alii, Frattura ed Integrit Strutturale, 29 (2014) 410-418; DOI: 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.29.36


he supports from Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos. 11072191 and 1201277), Scientific Research
Program Funded by Shaanxi Provincial Education Commission (Program Nos. 12JK0851 and 2013JK0611) and
Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grants Nos. 20136121110001) are

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