MB Article Hydronic Balancing April

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by Rod Brandon


Proportional Balancing Method

As discussed in Choosing a Balancing Design Strategy
(Mechanical Business, January/February 2008), there are many
methods that can be used to balance the fluid flow in an HVAC
system to ensure every terminal unit has at least design flow
For the purpose of this article, we will assume
that the building we are looking at is using a
combination of pipe stretching techniques,
with provision for manual circuit balancing.
It is possible that any combination of other
techniques, such as reverse return piping,
automatic flow limiting, or one-pipe load
pump balancing, may also be used. Should
that be the case, many of the same
principles apply, and only the method of
actual flow adjustment to design flow differs.
As variable volume hydronic fluid flow
designs become more prolific
for overall energy savings
opportunities, the most
common terminal unit
control and regulation
circuits used in new
construction are based
on two-way control
valves. However,
circuits based on threeway control valves are
still very common in
constant volume systems,
or at the end of parallel twoway circuits to avoid completely shutting the
system down, should all or a significant portion of
control valves happen to close at the same time, which could
happen during night setback activation.

For a constant volume scheme, the system will now run at

optimum efficiency, with design flow delivered to each terminal
unit. The control valve will dictate whether this flow runs
through the terminal unit, or through the bypass back to the
pump. While these systems can operate quite efficiently,
ASHRAE 90.1 recommends limits on the amount
of flow that is bypassed in a system, hence
favour is now generally given to
variable-volume systems.
When two-way control valves are used with a
variable speed pump in a proportionally
balanced HVAC system, as demand is met and
control valves close, the system resistance
increases. As this resistance increases, the
pump is slowed to maintain design flow
through the demand loads that remain open.
The pump speed is controlled based
on inputs from discrete pressure
sensors, or via sensorless
variable speed pump
technology. This scheme
assures consistent control
valve authority despite
dynamic diversity, and
helps reduce control
overshoot and hunting
conditions, ultimately
avoiding excess wear and
premature failure of the
control valves.
In the next issue, well look at various balancing
valve technologies and how they perform in the
HVAC system.
continued on page 60

Regardless of which method or combination of methods are employed, responsible project management dictates that, upon
completion, the HVAC system be thoroughly tested by a third party to ensure the system engineers design intent is met and
a formal report be produced that details the actual performance realized and any non-conformance issues found. Most
commissioning authorities recommend that design flows throughout the system be tested and verified accurate to within five per
cent (plus or minus) of design flow.


M e c h a n i c a l

B u s i n e s s

0 4 . 0 8


Lets take a closer look at the steps
involved to proportionally balance a
multi-storey building. A typical school
may have two floors with 100 terminal
units each, whereas a typical
metropolitan building may have 25
floors with 20 terminal units per floor.

To balance the floors together,

leave the riser balancing valve of
the most disadvantaged floor wide
open (Figure 3, CBVR-2). Adjust the
riser valves of other floors, until all floors
are at an equal flowrate.


Throttle the main system

balancing valve (CBV Main) to
achieve 100% design flow. The
entire system is now proportionally
balanced, with design flow available to
all circuits. However, having the main
CBV throttled is like driving a car with
one foot to the floor on the gas pedal
and the other on the brakes. Though the
system is balanced, optimum efficiency is
not realized.

For illustration purposes, well look at

only two floors with three terminals
each. All of these principles will apply,
regardless of the number of floors and
number of terminal units per floor.

Ensure the system is running wide

open. Set all control valves
completely open, turn all balancing
valves completely open, and ensure the pump is running at
design speed.

Locate the most disadvantaged terminal unit. This is

usually the one on the highest floor and furthest from the
supply risers. (Figure 2, CBV2-3) This is the starting
reference flow. This valve is always left wide open. Note that at
this point, the flow through this terminal is likely well below
design flow. If not, there is a good chance the pump is severely


Adjust the balancing valves for all other terminal units on

the floor (CBV2-2 & CBV2-1) to match the flow that will
prevail through the most disadvantaged unit. Note that
there is interaction
between valves, and
as any one is
throttled, the flow
through the others
balancers can often
predict the amount
of compensation
required for this
interaction and can
adjust all valves to
achieve a common
flow through all in
just one pass.

Repeat step 1 to 3 for the next most disadvantaged floor.

When complete, each floor will be balanced individually
and separate from each other.


M e c h a n i c a l

B u s i n e s s

0 4 . 0 8


With the system running wide open, measure the pressure

drop across CBV main both as throttled and completely
open. This pressure difference is the amount of excess
pump head generated.
Shut down the system and have the pump impeller
trimmed to
eliminate the
excess head and
bring the pump
into the most
efficient zone of
the performance

Reinstall the
open CBV
main, and verify
that design flow is
realized. The
system is now
balanced with design flow available to all terminal units, and
operating at optimum efficiency.


Release all control valves for normal operation.

Rod Brandon is a technical marketing specialist with S.A. Armstrong

Limited, a global supplier of HVAC and fluid flow equipment and
solutions for residential, commercial and industrial applications. He
can be reached at [email protected].

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