Banning Non UPH
Banning Non UPH
Banning Non UPH
A Persuasive Essay by :
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Banning Non-Essential, Elective Cosmetic Surgery for Teens under the Age of 18
Every person has always wanted to be accepted by society. They would go through
different lengths and take any risks in order to be viewed as what is considered normal by the
society. Especially the media exploits these ideas. Teenagers typically those under the age of 18
are more prone to be influenced by these propagandas. Teenagers because of their conveniences
and accessibilities now prefer plastic surgeries. What teenagers are not yet aware of is the fact
that risks are higher as compared to benefits that they will gain. With that being said, nonessential, elective cosmetic surgery for teens under the age of 18 should be prohibited.
While skeletal maturity can be reached at aged 14-15, bodies continue to settle and
mature beyond those years. An adolescents mind continues to develop into the mid 20s.
Teenagers naturally begin to feel better about their bodies as they get older. Those who once had
an issue with a body part either accept it with time or they physically change. A person should
not be able to permanently alter their body before they have fully matured.
Adolescents minds and bodies are not fully developed. As we know, adolescents minds
and bodies are still growing and it usually happens in fast pace. This development stage will lead
the teenagers to inconsistent bodies and minds. From the mind perspective, teenagers will easily
feel uncomfortable yet in seconds they can feel the other way around. In conclusion they are not
yet stable mentally. Their mind will continue to grow and mature until they reach middle 20s.
On the other hand, skeletal maturity can be reached at the age of 14-15. The adolescents bodies
will continue to settle and mature beyond that age. Specifically, average teenage girls bodies
will gain weight in the age between 18- 21. In this stage, they will feel that this might probably
be the right time to undergo plastic surgery, while in fact; their bodies are not stable yet to
undergo liposuction. Teenagers cannot permanently alter their body shape before they are fully
matured, that is why initiating plastic surgery during teenager stage is not a worth it action.
Teenagers do several common plastic surgeries that are done by other people and they
only see the good outcome that is exploited through the society without considering or actually
knowing the further impact or damaged that can be occurred from having these surgeries. This is
the trigger of them doing such actions. They can easily think that if other people can get the best
outcome from the surgery and getaway with it, they can achieve the same outcome as what other
people have, as what they have seen on TV or media. This can happen because of the immaturity
of their mind. They will not consider the treatment and the effect that is encountered by the other
people within the society.
The two most common examples of plastic surgeries done by teenagers are nose job and
liposuction. From those surgeries, teenagers with undeveloped mind will think the surgeries are
worth to be done, yet when they encounter the side effects or not satisfied with the result of the
surgery, they will feel regretful on what they did. This will cause another pressure for them and
will impact the teenagers extremely. If they are mentally ready to accept whatever the outcome
will be, they will feel regretful and wish they did not do the surgery, while if they are not
mentally ready to accept the result, in extreme case, these teenagers can initiate suicide. The
cause of this extreme activity is that there is no turning back in plastic surgery. It is true that they
can have correction on the particular part that had undergone the procedure, yet if the outcome is
still not satisfying enough for them, the correction will be done over and over again which will
waste a lot of money. That is why the worst-case scenario of the undesired outcome of plastic
surgery can result in suicide action.
As people get older they will naturally feel comfortable about their bodies. This can be
seen from the real life example. People in the age beyond 30 will not try as hard as teenagers do
to get their body in shape, because their bodies are settled and hard to be shaped. Another factor
is that they have come to maturity level that their bodies are the best they can have and nothing
needs to be changed because of their achievement in life such as in their career, family, or love
life. The thought of undergoing plastic surgery will be reduced during this stage because they
will not think about it as much as they did when they were young, which is why teenagers should
not undergo plastic surgery.
Many bad cases at school or other public places, or even at home, encourage teenagers to
improve him or her physically and mentally. The example of the case is bullying. This is a very
common action at school, even many students got their own nickname from their seniors, this
action can damage them mentally and they will find ways to boost their self-esteem. One of the
most favorite ways that comes to their mind these days is through plastic surgery. This
phenomenon happens because it is the most simple and efficient way to achieve more self esteem
through having a well- shaped body or look. Another cause of this phenomenon is that the
number of young executives is rising in which they have the funding to undergo plastic surgery
which is not only occurring to women, but also to men.
In improving the self- esteem, parents will have to involve and provide more information
to their children about the side effects and the harm of plastic surgery both mentally and
physically to their children. They (parents) can offer other options instead of undergoing plastic
surgery. The main reason that parents have to play a role in assisting their children not to do
plastic surgery is the long- term effects of the surgery itself. If the surgery goes well, yes, they
will get maximum outcome for themselves from it, but if the surgery does not go as they
expected it will cause a bigger problem than before. Many parents also encouraging their
children to do such surgery, that is wrong based on some research because it will cause another
problem in the future, if the surgery goes well, the children might want to do more and not only
in one or two specific parts. In extreme case, the children may demand on the entire body
surgery from top to toe.
It is hard to stop the action when it comes to the stage where the teenagers want to do
more and more correction for their body because it causes addiction. They will think that the
more they got improved in more body parts they will gain more self- esteem, more confidence,
and more respect from their surroundings. This is fatal because not everybody will think that
way, even there are some people who against this action that will judge them terribly in the
society, even this community or group of people will damage the teenager and provoke the
society not to mingle with the ones who undergo this action. This will make the situation more
complicated because on one side the teenager think that it is acceptable and will be beneficial for
them but in real life not every person is supporting this action because it is considered harmful
and not acceptable for some religion.
Many research display that cosmetic surgery is not proven to improve teens
psychological well- being. So, it is not the best way out for teenagers to gain more confidence or
self- esteem. It is found in another study that self-esteem and body image will improve along
age. This is why teens must think over again before they do the plastic surgery because it is not a
necessary action to be done because they will gain more confidence and self-esteem more after
their mind is well developed. Therefore, parents will have to prevent their children to do
cosmetic surgery even only a small part of their body.
Along with surgery comes the risk. Even the most minor surgical procedure can bring
about negative impacts on health in the long term. The effects may be physical or psychological.
All surgeries are open to anesthesia, wound healing, and psychological aftermaths. Teenagers are
not ready to completely comprehend the risks and limitations that come with cosmetic surgery.
Studies show at least one serious complication within the first three years post-surgery.
Implant manufacturers report that most women have at least one serious complication
within the first 3 years, including infection, hematomas and seromas, capsular contracture, a
sometimes painful hardening of the breasts, loss of nipple sensation, and hypertrophic scarring.
Since breast implants usually last for 10 years only, an adolescent will require repeated surgeries
throughout her lifetime in order to maintain them and to prevent serious risky complications.
Other than the difficulty of maintenance, breast implants may also interfere with results of
mammography and increase the chance of insufficient lactation during breastfeeding.
Another example of cosmetic surgeries done by teenagers is liposuction. Liposuction also
carries potentially serious risks. Primary risks include infection, damage to skin, nerves, or vital
organs, fat or blood clots that can be considered lethal, especially when they travel to the lungs
and disturb respiration and last but not least excessive fluid loss that can lead to shock or even
death. In addition, the different procedures are associated with complications such as skin or
deep tissue damage, and fluid accumulation in the lungs.
The long-term physical, emotional, and economic aftermath of many popular cosmetic
surgeries, including implants and liposuction, have not yet been established. Despite what has
been talked about, the general public has an exaggerated sense of the benefits and a minimized
sense of the risks of plastic surgery. People especially teenagers, who are typically called in their
rebellious stage are unaware to the long-term health consequences of bad lifestyle choices.
Examples are smoking, tanning, drinking alcohol, and other risky behaviors. Indeed, they are
likely to pay even less attention to the risks of cosmetic surgery, making consultation or
persuasion in the negative impacts of cosmetic surgery rather difficult.
Other than physical effect, cosmetic surgery may bring hazardous effects on the
psychological well-being of the people that had them done. It is ironic to find out how cosmetic
surgery, which is chosen to be done to intentionally help people psychologically in order to feel
more confident, secure, and satisfied about their appearances to cause such dangerous
psychological effects. An example is, the aftermath of having plastic surgery to correct the
problems left by massive weight loss can seem blissful. Losing weight can make people feel
better about themselves and boost their self-esteem, which in turn can benefit them
psychologically. In contrast, by having surgery done in order to lose weight can have the
opposite effect of losing them naturally in the case of their psychological well being. Many
people actually have a tough time adjusting to life in the plastic era. There are psychological
reasons that come with this. Losing weight requires time and a long process. When people lose
weight without undergoing surgical procedures, they would have more time to psychologically
adjust to their new bodies. But by having them done through plastic surgery, the changes are fast,
drastic, and, in some cases, emotionally overwhelming.
Losing weight is what most people have always wanted, but they need to consider the
facts that come after surgeries. People need to be prepared for the scars, for the body
adjustments, and for the attention that they will be given after undergoing such procedures. Some
people might hit you with complements, and even though complements are meant to be positive,
people have different reactions in accepting them. Especially in the case of teenagers, teenagers
are mentally unstable, and are not mature enough to handle such overwhelming changes. They
might react excessively on receiving such attentions from people. In most cases, they feel
ashamed and embarrassed by the positive feedbacks, because they remind them of how
noticeably unattractive they once were. Hence, it takes time to get used to, and not everyone is
able to cope with it.
Cosmetic surgery patients have a tendency to body-image disorders. They are more likely
to be prescribed drugs by a psychiatrist. It is extremely important that patients be psychologically
stable prior to cosmetic surgery. They must be able to tolerate complications following surgery.
Any complications can be displeasing, particularly those that severely impair health.
Complications that alter appearance can start a tailspin of depression. For that reason, it is
important that anyone who considers in getting plastic surgery to be evaluated and to receive
unconditional clearance under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist. Uncontrolled depression
can lead to suicide after surgery. For example, the risk of death from suicide is threefold higher
in women who have breast augmentations
Those are the complications and risks that come with cosmetic surgeries teenagers need
to consider. It is not a one-swipe procedure; it needs constant fixing and needs to be given
constant attention. Sometimes, teenagers are not yet ready for this lifetime commitment and
attentiveness. Cosmetic surgery is not to be taken lightly. A lot needs to be considered before the
choice of undergoing surgery is made. Hence, avoid risks by choosing non-surgical options.
In conclusion, plastic surgery should not be performed on teenagers under the age of 18.
The reasons being are a teenagers mind and body are not yet fully developed, cosmetic surgery
potentially leads to long-term complications, cosmetic surgery is not proven to be boosting the
self-esteem of the patients taking them, and there is a lack of scientific research to relate the
outcome of plastic surgery to teens psychological well-being. With that being said, it is fair
enough to say that the negative impacts of plastic surgery outweigh its benefits. Society needs to
take a full concern on this affair and should not take this matter lightly. Teenagers need to
comprehend that plastic surgery should not be preferred, as it will not solve the problems of their
self-esteem or psychological being and those looks will only get them so far in life.
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