Rafa Dhain

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Rafa-Yadain in Namaz-- Raising the Hands in Salat.

Why do some people don't agree to the Saheeh


This is regarding the sahih mutawaatir hadith of raising of the hands before and after the bowing in the
Salaat. This has been authentically reported in Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Sunan Abu Dawud.
My question is, why do the Hanafis not accept this hadith? What's their reasoning for not acting upon
this sahih hadith?
A related question is, was this Hadith not available to Abu Haneefah (rahimahullah) at his time? What
could be the reasons for this?

Praise be to Allaah.
The hadeeth to which the questioner refers was narrated by al-Bukhaari (735) and Muslim (390) from
Abd-Allaah ibn Umar (may Allaah be pleased with them both), who said that the Messenger of Allaah
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to raise his hands to shoulder level when he started to
pray, when he said Allaahu akbar before bowing in rukoo, and when he raised his head from rukoo.
The majority of scholars followed this hadeeth and said that it is mustahabb for the worshipper to raise
his hands at the points mentioned in the hadeeth.
Imaam al-Bukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him) wrote a separate book on this issue which he called
Juz fi Raf al-Yadayn (Section on Raising the Hands), in which he proved that the hands should be raised
at these two points on the prayer, and he strongly denounced those who go against that. He narrated
that al-Hasan said: The Companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) used to raise their hands during prayer when they bowed and when they stood up (from bowing).
Al-Bukhaari said, Al-Hasan did not exclude any of the Sahaabah from that, and it was not proven that
any one among the Sahaabah did not raise his hands.
See al-Majmoo by al-Nawawi, 3/399-406.
We do not know whether the ahaadeeth about raising the hands reached Abu Haneefah (may Allaah
have mercy on him) or not, but they did reach his followers. But they did not follow them because they
had other ahaadeeth and reports which said that the hands should not be raised except when saying
Allaahu akbar at the beginning of the prayer.
These ahaadeeth include the following:
The hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood (749) from al-Baraa ibn Aazib, which says that the Messenger of
Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to raise his hands almost to his ears when he
started to pray, then he did not repeat (this action).
The hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood (748) from Abd-Allaah ibn Masood (may Allaah be pleased with
him) who said: Shall I not lead you in prayer as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) did? Then he prayed and he only raised his hands once.

See Nasb al-Raayah by al-Zaylai, 1/393-407.

But these ahaadeeth were classed as daeef (weak) by the imams of hadeeth.
The hadeeth of al-Baraa was classed as daeef by Sufyaan ibn Uyaynah, al-Shaafai, al-Humaydi the
shaykh of al-Bukhaari, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Yahya ibn Maeen, al-Daarimi, al-Bukhaari, and others.
The hadeeth of Ibn Masood was classed as daeef by Abd-Allaah ibn al-Mubaarak, Ahmad ibn Hanbal,
al-Bukhaari, al-Bayhaqi, al-Daaraqutni and others. Similarly, the reports which were narrated from some
of the Sahaabah about not raising the hands are all daeef. We have quoted above the words of alBukhaari (may Allaah have mercy on him): it was not proven that any one among the Sahaabah did
not raise his hands.
See Talkhees al-Habeer by al-Haafiz ibn Hajar, 1/221-223.
Once it is proven that these ahaadeeth and reports which say that the hands should not be raised are
weak, then the ahaadeeth which say that the hands should be raised remain strong with no opposing
reports. Hence the believer should not fail to raise his hands at the points in prayer described in the
Sunnah. He should strive to make his prayer like the prayer of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) who said, Pray as you have seen me praying. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 631). Hence Ali
ibn al-Madeeni, the shaykh of al-Bukhaari, said: It is the duty of the Muslims to raise their hands when
they bow in rukoo and when they stand up from rukoo. Al-Bukhaari said: Ali was the most
knowledgeable of the people of his time.
Once the Sunnah has been explained clearly, no one has the right to ignore it, following whoever among
the scholars said that. Imaam al-Shaafai (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: The scholars are agreed
that if the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) becomes clear to a
person, it is not permissible for him to ignore it in favour of the opinion of anyone.
Madaarij al-Saalikeen, 2/335.
If a man is following Abu Haneefah or Maalik or al-Shaafai or Ahmad, and he sees that the view of
another madhhab concerning a given matter is stronger, and he follows that, then he has done well, and
that does not detract from his religious commitment or good character. There is no scholarly dispute on
this point. Rather this is more in accordance with the truth and is more beloved by Allaah and His
(Said by Shaykh al-Islam may Allaah have mercy on him in al-Fataawa, 22/247).
The scholars who said that the hands should not be raised based on their own ijtihaad are to be
excused, for they will be rewarded for their ijtihaad and their seeking the truth, as the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: If a judge passes judgement based on his own ijtihaad and he
is correct, he will have two rewards; if he passes judgement based on his own ijtihaad and he makes a
mistake, he will have one reward. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 7352; Muslim, 1716). See Raf al-Malaam
an al-Aimmah al-Alaam by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah.
There is a fourth place where it is mustahabb to raise the hands during prayer; that is when standing up
after the first Tashahhud for the third rakah. See question no. 3267.

May Allaah help us all to know the truth and follow it.
And Allaah knows best. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad.



1. From Abu Bakar as-Siddique ra

2. From Umar bin al Khattab ra
3.From Ali bin abi Talib ra
4. From Malik bin Huwerath
5. From Abu Humayd Al-Saa'idi and 10 Companions of Prophet peace be upon him
6. From Abdullah bin Umar
Hadeeth no: 1 from Salim
Hadeeth no: 2 from Nafi
Hadeeth no: 3 [Abdullah bin Umar used to hit stones who did not raise his hands]
Hadeeth no. 4) Narration of Mujahid from Ibn Umar
7. From Abu Huraira
8. From Anas bin Malik
9. From Abu Moosa Al-Asharee
10. From Wail bin Hujr
11. From Ibne Abbas
12. From Jabir bin Abdullah
13. From Umme Darda

All the Sahaba used to do Rafa yadain

1. From Saeed bin Jubair, Great Tabiyee
2. From Hasan Basree (Tabiyee)
3. From Imam Bukhari

Debate of Abdullah bin Mubarak and Imam Abu Haneefa on Rafa yadain
Related Links
a) Magnificent analysis on the issue of Raising hands in prayer by Shaykh Abdul Rahman
Mubarakpoori (Author of Tohfa tul Hawdhee Commentary of Sunan at-Tirmidhee) a must
b) Hadith of Ibne Masood is weak (where he raised his hands only once)
d) Reply to Ibraheem Nakh'aee Rahimullah who said Wail bin Hujr saw one time and Ibne

Ahadeeth and Athaar of Sahaba

1. From Abu Bakar as-Siddique ra


Abu Ismaeel Muhammad bin Ismaeel as-Sulamee said I prayed behind Abu Noman
Muhammad bin Fadal and he Raised his hands in the begenning of prayer,Rukoo and
when raising head from Rukoo, He (Abu Ismaeel) asked question regarding (this act of
rafa yadain), he(Muhammad bin fadal) said I prayed behind Hammad bin Zaid, he was

rasing hands in the begenning of prayer, in rukoo and after rukoo: he (Muhammad) asked
same question from him, he (Hammad) said I prayed behind Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani he was
raising his hands in start of prayer, in rukoo and after rukoo, (Hammad) asked question
(regarding this practice) he said I saw Ata bin Abi Ribah he was raising hands in rukoo
and after rukoo, He (Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani) asked question (regarding this practice) Ata
bin abi ribah said i prayed behind Abdullah bin Zubair(Sahabi) he used to do rafa yadain
in start of prayer, ruku and after rukoo, I asked him, he said I prayed behind Abu Bakar
and he was doing rafa yadain in start of salah ruko and after rukoo, and Abu bakar said i
prayed behind Muhammad Rasool Allah peace be upon him he was doing rafa yadain in
start of prayer in rukoo and after rukoo
[Sunan al Kubra 2/73 hadeeth no: 2349 Behaqi said after quoting Narrators
are trustworthy, Dahabee said narrators are trustworthy in Al Mudhab ikhtisaar sunan al
kabeer 2/49 hadeeth no:1943 and Ibne Hajar asqalani said Authenticated by
Behaiqi.(then he quoted hadeeth and said)narrators are trustworthy Talkhees al Hubeer
no: 328]
Comment: This is a beautiful hadeeth and proof for raising hands, and see the love of
Sahaba, Tabiyeen, Itteba tabiyeen and later scholars who just heard the hadeeth and
practiced Rafa yadain in their Prayers, May Allah bless them ameen.
Note:There is a weak hadeeth which says
Sayyiduna Abdullah bin masud says, I prayed behind the prophet, abu bakr, and umar
and they did not raise their hands except when beginning salah. {abu yalaa 5039,
daruqutni 112}
Reply is that One of the The narrator is weak Muhammad bin Jabir, his full name is
Muhammad bin Jabir Bin Siyyaar
bin Tariq al Hanafee al Yamami Abu Abdullah see Taqreeb at Tahzeeb
This weak narrator Muhammad bin Jabir bin siyaar al yamami said "Abu Hanifa stole
Hammad's books from me."[Al Jirha wa tadeel 8/450 no: 2062]

2. From Umar bin al Khattab ra

Abdullah bin Qasim(freed slave of Abu Bakar, Imam al Mizzi said he had seen Omar
tehzeeb al kamal vol 10 page 21) said


People were praying at the Mosque of Prophet of Allah peace be upon him, Omar bin al
Khattab may Allah be pleased with him came and said, O people turn your faces towards
me, Let me show you prayer of Prophet peace be upon him, the prayer he (peace be
upon him) practiced and ordered. Then he (Omar) faced Kabah and raised his hands up
to his shoulders and uttered takbeer..then he raised his hands up to his shoulders and
uttered takbeer and did rukoo and he did same when he raised his head from rukoo...
After prayer he said O people this is the prayer of Prophet peace be upon him
[Baihaaqee in Khilafiyaat, Nasb ur-Raayah of Az-Zaila'ee Hanafee (1/416).Nafkh ushShuzee Commentary of sunan at tirmidhee of Ibn Sayyid An Naas (1 /217-218) who said
all the narrators in this chain are reliable and acceptable, Musnad al Farooq of Ibne
Katheer vol 1 page 165]
Note: Hafiz Ibn al Qattan said Suleman Khurasani (the narrator of this hadeeth is
Reply no: 1
a) Hafiz Ibne Hibban mentioned him in trustworthy narrators (Kitab at Thiqqat)
HE IS TRUSTWORTHY, Hewah bin Shareeh, Saeed bin abi Ayyub, Ibne Lahiya and
Jama'at Narrated from him.. Ibne Hibban said he is trustworthy[Al Kashif by Dahabee Vol
3 page 321]
c) Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said: Saying of Ibn al Qattan is rejected [Noor ul Ainain Page
no: 200]
Reply no: 2
a) Imam Bukhari said
It is narrated from Omar bin khattab from Prophet peace be upon him, Jabir bin
abdullah from Prophet peace be upon him, Abu Huraira from Prophet peace be upon him,
Abdullah bin umair from his father from Prophet peace be upon him,Ibn e abbas from
Prophet peace be upon him,Abu Moosa from Prophet peace be upon him that they
said verily: Prophet peace be upon him raised his hands in ruku and after
ruku. (Bukhari said) the one who is sensible
it is enough for him, what we recorded.[JUZZ ul rafayadain raqam 27]
Note: There is another athar of Umar ra which states
It is narrated by Al-Aswad (rah) who said: I prayed with Umar (ra) and he did not raise his
hands anywhere in Salat except for when beginning it. Abdul Malik (rah) said: I saw

Sh'abi, Ibrahim, Abu Ishaq that they did not rasie their hands anywhere in Salaat except
[Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, Volume No.1, Page No. 268]

It is narrated from Umar he from Prophet peace be upon him with many chains that he
raised his hands.
b) Imam Hakim said in reply to the hadeeth
al-Aswad who said, I saw Umar bin al-Khattab raise his hands in the first takbir then he
did not repeat that.
This is shadh (irregular/Odd), and therefore proof cannot be established using it and that
it cannot be used to oppose the authentic narration from Tawus bin Kaysan; from ibn
Umar; that Umar used to raise his hands at ruku and when rising from it. [Al Badar al
Maneer 3/501]Ibn Hajar said: Narrated by Darqutni in Gharaib Malik, and Behaqi,
Imam al Hakim said this is 'Mahfooz' i.e. proven.[Talkhees al-Habbeer vol 1 page 396
no: 329]
Note: Hadeeth of al-Aswad from Umar where he raised his hand only once
mentioned above is not proven
a) Imam Ibne Jawzi
said This Athar is not proven [Al Badar al Muneer 3/501, at-Tehqeeq fe Ikhtilaf al hadeeth
Vol 1 page 1282 with al tanqeeh]
b) Abu Zur`a al Razi also did kalam on this hadeeth [Ilal al Hadeeth vol 1 page 95]
Comment: Umar bin al Khattab taught tabiyeen to raise hands in start of the prayer rukoo,
after rukoo of the prayer in the mosque of Prophet peace be upon him(Masjid al Nabvi)
and the hadeeth where he raised hands only once is weak as said by Imam Hakim, Ibne

3. From Ali bin abi Talib ra

864 - .

: -
. . .

It was narrated from Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that when the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood up to offer an
obligatory prayer, he would say takbeer and raise his hands up to his shoulders, and he
would do that when he had finished his recitation and wanted to bow, and he would do it
when he rose from bowing, but he did not raise his hands at any point during his prayer
when he was sitting, but when he stood up after Sajdatain (two prostrations/two Rakah)
he would raise his hands likewise and say takbeer.[Ibne Majah hadeeth no: 864 chapter
raising hands in rukoo and after rukoo]
Note: 1: Some people do jarha on Abdul Rahman bin abi Zinad (narrator of this hadeeth,
let me provide tadeel mufassir on Jarha Mubham
[This hadeeth is Authenticated by Ibne Khuzaimah in his saheeh no: 584, Muhaqqiq of
Ibne Khuzaimah Shaykh Mustafa Azami said chain is hasan, Tirmidhee said this hadeeth
is hasan saheeh...I heard from Abu Ismaeel Tirmidhee: he said I heard from Suleman bin
Dawood al-Hashmi mentioned this hadeeth and said this hadeeth is like the hadeeth of
Zuhri from salim from his father (famous hadeeth of Ibne umar doing rafa yadain) Abdul
Rahman Mubarakpuri said: meaning this hadeeth is in authentic ahadeeth chain of
narrators are strongest.(see Tohfatul Hawdhi Sharah Tirmidhee hadeeth no:3423),
Muhaqqiq of Ibne Majah shaykh Zubair Ali zai said chain is hasan and authenticated by
Tirmidhee,Ahmad, Ibne Khuzaimah and Ibne Hibban see Ibne Majah hadeeth no: 864
chapter raising hands in rukoo and after rukoo (end), Shaykh Al Albani said
Hasan, Shaykh Shoaib Aranoot said in Taleeq Musnad Ahmad Vol 2 Page 123 Hadeeth
no: 717 Chain is Hasan Then he quoted Khallal mentioned in Ilal From Ismaeel bin
Ishaq Thaqfi that Imam Ahmad was asked about this hadeeth he said Authentic see Nasb
al Raya 1/412,Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said Chain is Sahih see Musnad Ahmad Vol 1
Page 479 hadith 717]
Comment:These muhadditheen authenticated this hadeeth and they knew the ahadeeth
more then these people. Let me provide tadeel Mufassir on Abdul Rahman bin abi Zinad

His hadeeth in Madinah was Muqarib and when he narrates in Iraq then he is Mudhtarib

When he narrates hadeein in Madinah he is authentic and when he narrates in Baghdad
then this is fasaad of baghdadis [Seyar al Ailam al Nubala by Imam Dahabee,
Source: http://www.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?idfrom=1305&idto=1305&bk_no=60&ID=
1206 ]




I have seen narrations of Suleman bin dawud al Hashmi through his rout, I found them
Muqarib[Tareekh Baghdad 10/ 229 no: 359]
Comment: This narration of Suleman bin Dawud is through the rout of Abdul Rahman
bin abi Zinad and muqarib is in the category of authentic ahadeeth.


I say Nisai and others took evidence from him and his hadeeth is the type of hasan



I say he is Hasan in hadeeth and some took him as evidence [Seyar al Ailam al Nubala,
Source: http://www.islamweb.net/newlibrary/display_book.php?bk_no=60&ID=&idfrom=1205&idto=1447
&bookid=60&startno=100 ]

Truthful, his memory becomes forgetful when he went to baghdad and he was faqeeh[atTaqreeb]
Comment: This hadeeth is not from the people of Baghdad


Al Madnee Molaa quraish Truthful, he became forgetful when he visited baghdad and he
was faqeeh of seventh category as mentioned in in at-Taqreeb and He said in Khulasah:
Ibne Maieen said: If he narrates in madeenah he is authentic and it is mentioned in notes
of Khulasah, mentioned from at-Tahdeeb. When he narrated in baghdad and Iraq he
Note 2: Here some people say that he Peace be upon him raised his hands after doing
two prostrations while sitting, this is wrong
a) Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
What is meant by the two prostrations is undoubtedly two rakahs, as it says in the reports
of the others. This was stated by the scholars, both muhadditheen and fuqaha, except
for al-Khattaabi, who thought that what was meant was the two well known prostrations,
then he was confused about the hadeeth and said: I do not know of any of the fuqaha

who said that. It is as if he did not study its isnaads; if he had studied them, he would
have understood it as referring to two rakahs as the imams did.[Al-Majmoo (3/447).]
b) Shoaib Aranoot said: Meaning of Sajdatain (Prostration)..is Rakataan (Two Rakah)
see Nasb al Raya 1/412 [Notes of Musnad Ahmad Vol 2 Page 123 Hadeeth no: 717]
Weak hadeeth from Ali Ra on Rasing hands as follows:
Asim narrates from his father who narrates from Ali (ra) that he used to raise his hands
only in the initial takbir and did not (raise) afterwards [Imam Baihaqi in Sunnan al-Kubra,
Volume No. 2, Page No. 80, Published by Maktaba Dar al Baaz, Saudi Arabia]
Imam Baihaqi himself rejected this athar. This is what he quoted

This rout is(Wahee) weak from Ali, It is narrated from Abdul Rahman bin Harmaz al-Araj
from Obaidullah bin abi Rafi from Ali he said: I saw Prophet peace be upon him raised his
hands in rukoo and after that , he did same when he raised his head from rukoo.... (Sunan
Kubra Al Behaqi 2/80 )
2. Baihaqi Continues, he said Zafrani said that Imam Shafiee said

This is not proven from Ali and Ibne Masood....Imam Shafee May Allah be pleased with
him said Narration of Asim bin Kulaib from his father from Ali. This is narrated
from (same) Asim bin Kulaib from his Father from Wail bin Hujr that Prophet peace be
upon him raised his hands, same is narrated from Ibne Umar.... ( Sunan Al Kubra Al
Behaqi 2/81 )
Comment: How beautifully Imam Shafee is replying to the fact that how can we take this
hadeeth for an evidence when. Asim bin Kulaib narrated from his father and he from wail
bin hujr that Prophet peace be upon him raise his hands in prayer, then Imam Shafee

said same Asim bin kulaib narrated practice of raising hands from Prophet peace be upon
him with the rout of Ibne Umar.(Note that lone narrations of Asim bin Kulaib are not
evidence as said by teacher of Bukhari (Ali bin Madeeni)
) .
These are the narrations with the rout Asim bin Kulaib where raising hands in rukoo is
mentioned (as said by Imam Ash-Shafiee)
a) With the rout of Asim bin Kulaib from his father from Wail bin Hujr
Bukhari said: Muslim bin Ibraheem narrated to us; Shobah narrated ho him; Asim bin
Kulaib narrated to him from his father and he from Wail bin Hujr Al Hazramee that he
prayed with Prophet peace be upon him . When he said Takbeer he raised his hands and
when he intended to make do rukoo he raised his hands
[Juzz al Rafa yadain hadeeth no: 27 Muhaqqiq of Juzz Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said The
chain is authentic, Authenticated by Imam Ibne Khuzaimah in his Saheeh hadeeth no:
697 and 698, Muhaqqiq of Ibne Khuzaima Mustafa Azami said Chain is authentic]
b) With the rout of Asim bin Kulaib from Muharib bin Dethaar from Ibne Umar
Bukhari said: Narrated to us Ishaq bin Ibraheem al Hanzalee; Muhammad bin Fazeel
narrated to fim from Asim bin Kulaib from Muharib bin Dethaar; He said I saw Ibne Umar
Rasing hands before rukoo, I talked with him regarding this, he said: Prophet peace be
upon him raised his hands after two rakah (when rising for third Rakah)
[Juzz al Rafa yadain hadeeth no: 26, Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said: The chain is authentic,
the narration from Muharib bin dethaar has also the words of raising hands after rukoo
see hadeeth no: 48]
See more criticism on the hadeeth of Ali ra by Imam Bukhari in his Juzz hadeeth no:
11,Sufiyan Thawri rejected this athar [Juzz rafa yadain hadeeth no: 11] Imam
Ahmad rejected this narration from Ali in [Masail e Ahmad Vol Page 343], Ibne
Malaqqan said weak, it can not be taken as evidence [Al Badar al Maneer 3/499]
Shaykh Zubair Ali zai said after saying this is weak "Later people saying this is hasan
or authentic is not correct because It is clear that Muhadditheen knew weakness and
authentications of their ahadeeth (with their chains) more then other people"[In the notes
of Juzz Rafa yadain Bukhari hadeeth no: 11]
Shaykh Muhammad 'Abdur-Rahmn bin Abdur-Rahm al-Mubrakpr said:
I say: Al-Asim bin Kulayb is alone in reporting this narration. Adh-Dhahabi said in alMizan, he was from the servants and Awliya, but he was a Murji, Yahya bin Main and
others declared him trustworthy. Ibn al-Madini said, he is not relied upon in what he is
alone in reporting

If we were to accept that this narration is authentic, then it does not constitute evidence
to support abrogation [of raising hands at ruku] as at-Tahawi and others think. The author
of at-Taliq al-Mumjad (i.e. al-Luknawi) from the Hanafi scholars said, at-Tahawi
mentioned after this narration from Ali: Ali did not see the Prophet (SAW) raise his
hands and then leave acting on it except that its abrogation was established with
him. This claim is problematic, for it is possible that the leaving of Ali, and likewise ibn
Masud and other Companions, if it is established from them, is because they did not see
this action to be a stressed Sunnah, necessitating acting by it. Indeed it is not safe to
abrogate an established command of the Prophet (SAW) purely based on good opinion
of a Companion when the possibility of reconciling the action of the Messenger (SAW)
with the action of the Companion exists.[Tuhfatu-l-Ahwadh bi Sharh Jmi at-Tirmidh
2/98 Translated by Abu Rumaysah]
Comment: So here we have six classical muhadditheen criticising this narration of Ali
and accepting the hadeeth where Ali raised his hands in rukoo and after rukoo.

4. From Malik bin Huwerath

Imam Ibn Khuzaimah may Allaah have mercy on him (223h -311h) proved from the
hadeeth of Malik that it is Order of Prophet peace be upon him to raise hands in rukoo
and after rukoo, he made whole chapter in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah
Chapter: The evidence that the Prophet peace be upon him commanded to Raise
hands when intending to go for rukoo and when getting up from it
Hadeeth no 575: Narrated Abu Qilaba:
I saw Malik bin Huwairith saying Takbir and raising both his hands (on starting the prayers
and raising his hands on bowing and also on raising his head after bowing. Malik bin
Huwairith said, "Allah's Apostle did the same."
Hadeeth no: 576: Narrated Malik bin Huwairth: We came to the Prophet and we were (a
few) young men of approximately equal age and stayed with him for twenty nights. Then
he thought that we were anxious for our families, and he asked us whom we had left
behind to look after our families, and we told him. He was kindhearted and merciful, so
he said, "Return to your families and teach them (religious knowledge) and order them
(to do good deeds) and offer your prayers in the way you saw me offering my prayers,
and when the stated time for the prayer becomes due, then one of you should pronounce
its call (i.e. the Adhan), and the eldest of you should lead you in prayer
Abu Bakar (Imam Ibne Khuzaimah) said that The Prophet peace be upon him
commanded Malik bin Huwerath and Young people who were with him to pray as they
saw Prophet peace be upon him to pray, And Malik bin Huwerth knew that Prophet peace
be upon him raised his hands when he said takbeer to pray and when he did rukoo and

when he raised his head from rukoo, This indicates that the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) enjoined raising the hands when the worshipper wants to bow,
and when he raises his head from bowing. Every phrase that has been narrated
concerning this shows that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
raised his hands when he bowed. This is like the verse in which Allaah says (interpretation
of the meaning): "O you who believe! When you intend [lit. get up] to offer As-Salaah (the
prayer), wash your faces ..." [al-Maa'idah 5:6]. Allaah enjoined washing the parts of the
body that are washed in wudoo' when a person intends to pray, not after he starts to do
it. What is meant by the phrase "When you intend [lit. get up] to offer As-Salaah" is when
you intend to do it. The same is meant by the phrase "he would raise his hands when he
bowed" i.e., when he wanted to bow, as in the report of 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib and Ibn 'Umar,
who said: "When he wanted to bow."[Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah (1/296)]

5. From Abu Humayd Al-Saa`idi and 10 Companions of Prophet

peace be upon him
It was narrated from Muhammad ibn Amr ibn Ata that Abu Humayd al-Saaidi said: I
heard him when he was among ten of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him), one of whom was Abu Qataadah ibn Ribi, saying,
I am the most knowledgeable of you about the prayer of the Messenger of Allaah (S).
They said: You are not among the senior of us in terms of companionship and you are
not among those who met him often. He said: Yes I was. They said: Then tell us. He said:
When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stood up to
pray, he stood up straight and raised his hands until they were in line with his shoulders.
When he wanted to bow in rukoo, he raised his hands until they were in line with his
shoulders, then he said Allaahu akbar and bowed, and he made his backbone straight,
neither raising his head nor lowering it, and he put his hands on his knees. Then he said
Samia Allaahu liman hamidah (Allaah hears those who praise Him), and raised his
hands and stood up straight until every bone went back to its place. Then he went down
in prostration, then he said Allaahu akbar and held his upper arms away from his body
and spread out his toes. Then he would tuck his foot under his body and sit on it. Then
he sat upright until every bone has returned to its place. Then he went down in prostration.
Then he said Allaahu akbar and tucked his foot under his body and sat on it. Then he sat
upright until every bone has returned to its place. Then he got up, then he did likewise in
the second rakah , and when he stood up after two rakahs, he said takbeer and raised
his hands until they were in line with his shoulders, as he did when he started the prayer,
then he did likewise until, in the rakah with which he ended his prayer, he pushed back
his right foot and sat on his left buttock mutawarrikan (with the left upper thigh on the
ground and both feet protruding from one (i.e., the right) side), then he said the salaam.
They(i.e 10 Sahaba) said you are truthful, It was the Prayer of Prophet peace be upon
Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (304), Abu Dawood (730), al-Nasaa'i (1181) and Ibn Majaah
(862),Ibne Khuzaimah in his Saheeh hadeeth no: 587,588. Juzz al Rafa yadain Imam

Bukhari hadeeth no: 3, Muhaqqiq of Juzz al Rafa yadain said: This hadeeth is Authentic,
Authenticated by Ibne Khuzaimah,Ibne Hibban, Ibn al Jarud, Tirmidhee, and Ibne
Tamiyah(end quote), al-Nawawi authenticated in al-Majmoo' (3/447)

I heard (My teacher) Muhammad bin Yahya saying:: 'One who after hearing this
narration does not raise his hands whilst going into rukoo and raising from it then,
his prayer is deficient'. [Saheeh Ibne Khuzaimah under the hadeeth no: 589 Vol 1 Page
This hadeeth of Abu Humayd is asaheeh hadeeth that accepted (by the scholars) and
has no faults. Some people regarded it as having faults but Allaah and the scholars of
hadeeth showed it to be free of such faults. We will mention the faults they ascribed to it,
then we will explain what is wrong with their thinking [Haashiyat Ibn al-Qayyim
'alaTahdheeb Sunan Abi Dawood (2/295)].

6. From Abdullah bin Umar

Hadeeth no: 1 from Salim) Narrated Salim bin 'Abdullah: My father said, "Allah's Apostle
used to raise both his hands up to the level of his shoulders when opening the prayer;
and on saying the Takbir for bowing. And on raising his head from bowing he used to do
the same and then say "Sami a-l-lahu Liman hamida, Rabbana walaka-l-hamd." And he
did not do that (i.e. raising his hands) in prostrations. (Bukhari Book #12, Hadith #702)
a) Tirmidhee said After quoting this hadeeth

[ : 37 ]

The ahdth pertaining to this topic are related from 'Umar, 'Al, Wa'il bin Hujr, Mlik bin
Huwayrith, Anas, Ab Hurayrah, Ab Hmid, Ab Usayd, Sahl bin Sa'd, Muhammad bin
Muslimah, Ab Qatdah, Ab Ms al-Ash'ar, Jbir and 'Umair al-Layth.
Ab 'Is said: the hadth of ibn 'Umar is hasan sahh and some of the People of
Knowledge from the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) held this view [stated in the
hadth]. From amongst them were: ibn 'Umar, Jbir bin 'Abdullh, Ab Hurayrah, Anas,
ibn 'Abbs, 'Abdullh bin Zubair and others. From amongst the Tbi'n were: Hasan alBasr, 'At, Tws, Mujhid, Nfi', Slim bin 'Abdullh, Sa'd bin Jubair and others.
And of this opinion were Mlik, Ma'mar, Awz', ibn 'Uyaynah, 'Abdullh bin Mubrak,
ash-Shfi', Ahmad and Is'hq.
'Abdullh bin Mubrak said, "the hadth of the one who raises his hands is established,"
and he mentioned the hadth of Slim from his father [i.e. no. 255 & 256], "and the hadth
of ibn Mas'd is not established,'That the Prophet (SAW) did not raise his hands except
the first time' This has been reported to us from Ahmad bin 'Abdah al-Amul; Wahb bin
Zam'ah narrated to us; from Sufyn bin 'Abdi-l-Malik; from 'Abdullh bin al-Mubrak.
Yahy bin Ms narrated to us; Ism'l bin Ab Awais narrated to us that Mlik bin Anas
was of the opinion that one raises the hands in prayer.
Yahy said; 'Abdur-Razzq narrated to us that Ma'mar was of the opinion that one raises
the hands in prayer.
I heard al-Jrd bin Mu'dh saying that Sufyn bin 'Uyaynah, 'Umar bin Hrn and anNadr bin Shumayl used to raise their hands when they commenced the prayer, when they
went into ruku' and when they rose their heads [from it].. (end quote from Sunan atTirmidhee Translated by Abu Rumaysah)
b) Imam Bukhari said after quoting hadeeth of Ibn Umar with the rout of Salim

Ali bin Abdullah bin (Madeeni) who was the most knowledgeable of the people of his
time.said after hearing the hadeeth of Zuhri (from) Salim (from) his Father (Ibne Umar),
It is the duty of the Muslims to raise their hands [Juzz al Rafa yadain no: 2]
Hadeeth no: 2 from Nafi) Narrated Nafi': Whenever Ibn 'Umar started the prayer with
Takbir, he used to raise his hands: whenever he bowed, he used to raise his hands
(before bowing) and also used to raise his hands on saying, "Sami a-l-lahu Liman
hamida", and he used to do the same on rising from the second Rak'a (for the 3rd Rak'a).
Ibn 'Umar said: "The Prophet used to do the same." [Bukhari Book #12, Hadith #706, Juzz
al Rafa yadain no: 40]

a) Imam Bukhari said after quoting the rout from Nafi

The scholars I have see from Hijaz and Iraq in them are: Abdullah bin Zubair (al humedi),
Ali bin Abdullah bin Jafar (Al madeeni), Yahya bin Maieen, Ahmad bin Humble and Ishaq
bin Rahwee. These were great scholars of their era. Not even single scholar had hadeeth
of not raising hands from Prophet peace be upon him nor from Companions of Prophet
peace be upon him [Juzz al Rafayadain after hadeeth no: 40]
Abdullah bin Umar used to hit stones
Hadeeth no: 3) Nafi said Abdullah bin Umar used to hit small stones to those who were
not practicing rafayadain in ruku and after ruku[Juzz Rafayadain al Bukhari no:15, Imam
an-Nawawi said chain is authentic Majmoo Sharah Mudhab 3/405]
Ibn al-Qayyim said: "Look at the practice at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him), and the Sahaabah after him. They used to raise their hands in
prayer when doing rukoo', and when standing up again. And in the time of the Sahaabah,
if 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Umar saw someone not raising his hands in prayer, he would throw a
stone at him. [I'laam al-Muwaqqi'een, 2/376].
These tabiyeen Narrated practice of Raising hands from Abdullah bin Umar
2. Muharib bin Desaar [Musnad abi Y`ala 2/246, Juzz al Rafayadain Bukhari no: 48]
5. Abu al Zubair [Masail e Imam Ahmad Riwayat Abdullah bin Ahmad Vol 1 page 244].









Abu Bakr bin Ayash narrated from Husayn from Mujahid That He (Mujahid) said:
I prayed behind Ibn Umar ra He used to raise his hands in first Takbeer [Ma`ani al Athaar


The hadeeth of Abu Bakr from Husayn is his mistake, There is no base of this [Juzz al
Rafa Yadayn 16, Tohfa tul Hawdi under the hadeeth no. 257]

Narrated by Abu Bakr bin Ayash from Husayn from Mujahid from Ibn Umar. This is Batil.

Ibn Umar ra narrated against this from Prophet peace be upon him[Masael Ahmad of Ibn
Hani 1/50]








d) Imam Bukhari did kalam on this narration in Juzz al Rafa Yadayn, see Tohfa tul Hawdi
under the hadeeth 257]

7. From Abu Huraira


Narrated AbuHurayrah: When the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) uttered the
takbir (Allah is most great) for prayer (in the beginning), he raised his hands opposite to
his shoulders; and when he(intended to) bow, he did like that; and when he raised his
head(from rukoo and intended) to prostrate, he did like that; and when he got up at the
end of two rak'ahs, he did like that.
[Authenticated by Ibne Khuzaimah in his Saheeh hadeeth no: 694,695, Muhaqqiq of Ibne
Khuzaimah Mustafa Azami said chain is authentic, Hafiz Ibne Hajar Asqalani said
Narrators are the narrators of saheeh Talkhees al Hubeer vol 1 page 396 no: 329, Shaykh
Zubair Ali Zai said: This narratiion is Hasan by combining all its routs Noor ul Ainain page:
Ata bin abi Ribah said
I prayed with Abu Huraira he raised his hand and uttered takbeer, and he raised hands
when (he intended) to do rukoo[Juzz Rafayadain Imam Bukhari no: 22].

8. From Anas bin Malik

Asim Al-Ahool said i saw Anas bin Malik may Allah be please with him he raised his hands
in the beginning of prayer and uttered takbeer, he raised his hands (when he intended to
do) rukoo, and when he raised his head from rukoo [Juzz al Rafa yadain no: 20 and 65].

9. From Abu Moosa Al-Asharee

- -

Abu Moosa Ash`aree said let me show you the prayer of Prophet peace be upon him,
then he said takbeer and raised his hands, then he uttered takbeer for rukoo and raised
his hands, then he said "Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah" and again he raised his hands,
Thus do like this and do not raise hands in prostrations. [Sunan ad-Darqutni 1111]
There is another moquf narration (own practice) of Abu Moosa Asharee where he raised
his hands in rukoo and after rukoo [Masail e Imam Ahmad bin Hamble with the narration
of Saleh bin Ahmad bin Hamble page 174, Al Awsat Ibne Muzar Nesaboori 3/138, Shaykh
Zubair Ali Zai said this is authentic from both routs Marfoo and Moquf Noor ul Ainain page
no: 119] .

10. From Wail bin Hujr

Wa'il b. Hujr reported: He saw the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) raising his
hands at the time of beginning the prayer and reciting takbir, and according to Hammam
(the narrator), the hands were lifted opposite to ears. He (the Holy Prophet) then wrapped
his hands in his cloth and placed his right hand over his left hand. And when he was about
to bow down, he brought out his hands from the cloth, and then lifted them, and then
recited takbir and bowed down, and when (he came back to the erect position) he recited:"
Allah listened to him who praised Him." And when prostrates. he prostrated between the
two palms. (Sahih Muslim Book #004, Hadith #0792)
Imam Bukhari narrated, Wail bin Hujr said Prophet peace be upon him raised his hands
while doing rukoo and while raising his head from rukoo[Juzz Rafa yadain Bukhari no: 23]
Imam Bukhari said in his Juzz in reply of the saying of Ibraheem who said maybe

He is Wail who narrated in his hadeeth that he saw one after another Prophet peace be
upon him and his Companions raising their hands [Juzz Rafayadain no: 71]
Note: Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said the saying of Ibraheem an-Nakhaee is not proven
Note 2:Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai mentioned in Noor ul Ainain"Wail bin Hujr visited Prophet
peace be upon him in 9th h [Al Bidaya wal Nihaya vol 5 page 71],
Aini hanafi said: Wail bin Hujr accepted Islam in Madeenah on 9th h[Umda tul Qari Vol 5
Page 274 under the hadeeth no: 735]

It is mentioned in Saheeh Ibn Hibban that he visited Prophet peace be upon him next
year in winter Vol 3 page 169 hadeeth no: 1857 [meaning he visited him in 10th h again]
and he saw Raising hands this year again [Sunan Abi Dawud no: 727] (end quote)
Shaykh Tayyb ur Rahman Said: Prophet peace be upon him died in 11th h and there is
no evidence that this(rafa yadain) is abrogated [Namaz e Nabvi page 134].

11. From Ibne Abbas

Abu Hamza Mola Bani Asad (Imran bin Abi Ata Tabiyee) said, I saw Ibne Abbas, He
raised his hands in the beginning of the prayer, and In Rukoo, and when he raised his
head from rukoo
[Musannif Abdul Razzaq 2/269 hadeeth no: 2523,Musannif Ibne Abi Shaibah 1/234
hadeeth no: 2431,Masail e Imam Ahmad ba riwayah Abdullah bin Ahmad hadeeth no:
331 Juzz al Rafa yadain Bukhari hadeeth: 21, Muhaqqiq of Juzz Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai
said: Authentic: Hasheem mentioned his sama and Abu Hamza is Trustworthy according
to Majority of Muhadditheen, he is narrator of sahih Muslim, This chain is hasan see other
routs (of this hadeeth) in Noor ul Ainain page 125 ]
It is authentically proven from Tawoos that
He saw Abdullah bin Umar, Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah bin Zubair raising their
hands in prayer, and he(tawoos) showed that raise your hands in first takbeer more then
other (rukoo and after rukoo) takbeer, Ibne Juraij asked: Is this reached you (from
Sahaba) that raising hands in first takbeer should be more then other takbeer? Tawoos
said no.[Juzz al Rafa yadain hadeeth no: 28]
See other chains and similar text from Ibne Abbas in Juzz Rafa yadain hadeeth no: 56
and 61

12. From Jabir bin Abdullah

Abu al-Zubair said Jabir bin Abdullah Raised his hands in the beginning of the prayer he
did same while doing Rukoo and after Rukoo and said I saw Prophet of Allah peace be

upon him doing same, Ibraheem bin Tahman(the narrator showed) raised his hands up
to his ears
[Imam Behaqi narrated in in Khilafiyaat and said this hadeeth is authentic, Imam Ibne
Majah in Sunan Ibne Majah hadeeth no: 868 Muhaqqiq of Sunan Ibne Majah Shaykh
Zubair Ali Zai said Chain is Hasan Abu al-Zubair quoted his sama in Musnad al-Siraaj
Note: These are words from Musnad Al Siraj

: : .
Abu al-Zubair said I saw Jabir bin Abdullah Raised his hands in the beginning of the
prayer and while doing Rukoo and after raising his head from Rukoo and he has not
raised in between, I(Abu al-Zubair) asked what is this? He(Jabir) said I saw Messenger
of Allah peace be upon him praying[Musnad al-Siraaj hadeeth no: 93]

13. From Umme Darda


I saw Umme Darda, she raised her hands in prayer up to shoulders in start of the prayer,
and when she (indended) to do rukoo and when (Imam) said Same Allahu Liman Hamidah
she raised her hands and said Rabbana Lakal Hamd.[Juzz al Rafa yadain hadeeth no:
Muhaqqiq Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said: The chain is Hasan, This narration is also in
Tareekh al Kabeer 6/78
Note no: 1 "Abdarba is trustworthy according to Ibne Hibban (Kitab at Thiqqaat 7/153)
and Marwan bin Muhammad ad-Damashqee (Tareekh Damishq of Abu Zura adDamashqee
Note no: 2 "The Narration of Ismaeel bin Ayaash from people of Sham is Hasan and
powerful see books of Asma al Rijaal like Tahdeeb at Tahdeeb and others"(end quote)
The wives of some companions of Prophet peace be upon him were more knowledgable
then these people because they were practicing rafa yadain in Prayer[Juzz al Rafa
yadain hadeeth no: 25]

All the Sahaba used to do Rafa yadain

1. From Saeed bin Jubair, Great Tabiyee

2355 -

Saeed bin Jubair (Great Tabiyee) was asked about Rafayadain in prayer, he said this is
decoration of prayer of the person, and the companions of messenger of Allah peace be
upon him raised their hands in beggining of the prayer and while doing rukoo and after
raising heads from rukoo [Sunan Al Kubra Behaqi Vol 2 page 75 hadeeth no: 2355,
Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said Chain is authentic
1. Imam Abu Abdullah Hakim famouse Imam author of al Mustadrak
2. Muhammad bin Saleh bin Hani was Trustworthy [Al Muntazim 4/86]
3. Yaqub bin Yusaf al-Akhram Trustworthy [Tareekh al Islam by Dahabee 21/338]
6. Abdul Malik bin abi Suleman was Trustworthy Imam [Meezan al Aitedaal:2/656].

2. From Hasan Basree (Tabiyee)

Imam Bukhari narrated from Hasan Basree when he was replying to the weak hadeeth of
Ibne Umar where he raised his hands only once, Bukhari said:

Musaddad narrated to us: He said narrated to us Yazeed bin Zaree from Shobah from
Qatadah from Al Hasan he said: Companions of Prophet peace be upon him used to raise
their hands like they are fans in rukoo and when they raised their heads from rukoo[Juzz
al Rafayadain hadeeth no: 29 Authenticated by Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai]

3. From Imam Bukhari

This is comprehensive and beautiful saying of Imam Bukhari
Imam Bukhari said: "It was narrated by seventeen companions that they raise their
hands at the time they intend to make Roko' and after rising up from Roko'. Examples of
Abu Qutada AL-Ansari, Abi Osaid Al-Sa'edi Al-Badri, Muhammad bin Muslama al Badree,

Sahl Bin sa'd Al-Sa'edi, Abdullah bin Umar bin al-Khattab, Abdullah Bin Abbas bin Abdul
Mutlib al-Hashmi, Anas Bin malik the servant of the prophet, Abu Huraira ad-Dawsi ,
Abdullah bin Umar bin Al-A'aas, Abdullah bin Al-Zubair bin Al-Awam Qarshee, Wael Bin
Hajar AL-Hadrami, Malik bin Al-Huwairith, Abu Musa Al-Asha'ari, Abu Hameed Al-sa'edi
AL-Ansari May Allah be pleased with all of them
Hasan (basree tabiyee) and Hameed bin Bilal said, Companions of Prophet peace be
upon him used to do rafa yadain, he (Hasan) did not exclude anyone from the companions
of Prophet peace be upon him. This is not proven according to people of knowledge that
Companions did not raised their hands, Rafa yadain is narrated from many of the Sahaba
like I mentioned, This was narrated, as well, by many scholars from the people of Mecca,
Hijaz, Iraq, Shaam, Basrah, Yemen and some of the scholars of khuarsan like Sa'eed bin
Jubair, A'taa Bin rabah, , Mujahid, Al-Qasim bin Muhammad, Salim bin Abdullah bin
Omar, Umar bin Abdulaziz, Al-Nu'man bin Abi Ayyash, Al-Hassan, Ibn Sereen, tawoos,
Ibn makhool, Abdullah bin Dinar,Nafi, Obaidullah bin Umar Al Hasan bin Muslim, Qais bin
Sad and many other scholars, It is narrated from Umme Darda that she used to do rafa
yadain, Ibn al Mubarak also used to do rafa yadain, Students of Aam students of Ibn al
Mubarak used to do rafa yadain like Ali bin Hasan, Abdullah bin Uthman and Yahya bin
And from muhaddithoon of Bukhara like Esa bin Musa, Kab bin Saeed, Muhammad bin
Salam, Abullah bin Muhammad al Musnadee, There is no dispute in these scholars we
mentioned, Abdullah bin Zubair (al-Humedi), Ali bin Abdullah (Al-Madeeni, Yahya bin
Maieen, Ahmad bin Humble, Ishaq bin Ibraheem (Rahwee)consideret the ahadeeth of
Rafayadain authentic, and these people were among the great scholars of their era and
This(Rafayadain) is also narrated from Abdullah bin Umar bin al-Khattab . [ Juzz al
Rafayadain by imam Al-Bukhari:after the hadeeth of Ali radhiAllah anho hadeeth no: 1]

Debate of Abdullah bin Mubarak and Imam Abu Haneefa on Rafa

Abdullah bin Mubarak said: I was praying next to Noman (Abu Haneefah), I raisied my
Upon this, Abu Haneefah said to him I Don't fear but do you intend to fly off some place?'
Ibn Mubaarak replied: ." I replied to him saying, "if I did not try to fly at the first [raising]
then I was not trying to fly at the second." ' al-Wak' said, 'may Allh have mercy upon ibn
al-Mubrak, he used to have his answers ready.' " other person was astonished"
[This is reported in, juz Raf al-Yadain of Bukhaari hadeeth no: 46,As Sunnah of Abdullah
bin Ahmad bin Hamble no: 518,Tareekh Baghdad vol 13 page 405, Sunan al Kubra
Behaqi vol 2 page 82, Al Muntazim Ibne Jozi vol 8 page 136, Taweel Mukhtalif al hadeeth
Ibne Qutabiyah page 66 mentioned by Shaykh Zubair in Al Asaneed as Saheeha fe
akhbar abi haneefa no:29 to 31]

Related Links
a) Magnificent analysis on the issue of Raising hands in prayer by Shaykh Abdul Rahman
Mubarakpoori (Author of Tohfa tul Hawdhee Commentary of Sunan at-Tirmidhee) a must
see http://abdurrahman.org/salah/onraisingthehands.html
b) Hadith of Ibne Masood is weak (where he raised his hands
once) http://www.systemoflife.com/articles/general/264-weak-hadith-on-rafaydain


weak http://www.systemoflife.com/articles/refutation/194-refutation-of-raising-hands-insajood-prostration
d) Reply to Ibraheem Nakh'aee Rahimullah who said Wail bin Hujr saw one time and Ibne
Bukhari) http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vbe/showthread.php?t=190 (see peost no: 2 by
Ayman bin Khaled)
Note: Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai said the saying of Ibraheem is not proven because Amash is
Mudallis and he is narrating from (an)

InshaAllah Read more: http://www.systemoflife.com/fiqh/salah/265-rafayadain-in-rukoo-and-afterrukoo#ixzz3IPLK4Y7V

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