Essay On Piano Sonata
Essay On Piano Sonata
Essay On Piano Sonata
Middle to late 18th century: composers wrote keyboard sonatas to meet the
demands of amateurs for music to be played at home or small gatherings
Domenico Scarlatti:
o One of the most active composers, wrote 555 sonatas
o His sonatas were written in balanced binary form and had one or two
movemnts (unlike the sonatas described by Koch)
CPE Bach:
Another important composer of keyboard sonatas
Exemplified the empfindsam style: emotional and surprising character
comprised of abrupt harmonic and textural changes
Dramatic melodic turns and pauses
1793: Heinrich Koch wrote and essay on composition and defined sonata or
1st mov form as an expanded binary form comprised on three large periods:
1st period: presents thematic ideas, moving from the tonic to the dominant.
2nd period: states de opening theme on the dominant followed by harmonic
digression, ending on dominant chord that transitions to the final period.
3rd period: Restates the material of the first period but begins and ends in