A TACTICAL MANUAL For Open General Players by Blitstoper (Jul 2012)
A TACTICAL MANUAL For Open General Players by Blitstoper (Jul 2012)
A TACTICAL MANUAL For Open General Players by Blitstoper (Jul 2012)
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The composition of the core nits depends on man things The e file the campaign the pla er's taste B t e en
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brilliant victories. Army without tanks is doomed. When core is getting bigger and can attack in multiple
directions, at least one tank for every task force is important. Tanks must be bought as early as possible.
The second most important weapon is the ARTILLERY. Artillery allows to destroy the targets beyond the range
of the tanks and prepare the enemy units for overruns done by tanks. But the most important reason to buy
cannons and howitzers is, that artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be an ugly brawl. Leaders gained by
artillery unit increase its power dramatically, although guns gain experience rather slowly. That's the reason to buy
artillery very early in the campaign.
Then came INFANTRY, the most versatile and diverse class. Infantry units can spot the enemies, can guard the
artillery, are excellent fighters in the urban, forest, or mountainous terrain. Sometimes infantry units can attack
from the distance, can move very fast, or attack from the skies. There are even infantries as deadly as tanks! But
usually such sophisticated units are very expensive, while the low price is the best advantage of the infantry (and
the worst curse of infantrymen, who are used as a cannon fodder). Infantry is useful especially in the first stage of
the campaign, when more specialized units aren't available.
Usually player - when he have just fielded an army of tanks, artillery and infantry - starts to think: "what next?"
FIGHTERS should be next! It's not an obvious choice at the first impression - because fighters are expensive - but
it will really pay off. Fighters can do recon duties, can attack from the distance, can repel aerial attacks, and can
destroy enemy planes. Single fighter can do, what recon car, artillery, tactical bomber and air defense can do
together. But fighters don't stuck in traffic jams and are the most mobile units at the battlefield. As experience has
great influence on the air battles, and the fighters' leaders are valuable it's good to buy fighters rather early.And
here is a room for the choices based on players' tastes.
Recons are fast, but usually weak and expensive, so sometimes it's better to invest prestige in the other units able
to do recon duties.
Air Defence artillery (AD) is usually cheaper solution than fighters, but it's hard to cover the big army with the
cheap AD guns, so the value of AD decreases during the campaign (unless the AD units gain leader, which is
awesome).ain leader, which is awesome).
Anti Tank weapons (AT) - especially self propelled ATs (SPAT) - have almost the same stats as tanks, but can't
overrun. That's the main drawback, but if the price is right (i.e. low enough), it's worth to buy some.
Flak is AT unit with limited AD ability. A compromise units. Some players see all the cons of AT and AD and no
pro at all. Some see all the pros of AT and AD and no drawback...
Tactical bombers are powerful. This class is as diverse as infantry: there are assault bombers, recon bombers and
fighter bombers. Everybody find something useful here, although the price may be too high.
Level bombers can force enemy to withdraw (i.e. suppress) in a single attack, but are extremely expensive.
Ships and forts are - generally speaking - artillery units with very limited mobility. That's why nobody want them.
Upgrading is important part of the campaign, it allows to keep below the prestige cap, and keep the army in good
shape. Upgrades can be done in HQ and sometimes in supply hexes (SH). Basically upgrades depend on available
prestige, available equipment and the turns of the campaign. If the prestige is limited and the campaign is long, it's
good to upgrade units according to some rules.
It's good to remember, that upgrading costs the price of the new unit minus half of the price of the old unit. If unit
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units, when they have been awarded with some leaders (For instance towed AD which got a leader must be
upgraded into self propelled AD (SPAD)).
Units shouldn't be expensive (because it can affect the prestige cap, and it makes refitting costly), but sometimes
it's good choice, to "over upgrade" unit, when temporarily there is a lot of prestige, but there no interesting
weapon is available. As the prestige cap is one of the most important factor in the core development, player
should upgrade their original core units first - then the units purchased during the campaign. Why would we lose
even a single penny if it could be saved with an upgrade? Sometimes it is a necessity, sometimes it is only a good
habit, but it is always a matter of elegance.
Tanks are the most important units in the OpG. Although Soft Attack (SA) and Hard Attack (HA) values define
strength of the tanks, the other stats are more important: resilience, speed and initiative. Tank has not only to
survive the whole battle, but also play active role from the start to the end. That's why tanks must have high
values of Ground Defence (GD) and Range Defence (RD). Tanks must also attack as many targets as possible, so
the second most important thing is speed. Tanks are for overruns, and - generally speaking - it depends rather on
initiative (and resilience) than SA/HA. Besides tanks are not for head-to-head encounters, so SA and HA are not
so important. The same with the range of the fire, because overruns can't be done from the distance. It's better to
have TWO 1-range tanks, instead of a SINGLE 2-range tanks. During the long campaigns - which last the whole
World War - one upgrade is necessary for sure: in the middle of the war, when light tanks are replaced with the
medium tanks. Another upgrade can be done, but that one should depend on the leaders gained by tanks: 2-range
heavy tanks, or very fast airborne tanks can make the game more interesting.
Artillery should have the highest possible SA/HA values, the best available range of fire, and a lot of ammo. It's
wise to buy many cheap guns at the start of the campaign to get leaders. Artillery leaders increase the gun's range
of fire, so upgrade must be considered every time, when artillery gains leaders. Although guns should provide
support fire (and heavy guns don't provide and are very expensive), the guns with leaders, who increase
fire-power must be upgraded into long-range heavy guns. Such guns are able to destroy enemy target with a single
blow. It is also good to upgrade gun, when more mobile version is available - it makes the fire support easier. Self
Propelled Artillery (SParty) is the most mobile. Most of the SPArties are armoured, so they are hard targets - more
resilient to most of enemy attacks. It's worth to remember, that guns rarely differ much from each other, so there
is no real need to upgrade them without important cause.
Infantry is a cannon fodder, which is fragile for tanks attacks, aerial bombings, artillery barrages, cavalry charges,
machine gun fire and torpedoes (when on boats). They also suffer from cold, hunger and diseases. The best choice
is not to use them at all. Unfortunately it seems to be impossible. But it is possible, to went through the whole
World War without any upgrades. Especially if infantry is used properly - for garrison duties. Of course some of
the infantry units can be upgraded into highly specialised and sophisticated units: battle pioneers, mountaineers,
marines (and many others)... Unfortunately it's easy to learn, that every time when army need to cross the river,
bridge engineers are on the other side of the battlefield. Of course leaders gained by infantry should make the
players to think about reinforcements. Some upgrades are a must: for instance players, who don't upgrade infantry
with recon-movement leader into airborne unit, should explain their decisions at higher HQ.
Fighters and their upgrades are easy to understand, because the most important value is the initiative. AI attacks
all the fighters which have lower initiative than the AI's fighters, so it is easy to lose the unit. Fighters must have
higher initiative than enemy units. That's all, folks.
Recons are also the most favourite target of the AI. So should be as resilient as possible. The mobility is also
important, but depends on the e-file settings and battles to fight: sometimes it is better to have slower recons with
better terrain capability.
Air Defence at the start of the campaign usually means small 2-range AD guns able to walki 1 hex. They can be
upgraded into heavier 3-range AD guns which can cover area two times bigger, but those ADs usually can't move
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knock them down from the distance. AT units - especially those with leaders - should be upgraded into SPATs,
which are not only more mobile, but are also more resilient (as armoured hard targets). Unfortunately such units
are usually too expensive.
Although Flak has air defence abilities, should be treated as AD - at least concerning upgrades.
Tactical bomber class is very diverse, so there is no easy rule for them. In fact there is no real need for expensive
upgrades, because TBs will be effective and safe with proper tactics (and proper number of fighters).
Nevertheless some leaders should force the changes. For instance All Wether TB should be able to do air attacks,
while Combat Support TB should have ability to do recon movement.
Level bombers are so expensive, that upgrades are very rare. But all the rules about tactical bombers can be used
for level bombers too - especially, that almost all depends on the chosen tactics.
Ships and forts have mobility so much limited, that there is no use to upgrade them at all.
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