Diversity: Usage Example
Diversity: Usage Example
Diversity: Usage Example
1. Accounting: Situation where different batch sizes, distribution channels, product
mixes, etc., place different demands on resources due to uneven assignment of costs.
2. HR: Feature of a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities, experience,
knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age, background, ethnicity,
physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes.
Usage Example
This creative insight is the direct result of the diversity of the team - specifically,
individuals who possess different attributes and perspectives.
2. tariff
1. General: Published list of fares, freight charges, prices, rates, etc.
2. Foreign trade: Popular term for import tariff and import tariff schedule.
3. Shipping: Popular term for shipping tariff And shipping tariff schedule.
Usage Example
The imported item was more expensive than the domestic item due to the imposed
3. statistics
1. Branch of mathematics concerned with collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation
of numerical facts, for drawing inferences on the basis of their quantifiable likelihood
(probability). Statistics can interpret aggregates of data too large to be intelligible by ordinary
observation because such data (unlike individual quantities) tend to behave in regular,
predictable manner. It is subdivided into descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
2. Plural of statistic.
Usage Example
Due to the large data set of numbers, I used statistics to better organize and present
my findings.
4. entrepreneurship
The capacity and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture along with
any of its risks in order to make a profit. The most obvious example of entrepreneurship is the
starting of new businesses. In economics, entrepreneurship combined with land, labor, natural
resources and capital can produce profit. Entrepreneurial spirit is characterized by innovation
and risk-taking, and is an essential part of a nation's ability to succeed in an ever changing and
increasingly competitive global marketplace.
Usage Example
There are more entrepreneurs than investors on the Forbes list of wealthiest people, but
that doesn't mean entrepreneurship is necessarily a better wealth builder than
5. cash flow
Incomings and outgoings of cash, representing the operating activities of an organization. In
accounting, cash flow is the difference in amount of cash available at the beginning of a period
(opening balance) and the amount at the end of that period (closing balance). It is called
positive if the closing balance is higher than the opening balance, otherwise called negative.
Cash flow is increased by (1) selling more goods or services, (2) selling an asset, (3) reducing
costs, (4) increasing the selling price, (5) collecting faster, (6) paying slower, (7) bringing in
more equity, or (8) taking a loan. The level of cash flow is not necessarily a good measure of
performance, and vice versa: high levels of cash flow do not necessarily mean ...
Usage Example
The growth phase that should have resulted in higher profits could easily turn around
and cause a cash flow problem if you aren't careful to keep the growth of the business
in check.
6. national debt
Total outstanding borrowings of a central government comprising of internal (owing to national
creditors) and external (owing to foreign creditors) debt incurred in financing its expenditure.
National debt is divided generally into three categories: (1) Floating debt, short term borrowings
such as treasury bills, various ways-and-means advances, and borrowings from the central
bank. (2) Funded debt, short-term debt converted into long-term debt. (3) Unfunded debt,
national savings certificates, savings bonds, premium bonds, and securities repayable in foreign
exchange (payment of which affects the country's balance of payments). National debt plays a
crucial role in a country's financial system as government securities (being a secure ...
Usage Example
Due to increased government spending, the United States national debt is nearing an
all time high.
Usage Example
After researching what type of methodology to use to complete the task we decided
using Lean Six Sigma would be the best since it forced us to work as a team while
eliminating waste throughout the process.
8. Six Sigma
Originally developed in 1986 by Motorola, the business management strategy is now used in many
different industries in an effort to improve the quality of products or services produced by the business
through the removal of defects and errors. The strategy involves creating groups of people within the
business or organization who have expert status in various methods, and then each project is carried out
according to a set of steps in an effort to reach specific financial milestones. A six sigma process is
defined as one in which 99.99966% of products created are expected to be statistically free from defects.
9. injunction
Court order forbidding something from being done (prohibitory injunction), or
commanding something to be done (mandatory injunction). Injunctions are issued
where mere award of damages at the end of a trial would not be satisfactory or effective,
or may lead to a greater harm or injustice. Other types of injunctions are (1)
Interlocutory (Preliminary): granted provisionally before a trial to maintain the status quo
until the court hears both sides before granting a permanent injunction. (2) Permanent
(Perpetual): granted after the hearing of a trial. (3) Ex parte, granted after hearing only
one party (in case of a great urgency). (4) Interim: granted to restrain the accused until
a certain date. (5) Quia timet: granted to prevent a ...
Usage Example
Since the party failed to comply with the court ordered injunction, they faced criminal
and civil penalties for their wrongdoing.