Medea Unit Calendar
Medea Unit Calendar
Medea Unit Calendar
The Medea unit is some of the most fun you can have at Fukiai; it is also incredibly good for the students. Its eyeopening; it proves to kids that a really old play can be directly relevant and even important to contemporary life. It
gets them to think critically about literature and society, and to express their opinions with force and passion. Medea is
about a dysfunctional marriage; its about lying, cheating, maternal/paternal rights, and infanticide. Its also about
sexism and immigration. More fundamentally, its about splitting human nature along gender lines that affect the order
of the cosmos. Its an incredibly rich play thats also easy to read in English, and it makes a good beginning to the second
Be Prepared
Please note: This unit takes a little more preparation on the part of the instructor than the last one did. For Day Two, you
will likely need to visit the Daiso to buy masks, paper cups, and cheap snacks or candies (OK in SHS). None of this should
be very expensive in total about 1/10th the tax credit American teachers can claim for classroom costs, for comparison
but it will have to be out of pocket. The students will continue to use the masks for the entire first half of the unit
though; they are a good investment.
In addition to buying props, you will also want to brush up your knowledge of Euripides, Medea, and Greek theater. If
youre unfamiliar with all these, dont worry. The basics are clearly laid out on the Wikipedia pages for all three of them.
Nevertheless, its probably a good idea to read those pages and the play Medea itself before beginning this unit.
Unit Objectives. Students will:
Additionally, students will continue to practice timed writing (speedwriting) and complete free writing essays at home.
Before the day of the tea party, make sure to ask Chamoto-sensei or someone equally responsible to help you
reserve a room where you can have food. Make sure to tell the homeroom teachers where that room is, and
what period you will be using it, so that they can tell the students. You will also need to buy the masks, food,
and picnic materials before the day of the lesson.
On the day of the lesson, before class, create a spread of snacks and drinks a little distance away from where
you want the kids to be seated. Youll want this spread to be accessible from multiple directions, so that you
dont end up with a queue. Also, arrange the desks into groups, so that you can initially seat all the Medeas
together, all the Jasons together, &c.
When the students first come in, dont let them have any food! Distribute the tea party role sheets, one
character per group. Distribute the masks, one kind per character. Explain that they have five minutes to learn
their characters. They can read silently, but they should talk to their group about the character, and perhaps
work out some things they would say if they met one of the others. Let them work, circulating to help them get
into character.
After five minutes, tell them they are free to stand up and get food, provided they are wearing their mask, and
acting like their characters. They should introduce themselves to everyone they meet. And once they have their
food, they should not sit down with anyone who has the same character as them.
If there are extra masks, you can choose one and interact with the students as that character. The interactive
part of the lesson neednt go on that long, however, only long enough for all the characters to meet each other
and the students interests to be piqued.
After everyone has food & drink and has settled down, call their attention together and ask what they know
about the three main characters Medea, Jason, and Creon. Ask what Creons daughters name is; when they
cant tell you, ask them to keep that question in mind.
Tell them that the story of Medea began long before the play, and that most of it is actually the story of Jason.
Distribute the Medea timeline worksheet and ask them to take notes as you briefly tell the story of Jason and
the Argonauts. Then tell the story, and mark a timeline of your own on the board to help them follow you. Make
sure to point out that the events of the play Medea only cover a tiny amount of space near the end of the
timeline. Oh and be sure not to tell them the end of the play!
When you finish lecturing, distribute the script for Medea, and break them into small groups (ideally of four or
five) to read it aloud. Tell them to read the first Key Section. Medea, Creon, and the Chorus are present;
anyone can read any character, but the masks that go with Medea and Creon should be worn by whoever is
reading those two, and all unassigned students should read the Chorus in synchrony.
Let them read Key Section One. For homework, they should read all of the reading marked Day One, but most
of the quiz questions come from the Key Section, so emphasize that if theyre having trouble with
comprehension, they should just focus on the Key Section.
NOTE: This unit plan is set up to rush students through Medea in four class periods; however it would be fine to slow the
pace down a bit and focus more on reading. You might opt, for example, to have students begin the play at the top of
page one, and you might give them class time to read all of Day One before you quiz them on it. Your choice might
depend on the level of your students and/or on what else you plan to do with the latter half of the term.
Materials: Spare copies of the Medea text, copies of the Medea part 1 quiz, masks
Give them a few minutes to review and compare notes before giving them the quiz. When youre ready, quiz
them. When they finish writing, have them exchange sheets and correct for each other. Call on students for
answers, and go into some depth reviewing what happened.
After the quiz ask them to take the Timeline and Greek Theater note sheet out. Discuss the origins of Greek
theater as a religious festival and as a contest. Tell them briefly about Thespis, the first actor. Also, show them
how enjambment works when reading poetry, so that they wont be confused when a coherent meaning isnt
contained in each line.
Once youve finished with your brief lecture, put them in small groups again, and assign them to read Key
Section Two aloud, in class. Distribute masks. The characters this time are Medea, Jason, and the Chorus. Assign
them to read the whole of Day Two as homework.
man up
woman down earth
heaven good
nature death night
Ask them if it makes sense to them to give men all the upper associations, and women all the lower associations
Its tempting, isnt it? But it isnt actually true; it isnt natural, its just a bias thats deeply built into our culture.
Patriarchy is a myth that ancient writers like Euripides deliberately created, and weve been repeating it so long
that it almost seems natural and true to us. But . . . theres no reason why the day should be masculine, and the
night feminine. And women are not more emotional or more in touch with nature than men are. Its a myth! &c.
Show them the way Euripides uses this patriarchal set The waters of the sacred rivers / are flowing in
reverse . . . and honor is coming to the female sex &c. Tell them that the deep issue in this play is what
Euripides is saying about gender. Is he saying that women and foreigners are treated unfairly, or is he saying that
women are naturally dangerous and unstable, and that society needs to be run by men in other words,
Distribute revision letter handout, and review the kinds of specific feedback that should go into each paragraph.
Remind them that youll be grading them on how well theyre able to use their partners feedback (even if that
isnt true). Ask them to print two copies of their essays one for you, and one for their partners.
Let them have the rest of the period to write. Remind them that their letters are due next class, & that they
therefore shouldnt wait on a partner who hasnt finished his or her first draft yet. They can be the second or
third reader for someone else, if necessary. In fact those who havent finished their first drafts should probably
write a revision letter for someone else before being allowed to finish their own papers. Revision letters are
homework if they cant finish them in class.
In order to keep writing, writers need to know what they are doing right, as well as what they need to revise.
What is delightful, memorable, outstanding about this piece? What can you say to keep this writer writing?
Make this your first paragraph.
Paragraph 1. Help your partner keep whats working.
Discuss the introduction, main ideas, and conclusion of this essay. Tell what worked. For example, Your
description of the blood on Medeas dress was a great way to begin your paper. OR: Youre right; there is
nothing worse that betraying someone who loves you.
You might include what you learned from the essay. What new lessons or ideas did your partner discuss?
Also point out specific ideas or quotations you liked. For example, you might say, I really liked your point about
the role of women in Greek society. Id never thought about the fact that Creons daughter doesnt have a
name. OR: It was interesting to think about the differences between the things Jason says and the
consequences of his actions. He claims to be so logical, but as you pointed out, if he were really thinking clearly,
he would have known it was dangerous to mess with Medea!
Clarity. Where there any quotations that you didnt understand? Tell your partner if youd like more information.
Analysis / lessons learned. What conclusions does the writer draw from his or her arguments? What new ideas
does he or she put into the essay? Let the writer know if any of the quotations lack an explanation.
Organization. Does this essay follow the outline format? Is there a forecast sentence that clearly shows the
order of ideas? Do the body paragraphs begin with appropriate topic sentences?
Style. Does the essay begin in a way that gets your attention? Does the ending leave you with something new to
think about? How could the writer improve these things?
Thesis. What is the main idea of this essay? Is it clearly stated in a single sentence? If not, can you suggest a
sentence that might work?
Conclusion. Does the ending make you think, or does it seem abrupt? What could the writer do to improve the