7 Habits Workbook
7 Habits Workbook
7 Habits Workbook
The good results I get form having each good habit are (e.g I have a bait of smiling at people
I meet, and now people are friendlier to me)
The bad results i get for having these bad habits are (e.g I am late to school which means I
miss my AIR and then get a lowered mark on my binder checks)
From my list of bad habits above, one I would like to change the most is:
In school:
With my family
With my Friends
What kind of impact did these inaccurate paradigms from history have on the world? (e.g
people were scared to sail the oceans because they thought they would fall off the edge of
the world)
Paradigm of Self:
A paradigm is the way you see something - your point of view, frame of reference. So a
paradigm of self is how you see yourself. Positive self paradigms can bring out the best in
your, while negative self-paradigms can limit you.
Some positive self paradigms I have about myself are:
Paradigms that my parent/guardian, teacher or boss at work might say about me are:
Self Paradigm Assessment. Read the Paradigms of Self section on pages 13-16. Now evaluate
how you see yourself by completing the true or false questions below
I am someone who ares about others feelings
I am good at school
I am a kind person
I am generally a happy person
I am intelligent
I am helpful
I am a good athlete
I am talented
I am a go-getter
I am a good member of my family
I am a bad person
I am lazy
I am rarely happy
I am not smart
I am not good at anything
I am not attractive
I am not popular
I am not a good friend
I am not honest
I am not reliable
If you identified at least ONE negative self-paradigm complete the statement below:
One negative paradigm I would like to change is:
Drop friends who tear me down or believe I am like them when I am not. Friends I may need
to drop are:
Try to see things from other people point of view to shift the paradigm
A situation I need to see the other side of is:
One change I could make in myself that might help bring about that worldwide change is:
I think that and inside-out change could help other around me because:
You dont stand up for yourself when you know youre in the right
You make degrading comments about yourself
You always go along with what the crowd is doing or saying
You overindulge in food, TV, internet or video games
You use drugs or alcohol
You aren't loyal to anyone or anything
You allow others to use you
Why does it always take so long to get through the drive-thru at Tim Hortons thought Rob
as he sat in along line of cars waiting for his turn to pick up his morning coffee. The cars
inched forward a little. Rob drummed his fingers on the dash. Great he thought, I am going
to be late for work, I never should have stopped for coffee this morning. Two more minutes
passed and Robs patience was gone. Suddenly the line in front of him disappeared - Rob
couldnt believe his luck. As he pulled up to the window to pay for his coffee the server said
handing him his coffee no need to pay sir, the car 6 ahead of you paid for the next ten
coffees Rob smiled as he drove out onto the road.
How do you think Rob felt during the rest of his drive to work? How do you think the
anonymous driver felt?
An anonymous act of kindness I could do for the three people I listed earlier is
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
If only....
I can face that challenge today and become a change agent by: (describe your actions)
Draw a background. Where are you? Who is around you? What are you doing?
Below the picture list the positive attribute you possess as a proactive person
2. Imagine yourself in twenty years. You are surrounded by the most important people in your
life. Who are they and what are you doing?
3. If a steel beam (6 inches wide) was placed between two skyscrapers, what you you be
willing to cross for? A thousand dollars? A million dollars? Your pet? Your brother? Fame?
4. If you cold spend one day in a great library studying anything you wanted what would you
7. 5 years from now your local paper does a story about you. The reporter wants to interview
3 people about you. Who would they be and what would they say?
9. If you could spend one hour with any person who ever lived who would that be? Why that
person? What would you ask?
Read Getting started on your mission statement on pages 90-91. Set a time for 5 minutes
and start writing your mission statement. Just like when you do SWISH dont stop to edit
just get all your ideas on paper. When you are done give yourself 2 minutes to edit and make
it look nice and write your new mission statement below.
Some things that are easy for me but may seem hard or scary for others are (a sport, going
up on stage to perform etc)
I am afraid of
The best thing that could happen if I face my fear is (Imagine how it would feel to be free
of that feeling of fear)
Read The Other Half on page 117-118 of the book. Somethings that hold me back from
moving into my courage zone are
One thing that is outside my comfort zone that I am going to act on today is
Keep Promises
Break Promises
Keep to yourself
Be loyal
Be arrogant
Some of the most powerful deposits someone has made into my RBA are:
$ ______________+ or - __________________
Name: _____________________
$ ______________+ or - __________________
Read the section on page 147-151 and answer the following questions
I could have changed the situations above to a Win-Win by... (describe your actions)
Read about Jacques Lusseyran on page 161. Use your feelings to test whether you think WinWin the next time you interact with your family and friends.
How can I make him/her feel more comfortable, accepted and understood?
It made me feel:
2. Pretending to listen: You are not listening but pretend you are but saying, un-huh, cool,
mmmm etc.
A time when someone pretended to listen to me was
It made me feel:
3. Selective listening: You pay attention to the part that interest or relates to you.
A time when someone use selective listening to listen to me was
It made me feel:
4. Word Listening: You pay attention to the words but miss the point because you are
ignoring the tone feelings and body language
A time when someone used word listening to listen to me was
5. Self centered listening: You apply everything you hear to your own point-of-view You say
oh I know just what you mean or I know just how you feel: But you dont! Usually this is
part of a one-upmanship where you are waiting to prove how your day was worse!
A time when someone used self-centered listening to listen to me was
It made me feel:
Synergy is not...
keeping promises
breaking promises
working in teams
working alone
being open-minded
Community/Religious Group
Read pages Balance is Better on page 207 and decide three ways you are going to renew
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________
One of the best ways to internalize and really learn something is to share or teach them to
someone else.
I will share these ideas with the following people: