003 Vol35 Lopez
003 Vol35 Lopez
003 Vol35 Lopez
Abstract: One of the main goals of both contemporary theatre and theatre theory is to overcome the
traditional semiotical perspective, strongly based on structuralism. Since the 80s and following this idea,
theatre artists and theorists have been thinking theatre from a post-structuralist and even deconstructivist
point of view. This perspective has introduced important streams in theatre theory, such as feminism,
post-marxism and postmodernity, and has given place to the phenomenon known as post-dramatic
theatre. Having this in mind, this essay deals with some of Julia Kristevas reflections about semiotics,
post-structuralism and postmodernity to discuss if this so-called post-drama breaks with the traditional
theory, or if it is merely another form of postmodern provocation.
Rsum: Un des objectifs principaux du thtre contemporain et de la thorie du thtre est de dpasser
la perspective smiotique traditionnelle qui sappuie fortement sur le structuralisme. Depuis les annes 80,
artistes et thoriciens du thtre repensent le thtre dun point de vue poststructuraliste et mme
dconstructionniste. Cet effort a introduit des courants importants dans la thorie du thtre, tels que le
fminisme, le post-marxisme et la postmodernit, et a fait place au phnomne appel thtre postdramatique. Cet essai sintresse quelques-unes des rflexions de Julia Kristeva sur la smiotique, le
post-structuralisme et la postmodernit, afin dexaminer si le thtre post-dramatique rompt avec la
tradition thorique ou sil nest quune autre forme de provocation postmoderne.
Keywords: Artaud theatre of cruelty Kristeva abjection Derrida Brecht Postdramatic Theatre
Hans Thies Lehmann mimesis
The theoretical roots of something new: how is the interest in post-theatre born?
In his essay, Derrida points out most of the elements and debates that would
progressively be discussed in contemporary theatres theory and practice. Nevertheless,
Derrida does go as far as to propose the keys for a deconstructive reading of classical
theatre, and he does not look very far away from Artaud when showing his support for
a desirable renewal of drama in terms of the presence of cruelty. Did Derrida not see a
possible deconstruction of theatre in Artauds Theatre of Cruelty? Or otherwise, was
Derridas interest in Artaud caused by the intuition that only a vision like cruelty could
remove the old structures of theatre and redefine its essential elements in order to prove
that a de-centered theatre based on another concept of subject was possible?
This paper takes this last question as a hypothesis and point of departure for a
discussion about how contemporary theatre could break with (deconstruct) antique
structures of drama by maintaining its semiotic definition and by rooting the review of
its languages in the maintenance of the concept of meaning and interpretation. In fact, the
theatrical application of postmodern doubt about the subject and the significant
presence of sign has led to a review (and commonly a rejection) of the traditional
structures of drama, marked by their central categories, such as character, conflict, time in
progression, and space of reference. This doubt has made artists since the 1920s redefine the
ontological status of theatre : without characters, stories, conflicts and deals, can theatre
still be considered a representation? What does it represent? How can the old and
hackneyed mimesis be integrated into postmodern thought and art?
All these questions converge in todays performing arts and comprise the first
great critique of Aristotelian theatre after Bertold Brecht. And this critique has been
made, in part, by pure philosophers interested in different performing artists
working within the limits of the traditional definition of theatre. Performing against the
canonical drama or against drama and theatrical text itself in order to prove that theatre is
more than written words and to show that scenic semiotics are most probably the real
basis of theatrical processes of signification.
Consequently, this bouleversant point of view consists in the convergence of
theatre artists interest in Artauds work (specially the so-called revolutionary companies:
Living Theatre, Grotowski and Tadeusz Kantor among others) and theatre artists also
influenced by postmodern thought in the 1980s (Pina Bausch, Peter Brook, Mller,
Sarah Kane). However, as shown above, this revolutionary theatre also attracts art
philosophers such as Derrida, Jean-Franois Lyotard, Alain Badiou or Julia Kristeva, all
of whom strive to give sense to these artistic forms placed at the limits of the traditional
definition of art as representation. This is how a new conception of artistic semiotics is
born within a redefinition of the concept of art and new research on the social and
communicative position of artists. Furthermore, a new and more active and creative
definition of audiences is needed in order to lead them to their new role in the face of
new forms of decodification
In his well-known book Postdramatic Theatre, Hans Thies Lehmann established an
interesting point of view when he manages to describe a total concept simply through
the name that he confers upon this new theatre (new and not so new; that is, contemporary
but also post anti-Aristotelian theatre, or anti-dramatic theatre) that is the object of his
analysis. [P]ostdramatic as a term or name certainly has its detractors, but its
descriptive capacity is undeniable:2 Lehmann speaks about a theatre that is not exactly
drama because:
1) It has broken with the structures of drama, applying to theatre the postmodern
abolition of the concepts structure, even structured structure, and subject, by breaking
with the character as a central element of theatre and life, and by forcing to rethink the
roles of the audience and the stage;
2) It is constructed by means of a renewal of the concept of mimesis, redefining
performing arts from the point of view of a scenic re-presentation or a new kind of
mimesis constructing a possible world which is not read through the old simulationagreement, but through a simple disbelief-agreement;
3) Strongly influenced by French thinkers related to post-structuralism and semiotics
(the Tel Quel group and Kristevan thought, for example), contemporary theatre from the
1970s has questioned the traditional language of theatre in order to attest to the necessity
to redefine other languages giving sense to the performance itself.
However, this postdrama or this contemporary theatre, this new theatre, IS theatre. Or
rather, it demands our consideration of it as a performing art, and seeks to escape from its
traditional dramatic or textual definition and to open itself up to a general scenic
conception. Postdramatic theatre reaches a redefinition of the concept of theatre itself
although it abolishes its own defining categories (structure and subject, mimesis,
language) because it does not abolish the concept of sign. More precisely, it does not
reject a hermeneutic possibility in the process of making theatre or in the process of
receiving or reading theatre. In short, postdrama does not reject theatre as a kind of
communicative process derived from its essential need for the spectators co-presence and
its development hic et nunc, in time and space. Thus, the break with structures of drama
and the construction of a new mimesis or fiction is rooted in the preservation of the
concept of sign, at least in a hermeneutic sense.
Postdrama as (a new) sign
For many reasons, those who think that a semiotic perspective in theatre studies
Face un mode foncirement diffrent dans lemploi du signe thtral, il semble judicieux de
nommer postdramatique un secteur significatif du nouveau thtre. Dans le mme temps, le nouveau
texte de thtre qui, lui, rflchit sans cesse sur sa constitution comme construction du langage est souvent
un texte de thtre ayant fini dtre dramatique. En faisant allusion au genre littraire quest le drame, le
titre thtre postdramatique indique linterdpendance continue entre thtre et texte, mme si ici le
discours du thtre occupe une position centrale et que, de ce fait, il nest question du texte que comme
lment, sphre et matriau de lagencement scnique et non en tant qulment dominant. Il ne sagit l
en aucune manire de quelque jugement de valeur ou de quelque a priori (Lehmann 20).
has been already superseded are correct; at least, they are correct in a meta-theoretic
sense. However, the basic affirmation of the semiotics of theatre has not yet been
refuted. Tadeusz Kowzan was right when he said that everything on stage signifies
something, which recalls the famous and attractive quote from Roland Barthes about
theatres density of signs. Everything is theatrical sign, even things which consciously
refuse their theatrical definition and even performances where there is an attempt to
break with the traditional enciphering and deciphering of drama. When then do they
break? Surely they break with a specific use and stylization of dramatic sign, with the use
of sign that is directly determined by the structure of drama, and this is relatively new.
In the great revolution Bertold Brecht brought about in theatre, and contrary to
Lehmanns opinion, what he calls dramatic theatre has its raison dtre in a
characteristic use of the sign. This use is determined by the fact that it takes place
(action) at the same time that it is performed in the presence of the audience. This is the
essence of the theatrical sign, and it is universal (if it is not that way, then it is not theatre).
In dramatic theatre this characteristic definition of the theatrical sign shares space with the
disposition of some structured fictional categories that strongly influence the definition
of theatre itself. They are the classical and Aristotelian notions of character, conflict,
time, objective, etc., all of which are related to a confused and unstable notion of mimesis
that in essence causes the willing suspension of critical sense which Brecht correctly
identifies with the Greek catharsis. It is against these dramatic elements of theatre and
against the social-political position of theatre at his time that Bertold Brecht involves
However, Lehmanns postdrama places in crisis the essence of all these dramatic
structures in order to show that theatre does not require them to make its simulation
(French simulacre) on the stage, because they only define how this simulation is done and
what is told through it. The post- stresses the fact that what really defines theatre is how the
significant codes of performing arts force a specific reception, a concrete hermeneutics
that can only be modified by putting in doubt the status of the theatrical sign itself, after
(and only after) the structures conforming the Aristotelian mimesis are definitely
This is the reason why postdramatic theses are more anti-Aristotelian than
Brechts paradigm, because postdramatic puts firmly into question the main concepts of
the dramatic illusion in order to show that another form of illusion is possible through a
redefinition of the audiences agreement (We are at the theatre), redefinition coming
from a profound review of the scenic language.
This is, actually, one of the main things claimed by Artaud in his Le thtre et son
double when he asks for a new language next to Oriental theatres codes and described
as follows :
It is not a question of suppressing the spoken language, but of giving
words approximately the importance they have in dreams. . . . Since it is
Parmi les raisons extrieures pour lesquelles il convient pourtant de continuer lire le
nouveau thtre en relation et en opposition aux catgories du drame, on peut citer la tendance de la
critique quotidienne qui dans son apprciation du thtre opre avecc un critre normatif domin par
la polarit des valeurs dramatique versus source dennui. Souvent mme plus de faon occulte, le besoin
dintrigue, de divertissement et de suspense se sert des rgles esthtiques du concept du drame
traditionnel pour mesurer cette mme aune le thtre qui, manifestemente, se drobe ces exigences
(Lehmann 46).
genre (on the understanding that only formal modifications of theatrical semiotics will
have been).4 Only time will tell.
How to proceed from a renewal of semiotics to an essentially new theatre
As shown above, postdramatic represents for Lehmann a basically semiotic
concept, which allows for a questioning of the status of the structural categories of
drama. Moreover, Lehmann recognizes that postmodern elements such as the
fragmentation of narratives, the heterogeneity of styles, a certain hyper-naturalism,
grotesque aesthetics, or the employment of a new kind of expressionism, are not, by
themselves, what define postdrama because they can be found in modern and
contemporary dramatic plays. For Lehmann, Seule la constellation des lments dcide
en fin de compte si un moment stylistique peut tre considr comme inherent une
esthtique dramatique ou postdramatique (31). In other words, it is the constellation
of relationships among signs that will define postdrama, constructing for this new
theatre its own grammar if Derridas term is employed. Did Artaud therefore speak about
a grammar in this sense when he spoke about the elimination of Text?
In fact for Lehmann, when Lyotard (12) writes about a new theatre called
energetic because it has no meaning but force, intensity or presence, he is not aware
that this kind of indefinable energy is perceived through signs, through a kind of mise en
scne (organization of performing languages) (Lehmann 44). This energy has to do
with new exigencies being placed upon a new spectator. The new audience for the new
theatre has to learn to interpret a new language on stage in a new receptional way,
although all these languages are based of course on our present semiotics of the world,
our current languages, and on our contemporary codes of communication. Without
these, theatre would be impossible, because understanding (even when free, or open, or
different or other) is indispensable for the existence of theatre itself because it gives
sense to the present of the (indispensable) public.
Theatre is (Derrida has attested it) a language and energy, defined as nothing, is
nothing. It is therefore better to consider theatre as a language, even though the concept
Si dans le paysage thtral des dernires dcennies, la srie de phnomnes qui problmatisent
les formes traditionnelles du drame et de son thtre, justifient lemploi dun nouveau paradigme du thtre
postdramatique, le mot y indique la dlimitation ngative commune des techniques de jeu fort varies du
thtre postdramatique envers celles du thtre dramatique. Ces travaux thtraux sont galement
paradigmatiques parce que, ventuellement mme contrecoeur, ils sont gnralement reconnus comme
tmoignages authentiques de leur poque et dveloppent une force de critrisation. Le concept de
paradigme ne devrait pas favoriser lillusion selon laquelle lart, en son mouvement de va-et-vient, se
laisserait enserrer comme la science dans la logique volutive des paradigmes. En discourant sur les
moments stylistiques postdramatiques, il serait toujours facile dattirer lattention sur ce que le nouveau
thtre partage avec le thtre traditionnel qui subsiste. Un nouveau paradigme est constitu par la
cohabitation quasi invitable de structures et dlments stylistiques futurs et des composantes
traditionnelles (Lehmann 31).
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