Al Falah DCRs - Dec2013

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

Al Falah Community
Villa-Development Control Regulations


Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

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Addition: A standalone structure that has a roof and walls, detached from the existing villa; an addition
(room or rooms) that increases the GFA of the villa (ref to Figure 1).
Boundary Wall: A permanent, solid masonry, concrete slab or concrete block physical barrier delineating
the extent of the plot limits.
Extension: A structure that has a roof and walls and adds a space to the existing villa; an extension (room
or rooms) that increases the GFA of the villa (ref. to Figure 1).
GFA Gross Floor Area: Is the area of the villa and/or the villa as enlarged or any freestanding building
within the plot, measured externally at each floor level. Includes:

Area measured from the external side of walls.

Columns, piers, stairwells, lift wells.
Covered balconies enclosed on three (3) sides.
Horizontal floors accessible or not, below structural, raked or stepped floors.
Mezzanine areas with permanent access.

Main Structure: This relates to the original villa structure on the plot.
Modifications and Alterations: Physical changes to the villa which do not expand the property; they are
permanent, not just decorative. (Some common alterations would be to add or remove interior walls;
change plumbing or electrical fixtures; change faade material, etc.)
Tent Structure: An enclosure that uses masts or poles and tensile membrane (e.g. fabric, canvas, plastic
or waterproof material) to create a temporary building. These are often supported by one or more poles or a
frame and secured by ropes fastened to pegs in the ground.
Temporary structures: Any structure that is readily movable, that is not attached to a permanent
foundation and used or intended to be used for a period not exceeding 180 consecutive days. Such
structure shall be subject to the ADM approval.
Terrace/ Balcony: The area of any roof accessible from the villa but excluding the highest roof of the villa
or any freestanding building within the plot.
Works: These include any modifications, alterations, extensions, construction of freestanding structure,
including shading and privacy screens to the villa and anywhere within the plot.

Figure 1 Graphic explanation of

the definitions

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

1. Purpose
This document outlines both the rights and obligations the owners of the villas have with regard to any
external and/or internal alterations, additions or extensions, hereinafter referred to as works, they
would like to make to any villa or within any villa plot that is located within the Al Falah Community.
Any works to the villas shall be required to be reviewed by the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City (ADM)
Building Permitting Division and relevant authorities.

2. Introduction
The Al Falah Community comprises a total of six zones made up of five villa communities (Villages
1a-1e, Refer to Figure 1) to which these Development Control Regulations (DCRs) apply, and a
neighbourhood centre. The villas across all five communities have been built based on three
different types: Andalucian, Gulf Heritage and Modern. Each villa type has been built in three, four or
five bedroom configurations, giving a total of nine (9) possible styles, excluding possible handed
versions. For visual presentations of all 9 villa types, please refer to Figure 2.
Following approval of the first phase of development within the Al Falah Master Plan, it was
recognized that there was a need to establish DCRs which would help achieve acceptable works
from future owners, whilst retaining the character and appearance of the individual villas, their
communities and the overall Al Falah development as it was envisaged through the Master Plan.
These DCRs are applicable to all villas and within all villa plots, and have been developed using a
standard 30m by 35m plot size.
The following regulations stipulate the extent of works an owner may or may not do as exterior and/or
interior alterations to their property. These works may include, but are not limited to:
Extensions and alterations to the villa, change of exterior color, additional extension to the built area
of the villa; addition of garage door; installation of new doors or change of existing doors, windows,
gates; glazing; any internal or external alterations that include change of walls, electrical, gas or water
ducting, changes to roofs or parapets, additions such as TV dishes/satellites or any publicly visible


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Figure 2 Al Falah Community Master Plan Not to Scale.

Every villa owner has received the following information from the developer, ALDAR, on this

Villa owners manual,

Operation and maintenance manual,
As-built drawings; and
Villa keys.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

Figure 3 Villa Typologies:

3 Bedroom Villa, Heritage Style

3Bedroom Villa, Andalucian Style

3 Bedroom Villa, Modern Style


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4 Bedroom Villa, Heritage Style

4Bedroom Villa, Andalucian Style

4Bedroom Villa, Modern Style

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

5Bedroom Villa, Heritage Style

5Bedroom Villa, Andalucian Style

5Bedroom Villa, Modern Style


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3. Permits, Approvals and Statutory Requirements


Permits and Approvals:

Any works that include internal modifications, structural modifications, additions, change of external
appearance within permanent structures, GFA increase and change to the Abu Dhabi Civil Defence (ADCD)
approved fire fighting strategy, any electrical or HVAC system changes will require formal submittal and
approval of permits to the relevant ADM departments and/or other authorities.


Statutory Requirements On Plot:

In addition to the standard approvals and permitting process from all the relevant authorities, the following
are mandatory for all works, prior to any such works commencing on the villa or within the villa plot:

No openings or alterations are permitted in any walls, floors or into the foundations without an approved
Structural Engineers report being submitted to and permitted by ADM.
An ADM Building Permit approval is required for all proposed works.

All alterations that require structural changes to the villas must engage a licensed and locally insured
professional structural engineer or other suitably qualified professional, to study and submit signed and
stamped documents and obtain all the necessary regulatory and statutory approvals, prior to any work
commencing on the villa or within the plot.
Proposals for all works shall be submitted to the ADM and all other relevant authorities for approval, prior to
any works commencing. There is no requirement to submit any documents to the Abu Dhabi Urban
Planning Council (UPC) and/or to ALDAR for approval.
No works can start without a stamped approved set of documents, stating any changes from the ADM and
including all other NOCs that have been obtained from all relevant authorities.
Professional indemnity for the structural integrity of all works rests solely with the engaged qualified
structural engineer/professional. No liability shall extend to the ADM or any other involved relevant

3. 3. Statutory Requirements Off Plot:

All land that is off-plot is either owned by the Master Developer and/or Municipality, or is the responsibility
of the Master Developer and/or Municipality. NO works shall be permitted in this area without the written
permission of the Master Developer (or any subsequent owner), and /or Municipality depending on the legal
position at the time of the proposed works, including any planting outside the plot.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

4. Development Control Regulations

4. 1. Applicability
These regulations apply to all works, which for the purpose of these regulations relate to all works
(modifications, alterations, additions and/or extensions) to the villa or the erection of a freestanding building
or structure within the grounds of the villa plot.

4. 2. Regulations
4. 2. 1. Use Regulations
These villas have been designed and set out within the overall Al Falah Master Plan area as single family
residential homes. No retail, commercial or other non-residential activity is permitted in these villas.

4. 2. 2. Design Regulations
a. General Regulations i.

All works are permitted provided they do not exceed a maximum external area of 40sqm and a
height not exceeding the existing villa height or lower if specified elsewhere within these regulations.


All works shall be finished in a style, materials, quality, colour and texture to match the existing villa
on the plot. Please refer to MATRIX 1, at the end of this document, for detailed information
regarding the colour codes for the finishes to various elements of the villas.


All walls and roofs, for additions and extensions, are to be of a solid construction material,
maintaining the same proportions and colours as the existing villa.


All glazed elements of the windows and doors shall be finished in the same color, style and
grade/quality of glass, to match the existing glazed elements in the villa.


No works are permitted on the highest roof of, the existing villa or on any maximum additional
extension of 40sqm to the villa or, to any freestanding building within the villa plot.


The existing foundation and structural elements of the single-storey, 3 bedroom villas are NOT
designed to hold the weight of a second floor.

b. Faade Regulations
Any works to the facades of the villas are GENERALLY limited to only the rear and side facades. Any
works must adhere to all relevant aspects of the design regulations of these DCRs.
i. All works must reflect the style of the original villa, whether that be of a Modern, Andalucian or
Heritage design.


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c. Terraces and Balconies Regulations

i. Existing balconies and the forward most areas of existing terraces (as shown in the attached
development zone B5 in Section 5 of these regulations) for the 4 and 5 bedroom villas, are not
designed to be converted into enclosed living space and shall not be permitted to be enclosed.
ii. The height of the parapet on the existing roofs and around terraces and balconies shall not be
iii. Articulation, decoration and lighting fixtures are allowed to project vertically to a maximum of 0.5m
above the height of the existing parapet.
d. Garage and Parking Regulations
i. All garages shall be constructed to a maximum height of 3.5m, shall be finished with a flat roof and
shall be completed in materials, colour and texture to match the related villa.
ii. Garage structures and door systems, located within the garage zone (B6), shall be finished with a
flat roof, to a maximum height of 3.5m, and be in a style, materials and colour to match the existing
villa on plot.
iii. Adding a roller shutter garage door is permitted, provided that during its operation it shall not project
beyond the plot boundary.
iv. Garage door systems shall not take support from the existing boundary wall, and must provide their
own independent support structure.
v. The designated garage area on the original approved plans shall not be used for any purpose other
than for the parking of vehicles.
vi. No additional vehicular entrances are permitted in the side or rear plot boundary walls and all villas
shall maintain a minimum of two (2) car parking spaces on plot.
e. Majlis Regulations
i. All Majlis structures located within the building frontage zone (B3) shall be contained entirely within
the plot, shall be no higher than 4.0m and shall be finished in a style, materials and colour to match
the existing villa on plot.
All doors and windows in the Majilis, shall match the design, colour and material finish of those
elements in the existing villa.
f. Privacy and Shading Regulations

Privacy screens in the form of shading and screening tensile fabric shall be allowed over pools and
within private garden areas, primarily within the expansion zone.

ii. Privacy screens shall be permitted within the 3.0m wide no-build zone next to the boundary wall but
shall not take support from nor be attached in anyway to, the plot boundary wall.
iii. All privacy screens shall be finished in a neutral and complimentary colour to the villa and shall not
exceed 4.0m in height.
iv. No privacy screens or shading devices shall be permitted to extend beyond the plot boundary.
v. Freestanding shading devices within the plot shall not exceed a maximum height of 4.0m.
vi. The main entry gates may be screened by translucent screens.
vii. Privacy of adjacent plots must be considered when locating and designing fenestrations (window,
door and other openings) on the side and rear facades on the first floor of any villa.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

viii. Windows shall not be placed where they directly face neighbouring windows.
ix. Window grills shall not be permitted.
x. Windows shall be perpendicular to the boundary by integration into the building setback, in order to
maintain privacy between the villas (see Figure 3).

Figure 4 A window perpendicular to the boundary wall


Rooftop Regulations
Any additional rooftop equipment either MEP, antenna, satellite dishes and telecommunications
equipment, etc or the relocation of existing ones, shall NOT exceed the maximum operational
requirements of such equipment and in all cases shall be no higher than 2.0m above the maximum
height of the villa type to which it relates:
i. In all cases, the equipment shall be screened using suitable decorative panels, if its height exceeds
the top of the parapet.
ii. In all cases, the equipment shall be setback a minimum of 2.0m from the edge of the parapet.
iii. In all cases, TV and other satellite dishes shall be placed /located in such a way that they are not
visible from the street. All associated cabling and wiring shall be routed within the villa and shall not
be visible on the outside faade of the villa.
iv. No habitable accommodation is permitted on the roof.
Note: All villas are equipped with the latest in communication technology. Therefore, it is highly
recommend that you avoid the use of any satellite dish installations on your rooftop.

h. Boundary Wall Regulations

i. Existing plot boundary walls and associated gates shall not be altered, modified or increased in
ii. Any new boundary wall or replacement of the existing boundary wall shall not exceed 2.5m, (the
original boundary wall height), as measured from the ground level adjacent to the external face of
the wall, and shall be finished in a style, texture and color to match the villa on the related plot.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

iii. No privacy shields or any other form of screening shall be permitted on or attached to the existing
boundary walls.
iv. Articulation, decoration and lighting fixtures are permitted on the boundary wall, provided they do not
extend beyond the plot boundary, or project vertically more than 0.5m above the height of the
boundary wall.
v. No fences or other forms of non-masonry plot boundary delineation or treatment are permitted.

Swimming pool Regulations

A swimming pool is permitted. However, if the total additional electrical consumption as a result of the
works (the swimming pool) is greater than that allowed for the maximum external area (See Section
4.2.2.a.i - General Regulations in these DCRs), then there will be no extra capacity for any further
works to the villa, either internally or externally.
A swimming pool proposal utilizing green sustainable solutions for the provision of power for the
swimming pool, which does not impact on the electrical consumption of the allowed maximum external
area (See Section 4.2.2.a.i - General Regulations in these DCRs) and accords with the water
requirements of the relevant authority, shall also be permitted.
i. The overall pool design shall observe all the applicable statutory and regulatory safety regulations
and codes and, compliance with these is the responsibility of the owner.
ii. A site specific geo-technical investigation report and a proper waterproofing design shall be
submitted to the ADM and approved, prior to any works commencing on the swimming pool.


Underground Structures
i. Prior to commencing any works to the villa or within the villa plot all owners shall determine the
position of all underground structures and utilities within the plot and shall adhere to all statutory
safeguarding distances from the same.
ii. No works shall be permitted within 2.0m of any part of the underground water tank.

k. Vehicular Access to the Plot

i. A maximum of one entrance is permitted for every 30m of plot frontage (or less for the first/main
ii. The entrance width for the vehicular access shall be a maximum of 6.0m.
iii. No additional vehicular entrances are permitted in the side or rear boundary walls.

Pedestrian Access to the Plot

i. A maximum of one entrance is permitted for every 30m of plot frontage (or less for the first/main
entrance), excluding a Majilis when it is built to the front plot line.
ii. No additional pedestrian entrances are permitted in the side or rear boundary walls, unless fronting
a public road.
iii. Pedestrian accesses shall be a maximum of 2.0m wide.

m. Additional Regulations
i. No permanent cooking structures or barbecue chimneys shall be built within 1.0m of any boundary
ii. An existing villa cannot be demolished.
iii. No demolition works shall be allowed to the existing structural framework of the villa or architectural
items, beyond those works required to blend/connect the existing villa to any new works.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

5. Development Zones
5. 1. Zone Definition
Each plot is broken down into six development zones as follows:
Zone B1 This zone comprises the existing villa and drivers unit on the villa plot. (illustrated in White).
Zone B2 This zone comprises a 3m wide strip located parallel to the boundary wall, to the rear and on
both sides. No works are permitted in this zone, other than the provision of fabric shading and privacy
devices and barbeques, located in a position not to detract from the visual appearance of the villa and
surrounding streetscape (illustrated in Red).
Zone B3 This zone comprises an area forward of the front building line of the villa where a majlis may be
constructed, and the provision of fabric or timber shading devices no higher than 4.0m maximum, are
acceptable provided they do not detract from the visual appearance of the villa and/or surrounding
streetscape. (illustrated in Blue).
Zone B4 This zone (the extension zone) comprises an area for any future works to the villa or within the
plot, either on the ground or first floors and includes some land to side of the villa, as shown on the attached
layout plans. (illustrated in Green).
Zone B5 - This zone defines the areas on the roofs of the villas and drivers units where no development
and/or shading devices are permitted. (illustrated in Purple).
Zone B6 This zone defines the area in the front of the plot, forward of the front building line of the villa,
where garages may be located. (illustrated in Yellow).
Note: In the event that there is any conflict between a build zone and a no-build zone , the more
restrictive requirement of the no-build zone will apply.
Figure 5 Villa Development Zones:
Zone B1 - Existing Villa
Zone B2 - No build other than
shading device
Zone B3 - Building frontage zone

Zone B4 - Extension zone

Zone B5 - Roof no build zone

Zone B6 - Garage zone

Ground Floor Plan


Roof Plan

Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

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3 Bedroom Villa Single storey

Zone B1 - Existing Villa
Zone B2 - No build other than
shading device
Zone B3 - Building frontage zone
Zone B4 - Extension zone

Zone B5 - Roof no build zone

Zone B6 - Garage zone

Off-plot (See section 3.3)

Ground Floor Plan

Roof Plan

Note: Plot shape may vary and the configuration within the villa plot may also vary, however the regulations are
calculated/determined from the existing villa and drivers unit position on the plot and their relationship to the
actual boundary wall position.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

4 Bedroom Villa Two storeys

Zone B1 - Existing Villa

Zone B2 - No build other than
shading device
Zone B3 - Building frontage zone
Zone B4 - Extension zone

Zone B5 - Roof no build zone

Zone B6 - Garage zone

Off-plot (See section 3.3)

Ground Floor Plan

Roof Plan

First Floor Plan

Note: Plot shape may vary and the configuration within the villa plot may also vary, however the regulations are
calculated/determined from the existing villa and drivers unit position on the plot and their relationship to the
actual boundary wall position.


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5 Bedroom Villa Two storeys

Zone B1 - Existing Villa

Zone B2 - No build other than
shading device
Zone B3 - Building frontage zone
Zone B4 - Extension zone

Zone B5 - Roof no build zone

Zone B6 - Garage zone

Off-plot (See section 3.3)

Ground Floor Plan

Roof Plan

First Floor Plan

Note: Plot shape may vary and the configuration within the villa plot may also vary, however the regulations are
calculated/determined from the existing villa and drivers unit position on the plot and their relationship to the
actual boundary wall position.

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Al Falah Community / Villa-Development Control Regulations

6. Landscape Guidelines

All garden areas should be sustainably managed to reduce the use of water resources.


Select water efficient plants. (Please refer to the UPCs Abu Dhabi Public Realm Design Manual for
a detailed list of water efficient plants).


Minimize landscaping water demand.


Villa owners should try and avoid the use of pesticide and herbicide applications however should
they be necessary, the owners must ensure that the safest pesticide and herbicide application
techniques are used, in line with the product suppliers guidance.


The use of water efficient irrigation systems (to provide irrigation zones, including a timer and to
eliminate surface spray, etc.) should be encouraged.


The planting of the Conocarpus Lancifolius tree (in Arabic Damas) is prohibited on any villa plot.

7. Requirements for all Owners undertaking any

Owners of units that will undergo all approved works shall agree to the following undertakings:

All works shall to be carried out under the direct supervision of a licensed engineer/consultant.


All ADM construction safety regulations shall be observed and complied with as a minimum.


Construction works, construction material supply, excavation and any other similar works relevant to
the approved works shall observe the regulated working hours mandated by ADM during daytime
and shall not be permitted between 5 pm and 7 am daily. Such works shall also not take place at
public and official holidays.


The construction, stockpiling, storage of building materials and excavation works shall be carried out
in a way that does not damage, disrupt or negatively impact any adjacent public/private property,
vehicular movement, parking space or pedestrian routes.


The debris and demolished materials resulting from the works shall be disposed of by the owner or
their authorized Consultant to regulated landfills. Such material shall not be kept on site for more
than 24 hours.


All exterior facade works above the height of the plot boundary walls, shall be screened with plastic
mesh to prevent flying debris, maintain privacy and prevent unpleasant views for the residents of
neighbouring villas.


During all works, the owner of the Villa will endeavor to prevent any invasion of privacy to all
residents in neighbouring villas, by the appointed contractor(s).


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