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Motor Planning Kit: Strategies, Tools, and Resources For Developing A Comprehensive Motor Management Plan

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Strategies, Tools, and

Resources for Developing

a Comprehensive Motor
Management Plan
Developed by the Motor Decisions Matter
2001-2012 Consortium for Energy Efficiency, Inc. All rights reserved.
Version 2.2
This Motor Planning Kit will assist you in developing a motor management plan
an effective tool for dramatically improving productivity and increasing reliability while
minimizing downtime, reducing operating costs, and conserving energy. With a proactive
motor management plan in place, you will be better prepared to make effective and
thoughtful decisions in advance of motor failure.
Inside this booklet you will nd information about the tools and templates you can use
to design and implement a motor plan. For more information, please visit the Motor
Decisions Matter
(MDM) website, www.motorsmatter.org. A list of MDM campaign
sponsors who can help with your motor planning process is available on the site.
Start today, because managing a plan is easier
than managing a crisis.

Motor Planning Kit
I. Introduction to Motor Management
1.1 Motor Planning Makes $ense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure A: Sample Lifetime Motor Operating Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure B: Motor Energy Costs Increase with Size and Run Time (Pre-EPAct Motors 10-500 hp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure C: Sample Electric Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure D: Premium Motors Reduce Energy Costs (NEMA Premium
vs. Pre-EPAct Default Effciency Motors) . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 Overview of Motor Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure E: Motor Decision Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sidebar A: Considering a Corporate Energy Management Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
II. The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Motor Survey and Tracking Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sidebar B: Disney World Benefts from Motor Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Proactive Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sidebar C: Lumber Company Reaps Energy and Downtime Savings with Motor Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sidebar D: Convey Repair-Replace Decisions with Motor Tags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.3 Spare Motor Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.4 Motor Purchasing Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.5 Motor Repair Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.6 Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III. Additional Motor System Management Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 Optimizing Motor Compatibility with Load, System, and Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure F: Typical Effciency vs. Load Curve for Polyphase Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Adjustable Speed Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Motor-Driven System Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IV. Tools and Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 General Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Motor Selection Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Motor Repair Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.4 Motor Evaluation and Planning Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Adjustable Speed Drive Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.6 System Optimization and Corporate Energy Management Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.7 Region-Specifc Information and Motor Planning Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Motor Decisions Matter periodically publishes a compilation of motor planning resources. The information contained within this planning kit was
reviewed by MDM sponsors. MDM believes the information to be reliable at the time it was provided, but MDM performs no independent verifcation
of such information. Neither MDM nor CEE is responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein. This is not a comprehensive list of resources. For
the most up-to-date list of resources, please refer to the Motor Planning Kit section of the Motor Decisions Matter website, www.motorsmatter.org.
This trademark is owned by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Most motor decisions are made at
the time of motor failure, when the
clock is ticking and downtime costs
are mounting. There is little time for
analyzing options or interviewing
service centers. As a result, decisions to
repair or replace a motor are based on
availability or short-term economics,
not evaluation and planning. Typically,
when motors fail, the highest priority
is to return the equipment to service
not to optimize motor performance.
The costs associated with this type of
hasty decision making can be high,
resulting in elevated operational costs,
poor equipment performance, and
unreliable service.
The alternative to rst-cost, rushed
decision making is to implement
a sound motor management plan.
Having a motor plan in place before
motor failure ensures that your
decisions will be both quick and cost-
effective. A motor management plan
can also reduce your energy costs for
years to come.
Powering motors costs more than
you think. Surprisingly, the electricity
used to power a motor represents
approximately 95 percent of its total
lifetime operating costs. The combined
costs of purchasing, installing, and
maintaining a motor account for the
remaining 5 percent (see Figure A).

Considering that a commercial building
or manufacturing plant may have tens,
hundreds, or even thousands of motors
operating within the facility, managing
motor energy costs is good business.

Figure B (next page) is a simple
illustration that is intended to give you
a general idea of annual energy costs of
the older motors in your facility. Costs
of newer motors meeting the previous
federal minimum efciency standard
(EPAct 1992) may be somewhat less,
but are still signicant. Even a relatively
small motor (50 hp and under) will
consume thousands of dollars worth of
energy per year.
Your actual motor costs will likely be
different from those shown in Figure B.

For example, the calculations in
Figure B assume a 100 percent load
factor, while your motor may operate
at a different load. The formula below
calculates a closer approximation.
Check the motors nameplate for
efciency information. If no efciency
information is available, check
with the motor manufacturer for
the efciency value. If you are still
unable to determine motor efciency,
use the Pre-EPAct 1992 Default
Motor Efciency Table available in
MotorMaster+ and in the 1-2-3
Approach to Motor Management, software
tools which are discussed later in this
planning kit.
The electricity rate used in this
calculation should be your aggregate
cost of power. The aggregate cost of
power may include energy charges,
demand charges, and core charges. In
addition, rates may vary by type and
I. Introduction to Motor Management
The pie chart is based on a hypothetical 100 hp motor that is 94.5 percent efcient (EPAct 1992 minimum for 1800 rpm, TEFC). It assumes that the motor has an 18-year
lifespan and runs 6,300 hours per year with a $0.075 per kWh electricity rate. Purchase price, installation, maintenance, and other costs are estimated at 5 percent of the
motors total lifetime operating costs. Your actual cost percentages will vary with factors such as motor size, efciency, cost of electricity, and run time.
The pre-EPAct 1992 default efciencies in Figure B are taken from MotorMaster+, a software tool developed by Washington State University and funded by the US
Department of Energy. The calculation assumes 1800 rpm, totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors and an electricity cost of $0.075 per kWh.
(hp) (load factor) (0.746) (annual hrs. operation) (electricity rate)
motor effciency
1 Motor Planning Kit
1.1 Motor Planning Makes $ense
Energy =
High efciency motors can help
minimize your motor operating
costs. Because many motors operate
40-80 hours per week or more, even
small increases in efciency can yield
substantial energy and dollar savings.
In 2001, the National Electrical
Manufacturers Association (NEMA),
the Consortium for Energy Efciency
(CEE), and other stakeholders
developed and adopted the NEMA
In December of 2010, these levels
were incorporated into the current
federal minimum standard: Energy
Independence And Security Act
(EISA). For 1-200 hp general purpose
motors 1200rpm, 1800rpm, and
3600rpm, EISA standards are equivalent
to NEMA Premium. Motors meeting
these standards are approximately 1-4
percentage points more efcient than
motors meeting the previous standard,
EPAct 1992, depending on size and
enclosure type. CEE research indicates
that there are motors in the market
that exceed current federal minimum
standards (see Section 4.2 Motor
Selection Resources). For this
reason, it is always important to check
a motors nameplate efciency when
calculating lifecycle costs.
Figure D (next page) is a generalized
example of the annual energy
cost savings your company might
potentially achieve by replacing
older, inefcient motors with NEMA
Your actual savings with
NEMA Premium motors will vary. As
illustrated in the chart, larger motors
and longer operating hours increase the
potential for savings.
For example, a facility has an old 75 hp
motor running 6,300 hours annually.
The current model is 91.61 percent
efcient. Replacing this model with a
95.4 percent efcient NEMA Premium
motor can save more than $1,100
annually. Over a ten-year period, this
amounts to more than $11,000. If the
facility had ten of these motors, the
savings would multiply.
size of organization and region of
the country. Below are two steps to
determine your aggregate energy costs:
1. Calculate your aggregate cost of
power by dividing the grand total
cost of electricity by the number of
kilowatt-hours (kWh) consumed
in a standard billing period. This
information should be clearly printed
on your monthly utility bill.
2. Check with your local electric
utility account representative to make
sure that the electric utility rate you are
using for this formula closely matches
your true cost of power.
For example, from the simplied
electric bill in Figure C, the aggregate
cost of power is:
per kWh
= =
On-Peak kWh 27,600 $634.80
Demand kW
407 $307.00
Off-Peak kWh 14,000 $266.00
Demand kW
311 $126.60
Power Factor 0.84 $155.00
Taxes 3% $44.68
Please Remit
Figure C: Sample
Electric Bill
This trademark is owned by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Using annual energy cost formula given on page 1; plotting pre-EPAct 1992 costs against NEMA Premium. Pre-EPAct 1992 default efciencies for each horsepower are
taken from MotorMaster+. Nominal NEMA Premium efciencies for each horsepower are used. The calculation assumes 1800 rpm, totally enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC)
motors and an electricity cost of $0.075 per kWh.
Becoming familiar with your electric
bill not only helps you calculate your
annual motor energy costs; it may
also help you identify other savings
opportunities, such as diverting some
of your on-peak kW to off-peak times.
Motor Planning Kit: Introduction to Motor Management 2
Remember, this chart and others in
this document are representations only;
it is important to base your decisions
on individualized calculations for your
motors. A number of free software
tools are available to help you calculate
the potential savings of replacing
an existing motor with a NEMA
Premium motor. Some of these tools
are discussed later in this planning kit.
In addition to energy savings, NEMA
Premium motors have other valuable
benets. Their higher quality materials
and cooler operating temperatures
can help to reduce maintenance costs.
Talk with your motor sales and service
center about other nonenergy benets
of NEMA Premium motors.
Refer to Sidebar A (next page) to
learn more about how to improve your
organizations bottom line through
investments in energy efciency.
You have the opportunity to make
a real difference in your companys
operations and its prots, by proactively
managing your motor inventory. The
motor management planning process
gives you the opportunity to evaluate
the decisions and actions that are
required when motor failure occurs.
The following section discusses each
aspect of motor planning in greater
detail. Remember that a key aspect
of motor planning is to communicate
your new policies and commitment
throughout your organization.
As you read further, keep in mind that
motor planning:
is strategic for your company
helps capture savings opportunities
that might otherwise be
enables managers and plant
personnel to react quickly and
effectively to motor failure
ensures motor availability for critical
decreases downtime while reducing
energy costs
Refer to Figure E (next page) to see
how motor planning expands your
options from standard repair practices
and replacement equipment to best
practice repairs and NEMA Premium
Before moving forward, you may want
to take a quick look at a few of your
own motors to assess the opportunities
in your facility. Motor Decisions
Matters 1-2-3 Approach to Motor
Management was designed to help you
estimate annual operating costs and to
calculate potential savings. The greatest
opportunities are frequently found
3 Motor Planning Kit: Introduction to Motor Management
1.2 Overview of Motor Management
in older motors, motors with longer
hours of operation, or similar motors
found throughout your facility.
An initial analysis can help determine
the motor management strategies
that are appropriate for your facility.
There are many tools available to
help determine the cost-effectiveness
of repairing or replacing a motor
immediately or upon failure. (see
Section IV: Tools and Resources,
for details).

Successful corporate energy management
programs incorporate commitment that
starts at the top, where the CEO and
other top-level corporate offcers formally
support the companys dedication
to implementing the strategy and
encourage managers to head energy
management teams. The energy manager
or management team identify the areas
in which the greatest potential energy
reductions can be achieved, as well as the
lowest cost energy reductions (which are
the easiest for the company to make in the
short term).
A corporate energy policy can not only
improve your companys bottom line, it
can also have a positive impact on your
corporate image as an environmentally-
conscious member of your community.
The U.S. Environmental Protection

website (www.energystar.gov) contains
Guidelines for Energy Management,
along with many other valuable energy
management resources.
The Department of Energys Offce of
Energy Effciency and Renewable Energy
(EERE) Advanced Manufacturing Offce
website (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
manufacturing/) has additional important
information about developing a successful
corporate energy management strategy
(See Section IV for details).
Motor management is only one of many
opportunities for you to improve your
companys energy effciency. Optimizing
motor-driven systems (fan, pump, and
compressed air systems), lighting,
HVAC, industrial processes, and offce
electronics can present opportunities for
savings through effciency investments.
Companies interested in pursuing
multiple opportunities often develop a
corporate energy management policy.
This type of comprehensive energy
planning involves a commitment to
saving energy throughout the company;
performance assessments; goal setting;
creation and implementation of an
action plan; evaluation of progress; and
recognition of achievements.
SIDEBAR A: Considering a Corporate Energy Management Policy
Figure E: Motor Decision Tree
Motor Planning Kit: Introduction to Motor Management 4
Motor management plans can
be simple or complex. More
comprehensive plans take additional
time and resources to develop, but
offer greater savings opportunities. The
important thing is to create a strategy
that works for your organization.
Successful motor management
programs are based on a few
fundamental principles. These
principles can be used like building
blocks to create a plan that suits the
companys needs. Many organizations
phase in selected parts of a
comprehensive plan over time, while
others implement a more wide-ranging
plan all at once.
The basic steps include:
1. Creation of a motor survey and
tracking program.
2. Development of guidelines for
proactive repair-replace decisions.
3. Preparation for motor failure by
creating a spares inventory.
4. Development of a purchasing
5. Development of a repair
6. Development and implementation
of a predictive and preventive
maintenance program.
This section contains guidance for
moving forward with each step; tools
and resources are discussed in
Section IV. Talk with your motor
sales and service provider, energy
efciency organization, and electricity
provider to decide which steps are
right for you. Working together
to develop a plan will help you
accomplish your stated goals while
conforming to your companys
organizational structure and nancial
Throughout the planning process,
it is important to discuss whether
high efciency motors are cost-
effective replacements for certain
individual motors or groups of similar
motors. Many utilities and energy
efciency organizations offer nancial
and technical assistance for motor
management projects. An extensive
listing of these programs is available in
the CEE 2012 Summary of Member
Programs for Motors & Motor
Systems (see Section 4.6: System
Optimization and Corporate
Energy Management Resources).
II. The Building Blocks of Efective Motor Management
Motors represent an important asset
for your company. To manage them
effectively, it is important to understand
where, what, and how many there
are. Therefore, many companies rst
motor management step is to conduct
a motor survey. The survey might be
based on nameplate data, or it might
include actual measured data.
It may
also include motor history information.
If there are many motors within your
facility, you may want to begin with
those running critical applications,
those running the most hours, those
with the highest failure rates, or those
that are the oldest.
Motor survey: There are several
software programs and spreadsheets
specically designed to build a motor
survey and to help you make sensible
motor decisions. MotorMaster+,
created by Washington State University
through a grant from the US
Department of Energy (DOE), is a
comprehensive program that allows
you to create and manage your motor
database. It also contains manufacturers
information for more than 20,000
AC motors, including nameplate
data, list price, repair costs, and other
information. The MotorMaster+
software is available free of charge
online at www1.eere.energy.gov/
Other resources are also available.
The Motor Survey How-To Guide is
available from Advanced Energy at
800-869-8001 or online at www.
library. This document provides
step-by-step instructions for planning
your inventory, collecting data,
understanding lifecycle costing analysis,
and creating policies for purchasing,
repair, and replacement that are tailored
to your operation. In addition, many
electric utilities, motor sales and service
providers, motor suppliers, state energy
efciency programs, and independent
energy consultants offer inventory and
management services.
When there are uncertainties about actual load, it is benecial to take actual load measurement readings. Data from the Xenergy study, United States Industrial Motor
Systems Market Opportunities Assessment (prepared for the US DOE Ofce of Industrial Technologies and Oak Ridge National Laboratory), indicate that a large percentage
of motors operate at load levels below 40 percent (p.79). Your motor service provider can help with these measurements.
5 Motor Planning Kit
2.1 Motor Survey and Tracking Program
Motor Planning Kit: The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management 6
Because motor tracking alone will not
prevent repetition of a prior application
error, it is often benecial to ask your
motor service provider to perform
root cause failure analysis (RCFA).
RCFA is a method of determining
why chronic failures occur, and
making modications to prevent
future failures. Detailed information
surrounding the failure and the motors
operating conditions is collected and
analyzed. From the ndings, preventive
recommendations for the future
can be made. For example, a motor
modication such as additional shaft
seals could keep water spray from
getting into the motor.
When it comes to motor planning,
proactive decision making means
thinking about motor replacement
decisions before failure occurs. By
planning proactively, you can calculate
the most cost effective replacement
for your motor, and your decisions
are based on economics, not motor
Motor tracking: Motor tracking
helps to identify recurring
problems with specic motors or
previously unrecognized application
considerations in order to avoid
common pitfalls.
Consider the following example. A
motor is repaired and returned to
inventory, then installed sometime later
in a different application in a different
part of the plant. If the motor then
fails again, it may be sent out again
for repairs, returned to inventory, and
reinstalled without anyone recognizing
the need to assess the motor more
carefully. Keeping track of operational
data means that the motors history will
be readily available if a failure occurs,
and will allow facility managers to
make more informed decisions.
For motor tracking, your survey should
include operational data, such as:
Where the motor is located
Motor application
When the motor was placed in
When the motor was last repaired
Who last repaired the motor
How many times the motor has been
repaired or rewound (and why)
Motor loading and operating hours
(evaluate need for spares; compare
root cause failure analysis history)
According to the Department of
Energys BestPractices program, the
Reedy Creek Improvement District
sends chilled water to Walt Disney
World facilities and has over 20,000
horsepower worth of motors. Using
DOE MotorMaster+ (MM+) software,
the University of Florida Energy
Extension Service surveyed 120 motors
at the North Service Area Chiller Plant,
ranging from 25 to 700 hp.
Applications included all aspects of
water pumpingchilled, condensed,
SIDEBAR B: Disney World Benefts from
Motor Planning
hot, and municipal water as well as
compressors and cooling tower fans. Using
data from MM+, the University of Florida
identifed areas where motor system
upgrades would reduce energy usage.
The motor survey resulted in the
replacement of seven critical motors at
the chiller plant and one at the Magic
Kingdom totaling 1,425 hp. Energy
savings exceeded 300,000 kWh per
year and 60 kW in demand, worth
approximately $30,000 annually.
Proactive decision making will
help you minimize unscheduled
downtime and improve overall
protability. The cost of replacing
or repairing a failed motor can
be insignicant compared to the
downtime costs incurred. These
Idle workers
Reduced productivity
Disrupted schedule
Late delivery; dissatised customers
Overtime pay for mechanics
Priority shipping charges
Spoiled product cleanup and disposal
Damage to driven equipment from
2.2 Proactive Decision Making
Alder Creek Lumber, a stand-alone sawmill
in northern Oregon, is a successful niche
provider to the high-end building sector.
The company realized, however, that it
needed to upgrade its facility, including
its aging feet of motors, to maintain its
competitive edge. Using EM2, a software
tool developed by the Northwest Energy
Effciency Alliance, a feld consultant for
the Alliance and an Alder Creek project
manager created a database and analyzed
the companys 175 motors, ranging from
3-200 hp.
The project manager used the data
analysis to convince his managers that
motor replacement could be more cost
effective than rewinding in some instances,
particularly because of the age and
ineffciency of the old motors.
profles to determine if motor sizing
was appropriate. He then used the
EM2 software to identify downsizing
opportunities such as the replacement
of a 20 hp motor with a 15 hp motor.
Oversizing is common in older mills, and
results in ineffcient energy consumption.
Replacement of an oversized motor with
one of the correct horsepower is a quick
and easy way to reduce energy usage.
The motor analysis projects multiple
positive outcomes resulted in Alder
Creek Lumbers specifcation of premium
effciency motors to replace failed
motors, at decreased horsepower when
appropriate. Their plan will continue
the companys trend toward energy
and bottom line savings through motor
Abbreviated version of Motor Management Success: A Niche Companys Answer to Electric Motor Effciency. By Electric Motor Management (EMM) of the
Northwest Energy Effciency Alliance. Full version available on http://www.motorsmatter.org/case_studies/index.asp and at http://www.nwalliance.org.
The effciency of the frst old, 200 hp
motor to be replaced had fallen to 82
percent. The new, premium effciency
model had a 96 percent effciency rating;
installing the new motor resulted in
energy savings close to 15 percent, or
over $8,300 annually, giving a payback
of less than twelve months. Employment
of the premium effciency motor also cut
manufacturing downtime, resulting in
greater product volume. Additionally, use
of the new motor reduced electricity peaks
to a lower level, fattening operating energy
demands. Increases in revenue with
decreases in load mean a stronger bottom
The project manager also used a
current logger to record motor amp
draw over time, and created motor load
SIDEBAR C: Lumber Company Reaps Energy and Downtime
Savings with Motor Management
Consider the three sample decision
making strategies outlined here.
Rather than three discrete strategies,
consider these approaches as points on
a continuum from general decision
guidelines to application-specic
Remember that, whichever strategy
you choose, an important aspect of
making decisions about motors is
communicating your action plan with
others in your facility. See Sidebar D
(next page) for an example of how
software tools like the 1-2-3 Approach
to Motor Management can help make
it easy for your facility employees to
understand your repair-replacement
STRATEGY A: Develop a Set
of General Decision Rules
One way to approach motor manage-
ment is to develop a written set of
general criteria that will be applied
in all repair-replacement decisions.
The advantage of this approach is that
the rules are relatively easy to explain
and implement. Caution is warranted,
however, because this approach does
not consider motor characteristics and
operating factors on a case-by-case
basis and could leave additional savings
opportunities on the table. If you
decide on this approach, you might
want to discuss these decision rules
with your motor service professional
before adoption.
Examples of decision rules:
Replace all failed motors under a
specied horsepower and repair all
failed motors above a predetermined
horsepower, i.e., a horsepower
Replace all motors that operate
more than a predetermined
number of hours with NEMA
Premium motors when the
calculated payback meets
a specied set of criteria.
Replace a failed motor when the
repair cost exceeds a predetermined
percentage of the new motor; for
example, 60 percent. (Note: Check
with your motor distributor or
service provider for replacement
7 Motor Planning Kit: The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management
Motor Planning Kit: The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management 8
Require all repairs to follow best
practice repair guidelines. (Note:
See the EASA/AEMT study, The
Effect of Repairing/Rewinding on
Motor Efciency, available online at
Stock replacements for all critical
motors. (Note: This might be done
in-house or in conjunction with
your motor service provider or
motor vendor.)
STRATEGY B: Develop Specic
Repair-Replacement Decisions
for Individual Motors
For some applications, it is benecial to
incorporate more specic application
information into the decision making
process. Parameters that might inuence
your repair-replace decision include
motor loading, duty cycle, matching
equipment type, enclosure type, and
torque requirements.
Some companies choose to focus on
the most important motors in the facility,
such as the largest and most critical
application motors. Critical motors may
also include those that offer the greatest
opportunities for savings, such as the
most intensively used motors. This
method can be particularly useful for
facilities with limited funding for process
STRATEGY C: Develop a
Comprehensive Motor Inventory
The most comprehensive approach
to motor planning expands the
narrow framework of Strategy B to
understand and optimize all of the
organizations motors. This approach
requires evaluation of each motor or
motor type in the facility (see Section
2.3: Spare Motor Inventory for
more information on a spare motor
inventory), development of an
appropriate repair-replace response for
each application, and implementation
of an inventory management plan to
ensure that when motors fail, the most
cost-effective motor solution is available
Because the process of building a
comprehensive motor inventory can be
time consuming, you may want to start
with your most critical motors, and
gradually make your management plan
more comprehensive.
Alternatively, some organizations
decide to outsource their inventory
development. A number of consultants,
motor suppliers, and motor service
centers offer this service. Check with
your local motor service professional
about the availability of motor
management services in your area.
Facility managers and personnel need
clear communication about motor
decisions to ensure smooth operations.
This is often accomplished by placing
identifable tags on individual motors
or groups of similar motors. Tags
provide important information about the
motor and about actions to take upon
failure. One way of generating these
tags is to use Motor Decisions Matters
free, online motor repair-replacement
calculation tool, the 1-2-3 Approach to
Motor Management. Learn more about
the 1-2-3 Approach in Section IV.
SIDEBAR D: Convey Repair/Replace
Decisions with Motor Tags
Once you understand your replacement
requirements, maintaining a spares
inventory guarantees that the motor
you have selected is be available when
you need it. This minimizes downtime
and provides peace of mind. Motor
sales and service providers are stepping
up efforts to work with customers in
this area. Customized programs might
include stocking, storage, maintenance,
or tracking agreements. Talk with your
local motor sales and service center
about establishing a spares inventory
for your critical motors.
2.3 Spare Motor Inventory
An important component of any
motor management plan, a motor
purchasing policy accomplishes several
key objectives.
A purchasing policy:
streamlines the purchasing process
demonstrates management support
for decisions based on lifecycle
costing rather than rst cost alone
ensures consistent procurement
helps to ensure that the most
appropriate, cost-effective motor is
chosen for each application
To be effective, the policy must be
widely disseminated to those who
regularly make motor related decisions
and must be clearly supported by
management. Several sample policies
are available. The National Electrical
Manufacturers Associations General
Specication for Consultants, Industrial and
Municipal: NEMA Premium Efciency
Electric Motors (600 Volts or Less) covers
many design criteria as well as material
and mechanical considerations. The
condensed version is available free
of charge at www.nema.org under
Motor repair quality is an important
consideration when analyzing the costs
associated with repair-replacement
decisions. While some repair practices
can result in decreased motor
efciency, best practice repair services
can maintain the efciency of your
motors. Efciency is important to
your bottom line, so it makes sense
to ensure that you are receiving the
highest quality motor services available.
Developing a relationship with your
motor service provider is an excellent
way to guarantee receiving the best
repair-replacement advice and service.
While developing your motor plan,
you may nd that it makes sense for
your company to include a motor
repair policy (see Section 4.6: Motor
Repair Resources).
In addition to requiring best practice
repair services, you might look for
a motor service provider that has a
formal quality assurance program in
place, such as ISO 14000, EASA-Q or
Proven Excellence Verication (PEV).
Participation in these programs provide
a good indication that the service
center is familiar with and can provide
these premium services. 3
In order to anticipate and prevent
motor failures, your facility should
implement a maintenance program
that incorporates both predictive and
preventive measures as part of its motor
management plan. It is important
to include both types of measures.
Preventive measures keep motors in
good operating condition, reducing
the risk of unexpected motor failure.
Predictive measures help to determine
which motor related components
may eventually lead to failure, giving
facility managers the opportunity
to recongure, repair, or replace the
components before failure occurs.
The combination of preventive and
predictive measures provides many
benets to your company.
9 Motor Planning Kit: The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management
2.4 Motor Purchasing Policy
2.5 Motor Repair Policy
2.6 Predictive and Preventive Maintenance Program
Motor Planning Kit: The Building Blocks of Effective Motor Management 10
Preventive Maintenance

There are ve factors that are often
responsible for motor failure: heat,
dirt, moisture, vibrations, and voltage
irregularities. Maintenance programs
that focus on negating motor exposure
to these factors can successfully reduce
the rate of motor failure.
Heat: Undersizing, incorrect
starting torque characteristics, high
ambient temperature, and poorly
ventilated motors (plugged up, dirty,
or in cramped locations), can all cause
motors to overheat. Correct motor
selection and placement, essential
to a variety of motor operating
characteristics, is especially important
to prevent overheating.
Dirt: Debris in a plant or outdoor
work area, such as a construction
project, can damage a motors
mechanical and electrical components,
and contribute to motors overheating.
Many motor manufacturers make
models that are designed to keep dirt
and other potentially harmful materials
out of motors; talk with your motor
sales and service center to see if these
motors or other modications such
as debris shields or bearing isolators
are appropriate for some of your
operations. Of course, keeping the
plant or work area as clean as possible
can also go a long way toward reducing
debris buildup in motors.
Moisture: Moisture is corrosive to
the motors mechanical and electrical
components, and is particularly harmful
to motors that are used irregularly.
Using forced ventilation or mechanical
dehumidication may help to reduce
these effects in damp motor running
environments. Idle motors can be
protected with internal space or
winding heaters.
Vibration: Various failing or
malfunctioning components of the
motor or its load may be responsible
for vibration. Vibration gradually
destroys the motors bearings. If severe,
mechanical components may develop
cracks or fractures.
Voltage irregularities: Fluctuations
beyond the motors specied
capabilitiesundervoltage, overvoltage,
unbalanced voltage, voltage transients,
and other equipments harmonics
may cause windings to overheat. In
three-phase motors, this overheating
may occur even with relatively small
variations in voltage. Voltage should be
checked frequently, and corrected if
there is a problem.
Predictive Maintenance

There are a number of ways to predict
failure, including use of monitoring
equipment to assess the impact of the
above mentioned factors on motor
health. Your facility might consider
infrared thermal imaging that can be
used to identify overheating wiring
and bearings, vibration sensors that
can identify vibration and bearing
problems, and electrical analyzers
that can identify power supply
problems. Including motor operating
characteristics in your motor inventory
can give you a baseline data set for
your motor population. By regularly
measuring operating characteristics,
you can detect changes that may
indicate a problem, and schedule the
motor system for maintenance. This
is a preemptive strike against motor
Identifying a problem with your motor
before failure occurs means that you
can have it reconditioned at a far lower
cost than a post-failure rewind or
extensive mechanical restoration.
Derived from the Maintenance Solutions article, Motor Maintenance Matters. James Piper, July 2003.
Derived from Guide to Energy-Efcient Commercial Equipment, 2nd edition. Published by the American Council for an Energy-Efcient Economy (ACEEE); available at
Implementing an effective motor
management plan for your existing
motors can help your company realize
signicant energy and bottom line
savings and productivity increases.
You should also be aware that you can
achieve additional and often greater
savings opportunities by optimizing
the motors compatibility with its
motor-driven system (through proper
selection and use of devices such
as adjustable speed drives, when
applicable) and by optimizing the
motor-driven system as a whole.
III. Additional Motor System Management Considerations
Proper motor selection saves you time
and money. The common practice of
oversizing motors results in inefciency.
Motor efciency drops off sharply
below about 40 percent of rated load,
and motors operating in this range run
far below their nameplate efciency.
As a rule of thumb, it is best to select
a motor that will operate with a load
factor between 60 percent and 100
percent (see Figure F).
Additionally, it is important to know
which design and enclosure type of
motor you need. The most commonly
used NEMA design types are A, B, C,
D, and E. These letters indicate the
shape of the motors torque-speed
curve. NEMA Premium covers only
designs A and B. Make sure when you
are specifying a new or replacement
motor that you understand your
application and include the correct
design designation. Different enclosure
types work best in different operating
environments, so you might also
discuss motor enclosure types with
your motor sales and service provider.
In addition to the common open drip
proof (ODP) and totally enclosed fan
cooled (TEFC) enclosure types, there
are various types of special duty motors
for a range of operating conditions.
Correcting adverse operating
conditions like large voltage variations,
voltage unbalance, and improper
alignment can also help you optimize
equipment performance.
For more information about this topic,
please refer to Section 4.2: Motor
Selection Resources.
Some applications do not require
motors to operate at full speed all the
time. An adjustable speed drive is a
device that controls the input voltage
and frequency to the motor, resulting in
the ability to change the motors speed.
For this text, we use the terms drive
and ASD generically to encompass
a wide range of drive technologies,
including variable speed drives (VSDs)
and variable frequency drives (VFDs).
Because of their substantial energy-
saving benets, drives present an
excellent opportunity in appropriate
applications. For example, in some
variable-load applications, motor system
savings from drive installation can
exceed 50 percent.
The Department of Energy estimates
that drives could be cost-effectively used
with motors that account for 18 to 25
percent of total manufacturing motor
system energy.

Additionally, installation of drives
can prolong motor life and decrease
maintenance costs by decreasing wear
on the motor. Sometimes, ASDs are
installed to improve process control.
United States Industrial Motor Systems Market Opportunities Assessment Executive Summary. By Xenergy, prepared for the US DOE Ofce of Energy Efciency and
Renewable Energy and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. December 1998.
Figure F: Typical Effciency
vs. Load Curve for
Polyphase Induction
11 Motor Planning Kit
3.1 Optimizing Motor Compatibility with Load, System, and
Operating Conditions
3.2 Adjustable Speed Drives
Chart from Understanding Energy Efcient Motors (p.4, Figure 2). Electrical Apparatus Service Association. Available at www.easa.com.
Motor Planning Kit: Additional Motor System Management Considerations 12
If you have tried installing ASDs in
the past with little success, please note
that drive technology and application
knowledge have matured and many of
the early technical problems have been
overcome. In addition, drive prices have
generally come down. Additionally,
many utilities and energy efciency
organizations offer ASD rebates or other
technical assistance (see Section 4.5:
Adjustable Speed Drive Resources).
It is important to carefully match a
drive to the motor and application
it controls. There are a number of
applications in which drives are cost-
effective. For example, motors running
centrifugal load, variable speed, variable
torque applications such as pumps,
fans, and compressors are often good
candidates. Heating, ventilating, and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems are
common applications for drives.
Applications that currently use
restricting devices such as throttling
valves, inlet guide vanes, and discharge
dampers may be better served by using
ASDs. Running the motor at full speed
and controlling the ow through use of
these restricting devices is analogous to
pressing the accelerator pedal in your
car to the oor and controlling your
speed with the brake. This is not an
efcient way to operate. A drive might
be a better alternative.
There are applications where drives
need to be approached with caution.
For example, the insulation system in
many older motors will not function
well if connected to todays drives.
Lifting applications such as hoists, cranes,
and elevators should be referred to
knowledgeable specialists or the drive
and equipment manufacturers. Only
motors used on wide speed range
applications, those operated above the
motors base speed, or other special
applications need be inverter-duty. The
need for line lters or reactors should be
evaluated for any motor used on a drive.
Remember that sometimes drives are
installed for purposes other than energy
efciency, such as process control. While
drives are not normally installed on
constant-load applications, the process
control aspects may make it worthwhile
to consider a drive.
It is also important to talk with your
motor service provider to determine
whether a drive might be suitable for
your specic applications. NEMA
addresses a variety of drive application
and selection considerations Application
Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive
Systems (see Section 4.5: Adjustable
Speed Drive Resources).
Examining and optimizing your facilitys
motor-driven systems can take your
energy management savings to the next
level. Often, the savings and productivity
increases your facility can achieve by
optimizing the system as a whole can
be greater than the combined savings of
upgrading individual system components.
There are many organizations and
resources that provide technical or
nancial assistance for those interested
in examining and optimizing their
motor-driven systems. DOE provides
many excellent resources, including
tip sheets, case studies, technical
publications, software, and a training and
event calendar. DOE software such as
the Pumping System Assessment Tool
(PSAT), Steam System Assessment tool
(SSAT), and Fan System Assessment
Tool (FSAT) are useful for assessing
these system opportunities within your
facility (see Section 4.6: System
Optimization and Corporate
Energy Management Resources).
Other informative technical resources
and training opportunities can be found
at the websites of the Compressed Air
Challenge (for compressed air systems;
and the Hydraulic Institute (for pump
systems; www.pumps.org).

Motor management can mean
substantial energy savings as well
as proftability and productivity
improvements for your business.
Optimizing a facilitys systems can
mean even greater savings.
For companies interested in pursuing
multiple energy saving opportunities,
implementing a corporate energy
management strategy may help
maximize savings.
See Section 4.6: System
Optimization and Corporate Energy
Management Resources for helpful
tools and programs.
3.3 Motor-Driven System Optimization
Advanced Energy
Located in Raleigh, N.C., Advanced Energy is a North Carolina
and global resource that focuses on energy efciency for
commercial and industrial markets, electric motors and drives,
plug-in transportation and applied building science. Advanced
Energy houses state-of-the-art laboratories, where testing and
applied research is conducted for all of these evolving disciplines.
The Motors and Drives test lab was the rst in the world to be
certied by the National Institute and Standards Technology
(NIST) for motor efciency testing in 1997. Certication is
maintained under the NIST program and has expanded to
include additional test standards recognized by Underwriters
Laboratorys Third-Party test Data Program. Advanced Energy
provides expert testing, consulting, and training for all things
motors and drives. Find more information online at www.
Copper Development Association Inc. (CDA)
CDA is a trade association representing the copper and
brass industries in the United States, and is afliated with
an international network of copper centers in 23 countries.
CDA offers free resources on energy efcient motors (and
transformers), including video and text segments on
lifecycle cost analysis, how the energy efcient motors are
made, and how they are different from standard products.
CDA also offers a host of case histories and technical papers,
most of which can be viewed or downloaded from their
website at www.copper.org.
Consortium for Energy Efciency
CEE is an award winning consortium of efciency program
administrators from the United States and Canada. Members
work to unify program approaches across jurisdictions to
increase the success of efciency in markets. By joining
forces at CEE, individual electric and gas efciency
programs are able to partner not only with each other,
but also with other industries, trade associations, and
government agencies. The website, www.cee1.org, has a
number of helpful resources, such as CEE Motor Efciency,
Section, and Management: A Guidebook for Industrial Energy
Efciency Programs, available online at www.cee1.org/ind/
IV. Tools and Resources
Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA)
EASA is an international trade organization of over 2,100
electromechanical sales and service rms in 58 countries.
Search for motor sales and service centers in your area under
Find A Member, or check out the Seminars section for
comprehensive, skill-oriented technical and management
seminars online at www.easa.com.
Motor Decisions Matter
Motor Decisions Matter is a national campaign encouraging
the use of sound motor management and planning as a tool
to cut industrys energy costs and increase productivity. The
campaign is sponsored by a consortium of motor industry
manufacturers and service centers, trade associations,
electric utilities and government agencies. The website,
www.motorsmatter.org, has a number of publications, case
studies, fact sheets, a list of campaign sponsors, and links to
the resources listed on the following pages, as well as other
US Department of Energys Ofce of Energy
Efciency and Renewable Energy (EERE) Advanced
Manufacturing Ofce (AMO)
The AMO, formerly the EERE Industrial Technologies
Program (ITP), works with US industry to identify plant-wide
opportunities for energy savings and process efciency. The
AMO website, www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/
index.html, contains credible, useful tools and information
about opportunities for your business to explore energy saving
opportunities by partnering with the DOE. Information about
optimizing compressed air, steam, pumping, HVAC, and other
industrial systems is also available (see Section 4.6: System
Optimization and Corporate Energy Management
Resources for details).
For the most up-to-date list of resources, please refer to the Motor Planning Kit section of the Motor Decisions Matter website, www.motorsmatter.org.
13 Motor Planning Kit
4.1 General Resources
Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources 14
1-2-3 Approach to Motor Management
An innovative software tool, the 1-2-3 Approach demonstrates
how industrial and commercial facility managers can reduce
downtime and save energy by proactively managing their
motor eets. It is easy to use and provides information
The 1-2-3 Approach, developed by MDM sponsors, is a
good starting point for small to medium-sized companies
that might not have the resources to develop a motor
management plan. Using a limited amount of customer
input, the tool calculates annual motor operating costs
and presents nancial data for future decisions based on
lifecycle costing. In this way, the 1-2-3 Approach user can
support an informed decision based on the cost-effectiveness
of repairing a motor or replacing immediately or upon
failure, and plan accordingly. It is available free of charge
online at www.motorsmatter.org/tools/123approach.html.
Canadian Motor Selection Tool (CanMOST)
CanMOST, the Canadian equivalent of MotorMaster, was
developed for Natural Resources Canada by the Washington
State University Extension Energy Program as part of the
International Motor Selection and Savings Analysis (IMSSA)
project. It is a software program that analyzes and compares
the efciency of three-phase electric motors. CanMOST
is available at www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca/industrial/equipment/
MotorMaster+ 4.0
Created by Washington State University through a grant
from the US Department of Energy, MotorMaster+ 4.0 is a
comprehensive program that allows users to create and manage
their motor database. It also contains manufacturers information
for more than 20,000 AC motors, including nameplate data, list
price, repair costs, and other information. The MotorMaster+ 4.0
software is available free of charge and may be downloaded
from EERE Advanced Manufacturing Ofce online at http://
CEE Premium Efciency Motors List
The CEE Premium Efciency Motors List (CEE Motors
List) includes motors that are 1-200 hp NEMA Design A/B,
460 volts, TEFC or ODP and 1200rpm, 1800rpm, 3600rpm.
To be eligible for inclusion, a motors nominal efciency
must be at least one full NEMA band higher than the 2007
EISA motor standards. The CEE Motors List is intended as
an informal resource and is not an efciency specication.
The CEE Motor List is available online at www.cee1.org/
CEE Guidance Specication for Large (250-500), Low
Voltage, Generator 200-500 H.P. Motors
This guidance specification provides general performance
and application information. This resource is available at
NEMA Premium

The member organizations of the National Electrical

Manufacturers Association (NEMA) established NEMA
Premium as a common specication and label for
premium-efciency motors. Their goal is to provide energy
efcient products that meet the needs and applications of
users and original equipment manufacturers, based on a
consensus denition of premium efciency and use of the
NEMA Premium logo for premium products. The energy
specication tables for NEMA Premium motors are available
on the NEMA website, www.nema.org.
Replacing an Oversized and Underloaded Electric Motor
(US Department of Energy)
This six-page fact sheet includes a discussion of how
MotorMaster software can be used to conduct motor
replacement analyses. It is available at
4.2 Motor Selection Resources
15 Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources
Proven Excellence Verication (PEV)
A service center certication program that includes
independent on-site assessment as well as before-and-after
repair testing in a nationally accredited motor laboratory.
It is available through Advanced Energy, 800-869-8001, or
online at www.advancedenergy.org/md/consulting/repair_
Guidelines for Maintaining Motor Efciency During
Rebuilding (EASA Tech Note No. 16)
Available on the EASA website: www.easa.com/sites/
default/les/eemtr_repair1107.pdf. For more information
contact EASA at 314-993-2220, or email [email protected].
Motor Repair Tech Brief and Model Repair Specications
for Low Voltage Induction Motors
(US Department of Energy, 2000)
Available online at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
Recommended Practices for the Repair of Rotating Electrical
Apparatus (ANSI/EASA AR 100)
EASA-established guidelines for motor repair service
centers, discussing in detail expected practices that motor
service centers should follow. Available on the EASA
website: www.easa.com/techarticles/AR100-2010. For
more information, contact EASA at 314-993-2220, or email
at [email protected].
Service Center Evaluation Guide
(US Department of Energy, 2001)
This guide provides useful information to customers on
service center quality. It is available online at http://www1.
The Effect of Repair-Rewinding on Motor Efciency:
EASA/AEMT Rewind Study and Good Practice Guide to
Maintain Motor Efciency
The main purposes of this study were to determine the
impact of repair-rewinding on the induction motor
efciency and to identify procedures that degrade, maintain,
or even improve the efciency of rewound motors. Available
on the EASA website: www.easa.com/sites/default/les/
AR100-2010_1010-2.pdf. For more information, contact
EASA at 314-993-2220, or email at [email protected].
HorsePower Bulletin
This eight-page bulletin outlines a policy for cost-
effective management of motor purchases and repairs. The
information is based on feedback from industrial customers,
electric utilities, motor suppliers and service centers as well
as test results from more than 100 new and repaired motors
for measured efciency. This bulletin is available through
Horsepower Breakpoint Calculator
This tool can be a major time saver for any company
considering motor management and specically a motor
survey for the rst time. It is a policy setting tool and it is
describe in detail in our HorsePower Bulletin. This resource
is available from Advanced Energy at 800-869-8001, or
online at http://www.advancedenergy.org/md/knowledge_
Motor Survey How-To Guide
Provides industrial and commercial facility managers with
a method to identifying motors in a single facility or on
a company-wide basis. The guide helps explain how to
gather necessary data, including motor load and nameplate
information. A form for documenting this information is
provided. This resource is available from Advanced Energy
at 800-869-8001, or online at http://www.advancedenergy.
4.4 Motor Evaluation and Planning Resources
4.3 Motor Repair Resources
Application Guide for AC Adjustable Speed Drive Systems
(National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 2001)
This guide is available free of charge on the NEMA website,
www.nema.org, under Standards. This guide is intended
to assist users in the proper selection and application of AC
adjustable speed drive systems.
CEE 2012 Summary of Member Programs for Motors &
Motor Systems
This searchable spreadsheet contains detailed information
about programs that provide rebates and other assistance
to businesses for high efciency motors and adjustable
speed drives. This can be searched by state, region, or
organization. Organizations administering the programs
include energy efciency organizations and utilities that
operate on a statewide or regional scale. Visit www.
motorsmatter.org or http://www.cee1.org/ind/motrs/
MMSProgSummary2012CEEWebsite.xlsx to download the
Excel le of the Program Summary.
US DOE EERE Advanced Manufacturing Ofce
(AMO) Energy Resource Center
The Energy Resource Center has drive specic resources,
as well as tools and information about optimizing
compressed air, steam, pumping, HVAC, and other industrial
systems. Access the diverse resources available through
AMO and their partners using the links on the Energy
resource Center here: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
manufacturing/tech_deployment/ecenter.html. Access specic
tools for motor systems at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
MDM VFD Resource Page
The MDM website now includes a webpage dedicated to
VFDs. Savings calculators, case studies, and more at: www.
Organizations and Programs:
Compressed Air Challenge (CAC)
This program is a voluntary collaboration of industrial
users; manufacturers, distributors, and their associations;
consultants; state research and development agencies; energy
efciency organizations; and utilities. It provides technical
resources and training for compressed air systems. Visit the
CAC website at www.compressedairchallenge.org.
The US Environmental Protection Agencys ENERGY
STAR program offers proven energy management
resources for businesses, online at http://www.energystar.
gov/index.cfm, and through ENERGY STAR for Industry
at http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=industry.bus_

Among other excellent resources, the website contains
Guidelines for Energy Management, covering how to:
commit to saving energy throughout the company; assess
performance; set goals; create and implement an action plan;
evaluate progress; and recognize achievements.
These guidelines available at http://www.energystar.gov/
Hydraulic Institute (HI)
The HI website directs pump users to manufacturers and
suppliers, an online training course, pump diagrams and
denitions, and various other pump resources. Visit the HI
website at www.pumps.org.
US DOE EERE Advanced Manufacturing Ofce
The AMO, formerly the EERE Industrial Technologies
Program (ITP), works with US industry to identify
plantwide opportunities for energy savings and process
efciency, online at www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/

US DOE EERE Advanced Manufacturing Ofce
(AMO)Energy Resource Center
The Energy Resource Center has drive specic resources,
as well as tools and information about optimizing
compressed air, steam, pumping, HVAC, and other industrial
systems. Access the diverse resources available through AMO
and their partners using the links on the Energy Resource
Center here: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/
tech_deployment/ecenter.html. Access specic tools
for motor systems at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources 16
4.5 Adjustable Speed Drive Resources
4.6 System Optimization and Corporate Energy Management Resources
17 Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources
CEE 2012 Summary of Member Programs for Motors &
Motor Systems
This searchable spreadsheet contains detailed information
about programs that provide rebates and other assistance to
businesses for high efciency motors and adjustable speed
drives. It can be searched by state, region, or organization.
Organizations administering the programs include energy
efciency organizations and utilities that operate on a
statewide or regional scale. Download the Excel le of the
Program Summary at http://www.cee1.org/ind/motrs/
Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT)
This DOE tool helps quantify the potential benets of
optimizing fan system congurations that serve industrial
processes. FSAT is simple and quick, and requires only basic
information about your fans and the motors that drive them.
Available online at www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/
Pumping System Assessment Tool (PSAT)
This DOE tool helps industrial users assess the efciency
of pumping system operations. PSAT uses achievable pump
performance data from Hydraulic Institute standards and
motor performance data from the MotorMaster+ database
to calculate potential energy and associated cost savings.
Please note that the version of PSAT currently available
does not incorporate NEMA Premium efciency levels into
its calculations. Available online at www1.eere.energy.gov/
Steam System Assessment Tool (SSAT)
SSAT allows steam analysts to develop approximate models
of real steam systems. Using these models, you can apply
SSAT to quantify the magnitude, energy, cost, and emissions
savings, of key potential steam improvement opportunities.
SSAT contains the key features of typical steam systems.
Available online at www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/
Many motor and drive manufacturers also provide energy
analysis software.

Determining Electric Motor Load and Efciency
(US Department of Energy)
This sixteen-page fact sheet discusses the necessity
of properly loading a motor and presents several load
estimation techniques. Available online at http://www1.
Energy-Efcient Motor Systems: A Handbook on Technology,
Program, and Policy Opportunities (2nd ed.)
(American Council for an Energy-Efcient Economy, 2002)
This volume outlines a systems approach to motor efciency,
including information on high efciency motors, optimized
controls, improved component sizing and repair, better
transmission hardware, and more comprehensive monitoring
and maintenance.
Energy Management for Motor Driven Systems
(US Department of Energy, 1997)
Length: 100 pages http://www1.eere.energy.gov/
Improving Motor and Drive System Performance: A
Sourcebook for Industry
(US Department of Energy, 2008)
This sourcebook is designed to provide those who use
motor and drive systems with a reference that outlines
opportunities to improve system performance. Available
online at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/
tech_deployment/pdfs/motor.pdf .
Optimizing Your Motor Driven System
(US Department of Energy, 1996)
This eight-page fact sheet highlights common ways of
improving system efciency and reliability. Available online
at http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/tech_
Regional (United States):
Midwest Energy Efciency Alliance (MEEA)
MEEA is a collaborative network whose purpose is
to advance energy efciency in the Midwest in order
to support sustainable economic development and
environmental conservation. MEEA programs focus on
residential and commercial energy efciency projects.
Learn more at their website, www.mwalliance.org.
Northeast Energy Efciency Partnerships, Inc.
NEEP is a nonprot regional organization. Its mission is to
promote energy efciency in homes, buildings and industry
in the Northeast through regionally coordinated programs
and policies that increase the use of energy efcient
products, services, and practices, and that help achieve a
cleaner environment and a more reliable and affordable
energy system.
Northwest Energy Efciency Alliance (NEEA)
The Alliance is a nonprot corporation supported by
electric utilities, public benets administrators, state
governments, public interest groups, and energy efciency
industry representatives. These entities work together to
make affordable, energy efcient products and services
available in the marketplace.
The Alliances website, www.nwalliance.org, contains market
research reports and case studies on motors and drives, and
links to other motor resources. The Alliance is in the process
of developing a new initiative for the industrial sector, which
will incorporate motors as part of a larger energy efciency
Southwest Energy Efciency Project (SWEEP)
SWEEP collaborates with utilities, state agencies,
environmental groups, universities, and other energy
efciency specialists to promote electricity conservation
in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and
The SWEEP website, www.swenergy.org, contains
information on local and utility policies and programs
to advance energy efciency. Many of these summaries,
available under Regional Policies & Programs, include
links for further information. Examples of completed energy
efciency projects are available under Regional Case
National (United States and Canada):
Consortium for Energy Efciency
CEE is an award winning consortium of efciency program
administrators from the United States and Canada. Members
work to unify program approaches across jurisdictions to
increase the success of efciency in markets. By joining
forces at CEE, individual electric and gas efciency
programs are able to partner not only with each other,
but also with other industries, trade associations, and
government agencies. Learn more at the CEE website,
Motor Decisions Matter Sponsors
The MDM campaign sponsors provide information about
motor planning. A list of MDM sponsors is available at
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
NRCan is a federal government department specializing in
the sustainable development and use of natural resources,
energy, minerals and metals, forests, and earth sciences.
NRCan provides environmental and energy efciency
information and resources for Canadian businesses and
Visit the NRCan Ofce of Energy Efciency at
www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca for helpful tools, services, and nancial
US Department of Energys Ofce of Energy
Efciency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
The EERE State Activities & Partnerships website provides
easy access to regional and state resources, including EERE-
sponsored projects and state energy facts. Find these regional
resources online at www.eere.energy.gov/states.
Through ENERGY STAR, the US Environmental
Protection Agency has helped thousands of businesses and
organizations increase efciency in the places where we
work, play, and learn. Find resources for businesses, online
at http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm, and through
ENERGY STAR for Industry at http://www.energystar.
Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources 18
4.7 Regional Information and Motor Planning Assistance
19 Motor Planning Kit: Tools and Resources
Motor Decisions Matter (MDM) is a national awareness campaign designed to promote the
benets of sound motor management to corporate and plant decision makers. MDM sponsors, a
collaborative of utilities, energy efciency organizations, government agencies, manufacturers, and
trade associations, are working together to promote this common message to the market: effective
motor management can reduce costly downtime and save energy and money.
Motor Decisions Matter is managed and coordinated by the Consortium for Energy Efciency.
MDM provides a single, coordinated voice in the market, explaining the benets of motor
management and planning to a variety of stakeholders. MDMs goal is to increase the demand for
premium efciency motors and quality motor repair services by highlighting the positive effects
of good motor management on business performance.
The campaign encourages customers to work through local motor professionals to develop motor
management plans. Motor Decisions Matter helps industrial and commercial customers use lifecycle
costing methods to determine whether motors should be repaired or replaced before they fail and
when to install premium efciency motors.
MDM was rolled out on June 25, 2001, and funded by sponsors for its rst three year cycle.
MDM sponsors have extended the campaign, and are approaching their fth cycle, beginning in
In February 2004, MDM sponsors began distribution and promotion of the 1-2-3 Approach to
Motor Management, an innovative software tool that demonstrates how industrial and commercial
facility managers can reduce downtime and save energy by proactively managing their motor
eets. The tool calculates the nancial impact of common motor related decisions.
For further information on Motor Decisions Matter, or to download the 1-2-3 Approach, visit
About Motor Decisions Matter
Motor Decisions Matter
98 North Washington Street
Suite 101
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-589-3949
Fax: 617-589-3948
For additional copies, please call 617-589-3949.
For more information about Motor Decisions Matter,
please visit: www.motorsmatter.org.

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