The Muscular System

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BIOL 2101
Human Muscles
A. Find and be able to identify the following structures on a slide of muscle tissues.
Remember to study longitudinally sectioned areas only.
1. skeletal muscle
a. muscle fibers (cells)
b. nuclei
c. striations
2. cardiac muscle
a. muscle fibers (cells)
b. nuclei
c. intercalated discs
3 smooth muscle
a. muscle fibers (cells)

B. Using the muscle, torso and head models, find and be able to identify the
following skeletal muscles. Actions (A) -- the movement that results when
the muscle contracts (shortens).
1. muscles of facial expression
a. epicranius:
1. frontal belly (A: raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead)
2. occipital belly (A: pulls scalp posteriorly)
b. orbicularis oris (A: closes, purses lips)
c. zygomaticus major (A: smiling)
d. orbicularis oculi (A: closes eyes)
2. muscles that move the lower jaw
a. masseter (A: raise mandible)
b. temporalis (A: raise mandible)
3. muscles that move the head
a. sternocleidomastoid (A: head flexion & rotation)
4. muscles of the back
a. erector spinae (A: extend back)
5. muscles used in breathing
a. diaphragm (A: inhalation)
b. external intercostals (A: inhalation)
c. internal intercostals (A: forced exhalation)
6. muscles of the abdominal wall
a. rectus abdominis (A: flexes vertebral column)
b. external oblique (A: compresses abdomen;
lateral rotation)
c. internal oblique (A: compresses abdomen;
lateral rotation)
d. transversus abdominis (A: compresses abdomen)
7. muscles that move the scapula
a. pectoralis major (A: flex and rotate arm
b. serratus anterior (A: protract scapula)
c. trapezius (A: raise, retract, rotate scapula)
d. rhomboids (A: retract scapula)
8. muscles that move the arm
a. latissimus dorsi (A: arm extension, adduction)
b. deltoid (A: abducts arm)
c. teres major (A: extends, adducts, rotates
arm med.)
9. muscles that move the forearm
a. biceps brachii (A: flex, supinate forearm)
b. brachialis (A: flex forearm)
c. brachioradialis (A: flex forearm)
d. triceps brachii (A: extend forearm)
10. muscles that move the thigh and leg
a. iliopsoas (A: thigh & trunk
1. psoas major
2. iliacus
b. sartorius (A: flex, abduct, laterally rotate
c. gluteus maximus (A: extend, lat. rotate thigh)
d. gluteus medius (A: abduct, med. rotate thigh)
e. gluteus minimus (A: abduct, med. rotate
f. tensor fasciae latae (A: flexes & abducts thigh)
g. adductors (A: adduct, flex & med. rotate thigh)
1. adductor longus
2. adductor magnus
h. pectineus (A: adduct, flex & med. rotate thigh)
i. gracilis (A: adduct thigh, flex & med. rotate leg)
j. quadriceps femoris (A: all extend knee)
1. rectus femoris (A: flexes thigh also)
2. vastus lateralis
3. vastus medialis
4. vastus intermedius
k. hamstrings (A: all extend thigh and flex knee)
1. biceps femoris
2. semitendinosus
3. semimembranosus
11. muscles that move the foot
a. tibialis anterior (A: dorsiflexion, inverts foot)
b. peroneus longus (A: plantar flexes, everts foot)
c. gastrocnemius (A: plantar flexion)
d. soleus (A: plantar flexion)
12. tendons
a. galea aponeurotica
b. linea alba
c. iliotibial tract
d. calcaneal tendon
13. Be able to identify the origin and insertion of the following muscles:
deltoid O: acromion and spine of scapula/lateral 3
I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
biceps brachii O: scapula (coracoid process; above glenoid cavity)
I: radial tuberosity (radius)
triceps brachii O: scapula and humerus (proximal)
I: ulna (olecranon process)
rectus femoris O: os coxa (ant. inf. iliac spine; superior acetabular
I: patella and tibial tuberosity (via patellar
biceps femoris O: ischium (long head); distal femur (short head)
I: fibula (head) and tibia (lateral condyle)
Gastrocnemius O: condyles of femur
I: calcaneus via Achilles tendon

sternocleidomastoid O: sternum & clavicle
I: mastoid process mainly

C. Identify these structures on the muscle cell model:
1. endomysium
2. sarcolemma
3. nuclei
4. sarcoplasm
5. myofibrils
6. sarcomeres

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