Learning Disability Research Notes
Learning Disability Research Notes
Learning Disability Research Notes
ADHD, also known as attention defcit hyperactivity disorder, is a type of learning
disability occurring primarily in children. A person with ADHD has notable problems of
attention and hyperactivity. Even though lots of research has been made on this
particular behavioural disorder, we still do not know what the cause of it is. Attention,
hyperactivity, and other traits are what most children display at some point or another.
Adults also can have ADHD; in fact, up to half of adults diagnosed with the disorder had
it as children. This can cause poor school performance to school-aged students as they
have a mental restlessness and cant focus very well.
1. ADHD, Combined Type: Both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms
2. ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type: Inattention, but not enough (at least 6 out of
9) hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms
3. ADHD, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Hyperactivity-impulsivity, but not
enough (at least 6 out of 9) inattention symptoms
The symptoms of ADHD include inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity. When
ADHD persists into adulthood, symptoms may vary. For instance, an adult may
experience restlessness instead of hyperactivity. In addition, adults with ADHD often
have problems with interpersonal relationships and employment.
The frst commonly spotted symptoms of ADHD in students are:
Poor grades
Chronic disorganization
Avoiding school
Helpful copin strategies
Some helpful strategies to use for people afected with ADHD are counseling, lifestyle
changes, and medications. Medications are only recommended as a frst-line treatment
in children who have severe symptoms. It can also be given to those with moderate
symptoms who do not have success with counseling. Long term efects of medications
are not clear and they are not recommended in preschool aged children. Adolescents
and adults will be inclined to solve personal and interpersonal problems, and seek to
master, minimize or tolerate stress or confict.
Statistics Pertaining Attention Defcit Hyperactivity Disorder
The American Psychiatric Association states in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders that six to seven percent of school-aged children have ADHD.
However, studies have estimated higher rates in community samples. Also, boys have
triple the chance of being detected with ADHD than girls. Rates are similar between
countries and depend mostly on how it is diagnosed. Less than 50 percent people
diagnosed with ADHD as children continue to have the same symptoms as adults.
Contact Organization Information and References in Canada
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention_defcit_hyperactivity_disorder
Centers of Disease Control and Prevention: http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
National Institute of Mental Health:
Canadian and Resource Alliance: http://www.caddra.ca/
BC Psychological Association: http://www.psychologists.bc.ca/
402 1177 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 1G3
RelatedMinds Psychological Services: http://www.relatedminds.com/adhd/
9304A Salish Court
Burnaby, BC Y3J 7C5
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre: http://keltymentalhealth.ca/
Room P3-302 4500 Oak Street
Vancouver, BC V6H 3N1