Reserva Troncal

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Art. 891. The ascendant who inherits from his descendant any property which the latter may have acquired by
gratuitous title from another ascendant, or a brother or sister, is obliged to reserve such property as he may have

acquired by operation of law for the benefit of relatives who are within the third degree and who belong to the line
from which said property came.

Note: all relationships of the parties involved herein must be LEGITIMATE.

The reserva troncal is established for the benefit of a class or group
of individuals: relatives who are within the third degree and who belong to the line from which said property came

The purpose of the provision is not only curative, but preventive:
to bar the possibilitty of property leaving the line through the intermediation of an ascendant.


1. That the property was acquired by a descendant from an ascendant or from a brother or sister by gratuitous title;
2. That said descendant died without an issue;
3. That the property is inherited by another ascendant by operation of law; and
4. That there are relatives within the third degree belonging to the line from which said property came

1) A descendant inherited or acquired by gratuitous title property from an ascendant or from a brother or sister
2) The same property is inherited by another ascendant or is acquired by him by operation of law from the said
descendant; and
3) The said ascendant should reserve the said property for the benefit of relatives who are within the third degree
and who belong to the line from which the said property came from.

Three (3) actual transfers undergone by the property involved in the reserva:

From ascendant to descendant or from sibling to sibling
must be gratuitous, not onerous i.e. the transferee has to do or give something in return
Death of the first transferee without legitimate issue makes possible the second transfer, which should be by
operation of law i.e. donation, remission, testamentary succession, legal succession from the first transferee to
his ascendant.
From that descendant to an ascendant other than the prior transferor
it is upon this second transfer that the reserva begins to exist
The ascendant receives the property, together with the burden or duty of reserving it for the intended future
recipients named in the law.
Upon the ascendant's death occurs the third transmission
From that ascendant to the relatives within the 3
degree counted from the porpositus.
Transmission from the ascendant to the relatives favored by the reservation.

a) Preliminary : 1) first transferor(origin /mediate source); and
2) The first transferee(propositus).

b) Essential : 3) ascendant who is obliged to reserve(reservista) who is the second transferee; and
4) the relatives benefitted(reservatarios).

1) Origin /Mediate source He who by gratuitous title transmitted the property to a descendant, brother, or
sister. Beyond the mediate source no inquiry is to be made. In Manresa's words, "it is unimportant whether
that brother or that ascendant acquired the property by inheritance from a stranger or from relatives
belonging to the other line, or by purchase; all that is required is that the property came from him and was
acquired by the prepositus by gratuitous titIe.

2) Propositus descendant, brother, or sister of the mediate source, is the first transferee of the property. The
reserva, however, does not arise until the second transfer. until the second transfer (by operation of law to the
propositus ascendant). Hence no obligation to reserve is imposed by law until the process. When the prepositus acquires
the property, he has absolute ownership thereover.

3) Reservista - It is only upon the second transfer - that transmission by operation of law from the prepositus to
his ascendant - that the reserva commences. The reservista must be an ascendant of the prepositus, of whatever
- reservor must make an INVENTORY must furnish a BOND, SECURITY or MORTGAGE to guarantee the
safe delivery later on to the reservee of the properties concerned, or their values, in the proper cases.
- may donate, sell, or pledge them but so as not to prejudice the reservees (in case they should exist after the
reservor dies), the estate of the reservor must reimburse them for whatever they have lost by virtue of such
donation, sale, or pledge.
- He must annotate the reservation in the Registry of Property within 90 days from the time he accepts the
inheritance (if there be NO court litigation) or within 90 days from the time the court awards him the
property (if there be court proceedings).
o If annotation is not made, reservees right is to judicially demand that the reservor comply with his
obligation or to demand that a mortgage be constituted for their security.
o Annotation can be compelled, but not the constitution of the mortgage or the giving of security. This
is because once the annotation is made, the reservor is amply protected, and therefore, there is no
more need for the security. The property itself, in this case, can answer for the effi cacy of the
reserva troncal.

"another ascendant- that is to say, an ascendant other than the origin or mediate source.

The reservor is a full owner, subject to a resolutory condition:At reservors death.

One belonging to a line other than that of the reservista.
It is therefore clear from the text of the law that if, for instance, a person donates property to his son and, upon the
son's death, the same property passes by operation of law to the father from whom it came in the first place, the father
would not be obliged to reserve.

The purpose of the notation is nothing more than to afford to the persons entitled to the reservation, if any, due
protection against any act of the reservor, which may make it ineffective. The reservable character of a property may be
lost to innocent purchaser for value.

Only when the reservor should die before the reservees will the latter acquire the reserved property, thus
creating a fee simple, and only then will they take their place in the succession of the descendant of whom they are
relatives within the third degree.

May the mediate source and the reservista belong to the same line?
It could be claimed, not without persuasiveness, that there should be no reserva in such a case
because there is no call for its operation. There seems to be no justification for imposing the reserva, inasmuch
as the property never left the line.

4) Reservatarios -
Two (2) requirements:
i. They must be of the line from which the property came
ii. Within the third degree from the propositus (grand-uncle and first cousin once removed )

First-degree: - the father or the mother.

But suppose that the prepositus did have a legitimate child who was however disqualified to
inherit because of unworthiness, disinheritance or renunciation and consequently an
ascendant of the prepositus inherited instead; would the child be a reservatario?
Anwser: One should think, without hesitation, that he would not qualify as such lest an
absurdity occur. It is a sound principle that what one cannot do by direction one cannot do by

Second-degree: - grandparents and brothers and sisters, whether of the full- or half-blood.

Third-degree: - great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews and nieces

The reservees have the rights of a naked owner (as distinguished from the estate of the reservor)

If the property (land) is about to be registered under the Torrens System of the reservor, the reservee is given
the rights to oppose, not for the purpose of opposing, but for the purpose of annotating the reservatory lien on the

reservees cannot, as long as the reservor is alive, impugn or annul any alienation or encumbrance effected by the
reservor, whether same be on personal or real property.

the reserve may sell the property to strangers subject of course, to the condition that the reservee is still alive at the
time the reservor dies, otherwise the sale is not valid for failure of the condition to materialize.

The reservees have the right to demand reimbursement for defects or deteriorations imputable to the reservor either
from reservors estate or from proceeds realized from the foreclosure of securities.

At the moment the propositus dies, all the relatives within the 3rd degree have an EXPECTANCY. At the moment the
reservor dies, all those surviving

Whether the reservatario should also be related to the mediate source
- Suppose that the maternal grand-mother passed on property by inheritance to her grand-child who upon his
death transmitted it by operation of law to his father. Would the maternal grand-father be a reservatario?

Answer: Sanchez Roman espouses the view that the reservatario must, in addition to being a
relative of the prepositus within the third degree, also be related by consanguinity to the mediate
source. Without this element of "doble consanguinidad," he points out that results (as in the case above
mentioned) would arise completely contrary to the purpose of this reserva. . . which is to prevent
property from passing to persons not of the line of origin."

- Is it enough, for one to be a reservatario, that one is living when the reservista dies?

Answer: There is a statement in Padura v. Baldovino, reiterated in Cano v. Director of Lands,
both decisions, incidentally, penned. My Mr. Justice I.B.L. Reyes, that the reservatarios inherit the
reserved property not from the reservista, but from the descendant prepositus. It is enough that the
reservatario be living at the time of the reservistds death.

- Suppose now that when the reservista dies, there are several individuals surviving, all of them within the third
degree and belonging to the line of origin, but not of equal degrees of relationship with the propositus. Will
they all inherit per capita, irrespective of the inequality of degrees, or is there preference in favor of the nearer

Answer: Only to those nearest in degree to the descendant wherefore, the respective share of
each in the reversionary property should be governed by the ordinary rules on intestate succession.

- If there are relatives of the full-blood as well as of the half-blood, such as full-blood brothers and half-blood
brothers, or children of full-blood brothers and children of half-blood brothers,
then those of the half-blood are not excluded, so long as they are of the line from which the
property came but each of the halfblood gets only one-half the share of a full-blood, in accordance with
the proportion laid down by Articles 1006 and 1008

Note: There is a right of representation among the reservatarios as long as the representative is himself within the third
Consequence of reserva troncal:
1. The reserva troncal is a resolutory condition on the ascendant: if at said ascendant's death, the descendant
has relatives within the third degree from the line of origin, those relatives will acquire the property by
virtue of the reserva; consequently, the heirs or transferees of the ascendant lose the property because it is
acquired by the said relatives; but if at the ascendant's death, the descendant has no relatives within the
third degree, then the heirs or transferees will become, absolute owners of the property.
2. The reservatarios cannot impugn or set aside the alienation by the reservista as long as the condition
subsequent is Pending, i.e., as long as the reservista is alive.
3. The reservistas right of ownership is registrable,' subject to the annotation, on the title, of the reservatarios'
4. If there are reservatarios at the time of the reservistd s death, "the reservatario nearest to the prepositus
becomes, automatically and by operation of law, the owner of the reservable property." Thus, the property
is not deemed part of the reservistds estate1l1 and can neither be made to answer for his debts, nor be
considered in the computation of the legitime of the reservista's compulsory heirs. Moreover, any
disposition mortis causa which the reservista may have made of the property is, necessarily, inoperative.
Florentino v. Florentino
Whatever provision there is in her [i.e. the reservista's] will concerning the reservable property
received from her son Apolonio Ill, or rather, whatever provision will reduce

As to the equality of shares of qualified heirs within the 3
degree of consanguitnity
1. The reservees inherit the reservable property from the prepositus, not from the reservor;
2. To allow the reservor in this case to make a testamentary disposition of the reservable property in favor of
the reservees in the third degree and, consequently, to ignore the reservees in the second degree would be
a glaring violation of article 891;.
3. The reserved property does not form part of the reservista's estate, if there are surviving reservatarios; and
4. The rule of stare decisis et non quieta movere binds the Court to follow the doctrine of Florentino.


Various causes extinguish the reserva troncal:
1. The death of the reservista--at which moment the reserved property will pass automatically to the reservatarios
(in accordance with the rule of preference explained above) in full, absolute, and unencumbered ownership;

2. The death of all reservatarios-in which case the reservista's title becomes absolute and unconditional;

3. Renunciation by all the reservatarios, it being understood, however, that no renunciation can bind any
reservatario born subsequently (i.e., after the renunciation was made);

4. Total fortuitous loss of the reserved property;

5. Registration under the Torrens System as free from the reservation (without prejudice to the liability of the
reservor to the reservees).

6. Confusion or merger of rights, as when the reservatario acquires the reservistas right in a contract inter vivos;

7. Prescription or adverse possession from the death of the reservoir (Reservor 30 years for real; 8 years for
personal property, because of his bad faith)

reserva viudal - when the surviving spouse remarried, he or she should reserve what the deceased spouse or a child of
the former marriage has left, but a concubine of a deceased person is free from such obligation. Again it gives protection
to illegitimate relation and penalizes the legitimate one.
Suppose the reservable property is expropriated by the government, is the reserva extinguished?
ANS.: The reserva continues on the INDEMNITY. This is required by justice and equity.

Suppose the reservable property is insured and then destroyed, is there still a reserva?
ANS.: Yes, on the insurance indemnity.

Source: NCC, Succession, Paras
PLJ volume 58 fourth quarter -01- Ruben F. Balane The Reserva Troncal - Prospect & Retrospect

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