D Gray Man
D Gray Man
D Gray Man
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The cover of the first Japanese manga volume release
featuring Allen Walker and The illennium !arl
(D Gureiman)
Genre Dark fantasy, action
Written by "atsura #oshino
Published by $hueisha
English publisher
adman !ntertainment
'i( edia
'i( edia
Demographic Shnen
Weekly Shnen Jump )ay *+, ,--.
/ ay ++, ,--01
Jump SQ )&ovem2er ., ,--0 /
Decem2er ,0, ,-+,1
Original run ay *+, ,--. / ongoing
Volumes ,. )3ist of volumes1
3ight novel
D.Gray-man: Reverse
Written by "aya "i(aki
Illustrated by "atsura #oshino
Published by $hueisha
Original run ay *-, ,--4 / Decem2er *,
Volumes *
Anime television series
Directed by 5samu &a2eshima
tudio T$ !ntertainment
!icensed by
adman !ntertainment
Funimation !ntertainment
anga !ntertainment
"et#or$ T' Tokyo, Anima6
English net#or$
Funimation 7hannel
Original run
5cto2er *, ,--8 / $eptem2er *-,
Episodes +-* )3ist of episodes1
%nime and Manga portal
D.Gray-man )Japanese: #ep2urn: D Gureiman
1 is a Japanese manga series ;ritten and
illustrated 2y "atsura #oshino. The series tells the story of a 2oy named Allen Walker, a mem2er of an
organi(ation of !6orcists ;ho makes use of an ancient su2stance called <nnocence to com2at the illennium !arl
and his demonic army of akuma. any characters and their designs ;ere adapted from some of "atsura #oshino=s
previous ;orks and drafts, such as Zone and Continue, and her assistants.
The manga 2egan seriali(ation in ,--. in the Weekly Shnen Jump maga(ine, pu2lished 2y $hueisha under their
Jump 7omics imprint, and to date, ,. collected volumes have 2een released. <t made the transition from ;eekly to
monthly series in &ovem2er ,--0, ;hen it 2egan seriali(ation in Jump SQ. There is also a spin-off novel series
titled D.Gray-man Reverse, authored 2y "aya "i(aki, that e6plores the history of various characters. As of August
4, ,-+., 'i( edia has released the t;enty four volumes in the %nited $tates. The manga has also 2een adapted
into a +-* episode anime series that aired from 5cto2er *, ,--8 to $eptem2er *-, ,--9 in Japan. The anime is
licensed 2y Funimation !ntertainment in &orth America.
The manga series has 2ecome one of the 2est-sellers for $hueisha. During its second release ;eek, the +4th volume
of the manga ranked as the second 2est selling comic in Japan. Although most revie;ers compared it to other series
from the same genre, they praised its moments of originality and its ;ell-developed characters and their
+ >lot
, >roduction
* edia
o *.+ anga
o *., Anime
o *.* $oundtracks
o *.. 'ideo games
o *.4 ?ooks
. @eception
4 @eferences
8 !6ternal links
$ee also: 3ist of D.Gray-man characters
D.Gray-man follo;s the adventures of +4-year-old Allen Walker, ;hose left arm can transform into a monstrous
cla; and destroy Akuma )Japanese for =demon=1, evolving machines created 2y the illennium !arl to help him
destroy humanity. As ordered 2y his master General 7ross arian, Allen 2ecomes an !6orcist, people ;ho can
destroy Akuma for the ?lack 5rder, an organi(ation attempting to stop the !arl. #e 2ecomes a po;erful asset for
the 5rder 2ecause he can detect disguised Akuma ;ith his left eye. Allen is sent to recover pieces of <nnocence, a
su2stance that gives the !6orcists the a2ility to destroy Akuma. The !arl decides to call together the &oah Family,
superhuman descendants of &oah ;ho can destroy <nnocence. ?oth sides start the search for the #eart, the most
po;erful piece of <nnocence that ;ill ensure victory to the side that finds it.
<n his search, the !arl 2egins killing the Generals, the 5rder=s most po;erful !6orcists. <n order to protect them,
the 5rder attempts to 2ring the Generals 2ack to headAuarters, and Allen and three other !6orcists are sent to
search for the missing General 7ross. During the search, Allen and 3enalee 3ee are nearly killed, 2ut they are
saved 2y their <nnocence, leading the !arl and ?ookman and his apprentice 3avi, ;ho are chronicling the ;ar, to
2elieve one of them possesses the Great #eart. ean;hile, the 5rder learns that Allen is to succeed &ea Walker, a
&oah that 2etrayed and ;as killed 2y the !arl, as the +.th &oah. This leads the 5rder to suspect that Allen might
2etray them, and he is eventually confined. The &oah frees him to rescue Allen from the Apocryphos, a sentient
<nnocence that guards the #eart, causing the 5rder to revoke Allen=s rights as an !6orcist and treat him as a &oah.
$ome of the concepts in D.Gray-man first appeared in "atsura #oshino=s one-shot title, Zone. This earlier ;ork
includes the same concepts of the akuma and their creation, !6orcists, and the !arl=s plans for ending the ;orld.
Allen Walker, the main character from the series, is also 2ased from the previous series=s protagonist, ;ho is a girl,
2ut #oshino changed some of his characteristics to make him look more masculine.
<n addition, 3avi is 2ased on
the protagonist of one of her planned series, Book-man.
5ther characters such as the illennium !arl, 3enalee
3ee and "omui 3ee are 2ased on real people, although #oshino has not confirmed ;ho some of those people are.
$he has mentioned that some of them are famous scientists, ;hile "omui is 2ased on her 2oss.
2eginning ;ork on the longer D.Gray-man series, #oshino considered continuing to use the name Zone. $he also
considered naming the series Dolls or Blak !oah. The ;ord DD.Gray-manD is meant to have various meanings,
most of them 2eing the state of Allen and the other main characters.
#oshino commented that she got most of her ideas for the series ;hile asleep in the 2ath for 8 hours.
e6ception occurs in the plot of the second volume, ;hich she 2ased on a story called "oi no #moni.
ain article: 3ist of D.Gray-man chapters
Written and dra;n 2y "atsura #oshino, the chapters of the D.Gray-man manga series have 2een seriali(ed in
Weekly Shnen Jump 2y $hueisha. $ince its premiere on ay *+, ,--., over t;o hundred chapters have 2een
released in Japan.
The series ;as put on hiatus t;ice due to #oshino falling illF ho;ever, it then continued a fe;
;eeks after each incident.
<n &ovem2er ,--9, Weekly Shnen Jump announced that #oshino ;as again putting
the series on hold due to an inGured ;rist.
>u2lication resumed on arch 0, ,--0.
The series once again
;ent on hiatus starting ay ++.
The series reappeared in the seasonal maga(ine $kamaru Jump on August +E.
Follo;ing the release in $kamaru Jump, D.Gray-%an resumed seriali(ation on &ovem2er ., ,--0 in the monthly
maga(ine Jump SQ.
D.Gray-man has 2een licensed for an !nglish language release in &orth America 2y 'i(
The individual chapters are pu2lished in tank&on 2y $hueisha. The first volume ;as released on 5cto2er 0, ,--.,
and as of &ovem2er 8, ,-+*, t;enty-four volumes have 2een released.
'i( released the first collected volume
of the series on Fe2ruary 4, ,--9, and as of August 4, ,-+., t;enty-four volumes have 2een released.
ain article: 3ist of D.Gray-man episodes
The episodes of the D.Gray-man anime are directed 2y 5samu &a2eshima and produced 2y Dentsu, T$
!ntertainment, Aniple6 and T' Tokyo. T$ !ntertainment produced the animation and Aniple6 ;as responsi2le
for the music production. The episodes 2egan airing on 5cto2er *, ,--8 in Japan on T' Tokyo.
The first season
of the anime, kno;n as the D+st stageD, aired for 4+ episodes, finishing its run on $eptem2er ,4, ,--E.
second season, kno;n as the D,nd stageD, 2egan airing on 5cto2er ,, ,--E, and finished its run on $eptem2er *-,
,--9, lasting 4, episodes giving a total of +-* episodes over 2oth seasons.
The !nglish adaptation of the first
4+ episodes have 2een licensed 2y Funimation !ntertainment.
As of Fe2ruary ,--0, t;enty-si6 D'D compilations have 2een released 2y Aniple6 2et;een the first on Fe2ruary
E, ,--E and the latest on arch ., ,--0.
The first thirteen compilations contain episodes of the first season,
and all successive compilations have episodes of the second season. The first thirteen episodes of the anime ;ere
released in the %$, du22ed, on D'D on arch *+, ,--0 and also ?lu-ray on January 4, ,-+-.
The series made
its &orth American television de2ut ;hen it started airing on the Funimation 7hannel on $eptem2er 8, ,-+-.
7over of D.Gray-man #ri'inal Soun(trak )
All of the music for the D.Gray-man anime series ;ere composed 2y "aoru Wada, and so far three 7D soundtracks
have 2een released in Japan 2y $ony usic !ntertainment. The first, D.Gray-man #ri'inal Soun(trak ) that
contains thirty-four tracks ;as released on arch ,+, ,--E ;ith musical production and composition, ;hich
includes the first opening theme of the series and the first t;o ending themes as ;ell.
The second soundtrack containing thirty-t;o tracks, D.Gray-man #ri'inal Soun(trak *, ;as released on
Decem2er +0, ,--E. <t includes the second opening theme of the series, as ;ell as the third and fourth ending
All opening and ending themes ;ere also collected in a 7D called D.Gray-man Complete Best that ;as
released on $eptem2er ,., ,--9. <ts limited edition includes an e6tra D'D that contains credit-less footage of the
videos and a large num2er of anime illustrations.
The third soundtrack, ;hich contains thirty-one tracks, ;as
released in Japan on Decem2er +E, ,--9. <t includes the third and fourth opening themes of the series, as ;ell as
the fifth to eighth ending themes and the insert song D#ands $ealed With a "issD ) +sunai(a
+e !i "isu o
1 sung 2y $anae "o2ayashi.
Video games
A D.Gray-man video game for the &intendo D$ ;as released in Japan on arch ,0, ,--E. The game is titled
D.Gray-man, "ami no Shitotahi and ;as released 2y "onami. <n the game, the player interacts ;ith characters
from the series and destroys akuma using the touch screen and stylus.
A second video game titled D.Gray-man,
Sousha no Shikaku for the >lay$tation , ;as released on $eptem2er ++, ,--9.
Additionally, characters from
D.Gray-man are featured in the &intendo D$ game Jump Super Stars and its seAuel Jump -ltimate Stars.
Allen Walker appears as a support-only character in J-Stars .itory .s.
?ased on the manga series, three novels titled D.Gray-man, Reverse and ;ritten 2y "aya "i(aki are pu2lished 2y
$hueisha. The first of them ;as released on ay *-, ,--4, ;hile the second one ;as released on July ., ,--8.
The third one ;as released on Decem2er *, ,-+-.
The D.Gray-man #//iial 0an&ook, Gray $rk ;as released
June ., ,--9.
5n $eptem2er ., ,--9, the +. $nimation D.Gray-man #//iial .isual Colletion, Clo1n $rt ;as
Three Domni2us especialD ;ere released on &ovem2er +*, ,--0, Decem2er ++, ,--0, and January +4,
They ;ere follo;ed 2y an illustration 2ook titled D.Gray-man 2llustrations !ohe on Fe2ruary .,
5n July ., ,-++, D.Gray-man Charater Rankin' Book, a compillation of the character popularity polls
;ith additional character profiles 2y #oshino, ;as released and included the one-shot D!6orcist no &atsu HasumiD
The D.Gray-man manga has 2een highly popular in JapanF as of ,--E, the series ranked as the ninth 2est seller
series of the Weekly Shnen Jump maga(ine.
5n Decem2er *+, ,--9, 7omipress reported that the first fifteen
volumes from the series had sold +.,---,--- copies.
During its second release ;eek, the volume fifteen of the
manga ranked as the second 2est seller comic in Japan, in that ;eek.
The anime D'Ds have also 2een popularF
they have ranked high in several Japanese Animation D'D @ankings.
Iassosha=s manga maga(ine 3u// ranked
the series as the seventh 2est long story manga of ,--8.
The series has also picked up attention in France as it
;as a;arded the pri(e for 2est manga series ,--8 at the Anime and anga ,--E French Grand >ri6, ;hich ;as
organi(ed 2y Animeland. <t ;as also a;arded the pri(e of manga of the year ,--8 2y We2otaku.
!ven the novel
adaptions ;ere ;ell received. The second novel adaption ;as the third 2estselling novel in Japan in ,--8.
<n his revie; of volume one, 7arlo $antos of Anime &e;s &et;ork stated that certain plot points Dcome out of
no;hereD and that the story ;as kept from its full potential due to Dgeneric character designs and sparse
2ackgrounds.D The Auick moving story plot and the series= e6position and 2ack-story received positive comments.
A.!. $parro; of <G& also revie;ed the first volume and compared the series= antagonist to three of Batman4s
villains. #e also said that DWalker is a solid hero ;ith a dark past, the illenium !arl is a menacing villain you=ll
love to hateD and the supporting cast sho;s enough potential to hold interest into future volumes.
"imlinger, also from Anime &e;s &et;ork, gave his thoughts on the first episode of the anime. #e stated the
series ;as very derivative and there ;as Da2solutely nothing originalD. #o;ever, "imlinger said that it ;as not a
2oring anime.
ania.com commented that series 2ecomes 2etter as it continues, remarking that some elements
seemed derivative 2ut it has developed its o;n uniAue identity. #o;ever, they critici(ed several changes made in
the 'i( edia edition, such as the fact that the Japanese sound effects have 2een replaced 2y ones that make fans
detract ;hile vie;ing it and some translations of the names of the characters that the revie;er deemed a;k;ard.