Bonsai Tips PDF
Bonsai Tips PDF
Bonsai Tips PDF
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |2|
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |3|
-Naresh Agarwal
EX General Secretary
Indo-Japanese Association
(Jamshedpur Chapter)
BOOK edition Printed in 1996 in B/W
CALCUTTA 700 006
E Book Edition 2014. Photo source courtesy:
friends, google and mine
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |4|
I have tried, as far as possible, to
give details of my experience in
this book. I have acquired this
experience after many years of
Bonsai Cultivation. I hope that beginners will
find this book useful.
There are still many topics left to tell about this
art, which I could not mention here, as this
book is purely written for beginners.
Naresh Agarwal
I acknowledge the inspiration and help extended
to me by my wife Namita, for writing this book.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |5|
Bonsai is not merely an ordinary
plant, grown in a shallow pot or
tray. It is a miniature tree which
resembles in character to its
counterpart grown up tree in
nature. Like any big tree, it should have following
characters to be called a Bonsai.
(a) Good surface roots spread over the soil.
(b) Gradual tapering trunk from base to top of the
(c) An apex
(d) Triangular branch arrangement.
(e) Artistic natural look.
Many people think that in Bonsai, age is the most
vital aspect, but that is not correct. A very old Bonsai
will never be appreciated if its shape or look is not
attractive, Whereas a lesser old Bonsai will be
appreciated more if its shape and branch
arrangement are good. So, never run after the age of
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |6|
Bonsai but concentrate on its basic structure of
trunk, branches, roots, etc.
In our tropical country, plants
grow so fast that we dont have to
wait for many years for making
Bonsai. A Plant can be trained or
designed for a good Bonsai even
within three to four years. In cold
countries, the same result will come out in twice the
time due to slow growth of plants.
Many people are confused that Bonsai is made
out of some special types of plants, which will not
grow more than one to two feet. But this is not true.
Plants used in making Bonsai are very ordinary and
due to their regular pruning and cutting of roots and
branches they do not grow very high.
For making Bonsai, we select the plants which
are very hardy in our climate and grow rapidly with
good health. These hardy plants will resist shock of
cutting their roots and branches without any
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |7|
Sources of Plants For
(a) Collecting from wild
(b) From nursery stock
(c) By propagation from various methods of seed
germination, cutting, air layering, grafting etc.
Tools For Bonsai
Any tool, which is used for gardening can be
used for Bonsai purpose. However, there are some
specialized tools meant for Bonsai, which are very
costly and rather suitable for advanced growers.
Various Tools used for Making Bonsai are:
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |8|
(a) Trimming shears or any scissors
(b) Secretiour
(c) Concave branch cutter
(d) Wire cutter
(e) Pliers
(f) Root rake for removing soil from plants
(g) Brush
(h) Clamp for bending heavy trunk and branches
(i) Poking stick
In the beginning, you can start with one each of
secretiour, scissors, wire cutter. Keep habit of
regular sharpening of tools and applying light coat of
any machine oil for prevention of rust.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |9|
Bonsai Soil
A right preparation of soil will always keep
Bonsai healthy. If soil preparation is not good, the
plant will not grow healthy roots will start rotting,
leaves will fall and ultimately the plant will die.
(a) Enough porosity to hold the air for roots.
(b) Ability to hold moisture for one day, but not
for many days
(c) Ability to keep nutrients for plants for long
(d) Good drainage so that excess water will come
out at the time of watering the Bonsai
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |10|
1. Ordinary Garden soil available in garden,
forest, etc.
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
2. Cow dung manure
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
3. Brick Pieces of size 2 mm to 4 mm thickness
Qty- 2 Parts by Volume
1. Ordinary Garden soil available in garden,
forest, etc.
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
2. Cow dung manure
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
3. Thick River Sand
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
1. Ordinary Garden soil available in garden,
forest, etc.
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
2. Leaf mold
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |11|
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
3. River Sand
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
1. Ordinary Garden soil available in garden,
forest, etc.
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
2. Leaf mold
Qty- 3 Parts by Volume
3. Brick Pieces of size 2 mm to 4 mm thickness
Qty- 2 Parts by Volume
It is always better to dig
soil near the roots of any
established tree. This soil
contains more humus,
which is good for plants.
Before using soil, make it
completely dry and then crush all the particles
which are larger than 5 mm. After crushing sift the
soil through a fine mesh so that complete dust will
come out separately. Throw away these dusts
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |12|
completely as these are very harmful for plants due
to their tendency to block air circulation and cause
water logging. Soil particles between 1 and 5 mm
are most suitable for Bonsai.
Store cow dung in any pit for three months to
one year and use it in complete dry condition after
crushing big particles. There is no need of screening
this manure.
Prepare small pieces of bricks in two sizes: one
6 mm to 10 mm thick and other 2 mm to 5 mm thick.
Screen out all the dust acquired at the time of
Big particles will be used in lower portion of the
pot as a drainage layer and small particles will be
used in basic soil preparation.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |13|
For Bonsai we generally use shallow containers made
of ceramic or clay. Pots made of cement, plastic and
wood are also popular now a days. Containers are of
various shapes like oval, square, rectangular, round,
hexagonal, etc. Every pot should have at least 3/4
hole in its bottom portion. So that excess water can
drain out. Selection of pots depend upon the sizes of
plants, colour of fruits, colour of leaves etc. Usually,
pot length should be choosen as per the height of
potential Bonsai. Generally two thirds of plants
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |14|
height is most suitable size of pot and height of pot
can be as per the thickness of trunk of a plant.
Suppose the selected plant height is 18, then its
two thirds i.e. 12 will be pot length and if plant trunk
is 1 thick, then height of pot will be 2.
1. Cover the drainage hole of the selected pot by
the help of any plastic or steel wire mesh to
prevent soil from draining out.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |15|
2. Cover bottom of pot with thin layer of brick
pieces of sizes 6 mm to 10 mm as explained
earlier. Put some river sand on the brick pieces
to cover the gaps between the brick pieces.
3. Now put some prepared soil on these brick
4. Remove the plant from nursery container and
with the help of root-rake or chop-stick remove
portion of soil from the plant.
5. Choose front position of the plant. Front
position means the side of the plant which
looks most beautiful and people will see the
plant from that side.
6. Cut any tap thick or encircling roots of the
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |16|
7. Now put the plant into the pot. If the pot is
round or square, place it is centre. If it is
rectangular or oval place the plant off the
centre towards the rear on any side, left or
8. Fill the container by the prepared soil.
9. If the plant requires some support, tie a wire
from outside the pot anchoring the trunk of the
10. Poke the soil with chop-stick to remove air
11. Trim the longer branches of the plant to give
the whole tree an triangular shape.
12. Water the Bonsai by a fine nose shower.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |17|
13. Keep this Bonsai in semi shade for 10 days and
after this period bring it to fill sunlight.
There are five basic styles of Bonsai in which
any plant can be trained. These styles are made as
per the various shapes of trees found in nature.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |18|
A. Formal Upright Style:
This style of Bonsai has a
straight erect trunk from
base to apex. Pine trees
are real examples of this
B. Informal Upright Style:-
This style has a curved
trunk like S shape of
English letter. Mostly 70%
Bonsai are trained in this
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |19|
C. Slanting Style:
This style has curved
trunk slanting left or right
with apex. In nature this
happens due to heavy
D. Semi-Cascade Style:
This style has a trunk
which grows up and tip of
lowest branch cascade
between rim and feet of
container. For this style
we dont use shallow pots,
but use deep containers.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |20|
E. Cascade Style:
This style has a trunk
which bends down and tip
of cascade branch grows
below the feet of the
container. In this style
also we use deep pots
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |21|
A. Root over Rock Style: In this style the
root of Bonsai grows
over rock and survives
with the help of soil
kept below the rock. In
any hilly area you will
find hundreds of
examples of this style.
B. Broom Style: In this style the trunk of
must be short or of
low height and
branches are trained
in such a fashion that
it will look like an
upside-down broom.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |22|
C. Umbrella Style: Generally most of the trees
of tropical
climates take
this shape. In
this style, Bonsai
is trained to from
an umbrella like
D. Forest style: Many trees are planted in a tray
to look like a
forest in this
style. Bigger trees
are placed in the
front side and
smaller trees in
the back side of
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |23|
E. Bunjin Style: These Bonsai plants are
trained as per Chinese
paintings of trees.
F. Mame Bonsai: These are very small Bonsai of
less than 6 to 7 inches
height but with complete
character of a grown up
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |24|
The following are some tips to help train Bonsai in
various shapes:
1. Bottom 1/3
part of plant should not have any
2. Middle 1/3
part of plant
should have
bigger branches
and top 1/3
should have
smaller branches
than middle
portion. So shape
of the plant
become triangulerish.
3. Every Bonsai should have one apex.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |25|
4. Overall from of Bonsai must be triangular so
that sunlight can reach
each and every part of the
plant. The parts which get
less sunlight will grow
weaker and after some
time it will die.
5. The lowest
branches of a Bonsai
must be the heaviest.
6. Avoid branches coming directly towards the
7. Always cut growing branches leaving two sets
of leaves for compact growth of plants.
8. Expose roots of plants on the surface of soil in
radial direction.
9. Every Bonsai must have one front and one
back. Front of Bonsai is the side from which
the plant looks most beautiful. Back branches
are required for depth of a Bonsai.
10. Allow branches to grow only in a horizontal
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |26|
11. Trim branches which cross one other.
12. Trim parallel growing branches.
Wiring is used for training the branches and
trunk of Bonsai to a desired shape. A wired branch
or trunk will take the desired shape just by bending
in any direction.
Two types of wire are used-copper or
aluminium. These wires are reusable. The wire
thickness vary as per the thickness of branch or
trunk desired to be given shape. While wiring
branches, keep wire at 45
angle to branch for best
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |27|
results. Wire should be removed after a few months
when it starts pentrating into the bark of plants.
Repotting is the process in which half of the
roots of Bonsai is trimmed and the plant is potted in
fresh soil. By this process the plant gets fresh soil full
of nutrients and produce new fibrous roots which
maintains the good health of the plant.
A new Bonsai requires repotting every year due
to its rapid growth and for old Bonsai repotting
should be done every 2/3 years.
1. When pot is completely filled with roots and
there is no place for more roots to develop.
B. When soil cannot hold the water as most of
the soil is eaten by the plant.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |28|
C. Leaves start turning yellow in spite of regular
care and watering.
D. Overall health of Bonsai looks Weak.
F. Rainy season is the most suitable time for
repotting, although we can repot Bonsai in
any season except winter.
Since Bonsai is growing in a small container,
only small amount of nutrients is available to it. So,
regular application of fertilizers is necessary for
maintaining its good health. Fertilizers are of two
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |29|
types-organic and Inorganic. Organic are slow
reaching and inorganic are fast reaching. But
organic fertilizer is good for Bonsai due to its slow
reacting character with soil. It also condition the soil.
In Japan, there is a practice to use organic
fertilizers like oil seed cake (mustard seed cake) and
bone meal mixed in 6:1 ratio and made into the
shape of small ball with the help of water. They keep
these small balls over the soil of Bonsai where they
slowly react with the soil and penetrate deep at the
time of watering.
Inorganic fertilizer-mixture can also can made
in home by mixing Ammonium Sulphate, Potash and
Super Phosphate in equal proportion by weight. This
should be used after diluting in water. In 5 liter water
two tea-spoonful of the above mixture is sufficient to
give good result. It should be used once in every week
period. Any newly potted plant should not be
fertilized for at least one month.
Ready-made mixture named as Sufla is also
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |30|
By regular application of fertilizers plants get
good quantity of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium
and other micro nutrients helping their growth.
Flower and fruit bearing Bonsai requires more
phosphorous than others. Nitrogenous fertilizers are
required for vigorous growth of plants. Potassium
helps in stiffening of branches, root-growth and also
prevents plants from diseases.
1. Protect the plant from heavy winds and strong
sunlight during summer.
2. Keep Bonsai in neat and clean open area
where it will get fresh air and full sunlight.
3. Bonsai is outdoor plant which can be brought
inside for one or two days for decoration
purpose. If it is kept inside for long period it
may die.
4. In winter season dont give any water to Bonsai
until and unless the soil becomes completely
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |31|
dry. But in summer season special care is
required to water at least 2 times a day.
5. Regularly pinch or prune the new leaf buds of
Bonsai to maintain overall shape and maintain
the vigour or the plant.
6. Wash the leaves of Bonsai once a week.
Like other plants, Bonsai also gets affected by
various types of insects and fungi. For the control of
insects any suitable type of insecticide like rogor can
be sprayed on the plant. It is a wide spectrum
insecticide and is very suitable for controlling vari
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |32|
ous types of Insects. For the control of fungi use of
Bavistein or Blitox is recommended. It is advisible to
spray the plant with the above medicines at a regular
interval of 30 days. There are some medicines also
for controlling the insects of soil like Thimet 10G
Feradin etc. Which go inside the system of plants and
prevent it from the attack of insects.
Any insecticide or fungacide should be used
with a precaution as they are very much harmful for
human being.
1. Sucking 2. Snail
3.Grasshoppers 4. Caterpillars
1. Black Spot 2. Rotting of
branches or leaves.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |33|
(a) Plants with small leaves and small
(b) Plants
which have
growing habits
(c) Plants
which give
dense growth
after every
pinching and cutting
(d) Plants which are hardy to our
climatic conditions
(e) Plants which easily produce flowers
and fruits in small containers.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |34|
1. Aralia: Very showy and hardy plants
Easily available at
nurseries. Suitable
for forest or
umbrella style.
2. Adenium-Obesum: This is one of
the most favourite plant
of Bonsai plant of Bonsai
growers. In one years is
trunk grows upto 2
diameter. Its pink flowers
are very showy which
come in bunches. This plant should be pruned
from the beginning to get more branches. Keep
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |35|
it in shade in the rainy season as excess water
is very harmful for this plant.
3. Araucaria Execeisa- Christmas
Tree: A tree of cold climates needs semi
shade conditions.
Leaves of this plant
are ornamental
susceptible to burn
in very hot days. It
requires lot of
water and good drainage. With regular pruning
it can be made in dwarf form. It is good for
forest or slanting style.
4. Acharas Zapota-Chiku: A fruit
bearing plant which is
generally produced by
grafting process and
bears fruit in a very
short time. It is a very
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |36|
hardy plant but there are some practical
difficulties also in shaping this plant. It is only
suitable for big Bonsai.
5. Bougainvillea: One of the most
suitable flowering
plants for Bonsai.
It can easily be
trained to various
style. It grow very
fast and without
much care.
Generally it gives
flowers all around the year, but in winter
flowers come in large quantity. Since the
flowers come in the tip of the new branches,
regular trimming of branches are essential to
get a full bloom. Excess watering before
flowering period may cause delay in flowering.
So do not water it for 2 to 3 days which gives
shock to the plant. After this shock flowers will
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |37|
appear in full bloom. Generally single variety of
Bougainvillea is good for Bonsai.
6. Bambusa: Many forms of dwarf bamboo
are available like Golden Bamboo, Black
Bamboo, Budha Belly Bamboo, Stick Bamboo
etc. All of these
are quite
suitable for
forest style
only. These
plants are
hardy but require lot of water and a slightly
shady location.
7. Calliandra-Powder Puff : Like its
name its flowers
look like powder
puff. This plant
bears red flowers
all round the year
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |38|
in large quantity. The trunk takes a long time
to thicken and branches are also thick but it
can be grown for its beautiful flowers.
8. Cassis Biflora: This plant has feathery
leaves and
branches grow
vigorously from all
places of the trunk.
It is an ideal plant
for Bonsai. During
winter full bloom of
yellow flowers come out which lasts for 10 to
15 days. It is very hardy plant.
9. Casurina Equisetifolia : We also
call it the Australian Pine.
This is a good substitute
of the pine, quick growing
very showy and hardy.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |39|
Good shapes can be produced in a year time. It
requires more water compared to other plants.
It is suitable for formal and informal upright
10. Carissa-Karaunda : It is a fruit
bearing plant.
Fruits are like
cherry which is
used for making
pickles. Fruits
come out very
easily in this
plant and it lasts for at least two months. Its
growth is vigorous and regular pruning is
required to maintain its shape. It is suitable for
informal upright and rock planting styles.
11. Chinese Orange: It is the most
ornamental plant in Bonsai. Our climate is
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |40|
ideal for it and in no time it will start bearing
fruits in Bonsai.
Even one hundred
fruits can be
obtained from one
plant. The secrecy
behind getting
such large
quantity of fruits is the application of bone
meal and mustard cake at regular intervals of
one month. It is suitable for umbrella, informal
upright styles.
12. Cycus revoluta: This plant has palm
like branches and
the trunk is also
different from
other types of
trees. It is suitable
only for group
planting styles.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |41|
13. Duranta-Green, Variegated
and Golden: It produces white or light
blue flowers, followed by small bunches of
yellow berries
which last for a
long time. It is a
vigorously growing
plant, hence
regular pruning is
essential to maintain its shape. During
summer protection from the afternoon sun is
required. It is suitable for all styles of Bonsai.
14. Ficus Varieties- Bar, Peepal,
etc: These are
very large trees
which develop a
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |42|
heavy trunk very fast and are most suitable for
all styles, but specially for rock planting style.
15. Hibiscus: There are over one hundred
varieties of this
plant with
different coloured
flowers, but you
can choose the
variety with small
flowers and small
16. Ixora: This is a very common landscape
plant which has
very long flowering
period. It bears
pink, yellow,
orange and red
flowers which last a
long time. Although
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |43|
its trunk takes a lot of time in thickening. It can
be shaped in most of the styles.
17. Junipers: There are many varieties of
Junipers but for hot
climates, Juniper
Prostrata suits most
due to its compact
growing habits. For
maintaining its shape, regular pinching of
leaves is necessary. Cascade style is its natural
style but it can be trained in informal upright
or root over rock style also. Some care is
required during the summer season.
18. Averoha Karambola-Kamarak:
This is a fruit bearing plant
which gives fruit mostly
during winter. Fruits come
easily in the grafted plants
within one year. Its white
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |44|
pinkish flowers in bunches are also very
attractive although this plant does not acquire
good shape. But because of its attractive fruits,
it can be trained as a Bonsai.
19. Lagerstroemia Indica: This plant
has a very showy
brown bark and
mauve, white and
rose coloured flowers,
In winter, all the
leaves drop off which
again come in spring. This plant is suitable for
informal upright rock planting styles.
20. Lanatna: There are many varieties of this
species but only
some are suitable
for Bonsai. This is
a fast growing and
flowering plant.
Plenty of water is
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |45|
required for the growth of this plant. Yellow
flowering lantana is most popular in Bonsai.
21. Malpighia Coccigera-Howthorn:
These are small
plants which
do not grow
more than one
metre tall. The
leaves are most
beautiful parts
of this plant
which are very small and shiny. White flowers
cover all the branches during the flowering
season. For getting the compact growth of this
plant regular pruning of branches is required.
It is most suitable for Saikei or forest styles.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |46|
22. Pine: These plants are suitable for cold
climatic conditions.
They also survive in
tropical climates.
The light green
leaves are needle
shaped which turn
to brown before
they fall off. Grow
these plants in
semishade conditions and regularly pinch the
leaves off for the compact growth the major
problem with these plants are they die during
repotting. Try to repot these plants in winter
only, once in 3/4 years.
23. Pithocolobium Dulce-
Benth-Jungle Jalebi: It is a very
fast growing variety which gives curious 4 to 5
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |47|
cms long twisted spiral shaped-fruit which is
eatable. This plant is
also used for hedges
due to its dense
growth. It can be
trained in informal
upright or umbrella
shape styles.
24. Tamarind-Imli: This is a hardy
and fast growing plant which produce very
attractive bark
on its trunk
within a very
short time. New
leaves are very
attractive. It
requires mush
lesser care than
other plants. Umbrella style is ideal for this
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |48|
25. Jade: This is one of the most suitable
plant for Bonsai in
our tropical climate.
It likes less water
and full sun. Regular
pruning is necessary
to maintain its shape
initially its trunk is
flexible but after
some time. It becomes very stiff. It is suitable
for all the styles but good for making root over
rock style.
26. Pomegranate: There are two
varieties of pomegranates-
dwarf variety (Puncia
granatum 'Nana') and the
normal variety. Dwarf
variety bears one inch
round fruits in very young
plants. It never grows to
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |49|
more than 3/4 metres in height. The normal
variety is also suitable for Bonsai. Some care is
required at the time of watering as excess water
harms this plant.
27. Adansoia Digitata-Baobab:
This is the biggest
girth tree of the world
which grows to a
bottle like shape. It is
very hardy and very
little care is required
in maintaining it.
Roots are twisting
type and attractive.
28. Malpighia Glabra-Barbados
Cherry: It bears red
edible cherry in tropical
climate. It is a hardy plant
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |50|
and can be trained in different Bonsai styles
very easily.
29. Mulberry: It bears fruit very easily
in our climate
conditions. Bonsai
gets fully covered with
its fruits. It is very fast
growing hardy plant,
consuming lot of
water. Regular spray
of Roger will prevent it from various insects.
30. Murraya Exotica: It is a most
suitable plant for
Bonsai which gives
white scented flowers
in summer and rainy
season. Flowers are
followed by orange
berries. It produces branches all over its trunk
and can be trained in all styles of Bonsai.
Bonsai Tips For Beginners |51|
Dr. Naresh Agarwal
Dr Naresh Agrawal is a self made entrepreneur,
who was in born in Steel City of Jamshedpur,
Jharkhand, India on 1
September 1960. He has
been regularly writing poetry, inspirational
thoughts & quotes, even after being fully
engaged in business. Some of his best Hindi
poems have been published in all major
magazines of India.
He is an author of 6 books on poetry and another 6 books on
education, and life philosophy. Most recently (in 2014) he
published his book, Sukti Sagar - containing 1000 motivational
quotes in Hindi.
He is also the Chief Editor of Famous Rajasthani cum Hindi
MagazineMarudhar. Which has a huge reach and is widely
circulated in several states including Jharkhand the most.
Besides writing, Naresh is a complete expert in the art of
BONSAI. In 1996 he wrote Bonsai Tips for Beginners to help
people learn this art.
He is also an extensive traveller & an avid photographer. Some
of his other interests include Astrology, palmistry, homeopathy
Contact Details:
Rekhi Mansion,Diagonal Road, Bistupur,
Jamshedpur,JH- 831001
Email- [email protected]
Phone- +91 9334825981
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Bonsai Tips For Beginners |53|