Important MCQS - IT Training

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MCQs:(Below are some questions which i able to collect from my friends,kindly gothrough..... Thanks.

1.Excel: what is the function to find max in coulnmn C : Ans: Max(C1,C15)
2.Excel: Your selecting the column M and N and inserting a new column then where it will be get added.
a. It will get add after coulmn L
b. It will get add after coulmn N
c. It will get add after coulmn O
d. ...................
3.HTML: What is the use of Forms.
4.HTML: If you want to start the order list in middle of number.
a. <ol start="3">
b. <ol begin="3">
c. ..........
d. ...........

5.OS: Time Slicing comes in _________ Sheduling. Ans: Preemptive.
6.OS: Dead Locks comes under ________ Ans: Process Management.
7.OS: In Z/OS which comes in Internal...
8.OS: In Z/OS sequential... is same as folder in Windows.
a. True
b. False.
9.Windows: In windows 7 you can't give _______ permission.
a.Full Control
b.Read & Execute
c.Read Only
d.Write Only
10.Uses of Clients: (check more than one option)
i. Client initiates the request.
ii. Client intracts the User with GUI.
iii. Client can connects to more than one server at a time.
iv. Client process the request.
11.HTML : What is the Use of REFRESH
a. rewrite url
b. open a new link
c. refresh your contents
d. ...........
12.Uses of Server: (check more than one option)
i.Accept request from number of Server.
ii.Output to the client.
iii.not be in contact with user with GUI.
iv. ...................
13.Where the Business logic comes in 3 Tier architecture : Ans: Middle Tier
14. A Unix code to check the Disk usage:
a. du
b. df
c. ...
d. ...

15.What is the role of Client and Server in N-tier architecture.
16.Source code to Object code conversion called:
a. Compilation
b. Linking.
c. Interpreter.
d. ........
17.C Program: In CASE : we can't use _______ Ans: Float.
a. integer.
b. Enum.
c. Float.
d. character
18.Which one is not the Server.
a. Database Server.
b. File Sever.
c. ........
d. ........
19.Why the Tags are used in HTML
20.Tag to create the Hyper Link.
21.Z/Os was developed by whom.
22.To rename any work sheet what is the process.
23.Unix: To remove the directory what is the command.
24.Unix: To rename a directory what is the command.
25.HTMl: When we click a link it redirects to a page in same window, question is: what _____ we have to add in
href tag to
open the page in new window.

1) Which among the following is not advantage of NAS over traditional file servers?
a. lower cost -----------
b. no single point of failure
c. higher availability (less downtime) -----------
d. easier to use and administer -----------
2) Computer Network is
a. Collection of hardware components and computers
b. Interconnected by communication channels
c. Sharing of resources and information.
d. All of the above. ----------------
3) What is a Firewall in Computer Network?
a. The physical boundary of Network.
b. An operating System of Computer Network
c. A system designed to prevent unauthorized access ----------------
d. A web browsing software
4) How many layers does OSI Reference Model have?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7 ---------------
5) DHCP is the abbreviation of
a. Dynamic Host Control Protocol ------------
b. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
c. Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol
d. Dynamic Hyper Configuration Protocol
6) IPV4 Address is
a. 8 bit
b. 16 bit
c. 32 bit --------------------
d. 64 bit
7) DNS is the abbreviation of
a. Dynamic Name System
b. Dynamic Network System
c. Domain Name System -----------
d. Domain Network Service
8) What is the meaning of Bandwidth in Network?
a. Transmission capacity of a communication channels -----------
b. Connected Computers in the Network
c. Class of IP used in Network
d. None of the above
9) What is the use of Bridge in Network
a. To connects LANs ---------------
b. To separate LANs
c. To control Network speed
d. All of the above
10) Router operates in which layer of OSI Reference Model?
a. Layer 1 (Physical Layer)
b. Layer 3(Network Layer) ---------
c. Layer 4 (Transport Layer)
d. Layer 7 (Application Layer)
11) Which of the following language that computer can understand and execute?
a. Machine Language ------------
b. C Programming Language
c. Java Programming Language
d. None of the above
12) Physical connection between Microprocessor Memory and other parts is called ___________.
a. Path
b. Hub
c. Address Bus ----------
d. None of the above
13) _______________ has the shortest access times.
a. Cache Memory -----------
b. Virtual Memory
c. Secondary Memory
d. All of the above
14) In Computer terminology CAD stands for
a. Computer and Design
b. Computer Algorithm in Design
c. Computer Aided Design ----------
d. None of the above
15) Which device can understand difference between data & programs?
a. Input device
b. Output device
c. Memory
d. Microprocessor ----------
16) Memory unit is one part of
a. Input device
b. Control unit
c. Output device
d. Central Processing Unit ---------
17) Algorithm and Flowchart help us to
a. Know the memory capacity
b. Identify the base of a number system
c. Direct the output to a printer
d. Specify the problem completely and clearly --------
18) A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a ________________
a. Counter
b. Loader
c. Adder
d. Shift Register -----------
19) Multiprogramming systems:
a. Are easier to develop than single programming systems
b. Execute each job faster
c. Execute more jobs in the same time period. ----------
d. Are used by only one large mainframe computers
20) The primary purpose of an operating system is :
a. To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware -------
b. To allow people to use the computer
c. To keep systems programmers employed
d. To make computers easier to use
21) Which of the following Operating System does not implement preemptive multitasking?
a. Windows 98
b. Windows NT
c. Windows XP
d. MS DOS --------
22) What is Thrashing?
a. A high paging activity is called thrashing ---------
b. A high executing activity is called thrashing
c. An extremely long process is called thrashing
d. An extremely long virtual memory is called thrashing.
23) What is dispatch latency?
a. The time taken by the dispatcher to stop one process to start another --------
b. The time taken by the processor to write a file into disk
c. The whole time taken by all processor
d. None of the above
24) In UNIX which among the following is a command for searching a pattern in a file?
a. find
b. grep ------
c. lookup
d. cp
25) To delete 5 lines from a file that you are editing and copy them to a buffer named X you would use the
a. X5dd
b. dd5X
c. 5Xdd ---------
d. d5xd
State whether true or false
26) who is a special case of who am I command (true)
27) Once the system administrator has provided the user with a password the user cannot change it. (true)
28) In a typical Unix environment there are several kernels and one shell. (false)
29) Unix can be ported to a new hardware platform with minimum changes in the Unix code. (true)
30) The command cat test1 test 2 >> test3 would concatenate the contents of test1 and test2 and overwrite the
contents of test3 with the concatenated contents. (true)

1. CPU time is divided into slices known as PREMPTIVE SCHEDULING.
2. If we select two sheets M and N and insert a sheet sheets will be inserted AFTER L SHEET.
3. For the other applications to run on system which is helpful OPERATING SYSTEM.
4. The question regarding java compiler answer is JIT.
5. What is PCB process control block.
6. What is kornshell .kshrc
7. What is cshell .cshrc.
8. Multitasking uses more than one processor FALSE.
10. int testarray[3][2][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}; What value does testarray[2][1][0] in the
sample code above contain? 1)3 2)5 3)7 4)11 (similar question in two dimensional);
12. Middle tier is business logic layer.
13. Execution of code occurs in tier.
14. Layers in OS a.xxxx b.XXXX c.utilities d.xxxxx
15. DEAMON- Disk Execution And MONitor
16. use of flow chart-To indicate the transfer of control
17. if there more than one node used for connection then network called LAN
1.HOW TO CREATE HYPERLINK FOR A MAIL id to create hyperlink tat shld open in new page fn in xl
4.hw many file permissions r in unix
5.functions of os
6.which of d folwng is nt a component of os
7.order of apps utilities os h/w in os diagram
8.rate return is what type of fun n xl
10.functions of cmpler
11.ipv6 address bits
12.op of a pgm n c
13.hw to change a process to run in fregrnd
14.jit compiler to apply a color to a specific area n web page
16. no of colors in html

1. CPU time is divided into slices known as PREMPTIVE SCHEDULING.
2. If we select two sheets M and N and insert a sheet sheets will be inserted AFTER L SHEET.
3. For the other applications to run on system which is helpful OPERATING SYSTEM.
4. The question regarding java compiler answer is JIT.
5. What is PCB process control block.
6. What is kornshell.kshrc
7. What is cshell.cshrc.
8. Multitasking uses more than one processor FALSE.
10. Int test array[3][2][2] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
What value does testarray[2][1][0] in the sample code above contain?
1)3 {{1,2,3,4},{5,6,7,8},{9,10,11,12}}
2)5 arr[0][2][2],a[1][2][2],a[2][2][2]
4)11 (similar question in two dimensional);
12. Middle tier is business logic layer.
13. Execution of code occurs in tier.
14. Layers in OS a.xxxxb.XXXXc.utilitiesd.xxxxx
15. DEAMON- Disk Execution And MONitor
16. use of flow chart-To indicate the transfer of control
17. if there more than one node used for connection then network called LAN
18. html audio
19. multi tasking types 2
20. c program while(count--) divide by zeo
21. inserting cards insertion sort
22. in c programe 15 stars
23. present time & date in excel now()
24. internal memory _frame, external_slot, virtual_page;
25. dasd means direct access storage device
26. grep is used for command searching files or words
27. remove directory rmdir
28. meta tag is used in head(title)
29. script tag is used in both head & body
30. to run program in back ground to fore ground command is fg
31. in pre emptive multi tasking we are using context switching
32. in c programme 60<<1 means 120
33. 9. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
34. A. sheet3!A10 B. sheet1!A10
35. C. Sheet3.A10 D. A10
To start a list at the count of 3, use which?
a) <ol start="3"> b) <ol begin="3">
c) <ol list="5"> d)<ul list=3>

In background color in html we use bg color
1.Excel: what is the function to find max in coulnmn C : Ans: Max(C1:C15)

2.Excel: Your selecting the column M and N and inserting a new column then where it will be
get added.

a. It will get add after coulmn L
b. It will get add after coulmn N
c. It will get add after coulmn O
d. ...................

4.HTML: If you want to start the order list in middle of 3 number.

a. <ol start="3">
b. <ol begin="3">
c. ..........
d. ...........
2. wat is port- port is a socket used for transfer data one device to another
3. unix cmd to display invisible files ls-a
Which of these tags are all <table> tags?
a) <table><tr><tt> b) <table><tr><td>
c) <thead><body><tr> d) <table><head><tfoot>
Which command we use to add an Image?
a) <image src="url"> b) <img src="url">
c) <src img="url"> d) <img srcimg="url">
What is the correct HTML for creating a website linking?
a) <a href=http:\ \>google</a>
b) <a></a>
c) <a url=""></a>

. What will extension for HTML document?
a) .xhtml b) .html c) .htm d) both b & c

Comment in HTML document is given by
a) <?-- --> b) <!-- --!>
c) <!-- --> d) </-- -- >
______ is used for linking
a) <a> b) <p> c) <b> d) <em>
To create a list using lowercase letters use ?
a) <ol "a"> b) <ol letter="a">
c) <ol type="a"> d) None of these
The _________ element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks,
images, tables, lists, etc.
a)<img> b)<body> c)<i> d)<em>

Q84. DTD means __________________
a) Document type demand b) Document term design
c) Document type definition d) DeskTop difination
src is a property of ____________ tag
a) <img> b) <p> c) <font> d) <a>
______ is an empty element without a closing tag
a) <br> b) <I> c) <p> d) <body>
______ is not a protocol
a) http b) ftp c) sntp d) tcp/ip
Which tag can set the background color for your page?
a) <body> b) <head> c) <font> d) <bg>
Which section is used for text and tags that are shown directly on your web page ?
a) Body b) Metatags
c) Head d) None of these

Q68. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text italic
a) <italic> b) <i> c) <a> d) <it>
Q69. Choose the correct HTML tag to make a text bold
a) <bold> b) <b> c) <bo> d) none of these

What does vlink mean?
a) visited link b) very good link
c) active link d)passive link
Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading
a) <heading> b) <h6> c) <head> d) <h1>

Imagelinks can show a text label if you add which property?
a) alternative
b) str
c) alt
d) label=Text which you want to display

What tag tells where a link starts?
a) <l> b) <start>
c) <a> (anchor tag) d) <link>

To create a bulleted list use ?
a. <il> b. <ul>(unordered list) c. <ol> d. <bl>
To create a numbered list use ?
a. <il> b. <ul> c. <ol>(ordered list) d. <bl>

Q41. Which of these tags are all <table>tags?
a. <thead><body><tr> b. <table><tr><td>
c. <table><head><tfoot> d. <table><tr><tt>

ans for unknown question is cell padding
Q28. It is possible to display pictures (i.e, images) in HTML specification by using the
a. <GR src = Picture file> b. <PIC src =Picture file>
c. <IMG src =Picture file> d. <GIF src=Picture file
HTML stands for
a) Hyper Text Making Links b) Hyper Text Markup Language
c) Higher Textual Marking of Links d) Hyper Text Mixer of Links

By an intranet we mean
a) a LAN of an organization
b) a Wide Area Network connecting all branches of an organization
c) a corporate computer network
d) a network connecting all computers of an organization and using the internet

Q1. Internet requires
a)an international agreement to connect computers
b)a local area network
c)a commonly agreed set of rules to communicate between computers
d)a World Wide Web

IP addresses are converted to
a. a binary string b. alphanumeric string
c. a hierarchy of domain names d. a hexadecimal string to provide alternate txt to an img in html
using alt
Time Slicing comes in _________ Sheduling. Ans: Preemptive.

6.OS: Dead Locks comes under ________ Ans: Process Management.

7.OS: In Z/OS which comes in Internal...

d.. frames

8.OS: In Z/OS , physical sequential... is same as folder in Windows.

a. True
b. False.
Answer for some question is critical section
Refresh in html used for redirecting the page
A Unix code to check the Disk usage:

a. du
b. df
c. ...
d. ...
17.C Program: In CASE : we can't use _______ Ans: Float.

a. integer.
b. Enum.
c. Float.
d. character
One c question answer is preprocessor (preprocessor means #define or #include)

20.Tag to create the Hyper Link. Is start with <a href>
Z/Os was developed by whom. Ibm
Core of os is kernel
In UNIX which among the following is a command for searching a pattern in a file?
a. find
b. grep ------
c. lookup
d. cp
To delete 5 lines from a file that you are editing and copy them to a buffer named X you
would use the command
a. X5dd
b. dd5X
c. 5Xdd ---------
d. d5xd
27) Once the system administrator has provided the user with a password the user cannot
change it. (true)
28) In a typical Unix environment there are several kernels and one shell. (false)
29) Unix can be ported to a new hardware platform with minimum changes in the Unix
code. (true)
30) The command cat test1 test 2 >> test3 would concatenate the contents
of test1 and test2 and overwrite the contents of test3 with the concatenated contents. (false)
16) Memory unit is one part of
a. Input device
b. Control unit
c. Output device
d. Central Processing Unit ---------
17) Algorithm and Flowchart help us to
a. Know the memory capacity
b. Identify the base of a number system
c. Direct the output to a printer
d. Specify the problem completely and clearly --------
18) A register organized to allow to move left or right operations is called a
a. Counter
b. Loader
c. Adder
d. Shift Register -----------
19) Multiprogramming systems:
a. Are easier to develop than single programming systems
b. Execute each job faster
c. Execute more jobs in the same time period. ----------
d. Are used by only one large mainframe computers
20) The primary purpose of an operating system is :
a. To make the most efficient use of the computer hardware -------
b. To allow people to use the computer
c. To keep systems programmers employed
d. To make computers easier to use
21) Which of the following Operating System does not implement preemptive
a. Windows 98
b. Windows NT
c. Windows XP
d. MS DOS --------
22) What is Thrashing?
a. A high paging activity is called thrashing ---------
b. A high executing activity is called thrashing
c. An extremely long process is called thrashing
d. An extremely long virtual memory is called thrashing.
Physical connection between Microprocessor Memory and other parts is called
a. Path
b. Hub
c. Address Bus ----------
d. None of the above

What is the use of Bridge in Network
a. To connects LANs ---------------
b. To separate LANs
c. To control Network speed
d. All of the above
10) Router operates in which layer of OSI Reference Model?
a. Layer 1 (Physical Layer)
b. Layer 3(Network Layer) ---------
c. Layer 4 (Transport Layer)
d. Layer 7 (Application Layer)
a. When integrating Word and Excel, Word is usually the
a. Server
b. Client
c. Source
d. None of these
. When a formatted number does not fit within a cell, it displays
a. #####
b. #DIV/0
c. #DIV@
d. None of these

f. Which of the following is concantenating operator?
a. Apostrophe ()
b. Exclamation (!)
c. Ampersand (&)
d. Hash (#)
How many sheets are there in Excel Workbook by default?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
b) . To move to the previous worksheet press
a. Ctrl+PgUp
b. Ctrl+PgDn
c. Shift+Tab
d. Ctrl+Tab

n. The process of identifying specific rows and columns so that so that certain columns and rows are
always visible on the screen is called
a. freezing
b. locking
c. selecting
d. fixing
3. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
A. date () B. Today ()
C. now () D. time ()
In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
A. $ B. *
C. % D. &
10. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
A. Visual Basic B. C
C. Visual C++ D. Java
10. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the function?
A. ROUND ( ) B. FACT ( )
C. MOD ( ) D. DIV ( )
15. A numeric value can be treated as label value if ... precedes it.
A. Apostrophe () B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#) D. Tilde (~)
12.WHAT IS ls-r & ls-R IN UNIX
14. what is scheduling
15. wat is port
16. unix cmd to display invisible files to provide alternate txt to an img in html for device drivers
19. wat are d types of OS
20.wat is multitasking find o/p of some pgms
22.qn related to switch case
23. wat is a hub??
24.What are files called in z/os
25.command to list invisible files in unix
26.command to list all threads in unix
27.what is sumif in excel
28.when you are playing cards what type of sort will you use -- insertion sorting
29.applications of heap

1.HOW TO CREATE HYPERLINK FOR A MAIL id to create hyperlink tat shld open in new page fn in xl
4.hw many file permissions r in unix
5.functions of os
6.which of d folwng is nt a component of os
7.order of apps utilities os h/w in os diagram
8.rate return is what type of fun n xl
10.functions of cmpler
11.ipv6 address bits
12.op of a pgm n c
13.hw to change a process to run in fregrnd
14.jit compiler to apply a color to a specific area n web page
16. no of colors in html
1. Which of the following is the latest among these versions of Excel?
A. Excel 2000 B. Excel 2002
C. Excel ME D. Excel 2010

Answer: D
2. What is the default extension of Excel files?
C. WK1 D. 123
Answer: A

3. Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?
A. Word B. Smart Cell
C. Excel D. Lotus 1-2-3
Answer: D

4. Which of the following is the oldest spreadsheet package?
A. VisiCalc B. Lotus 1-2-3
C. Excel D. StarCalc
Answer: A
5. Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension ..
C. 123 D. WK1
Answer: C
6. How many characters can be typed in a single cell in Excel?
A. 256 B. 1024
C. 32,000 D. 65,535
Answer: D
7. A Worksheet can have a maximum of ___ number of rows
A. 256 B. 1024
C. 32,000 D. 65,536
Answer: D
8. A typical worksheet has ___ number of columns
A. 128 B. 256
C. 512 D. 1024
Answer: B
9. Comments put in cells are called ..
A. Smart Tip B. Cell Tip
C. Web Tip D. Soft Tip
Answer: B
10. Comments can be added to cells using ..
A. Edit -> Comments B. Insert -> Comment
C. File -> Comments D. View -> Comments
Answer: B
11. Which menu option can be used to split windows into two?
A. Format -> Window B. View -> Window-> Split
C. Window -> Split D. View -> Split
Answer: C/D
12. Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called.
A. Accessing B. Referencing
C. Updating D. Functioning
Answer: B
13. Which of the following is not a valid data type in Excel?
A. Number B. Character
C. Label D. Date/Time
Answer: B
14. Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification?
A. Contents B. Objects
C. Scenarios D. All of the above
Answer: D
15. A numeric value can be treated as label value if ... precedes it.
A. Apostrophe () B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#) D. Tilde (~)
Answer: A

1. Concatenation of text can be done using
A. Apostrophe () B. Exclamation (!)
C. Hash (#) D. Ampersand (&)
Answer: D
2. Data can be arranged in a worksheet in an easy to understand manner by
A. Auto Formatting B. Applying Styles
C. Changing fonts D. All of these
Answer: D
3. Which area in an Excel window allows entering values and formulas?
A. Title Bar B. Menu Bar
C. Formula Bar D. Standard Tool Bar
Answer: C
4. Multiple calculations can be made in a single formula using..
A. Standard Formulas B. Array Formula
C. Complex Formulas D. Smart Formula
Answer: B
5. An Excel Workbook is a collection of .
A. Workbooks B. Worksheets
C. Charts D. Worksheets and Charts
Answer: D
6. What do you mean by a Workspace?
A. Group of Columns B. Group of Worksheets
C. Group of Rows D. Group of Workbooks
Answer: D
7. MS-EXCEL is based on .?
Answer: A
8. In EXCEL, you can sum a large range of data by simply selecting a tool button called
A. AutoFill B. Auto correct
C. Auto sum D. Auto format
Answer: C
9. To select an entire column in MS-EXCEL, press?
A. CTRL + C B. CTRL + Arrow key
C. CTRL + S D. None of the above
Answer: D
10. To return the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor in EXCEL we use the
A. ROUND ( ) B. FACT ( )
C. MOD ( ) D. DIV ( )
Answer: C
11. Which function is not available in the Consolidate dialog box?
A. Pmt B. Average
C. Max D. Sum
Answer: A
12. Which is not the function of "Edit, Clear" command?
A. Delete contents B. Delete notes
C. Delete cells D. Delete formats
Answer: C
13. Microsoft Excel is a powerful..
A. Word processing package B. Spreadsheet package
C. Communication S/W Package D. DBMS package
Answer: B
14. How do you rearrange the data in ascending or descending order?
A. Data, Sort B. Data, Form
C. Data, Table D. Data Subtotals
Answer: A
15. Which Chart can be created in Excel?
A. Area B. Line
C. Pie D. All of the above
Answer: D

1. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as '#,##0.00'?
A. 5,430.00 B. 5,436.80
C. 5,436.8 D. 6.8
Answer: B
2. How do you display current date and time in MS Excel?
A. date () B. Today ()
C. now () D. time ()
Answer: C
3. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
A. date () B. Today ()
C. now () D. time ()
Answer: B
4. How do you wrap the text in a cell?
A. Format, cells, font B. Format, cells, protection
C. format, cells, number D. Format, cells, alignment
Answer: D
5. What does COUNTA () function do?
A. counts cells having alphabets B. counts empty cells
C. counts cells having number D. counts non-empty cells
Answer: D
6. What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?
A. Ctrl+C B. Ctrl+Enter
C. Ctrl+Page Up D. Ctrl+Space Bar
Answer: D
7. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
A. $ B. *
C. % D. &
Answer: A
8. Excel displays the current cell address in the .
A. Formula bar B. Status Bar
C. Name Box D. Title Bar
Answer: C
9. What is the correct way to refer the cell A10 on sheet3 from sheet1?
A. sheet3! A10 B. sheet1!A10
C. Sheet3.A10 D. A10
Answer: A
10. Which language is used to create macros in Excel?
A. Visual Basic B. C
C. Visual C++ D. Java
Answer: A
11. Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel?
A. Cells B. Rows
C. Columns D. Document
Answer: D
12. How many worksheets can a workbook have?
A. 3 B. 8
C. 255 D. none of above
Answer: D
13. Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
A. Edit, Chart B. Insert, Chart
C. Tools, Chart D. Format, Chart
Answer: B
14. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
A. Paper B. Margin
C. Layout D. Orientation
Answer: B
15. What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data
elements relate to another data element?
A. XY Chart B. Line Chart
C. Pie Chart D. Column Chart
Answer: C

1. The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from ________ menu.
A. insert B. file
C. tools D. view
Answer: C

2. Which key do you press to check spelling?
A. F3 B. F5
C. F7 D. F9

Answer: C
3. To record a sequence of keystrokes and mouse actions to play back later we use:
A. Media player B. Sound Recorder
C. Calculator D. Macro Recorder
Answer: D
4. We can save and protect the workbook by
A. Write Reservation Password B. Protection Password
C. Read-only Recommended D. Any of the above
Answer: D
5. The file extension for an EXCEL workbook is
B. XWB D. None of the above
Answer: A
6. The first cell in EXCEL worksheet is labeled as
A. AA B. A1
C. Aa D. A0
Answer: B
7. What happens when dollar signs ($) are entered in a cell address? (ex. $B$2:$B$10)
A. An absolute cell address is created.
B. Cell address will change when it is copied to another cell.
C. The sheet tab is changed.
D. The status bar does not display the cell address.
Answer: A
8. What are the tabs that appear at the bottom of each workbook called?
A. Reference tabs B. Position tabs
C. Location tabs D. Sheet tabs
Answer: D
9. What is represented by the small, black square in the lower-right corner of an active
cell or range?
A. Copy handle B. Fill handle
C. Insert handle D. Border
Answer: B
10. In Excel, a Data Series is defined as what?
A. A type of chart. B. A cell reference.
C. A collection of related data D. A division of results
Answer: C
11. In Excel, the Fill Color button on the Formatting toolbar is used for what?
A. To insert a background.
B. To add borders.
C. To select a distribution of figures.
D. To add shading or color to a cell range.
Answer: D
12. In help menu of Excel, which of the following tabs are found?
A. Contents tab B. Answer Wizard tab
C. Index tab D. all of the above.
Answer: D
13. A __________ is a grid with labeled columns and rows.
A. Dialog box B. Worksheet
C. Clipboard D. Toolbar
Answer: B
14. The active cell:
A. is defined by a bold border around the cell.
B. Receives the data the user enters.
C. It is the formula bar.
D. Only A and B.
Answer: D
15. Which function is used to calculate depreciation, rates of return, future values and
loan payment amounts?
A. Logical B. Math & Trigonometry
C. Statistical D. Financial
Answer: D
1. B7:B9 indicates:
A. Cells B7 and cell B9 only. B. Cells B7 through B9.
C. Cell B8 only. D. None of the above.
Answer: B
2. The Cancel and Enter buttons appear in the:
A. Title bar B. Formula bar
C. Menu bar D. Sheet tabs
Answer: B
3. MS-EXCEL can be used to automate
A. Financial statements, Business forecasting
B. Transaction registers, inventory control
C. Accounts receivable, accounts payable
D. Any of the above
Answer: D
4. NOT, AND, OR and XOR are
A. Logical Operators B. Arithmetic operators
C. Relational operators D. None of the above
Answer: A
5. In a report, you need to show the monthly rainfall in Nepal. The best way to do this is
to insert a
A calendar B photograph of rainfall
C chart showing rainfall amounts D database of rainfall
Answer: C
6. You want to record experiment information and create a chart that shows the rate of
crystal growth over a period of time. The best application to use would be:
A word processing B spreadsheet
C database D graphics
Answer: B
7. You are editing an worksheet that you had previously saved. If you want to save the
edited sheet without losing the original one, which command should you use?
A. New B. Save As
C. Edit D. Save
Answer: B
8. If you want to have a blank line after the title in a worksheet, what is the best thing
for you to do?
A. Re-format the spreadsheet B. Insert a row
C. Increase the column width D. Use the spacebar
Answer: B
9. In order to arrange the countries from those with the highest population to those
with the lowest, you need to sort on the population field in
A ascending order B descending order
C alphabetical order D random order
Answer: B
10. In order to perform a calculation in a spreadsheet, you need to use a:
A table B formula
C field D variable
Answer: B
11. The box on the chart that contains the name of each individual record is called the
A cell B title
C axis D legend
Answer: D
12. If you want all of the white cats grouped together in the database, you need to sort
by .
A Color, then Gender B Pet Type, then Color
C Pet Type, then Gender D Color, then Pet Name
Answer: B
13. You accidentally erased a record in the sheet. What command can be used to
restore it immediately?
A Insert B Copy
C Undo D Replace
Answer: C
14. Where a row and a column meet, what do you call that?
A. A cell B. A block
C. A box D. None of the above
Answer: A
15. How do you tell one cell from another?
A. By numbers B. By letters
C. By its address C. by color
Answer: C

. Give me an example of a cell address.
A. 11 25 B. 911
C. 41A D. A21
Answer: D
2. Which is an example of a formula?
A. =A1+A2 B. =add(A1:A2)
C. A1+A2 D. SUM(A1:A2)
Answer: A
3. Which is an example of a function?
A. =add(A1:A2) B. =A1+A2
C. =SUM(A1:A2) D. A1+A2
Answer: C
4. What is the symbol for multiplying?
A. > B. /
C. ! D. *
Answer: D
5. What is the symbol for dividing?
A ./ B. %
C. & D. #
Answer: A
6. Which is the spreadsheet application?
A. Excel B. Lotus 123
C. Quattro Pro D. all of the above
Answer: D
7. Which is not an Excel term?
A. document B. rows
C. cells D. columns
Answer: A
8. Which is not the correct cell reference?
A. $D15 B. R4C15
C. R[-2]C D. none of the above
Answer: C
9. What will be the formula in D10 on copying the formula =A$5*5 from cell B4?
A. =A$5*5 B. =A$4*5
C. =C$5*5 D. =C$4*5
Answer: C
10. What will be the result if you format a cell containing value 5000.4 as 0#,###.00?
A. 5000.40 B. 05,000.40
C. 05,000.4 D. 5000.4
Answer: B
11. There are formulae =A1+B1 and =A2+B2 in cells C1 and C2 respectively. What
will be the formulae in C1,C2,C3 on inserting a row before C2?
A. =A1+B1, None, =A3+B3
B. =A1+B1, None, =A2+B2
C. =A1+B1,=A2+B2,=A3+B3
D. =A1+B1,=A2+B2, None
Answer: A
12. There are values 5 and 2 cells A1 and B2 respectively and formula =A1*B1 in cell
C1. What will be the resulting values in A1, B1, and C1 when you use Goal Seek with set
cell as C1, To value as 50 and By Changing Cell as B1?
A. 5,10,50 B. 5,2,10
C. 10,5,50 D. 2,5,10
Answer: A
13. How to unhide the hidden column B?
A. Select column B, right click, unhide
B. Select column A and C, right click, unhide
C. Select column C, right click, unhide
D. can not unhide it
Answer: B
14. What tool is capable of calculating monthly rainfall amounts and creating graphs
based on that data?
A. Clip art B. Graphics
C. Spreadsheet D. Word processor
Answer: C
15. To define border in the cell, select:
A. format, sheet B. insert, cell
C. tools, options D. format, cells
Answer: D
16. To delete cell entry, select:
A. edit, delete B. edit, clear
C. view, normal D. none of the above
Answer: B
17. To merge the cells which tab do you use from the format, cells menu?
A. Number tab B. Alignment tab
C. Font tab D. Merge tab
Answer: B
18. In goal seek, the by changing cell refers to:
A. the cell containing the outcome formula
B. the cell containing the constraints
C. the cell containing the target value
D. the cell that you are attempting to calculate
Answer: D
19. Which is the correct expression to find the average of the range named units?
A. AVG(units) B. average(units)
C. units(average) D. average(units)
Answer: D
20. How do you magnify your worksheet window?
A. View, Zoom B. Format, Sheet
C. Tools, Options D. Enlarge the font size
Answer: A

1. Which of the following is not an option in the spelling dialog box?

a. Edit

b. Ignore

c. Ignore all

d. Change

Correct Answer: a

2. You can quickly change the appearance of your work by choosing Auto Format from the . Menu

a. Edit

b. View

c. Format

d. Tools

Correct Answer: c

3. To protect a worksheet, you can choose Protection and the Protect Sheet from the .. menu

a. Edit

b. Format

c. Tools

d. Data

Correct Answer: c

4. You can open the Highlight Changes dialog box by choosing Track Changes from the . Menu.

a. Edit

b. Insert

c. Format

d. Tools

Correct Answer: d

5. Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?

a. Efficiency

b. Auditability

c. Description

d. Clarity

Correct Answer: c

6. To copy cell contents using drag and drop, press the

a. End key

b. Shift key

c. Esc key

d. None of above

Correct Answer: d

7. If you press ., the cell accepts your typing as its contents.

a. Enter

b. Ctrl + Enter

c. TAB

d. Insert

Correct Answer: a

8. The autofill feature

a. Extends a sequential series of data

b. Automatically adds a range of cell values

c. Applies a boarder around selected cells

d. None of above

Correct Answer: a

9. What is the keyboard shortcut (button or buttons to be pressed) for creating a chart from the selected cells?

a. F3

b. F5

c. F7

d. F11

Correct Answer: D

10. you can use the formula palette to

a. format cells containing numbers

b. create and edit formulas containing functions

c. entered assumptions data

d. copy a range of cells

Correct Answer: b

11. What Pivot Table toolbar button updates the data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart report if the source data chas

a. Format Report

b. Pivot Table

c. Refresh Data

d. Show Detail

Correct Answer: c

12. What is an expression that tells how the numbers in a determined set of cells are to be calculated?

a. Formula

b. Field

c. Data

d. Query Correct Answer:

Correct Answer: A

13. Qtr 1, Qtr 2, Qtr 3 is an example of a

a. Formula

b. Function

c. Series

d. Syntax

Correct Answer: c

14. You can edit existing Excel data by pressing the

a. F1 key

b. F2 key

c. F3 key

d. F4 key

Correct Answer: b

15. The cell reference for a range of cells that starts in cell B1 and goes over to column G and down to row 10 is .

a. G1-G10

b. B1.G10

c. B1;G10

d. B1:G10

Correct Answer: d

16. A user wishes to remove a spreadsheet from a workbook. Which is the correct sequence of events that will do

a. Go to File-Save As Save As Type Excel worksheet

b. Right click on the spreadsheet tab and select DELETE

c. Right click on the spreadsheet and select Insert Entire Column

d. None of above

Correct Answer: b

17. What feature enables you to adjust or back solve the value in a cell to reach a desired outcome in a formula?

a. Goal Seek

b. Scenario Summary report

c. Forecasting

d. Trend line

Correct Answer: d

18. what term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface

a. gradient

b. pattern

c. solid

d. texture

Correct Answer: a

19. Excel is a

a. Graphic program

b. None of these

c. Word processor

d. A spreadsheet

Correct Answer: d

20. To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you use a Microsoft Office Web component called


b. Pivot Table Field List

c. Pivot Table List

d. Pivot Table Report

Correct Answer: d

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