Five Face of Shiva

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Five Faces of Lord Shiva

1. Sadyojata - West Face:

West is called as Paschima or Pratyak. The soul is called as Pratyaaatma. Sadyaha !hich
mea"s just "o! a"d #ataha mea"s "o! $or". Shiva makes his %rese"ce felt throuh the cou"tless
souls $ei" $or". &e"ce the a%t "ame 'Sadyosata'. This sho!s the creative as%ect of Parameshvara.
Si"ce the very e(iste"ce of a"y $ei" starts from its $irth) the Sadyosata as%ect of Lord Shiva is
%rayed first.
The esse"ce of the Sadyosata *a"tra is : +,- Lord - Sadyojaata) "ever ive me desires !hich are
the reaso" for this cou"tless $irths a"d deaths. Please .less me !ith the %assio" for li$eratio". *y
%rayers to Sadyosata.
This Sadyosata as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/
To Shi .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra
To *a"o *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas
To 1"i %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta.
To *a"i%uraka amo" Si( 2hakras
To Pa"chama 3Pa4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras
To *a i" ',mkara'
5.6aama 7eva 8 9orth Face:
The term 6ama mea"s Left or i""oce"t. :f !e sta"d faci" east) 9orth directio" is to our left. &e"ce
the "orth faci" Shiva is !orshi%%ed as 6aama 7eva. The left of a %erso" is re%rese"tative of the
Shakti as%ect. :t re%rese"ts *aya a"d the femi"i"e stre"th a"d $eauty) &e"ce i" 1rdha
9areesh!ara as%ect) !e fi"d the oddess o" the left side.
The $eautiful 6aama 7eva is more a"cie"t that the !orld;s creatio". &e"ce he is the eldest. Si"ce he
is more !orthy tha" others) he is the $est. :" catastro%hic times) he is <udra. &e is 0aala i" creatio"
a"d causes the erosio" of o"e;s ae.
This 6aama 7eva as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/
To 6aa .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra
To 6ij"aa"a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas
To 6aayu %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta
To 1a"hata 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras
To 7aivata 37ha4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras
To .i"du i" ',mkara'.
=. 1hora - South Face:
:f !e sta"d faci" east) south is our riht. &e"ce riht side is called as .ala. 1s im%orta"t as riht
ha"d is for huma"s) The South face is im%orta"t to Lord Shiva. This is also famously k"o!" as
7akshi"a *urthy.
To k"o! a$out the esse"ce of the 1dhora %ri"ci%le of Lord Shiva) o"e has to u"dersta"d the
mea"i" of the 1hora *a"tra amo" the Pa"cha .rahma *a"tra.
Those !ho !orshi%%ed the 1hora form of Shiva !ere called as 1horis. Their mai" $elief is
that there is "o such thi" called i"aus%icious i" this !orld $ecause all that e(ists if Shiva
himself. They e"erally live i" raveyards a"d are "aked. They use those thi"s !hich the !orld
has $ra"ded as i"aus%icious. They %erform harsh %e"a"ce. Those !ho !orshi% 1hora form of
Shiva are saved from "atural catastro%he) !ater hardshi%s a"d life threats.
This 1hora as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/
To *a .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra
To Pra"a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas
To #ala %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta
To Svadhishtha"a 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras
To *adyama 3*a4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras
To > i" ',mkara'.
?. Tat%urasha - @ast Face:
The !ord Tat re%rese"ts Paramatma. Tat%urusha mea"s Sau"a filled Para .rahma form. This is a
im%orta"t face of Parama Shiva. The form of Shiva that is i" meditatio" a"d .lessi" the !orld 8 is
this face. &e"ce this easter" face is co"sidered as the first face. The !ord Tat%urusha mea"s his
%erso". ,"e !ho is al!ays $ehi"d a %erso" to %rotect is Tat%urusha.
This Tat%urusha as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/
To 9a .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra
To 1""a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas
To @arth %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta
To *uladhara amo" si( 2hakras
To Shadja 3sa4) <usha$ha 3ri4 1"d Aa"dhara 3a4 S!aras amo" the Seve" S!aras
To 1 i" ',mkara'.
B. @esha"a - Sky!ard Face:
The !ord :shvara is form the root 1isha 8 1ish!arye. Total !ealth mea"s the total co"trol a"d
o!"ershi% of all the fourtee" !orlds. Such form of Shiva) !ho is the total o!"er of the fourtee"
!orlds) is called as @esh"a.
This face is sky!ards. Which mea"s it is o" to% of the other four faces !hich face the four
directio"s. This fifth face of Shiva re%rese"ts the creatio" 8 $ala"ce 8 a""ihilatio" e"eries a"d
co"trol a"d chaos e"eries. @esh"a face of Shiva !hich is sky!ards i"dicates the total
e"com%assi" e"ery of Lord Shiva.
This @esh"a as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/
To Ca .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra
To 1"a"da *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas
To 1akasha 3ether4 %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta
To 6ishuddha) 1j"a D Sahasra 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras
To 9ishada 3"i4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras
To 9ada as%ect i" ',mkara'.
This is called Pa"chavaktra 3Pa"chamukhi4 Shiva a"d these are "ames of shiva's five
Shiva is majorly see" i" five of &is as%ects 8 1hora) :sha"a) Tat %urusha) 6amadeva
36ar"a 7eva4 a"d <udra 3or Saddyojat4. Pa"chavaktra or Pa"chamukhi is the
com$i"atio" of all these five forms a"d is commo"ly de%icted as five-headed.
1hora is the destructive as%ect of Shiva. &e is ofte" de%icted as the 0ee%er of $urial
a"d crematio" rou"ds a"d is associated !ith death. &e is said to devour life a"d
make !ay for "e! creatio" or ree"eratio". &e faces South o" a Pa"chamukha
:sha"a is om"i%rese"t a"d om"i%ote"t. &e is de%icted as a" all-%ervadi" a"d eter"al
Shiva. &e is cause of creatio". &e faces the "orth-east o" a Pa"chamukha
Tat %urusha is the eo as%ect of Shiva. 1ssociated !ith meditatio") e"lihte"me"t
this form is ofte" associated !ith saes) ascetics a"d celi$acy. &e faces east o" a
Pa"chamukha Sivali"am.
6amadeva 36ar"a 7eva4 is the female as%ect of Shiva. &e is raceful a"d is
associated !ith !ater. &e faces "orth o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. &e is a healer
a"d $esto!er of health $oth me"tal a"d %hysical.
<udra 3Sadyojata4 is the creative a"d destructive %o!er of Shiva. &e is associated
!ith !rath a"d a"er. &e faces !est o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am.
Pa"chavaktra or Pa"chamukhi is the com$i"atio" of all the five forms. *editati" o"
Pa"chamukhi 3Pa"chavaktra4 Shiva !ill $esto! the as%ira"t !ith ood me"tal health)
the a$ility to see thi"s clearly) %rotect o"e from all diseases) %urify the mi"d a"d
$ody) destroy i"ora"ce a"d ive co"trol over se(ual i"sti"cts.

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