The document discusses the five faces of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Each face represents a different aspect of Shiva: Sadyojata represents creation, Vamadeva represents innocence, Agni represents destruction, Tatpurusha represents meditation, and Ishana represents total omnipotence and control over all worlds. Meditating on all five faces together in the form of Panchamukhi (five-faced) Shiva is said to bestow good mental health, clarity, protection from disease, purity of mind and body, and control over instincts.
The document discusses the five faces of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Each face represents a different aspect of Shiva: Sadyojata represents creation, Vamadeva represents innocence, Agni represents destruction, Tatpurusha represents meditation, and Ishana represents total omnipotence and control over all worlds. Meditating on all five faces together in the form of Panchamukhi (five-faced) Shiva is said to bestow good mental health, clarity, protection from disease, purity of mind and body, and control over instincts.
The document discusses the five faces of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Each face represents a different aspect of Shiva: Sadyojata represents creation, Vamadeva represents innocence, Agni represents destruction, Tatpurusha represents meditation, and Ishana represents total omnipotence and control over all worlds. Meditating on all five faces together in the form of Panchamukhi (five-faced) Shiva is said to bestow good mental health, clarity, protection from disease, purity of mind and body, and control over instincts.
The document discusses the five faces of Lord Shiva in Hinduism. Each face represents a different aspect of Shiva: Sadyojata represents creation, Vamadeva represents innocence, Agni represents destruction, Tatpurusha represents meditation, and Ishana represents total omnipotence and control over all worlds. Meditating on all five faces together in the form of Panchamukhi (five-faced) Shiva is said to bestow good mental health, clarity, protection from disease, purity of mind and body, and control over instincts.
West is called as Paschima or Pratyak. The soul is called as Pratyaaatma. Sadyaha !hich mea"s just "o! a"d #ataha mea"s "o! $or". Shiva makes his %rese"ce felt throuh the cou"tless souls $ei" $or". &e"ce the a%t "ame 'Sadyosata'. This sho!s the creative as%ect of Parameshvara. Si"ce the very e(iste"ce of a"y $ei" starts from its $irth) the Sadyosata as%ect of Lord Shiva is %rayed first. The esse"ce of the Sadyosata *a"tra is : +,- Lord - Sadyojaata) "ever ive me desires !hich are the reaso" for this cou"tless $irths a"d deaths. Please .less me !ith the %assio" for li$eratio". *y %rayers to Sadyosata. This Sadyosata as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/ To Shi .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra To *a"o *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas To 1"i %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta. To *a"i%uraka amo" Si( 2hakras To Pa"chama 3Pa4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras To *a i" ',mkara' 5.6aama 7eva 8 9orth Face: The term 6ama mea"s Left or i""oce"t. :f !e sta"d faci" east) 9orth directio" is to our left. &e"ce the "orth faci" Shiva is !orshi%%ed as 6aama 7eva. The left of a %erso" is re%rese"tative of the Shakti as%ect. :t re%rese"ts *aya a"d the femi"i"e stre"th a"d $eauty) &e"ce i" 1rdha 9areesh!ara as%ect) !e fi"d the oddess o" the left side. The $eautiful 6aama 7eva is more a"cie"t that the !orld;s creatio". &e"ce he is the eldest. Si"ce he is more !orthy tha" others) he is the $est. :" catastro%hic times) he is <udra. &e is 0aala i" creatio" a"d causes the erosio" of o"e;s ae. This 6aama 7eva as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/ To 6aa .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra To 6ij"aa"a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas To 6aayu %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta To 1a"hata 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras To 7aivata 37ha4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras To .i"du i" ',mkara'. =. 1hora - South Face: :f !e sta"d faci" east) south is our riht. &e"ce riht side is called as .ala. 1s im%orta"t as riht ha"d is for huma"s) The South face is im%orta"t to Lord Shiva. This is also famously k"o!" as 7akshi"a *urthy. To k"o! a$out the esse"ce of the 1dhora %ri"ci%le of Lord Shiva) o"e has to u"dersta"d the mea"i" of the 1hora *a"tra amo" the Pa"cha .rahma *a"tra. Those !ho !orshi%%ed the 1hora form of Shiva !ere called as 1horis. Their mai" $elief is that there is "o such thi" called i"aus%icious i" this !orld $ecause all that e(ists if Shiva himself. They e"erally live i" raveyards a"d are "aked. They use those thi"s !hich the !orld has $ra"ded as i"aus%icious. They %erform harsh %e"a"ce. Those !ho !orshi% 1hora form of Shiva are saved from "atural catastro%he) !ater hardshi%s a"d life threats. This 1hora as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/ To *a .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra To Pra"a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas To #ala %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta To Svadhishtha"a 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras To *adyama 3*a4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras To > i" ',mkara'. ?. Tat%urasha - @ast Face: The !ord Tat re%rese"ts Paramatma. Tat%urusha mea"s Sau"a filled Para .rahma form. This is a im%orta"t face of Parama Shiva. The form of Shiva that is i" meditatio" a"d .lessi" the !orld 8 is this face. &e"ce this easter" face is co"sidered as the first face. The !ord Tat%urusha mea"s his %erso". ,"e !ho is al!ays $ehi"d a %erso" to %rotect is Tat%urusha. This Tat%urusha as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/ To 9a .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra To 1""a *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas To @arth %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta To *uladhara amo" si( 2hakras To Shadja 3sa4) <usha$ha 3ri4 1"d Aa"dhara 3a4 S!aras amo" the Seve" S!aras To 1 i" ',mkara'. B. @esha"a - Sky!ard Face: The !ord :shvara is form the root 1isha 8 1ish!arye. Total !ealth mea"s the total co"trol a"d o!"ershi% of all the fourtee" !orlds. Such form of Shiva) !ho is the total o!"er of the fourtee" !orlds) is called as @esh"a. This face is sky!ards. Which mea"s it is o" to% of the other four faces !hich face the four directio"s. This fifth face of Shiva re%rese"ts the creatio" 8 $ala"ce 8 a""ihilatio" e"eries a"d co"trol a"d chaos e"eries. @esh"a face of Shiva !hich is sky!ards i"dicates the total e"com%assi" e"ery of Lord Shiva. This @esh"a as%ect is correlated !ith the follo!i"/ To Ca .eekakshara i" Pa"chakshara *a"tra To 1"a"da *aya 0osha amo"st the five 0oshas To 1akasha 3ether4 %ri"ci%le amo" five %ri"ci%les Pa"cha .huta To 6ishuddha) 1j"a D Sahasra 2hakra amo" Si( 2hakras To 9ishada 3"i4 S!ara amo" the Seve" S!aras To 9ada as%ect i" ',mkara'. This is called Pa"chavaktra 3Pa"chamukhi4 Shiva a"d these are "ames of shiva's five mukhas Shiva is majorly see" i" five of &is as%ects 8 1hora) :sha"a) Tat %urusha) 6amadeva 36ar"a 7eva4 a"d <udra 3or Saddyojat4. Pa"chavaktra or Pa"chamukhi is the com$i"atio" of all these five forms a"d is commo"ly de%icted as five-headed. 1hora is the destructive as%ect of Shiva. &e is ofte" de%icted as the 0ee%er of $urial a"d crematio" rou"ds a"d is associated !ith death. &e is said to devour life a"d make !ay for "e! creatio" or ree"eratio". &e faces South o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. :sha"a is om"i%rese"t a"d om"i%ote"t. &e is de%icted as a" all-%ervadi" a"d eter"al Shiva. &e is cause of creatio". &e faces the "orth-east o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. Tat %urusha is the eo as%ect of Shiva. 1ssociated !ith meditatio") e"lihte"me"t this form is ofte" associated !ith saes) ascetics a"d celi$acy. &e faces east o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. 6amadeva 36ar"a 7eva4 is the female as%ect of Shiva. &e is raceful a"d is associated !ith !ater. &e faces "orth o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. &e is a healer a"d $esto!er of health $oth me"tal a"d %hysical. <udra 3Sadyojata4 is the creative a"d destructive %o!er of Shiva. &e is associated !ith !rath a"d a"er. &e faces !est o" a Pa"chamukha Sivali"am. Pa"chavaktra or Pa"chamukhi is the com$i"atio" of all the five forms. *editati" o" Pa"chamukhi 3Pa"chavaktra4 Shiva !ill $esto! the as%ira"t !ith ood me"tal health) the a$ility to see thi"s clearly) %rotect o"e from all diseases) %urify the mi"d a"d $ody) destroy i"ora"ce a"d ive co"trol over se(ual i"sti"cts.