2d Solar System

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Chapter 1


Computer simulation is a huge tool for education. It has
become a useful part of mathematical modeling of many natural
systems in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, and
Psychology and in the process of engineering new technology to
improve and develop the operations of those systems. Simulation
is created to promote innovation in the process of learning and
to promote a quality education. It is a good model for
exploration and learning. In the field of astronomy, computer
simulation and animation is a better way of visualizing the
universe not just by imagining or through looking on the images.
Solar System Simulation is a software application that
generates the visualization of the solar system model and
planets in 2 Dimension on the PC using advanced science
formulas. It can display the planets and their orbits including
the sun and their moons. The Solar System Simulation model is
useful for learning about our solar system interactively for
adults and kids. This is the best way to explore the solar
system and will offer students alternative ways to discover when
real systems are not available.


Given the importance of the aforementioned, that this study
has been hoped to be conducted in order to develop and
eventually propose 2D Solar System Simulation for educational
purpose, and in order for our modern generation of students to
be fully oriented on product of computer innovation.
Background of the study
Today Simulation is arguably one of the most multifaceted
topics that can face science oriented enthusiasts. It can also
be one of the most important aspects in a corporation,
regardless of the industry. Quality, safety and productivity are
all affected by Simulation, whether the issues occur in the
office, on the manufacturing floor, or in a warehouse. This
study is focused towards providing information on the
development of a simplified solar system simulation from where
it can be used as a powerful tool for increasing the
technological learning of educational users.

Simulation is extensively being used as a tool to increase
the production capacity. Simulation software used by Cymer Inc.
(leading producer of laser illumination sources), increased the
production capacity from 5 units/month at the beginning of 1999
to 45/month at the end of 1999, an increase by around 400%.


Visualization and graphics have undoubtedly made a huge
impact on all simulation companies. Easy-to-use modeling has
resulted in low-priced packages that would have been unthinkable
just a few years ago. The Simulation technology has shot up in
value to other related industries. The Simulation industry is
coming of age and is no longer just the domain of academics.

History of Computer Simulation
A computer simulation is a simulation, run on a single
computer, or a network of computers, to reproduce behavior of
a system. The simulation uses an abstract model (a computer
model, or a computational model) to simulate the system.
Computer simulations have become a useful part of mathematical
modeling of many natural systems in physics (computational
physics), astrophysics, chemistry and biology, human systems
in economics, psychology, social science, and engineering.
Simulation of a system is represented as the running of the
system's model. It can be used to explore and gain new insights
into new technology and to estimate the performance of systems
too complex for analytical solutions.
Computer simulations vary from computer programs that run a few
minutes to network-based groups of computers running for hours
to ongoing simulations that run for days. The scale of events


being simulated by computer simulations has far exceeded
anything possible (or perhaps even imaginable) using traditional
paper-and-pencil mathematical modeling. Over 10 years ago, a
desert-battle simulation of one force invading another involved
the modeling of 66,239 tanks, trucks and other vehicles on
simulated terrain around Kuwait, using multiple supercomputers
in the DoD High Performance Computer Modernization Program Other
examples include a 1-billion-atom model of material
deformation; a 2.64-million-atom model of the complex maker of
protein in all organisms, a ribosome, in 2005; a complete
simulation of the life cycle of Mycoplasma genitalium in 2012;
and the Blue Brain project at EPFL (Switzerland), begun in May
2005 to create the first computer simulation of the entire human
brain, right down to the molecular level.
Because of the computational cost of simulation, computer
experiments are used to perform inference such as uncertainty

Importance of the Study
Technological advancement at levels of elementary and
secondary students to be more advance and modernize their study
today in the modern world.


Specifically, the study will be beneficial to the following
end users:
Department of Science and Technology (DOST). As they will
become aware of one product of modern technological innovation
out of students craftiness for their developmental
consideration and assessment.
Department of Education (DepEd) for the Science Teachers.
As they will be provided information on students innovative
achievements in their effort to utilize, advance and promote
todays product of technology.
Elementary Students. As the study will increase their
learning and appreciation about the concept of a computerized
simulation exercise for their technological expertise and
Future Researchers. As they will be able to have future
reference material in case of related topic study.
Statement of the Problem
The study aims to design and develop 2D Solar System
Specifically, it will seek answers to the following


1. What interactive interface can be used for the 2D
solar system simulation?
2. What algorithm can be used to control the movement of
the 3D solar system simulation?
3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of 2D solar
system simulation? How would this help the
professionals science teacher in terms of their
academic teaching?
4. What is the status of the current solar system model
use by science teachers/instructors?

Objectives of the Project

The main goal of the project is to develop a 3D solar
system simulation.
Specifically, the study aimed to attain the following
1. To develop an interactive interface that would include
the scenes of the 2D space graphics, 2D solar system animation,
unique background, planets movements and sounds that will give
the user some excitements while they use the simulator.


2. To identify an algorithm that will set the movements and
distances of the planets that can be controlled by the user
3. The advantage and disadvantage of this system is to give
a modernized learning system to the students in elementary and
secondary level and it can less effort in the visual aid of the
4. The status of this system to the teachers is the advance
learning system in their teaching way.
Definition of Terms
For a clearer understanding of the terms and expressions
utilized by the study, the following are operationally defined
by the project developers:
2D (Two-Dimensional). Is the computer-based generation
of digital imagesmostly from two-dimensional models (such as 2D
geometric models, text, and digital images) and by techniques
specific to them. The word may stand for the branch of computer
science that comprises such techniques, or for the models
ALGORITHM. A clearly defined procedure for obtaining the
solution to a general type of problem, often numerical. Much of
ordinary arithmetic as traditionally taught consists of


algorithms involving the fundamental operations of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
ASTEROIDS. Are minor planets, especially those of the inner
Solar System.
ASTRONOMY. The collection of eight planets and their moons
in orbit around the sun, together with smaller bodies in the
form of asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.
GEOCENTRIC. Having or representing the earth as the center,
as in former astronomical systems.
HELIOCENTRIC. Referred to or measured from the sun's center
or appearing as if seen from it: having or relating to the sun
as center.
IMPLEMENTATION. Is the realization of an application, or
execution of a plan, idea, model, design, specification,
standard, algorithm and policy.
INTEGRATION. The action or process of integrating.
INTERACTIVE. The back-and-forth dialog between the user and
the computer.
INTERFACE. The connection and interaction between hardware,
software and the user.


LAGRANGIAN. L, of a dynamical system is a mathematical
function that summarizes the dynamics of the system.
METEOROIDS. a small body moving in the solar system that
would become a meteor if it entered the earth's atmosphere.
METHODOLOGY. Is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the
methods applied to a field of study. It comprises the
theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
associated with a branch of knowledge.
PLANET. A celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit
around a star.
PLANETARY. Of, relating to, or belonging to a planet or
planets. "the laws of planetary motion"
PROTO-STELLAR(protostar). Is a large mass that forms by
contraction out of the gas of a giant molecular cloud in the
interstellar medium. The protostellar phase is an early stage in
the process of star formation. For a one solar-mass star it
lasts about 100,000 years.
SALELLITE. Is an artificial object which has been
intentionally placed into orbit. Such objects are sometimes
called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural
satellites such as the Moon.
SIMULATION. The development and use of computer models for
the study of actual or postulated dynamic systems.


SOLAR SYSTEM. The sun and the surrounding planets, natural
satellites, dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroids, and comets
that are bound by its gravity.
WATERFALL MODEL. Is a sequential design process, used
in software development processes, in which progress is seen as
flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases
of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction,
Testing, Production/Implementation, and Maintenance.


Chapter 2
This chapter presents the methodology of the study

Software Development Methodology
The software development methodology for this project study
is the waterfall model. This is a sequential process of a
software model in which development is seen as flowing steadily
downwards through its phases of (1) Requirement Analysis and
definition, (2) System and Software Design, (3) Implementation
and Unit Testing, (4) Integration and system testing, and (5)
Operation and Maintenance.
In the software development phase of requirement analysis
and definition, all possible requirements of the system to be
developed are considered as set of functionalities and
constraints that the end user expects from the system. The
requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation
and such are analyzed from their validity and the system to be
developed. Finally, a Requirement Specification document is
created to serve the purpose of guideline for the next phase of
the model according to internet source Royce, W. (1970).
Retrieved November 20, 2007, from


1. In the software development phase of requirement analysis
and definition, all possible requirements of the system
to be developed are considered as set of functionalities
and constraints that the end user expects from the
system. The requirements are gathered from the end-user
by consultation and such are analyzed from their validity
and the system to be developed. Then, a Requirement
Specification document is created to serve the purpose of
guideline for the next phase of the model.

2. After gathering the required informations and defining
it, the next phase is the System and Software Design. In
this phase, it is important to understand the
requirements of the users and also have an idea of how
the end-product should look like. Also, the requirement
specifications are being studied in this phase and a
system design is being prepared.

3. Implementation and Unit testing involves converting the
system into operation. The system will be divided into
modules and actual coding starts. The new system is
developed and tested for its functionality. It will
verify if the system meet their specifications.


4. In the Integration and System Testing, the modules are
now integrated to form a complete system and tested to
check if all the modules coordinate with each other.

5. Operations and Maintenance. Usually, after successfully
developed the new system there will be problems with the
system which are not found during the development cycle
will come up after its practical use starts. In any
cases, problems in the system will arise from time to
time and need to be solved; this process is referred as

Under the proposed 2D solar system simulation, the
requirements to be analyzed and defined are the interactive
interface that would include the scenes of the 2D space
graphics, 2D solar system animation, unique background, planets
movements and sounds that will give the user some excitements
while they use the simulator; and the identification of an
algorithm that will set the movements and distances of the
planets that can be controlled by the user accurately.
Scope of the Study
This study about a 2D Solar System Simulation is an
interactive interface and algorithm that can be used to control
the movement of the 3D solar system simulation; and the


information needed for the 3D solar system simulation that is
modified and simplified to include only our own solar system.
The Solar System Scope. The Model consists of 2 main Views
(Heliocentric and Geocentric), including:
Precise Positions of all planets and objects within our
own solar system according to NASA Calculations
Schematic Distances and Sizes for better understanding of
specified Planet Surfaces and Motions
a unique feature of having an automated simulation
exercise, thus, no need to drag planets in the usual simulation
practice through their Orbits
a lot of interesting Settings which allow you to Observe
particular Motions and Events though simplified to include only
that which is within the scope of our own solar system.
Distance Calculator to measure distances between Planets
in our own solar system even while in motion.

Delimitation of the Study
In the delimitation of the study, the planets of our solar
system are included in the programmed simulation exercise;
stars, Comets and other celestial body solar system are likewise
included as they boundless, and way beyond the limited space


scope of the proposed simulation program. And the other heavenly
bodies outside the solar system are not included in then system.
Project Constraints
Constraints Impact to Plan if not True
Lack or limited technical
capability of developer in high
definition simulation
Simplifying the proposed
simulative solar system
exercise is not definite

Project Assumptions
Assumptions Impact to Plan if not True
Time allocation Limited time to innovate
Technical expertise Limited technical knowledge
Testing conducted effectively Errors will be encountered by
the users during simulation

Data Gathering Techniques
To gather data, the following techniques had been utilized:
Interview Guide. Science teacher will be personally
interviewed by the researcher. A set of relevant interview guide
questions will be outlined for them to fill it up with their
preferred answer.


Observation and Assistance Method. The researchers
themselves will assist and likewise monitor how each user
utilizes the simulation exercise process.
Internet data collection method. To supplement what had
already been collected from available literary article taken
from existing simulation manuals and books, the researchers will
gather additional information from the internet.
Sources of Data
The sources of data that will be utilized in this project
study will include: interview of selected elementary students;
data analysis, adoption and assimilation of existing related
solar simulation systems by the researchers, as well as internet
data collections of relevant existing literatures and studies.
The respondents of the study will be composed of a science
Project Deliverables
The data requirement definition of the 2D Solar System
Simulation project are interactive interface and algorithm that
can be used to control the movement of the 2D solar system
simulation; and the information needed for the 3D solar system


simulation that is modified and simplified to include only that
which are within the bounds of our own solar system.
Uniquely structured environment lets the user to quickly
enter the geometry and production requirements of a model.
Expert system technology generates details automatically while
windows and pop-up menus guide the user through the modeling
process. Changes can be made quickly and easily with far less
chances of errors. Built in material handling templates make the
user more productive, so he/she does not waste time programming.
The user can verify and test designs, answer "what if"
questions explore more alternatives and catch system glitches
and 2D animation- all before implementation. 2D graphics are
automatically created as the user enters data. Results can be
communicated in real time animation. The project deliverables
also include hardware requirement specifications, hardware
installation and configuration, system requirement
specification, program specification, function testing, system
installation, and implementation.


Chapter 3

This chapter deliberates both the existing systems and the
proposed system. Narrative description and the proposed system
are comprised in this computer.

During this time, there is no existing 2D solar system
simulator and that all there is covers vast areas of the
universe as well as many galaxies and celestial bodies were
included of which procedures and processes was found to be time
consuming, tedious, and complex.
Solar System Simulator existing today utilizes a Java
Applet that simulates gravitating masses, solar system models
and demos of Lagrange points, solar system stability, and
Existing Solar System Models today has 70 planets and


Getting Started: Click on "TO SCALE" to see the actual size of
the planets. Of course it's mostly just empty space (what did
you expect?).
Center on Earth and zoom in by clicking on the center of the
display. Click on "PLAY" and notice how long it takes for Luna
to revolve around the Earth (a month).
Now center on Jupiter and notice how much faster its moons move
due to its greater gravity.
Turn "PLAY" off to see the names of the moons.
The larger bodies have been coloured. The smaller ones are shown
as white except that some moons of Saturn have been colour coded
(red, green and purple) to indicate resonances and Lagrangian
This is a model of the Solar system and beyond. Center on a
planet and zoom in to see the moons. To get a sense of
astronomical scales, zoom out until you see Andromeda.
The model can be speeded up if the moons are left out (This is
necessary due to limitations of the numerical method). Don't
miss your chance to save the world.


Here is an even faster model including only the outer planets
and some asteroids. Notice how the orbits of the asteroids are
The orbits in these models are shown as circular in the plane.
The orbits of Pluto and some moons are actually elliptical and
inclined at various angles to the plane. For information on the
Solar System see Bill Arnett's The Nine Planets.
These asteroids have just the right velocity to have circular
orbits. Bodies with enough velocity to escape the sun's gravity
have hyperbolic orbits; those with less velocity have elliptical
orbits. Bodies having exactly "escape velocity" have parabolic
Lagrange Points
A small body orbiting 60 degrees ahead or behind a larger one
will maintain that position. These points are called the L4 and
L5 Lagrange points or Trojan points.
Here some asteroids orbit near a "Trojan point" of Jupiter.
For comparison here are the same asteroids without the planets.
These asteroids start out near the unstable Lagrange point L1
between a Jupiter and the Sun.
What if the planets were heavier?


If the planets were all very small they would follow elliptical
orbits around the Sun. Actually they are massive enough that the
forces between them cause observable deviations from these
simple orbits.
The Sun is about 1000 times heavier than Jupiter. Here we keep
the mass of the Sun constant while increasing the mass of the
outer planets by a factor of 6. If the factor is increased to 45
the system becomes very unstable. Watch Saturn for a few orbits.
Gaps in the asteroid belt
How well does this 2-dimensional model represent the physics of
the solar system? Here is a test: The asteroid belt has bands
where many asteroids are found, separated by gaps with few
asteroids. Here the red and blue asteroids are in the bands at
3.04 and 3.40 AU while the white asteroids are in the gap at
3.27 AU
Unlikely Situations
Here is an asteroid belt orbiting binary stars.
The asteroids which start out at a certain angle have
interesting orbits. (Not much happens for the first five
And the fabled figure-8 orbit - almost.


Under construction. Asteroids in a retrograde orbit around the
Sun graze the surface of Jupiter. This is the same model at
three speeds:
[Fast = medium = slow]
Asteroids that fall near the Sun fly off at high speed. This is
due to numerical error.
Frame(Menu option)
Should not be necessary since the models are now sized to fill
100% of the browser window (except for the example which is 400
X 500). Let me know if your browser doesn't understand 100%. The
frame can be resized to give the maximum viewing area.
Destroying and Creating
Note: Try this feature on the "speeded up" Solar System. It is
not working properly on other models. The problem is that the
menus list only the moons of the centered planet (otherwise
there would be too many to fit on your screen).
Hint: Turn "PLAY" off before creating. Then you can always
destroy and try again.
To re-CREATE a planet:
Click on its menu item under "CREATE", then click to set the
position and drag to set the velocity.


While creating you may find the display confusing. Here's what's
If you drag and then hold the mouse stationary with the button
still pressed you will see a "preview". If you drag the mouse to
a different location, the simulation will "rewind" and begin a
preview for a different velocity. When you like the preview,
release the button to finish creating.
Possible Future Enhancements
2D: The program has been written to allow for this.
A better numerical algorithm. The program just uses:
x --> x + v dt
v --> v + F/m dt
with a time step of unity. The time step limits how fast things
can go (or how close they can get).
Can anyone supply better RGB values for the planets?
Creating Models
The models are specified by parameters in the HTML files.
(Specifications subject to change without notice).
The parameter "howmany" is the total number of objects in the
model. If the parameter "interacting" is less than "howmany"


then objects numbered from interacting + 1 to howmany do not
interact with each other. These speeds up the computation and
can be used to study the behavior of "test particles".
Each numbered parameter has nine fields. When specifying
absolute position and velocity the first field is zero:
*Zero *Label
*Colour *Radius
*Mass *Distance from origin
*Speed *Angle of velocity vector
*Angle (degrees counterclockwise, 0 = east)
To include satellites with circular orbits it is only necessary
to specify the primary in the first field. The velocity will be
calculated from the mass of the primary and the orbital radius.
Number of primary (the number following "param name=")
Distance from primary (negative = retrograde)


Ignored but must be supplied
Ignored but must be supplied
If the radius is less than 1 it is a distance on the same scale
as the orbital radii, otherwise it is a number of pixels (no
There is very little error checking or reporting when reading
the parameters from the HTML page.
The gravitational constant is unity and the unit of distance
(before zooming) is the pixel. Using [MG / r = v2] a small
satellite r = 100 units from a mass M = 100 would need a speed
v = 1 for a circular orbit.
To make your own models start with this simple example.
Here, the STAR has mass 100, the PLANET starts at distance 100,
angle 10, speed 1, direction north, and the MOON has a
retrograde circular orbit of radius 10 from the PLANET.
While viewing the example, save as "something.html".
Open "something.html"(use "Open Page" or "Open file" on the File
menu of your browser). You should see the applet again. (At this
point you may disconnect from the Internet, the applet should
stay loaded as long as the browser is running)


Now edit "something.html" using a text editor (or word processor
in text mode), save the edit, and click on "Refresh" in the


The 2D interactive web model of the Solar System, a simple
astronomical simulator and predictor of planet orbits that
displays dynamic view of the Solar System will be seen here from
the north ecliptic pole.
This 2D Solar System simulator is an entertaining, and
educational astronomy program that provides an excellent way to
learn about the Solar System from a particular point of view.
You can zoom in and out to view the entire Solar System, or
just the inner planets. By pressing the STOP button a text entry
box allows you to enter new values for the date.
MPL3D Solar System is an interactive 3D space simulation of
the close universe in real time.
Download MPL3D Solar SystemMPL3D Solar System is a visual
tool to arouse interest for astronomy and to divulge science in
an entertaining way.


Figure: Use Case Diagram

View the
and Edit
Adopt the
View the

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