Pre-Solo Written Exam (Cessna 172N)

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Pre-Solo Written Exam (Cessna 172N)

1) Welcome to the Pre-Solo written exam for the Cessna 172N. We recommend that you write all
answers down on a peice of paper in case the serer connection is lost for any reason.
a) Please Read Above.
b) To on!irm t"at #o$ "ave read t"e above statement% &lease "oose ans'er (a). *ood +$,-
) Come on no'-
2) What is the stall speed for a Cessna 172N in the ta!eoff confi"uration #$s)%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
&) What is the stall speed for a Cessna 172N in the landin" confi"uration #$so)%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
') What is the (est-an"le of clim( speed #$x) for a Cessna 172N%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
)) What is the (est-rate of clim( speed #$y) for a Cessna 172N%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
*) What is the maneuerin" speed #$a) for a Cessna 172N%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
7) What is the maximum flaps extended speed #$fe) for a Cessna 172N%
a) ./ ,ts
b) 70 ,ts
) /7 ,ts
d) 1. ,ts
e) 27 ,ts
!) 22 ,ts
+) What is the maximum structural cruise speed #$no) for a Cessna 172N%
a) 3. ,ts
b) 22 ,ts
) 27 ,ts
d) 70 ,ts
e) 134 ,ts
!) 121 ,ts
,) What is the neer exceed speed #$ne) for a Cessna 172N%
a) 3. ,ts
b) 22 ,ts
) 27 ,ts
d) 70 ,ts
e) 134 ,ts
!) 121 ,ts
1-) What is the (est "lide speed #$"lide) for a Cessna 172N%
a) 3. ,ts
b) 22 ,ts
) 27 ,ts
d) 70 ,ts
e) 134 ,ts
!) 121 ,ts
11) What is the correct emer"ency procedure for an en"ine failure in a Cessna 172N%
a) Pit" !or best 5lide (3. ,ts)% loo, !or a &lae to land and navi5ate to'ards t"at loation (i! altit$de &ermits%
irle over t"e landin5 area% attem&t an en5ine restart% omm$niate a 6A78A7 on 121.. 6"9 and s:$a',
7744)% extend !la&s '"en landin5 is ass$red% and land.
b) Pit" !or best 5lide (7. ,ts)% loo, !or a &lae to land and navi5ate to'ards t"at loation (i! altit$de &ermits%
irle over t"e landin5 area% attem&t an en5ine restart% omm$niate a 6A78A7 on 122.4 6"9 and s:$a',
7344)% extend !la&s '"en landin5 is ass$red% and land.
) Pit" !or best 5lide (34 ,ts)% loo, !or a &lae to land and navi5ate to'ards t"at loation (i! altit$de &ermits%
irle over t"e landin5 area% attem&t an en5ine restart% omm$niate a 6A78A7 on 121.4 6"9 and s:$a',
7.44)% extend !la&s '"en landin5 is ass$red% and land.
12) Why is esta(lishin" and maintainin" (est-"lide after an en"ine failure or intentional
shutdown so critical%
a) An en5ine !ail$re o$ld a$se t"e air&lane to stall i! t"e airs&eed isn;t at least 3. ,ts.
b) Establis"in5 best-5lide 'ill ma,e it easier !or t"e en5ine to restart.
) <est-5lide &rovides t"e maxim$m li!t to dra5 ratio.
d) =t;s not im&ortant to maintain best-5lide s&eed one it is intiall# establis"ed.
1&) What should you do if an en"ine fire occurs on the "round durin" startup in a Cessna 172N%
a) =mmediatel# s"$tdo'n t"e en5ine% exit t"e air&lane% and extin5$is" t"e !lames.
b) Remain in t"e air&lane in ase an ex&losion o$rs. Contat emer5en# servies 'it" t"e radios and 'ait
$ntil t"e !lames are extin5$is"ed be!ore exitin5.
) Exit immediatel# and leave ever#t"in5 in t"e &lane as is.
d) Contin$e ran,in5 t"e en5ine in an attem&t to s$, t"e !lames t"ro$5" t"e arb$retor. A!ter !ire "as been
extin5$is"ed b# emer5en# servies or t"ro$5" ran,in5% s"$tdo'n and ins&et t"e en5ine dama5e.
1') What should you do if an en"ine fire occurs while flyin" in a Cessna 172N%
a) =mmediatel# $t-o!! all so$res o! !$el to t"e en5ine% &it" !or 144> ,ts to &$t o$t t"e !ire% establis" best-5lide
a!ter !ire is &$t o$t% and exe$te a !ored landin5 at a s$itable !ield.
b) =mmediatel# $t-o!! all so$res o! !$el to t"e en5ine% &it" !or 144> ,ts to &$t o$t t"e !ire% establis" best-5lide
a!ter !ire is &$t o$t% restart t"e en5ine and land at t"e nearest air&ort.
) =mmediatel# add !$ll &o'er and &it" do'n !or 144> ,ts in an attem&t to &$t o$t t"e !ire. ?ne t"e !ire is &$t
o$t% ret$rn to normal r$ise and land at t"e nearest air&ort.
1)) .f while flyin" to an airport radio communication is lost/ what procedure should you ta!e%
a) @ind an $nontrolled air&ort and land t"ere.
b) 6aintain A@R% s:$a', 7344% enter t"e &attern on a 2. de5ree an5le to t"e do'n'ind% ro, t"e 'in5s '"en
abeam to'er and om&l# 'it" learanes reeived t"ro$5" li5"t 5$n si5nals !rom to'er.
) S:$a', 7344% enter t"e &attern 'it" t"e !lo' o! ot"er tra!!i on a 2. de5ree an5le% and land t"e &lane.
d) Exe$te a !ored landin5 at some'"ere ot"er t"an an air&ort.
1*) What is the maximum "ross wei"ht of a Cessna 172N in the normal cate"ory%
a) 2044 lbs.
b) 2244 lbs.
) 2144 lbs.
d) 2444 lbs.
e) 1/44 lbs.
!) 1144 lbs.
17) What is the relationship (etween "ross wei"ht/ useful load/ empty wei"ht/ and payload%
a) Bse!$l +oad > Em&t# Wei5"t > @$ll @$el Wei5"t C *ross Wei5"t (Pa#load).
b) *ross Wei5"t > Bse!$l +oad C Em&t# Wei5"t (Pa#load - @$ll @$el Wei5"t).
) Em&t# Wei5"t > Bse!$l +oad (Pa#load > @$ll @$el Wei5"t) C *ross Wei5"t.
1+) .f a "lider is coner"in" with an airplane/ which has the ri"ht of way%
a) T"e *lider.
b) T"e Air&lane
) Neit"er% bot" s"o$ld 5ive 'a# to t"e ri5"t.
1,) What are the positie limit load factors for a Cessna 172N in the normal with the flaps up%
a) >0.1 and >2.2 res&etivel#.
b) >0.4 and >0.4 res&etivel#.
) -1..2 and -1.73 res&etivel#.
d) 144D.
e) 1.4D.
!) 244D.
2-) What are the positie limit load factors for a Cessna 172N in the normal with the flaps down%
a) >0.1 and >2.2 res&etivel#.
b) >0.4 and >0.4 res&etivel#.
) -1..2 and -1.73 res&etivel#.
d) 144D.
e) 1.4D.
!) 244D.
21) What are the ne"atie limit load factors for a Cessna 172N in the normal with the flaps up%
a) >0.1 and >2.2 res&etivel#.
b) >0.4 and >0.4 res&etivel#.
) -1..2 and -1.73 res&etivel#.
d) 144D.
e) 1.4D.
!) 244D.
22) 0ow much in excess are the desi"n limit load factors than the pu(lished limit load factors
for a Cessna 172N%
a) >0.1 and >2.2 res&etivel#.
b) >0.4 and >0.4 res&etivel#.
) -1..2 and -1.73 res&etivel#.
d) 144D.
e) 1.4D.
!) 244D.
2&) What prefli"ht action is re1uired if any (efore a fli"ht%
a) @AR /1.140 states t"atE Ea" Pilot in ommand s"all% be!ore be5innin5 a !li5"t% beome !amiliar 'it" all
available in!ormation onernin5 t"at !li5"t Finl$din5G% 'eat"er% tra!!i in!ormation and dela#s% r$n'a# len5t"s at
air&orts o! intended $se% and ta,eo!! and landin5 distane in!ormation !or t"e airra!t o! intended $se.
b) @AR /1.140 states t"atE Ea" Pilot in ommand s"all% be!ore be5innin5 a !li5"t% beome !amiliar 'it" all
available in!ormation onernin5 t"at !li5"t.
) @AR /1.140 states t"atE Ea" Pilot in ommand s"all% be!ore be5innin5 a !li5"t% beome !amiliar 'it" ta,eo!!
and landin5 distane in!ormation !or t"e airra!t o! intended $se.
d) @AR /1.140 states t"atE Ea" Pilot in ommand s"all% be!ore be5innin5 a !li5"t% beome !amiliar 'it" all
available in!ormation onernin5 t"at !li5"t Finl$din5G% r$n'a# len5t"s at air&orts o! intended $se% and ta,eo!!
and landin5 distane in!ormation !or t"e airra!t o! intended $se.
e) 7o$ m$st "e, 'eat"er% air&ort in!ormation% and 5enerate a ross-o$ntr# !li5"t &lan i! !l#in5 to anot"er
!) No &re!li5"t ation is re:$ired ot"er t"an &re!li5"tin5 t"e air&lane &er t"e Pilot ?&eratin5 Handboo,.
2') What alue is the redline on the tachometer in a Cessna 172N%
a) 22.4 RP6.
b) 2.44 RP6.
) 2..4 RP6.
d) 2344 RP6.
e) 23.4 RP6.
!) 2744 RP6.
2)) What is the maximum oil capacity in a Cessna 172N%
a) 3 :$arts.
b) 7 :$arts.
) 1 :$arts.
d) / :$arts.
e) 14 :$arts.
!) 11 :$arts.
2*) .n a Cessna 172N/ what would happen to the fuel 1uantity indicators if the electrical system
failed or was shutdown%
a) T"e# 'o$ld ontin$e to 'or, &ro&erl#..
b) T"e# 'o$ld not ontin$e to 'or, &ro&erl#.
27) .n a Cessna 172N/ will the en"ine still run if the master switch is turned off%
a) 7es.
b) No.
2+) .n a Cessna 172N/ what is the maximum 2P3 drop durin" runup%
a) 7. RP6.
b) 1. RP6.
) /. RP6.
d) 14. RP6.
e) 11. RP6.
!) 12. RP6.
2,) What type of en"ine is installed in the Cessna 172N and how much horsepower can it exert%
a) +#omin5 ?-034 rated 'it" 114 HP at 2744 RP6.
b) +#omin5 ?-024 rated 'it" 134 HP at 2744 RP6.
) +#omin5 ?-004 rated 'it" 172 HP at 2744 RP6.
d) +#omin5 ?-.24 rated 'it" 204 HP at 27.4 RP6.
&-) What is the fuel capacity for a Cessna 172N/ and how much is usa(le%
a) .. *allons% . $n$sable.
b) .4 *allons% 0 $n$sable.
) 2. *allons% 2 $n$sable.
d) 20 *allons% 0 $n$sable.
&1) What types of fuel are there/ and what color is each%
a) 14 - <l$e% 144 - *reen% 144ll - Red% IetA - Clear.
b) 14 - Red% 144 - *reen% 144ll - Clear% IetA - <l$e.
) 14 - *reen% 144 - Red% 144ll - <l$e% IetA - Clear.
d) 14 - Red% 144 - <l$e% 144ll - *reen% IetA - Clear.
e) 14 - Clear% 144 - *reen% 144ll - <l$e% IetA - Red.
!) 14 - Red% 144 - *reen% 144ll - <l$e% IetA - Clear.
&2) 0ow much fuel is re1uired for day $42 operations%
a) @AR /1.1.0 states t"atE No &erson ma# be5in a !li5"t in an air&lane $nder A@R onditions $nless
(onsiderin5 'ind and !oreast 'eat"er onditions) t"ere is eno$5" !$el to !l# to t"e !irst &oint o! intended
landin5 and% ass$min5 normal r$isin5 s&eed%...% !l# a!ter t"at !or at least 2. min$tes.
b) @AR /1.1.1 states t"atE No &erson ma# be5in a !li5"t in an air&lane $nder A@R onditions $nless
(onsiderin5 'ind and !oreast 'eat"er onditions) t"ere is eno$5" !$el to !l# to t"e !irst &oint o! intended
landin5 and% ass$min5 normal r$isin5 s&eed%...% !l# a!ter t"at !or at least 04 min$tes.
) @AR /1.1.. states t"atE No &erson ma# be5in a !li5"t in an air&lane $nder A@R onditions $nless
(onsiderin5 'ind and !oreast 'eat"er onditions) t"ere is eno$5" !$el to !l# to t"e !irst &oint o! intended
landin5 and% ass$min5 normal r$isin5 s&eed%...% !l# a!ter t"at !or at least 1 "o$r.
&&) When are you re1uired to wear a safety (elt%
a) @AR /1.110 states t"atE ea" &erson on board m$st o$&# an a&&roved seat 'it" a sa!et# belt and% i!
installed% s"o$lder "arness% &ro&erl# se$red abo$t "im or "er d$rin5 ta,eo!! and landin5.
b) @AR /1.11/ states t"atE ea" &erson on board m$st o$&# an a&&roved seat 'it" a sa!et# belt and% i!
installed% s"o$lder "arness% &ro&erl# se$red abo$t "im or "er d$rin5 movement on t"e s$r!ae and landin5.
) @AR /1.117 states t"atE ea" &erson on board m$st o$&# an a&&roved seat 'it" a sa!et# belt and% i!
installed% s"o$lder "arness% &ro&erl# se$red abo$t "im or "er d$rin5 movement on t"e s$r!ae.
d) @AR /1.12. states t"atE ea" &erson on board m$st o$&# an a&&roved seat 'it" a sa!et# belt and% i!
installed% s"o$lder "arness% &ro&erl# se$red abo$t "im or "er d$rin5 landin5s onl#.
e) @AR /1.147 states t"atE ea" &erson on board m$st o$&# an a&&roved seat 'it" a sa!et# belt and% i!
installed% s"o$lder "arness% &ro&erl# se$red abo$t "im or "er d$rin5 movement on t"e s$r!ae% ta,eo!!% and
!) No sa!et# <elts are re:$ired.
&') What is the responsi(ility and authority of the pilot in command%
a) @AR /1.7 states t"atE T"e &ilot in ommand o! an airra!t is diretl# res&onsible !or% and is t"e !inal a$t"orit#
as to% t"e o&eration o! t"at airra!t.
b) @AR /1.0 states t"atE T"e &ilot in ommand o! an airra!t is diretl# res&onsible !or% and is t"e !inal a$t"orit#
as to% t"e sa!e o&eration o! t"e airra!t. T"e Re5$lation also 5rants t"e &ilot t"e a$t"orit# to deviate !rom an#
re5$lation to t"e extent neessar# d$rin5 in-!li5"t emer5enies.
) @AR /1.0 states t"atE T"e &ilot in ommand o! an airra!t is diretl# res&onsible !or t"e o&eration o! t"at
airra!t. T"e o'ner is t"e !inal a$t"orit# as to t"e o&eration o! t"e airra!t.
d) T"e Pilot in Command "as no a$t"orit# or res&onsiblit# as to t"e o&eration o! t"e airra!t.
&)) When two aircraft are approachin" one another head-on/ (oth pilots should alter course to
a) le!t
b) ri5"t
) o&&osite diretion
d) "i5"-le!t
e) "i5"-ri5"t
&*) When is droppin" o(5ects from an airplane permitted%
a) W"en it 'ill not reate a "a9ard to &ersons or &ro&ert# on t"e s$r!ae.
b) Never.
&7) What certificates and documents must (e on(oard an aircraft at all times%
a) Air'ort"iness Certi!iate
b) Air'ort"iness and Re5istration Certi!iate
) Air'ort"iness and Re5istration Certi!iate% Radio Station ?&erators Permit (=! o&eratin5 internationall#)%
?&eratin5 +imitations J Plaards(A@6)% and Wei5"t and <alane 8ata.
d) Air'ort"iness and Re5istration Certi!iate% and Radio Station ?&erators Permit.
&+) When must the airplane6s nai"ation li"hts (e on%
a) At all times.
b) ?nl# '"ile t"e en5ine is r$nnin5.
) ?nl# '"en !l#in5 in lo' visibilit#.
d) A!ter S$nset.
&,) What are the day (asic $42 weather minimums in Class C/ 7/ and 8 airspace%
a) 0N6 visibilit# and 1%444 !eet vertial learane !rom lo$ds% .44 !eet belo'% and 2%444 !eet "ori9ontall#.
b) 0N6 visibilit# and 2%444 !eet vertial learane !rom lo$ds% .44 !eet belo'% and 1%444 !eet "ori9ontall#.
) 0S6 visibilit# and .44 !eet vertial learane !rom lo$ds% 1%444 !eet belo'% and 2%444 !eet "ori9ontall#.
d) 0S6 visibilit# and 1%444 !eet vertial learane !rom lo$ds% .44 !eet belo'% and 2%444 !eet "ori9ontall#.
'-) 7escri(e the minimum safe altitudes at which you may operate an airplane.
a) @AR /1.11/E An#'"ereE An altit$de allo'in5% i! a &o'er $nit !ails% an emer5en# landin5 'it"o$t $nd$e
"a9ard to &ersons or &ro&ert# on t"e s$r!ae. ?ver an# on5ested area o! a it#% to'n% or settlement% or over
an# o&en air assembl# o! &ersons% an altit$de o! 1%444 !eet above t"e "i5"est obstale 'it"in a "ori9ontal
radi$s o! 2%444 !eet o! t"e airra!t. ?ver ot"er t"an on5ested areas% An altit$de o! .44 !eet above t"e s$r!ae%
exe&t over o&en 'ater or s&arsel# &o&$lated areas. =n t"ose ases% t"e airra!t ma# not be o&erated loser
t"an .44 !eet to an# &erson% vessel% ve"ile% or str$t$re.
b) Wron5 Ans'er% see A.
'1) Please read 492 ,1.11&. :he last para"raph "/ pertains to;
a) Taxiin5.
b) Ta,eo!!.
) Cr$ise.
d) +andin5.
'2) .n chapter 2 of the 9.3/ which fi"ure depicts the hold-short mar!in"s at which you must
hae a clearance to pass oer the solid portion of%
a) @i5$re 2-0-13.
b) @i5$re 2-0-11.
) @i5$re 2-1-..
d) @i5$re 2-2-2.
e) @i5$re 2-2-14.
!) @i5$re 2-0-3.
'&) .n chapter 2 of the 9.3/ which fi"ure depicts the mar!in" painted on a permanentely closed
runway or taxiway%
a) @i5$re 2-1-2.
b) @i5$re 2-1-12.
) @i5$re 2-2-2.
d) @i5$re 2-2-3.
e) @i5$re 2-2-14.
!) @i5$re 2-0-22.
'') Which direction are turns made in a standard traffic pattern%
a) +e!t.
b) Ri5"t.
')) 0ow much time must a pilot wait after consumin" alcohol (efore actin" as Pilot in Command
of an aircraft%
a) 7 "o$rs.
b) 1 "o$rs.
) / "o$rs.
d) 14 "o$rs.
'*) Please read all of 492 ,1.12). What is the li"ht si"nal receied when you are cleared to land.
a) Stead# 5reen.
b) @las"in5 *reen.
) Stead# Red.
d) @las"in5 Red.
e) Stead# W"ite.
!) @las"in5 W"ite.
'7) Please read section 7-& of the 9.3. What type of aircraft and condition creates the worst
win"tip ortices%
a) +i5"t% Clean% and Slo'.
b) +i5"t% 8irt#% and @ast.
) Heav#% Clean% and @ast.
d) Heav#% Clean% and Slo'.
e) Heav#% 8irt#% and Slo'.
'+) What is the traffic pattern altitude for 2amona 9irport in southern California%
a) 2%0/0 !t.
b) 1%227 !t.
) 1%.44 !t.
d) 2%444 !t.
e) 144 !t.
',) What certificates and documents must a pilot hae in his<her possession when actin" as
Pilot in Command%
a) a Pilot Certi!iate 'it" ratin5s a&&ro&riate to t"e onditions !or !li5"t and airra!t o! o&eration.
b) a &"oto =8 and 6edial Certi!iate.
) a lo5boo, i! a st$dent &ilot.
d) All o! t"e above.
)-) What is re1uired in order for an airplane to (e airworthy%
a) 6aintenane and =ns&etions re:$ired b# 12C@R Parts 20 and /1.
b) E:$i&ment% Certi!iates% and 8o$ments Re:$ired b# 12C@R Part /1.
) All o! t"e Above in addition to e:$i&ment re:$ired b# t"e Air&lane;s e:$i&ment list in setion 3 o! t"e A@6.
d) <ot" A and < are orret.
)1) 7oes your airplane hae a 3inimum 81uipment =ist or 38=%
a) 7es.
b) No.
) No% b$t it does "ave an e:$i&ment list.
)2) What is a special fli"ht permit%
a) A S&eial @li5"t Permit is '"at "omeb$ilt airra!t and ot"er restrited airra!t $se instead o! an air'ort"iness
b) A S&eial @li5"t Permit is a do$ment '"i" allo's an $nair'ort"# air&lane to be !lo'n to a loation so t"at
re&airs an be made.
) A S&eial @li5"t Permit allo's t"e &ilot to o&erate t"ro$5" a s&ei!i restrited area% Tem&orar# @li5"t
Restrition% or ot"er areas and airs&ae normall# &ro"ibited.
d) None o! t"e above.
)&) What are the conditions for usin" a special fli"ht permit%
a) T"e !li5"t m$st ta,e &lae $nder 8a# A@R onditions.
b) T"e !li5"t is restrited to a .4 mile radi$s !rom t"e &oint o! de&art$re.
) T"e !li5"t m$st be made solo ('it"o$t &assen5ers).
d) T"e S&eial @li5"t Permit serves as t"e tem&orar# air'ort"iness do$ment and m$st be onboard t"e
e) All o! t"e above are orret.
!) A% C% and 8 are orret.
)') Can a student pilot fly to any airport/ carry passen"ers/ fly a(oe clouds/ fly at ni"ht/ or fly in
class >rao airspace%
a) A st$dent &ilot an !l# to an# air&ort% b$t none o! t"e rest are &rivile5es o! t"e st$dent &ilot.
b) A st$dent &ilot an !l# to an# air&ort% and !l# above lo$ds% b$t none o! t"e rest are &rivile5es o! t"e st$dent
) A st$dent &ilot an !l# to an# air&ort% !l# above lo$ds% at ni5"t% and in lass <ravo% b$t none o! t"e rest are
&rivile5es o! t"e st$dent &ilot
d) A st$dent &ilot ma# arr# &assen5ers% b$t none o! t"e rest are &rivile5es o! t"e st$dent &ilot.
e) A st$dent &ilot ma# do all o! t"e above.
!) A st$dent &ilot ma# not do an# o! t"e above
))) 0ow (ad do you want to solo%
a) Not Reall#.
b) Some'"at.
) Prett# <ad.
d) Reall# <ad-

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