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The guide provides information on fatalities, unlockable characters, and secrets for Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 across multiple platforms like Xbox 360, Genesis, and Saturn.
There are 26 characters total to choose from for the game, including characters from every Mortal Kombat game as well as some new ones.
You can purchase and play the game on Xbox 360 via Xbox Live Arcade as well as older platforms like Genesis, SNES, and Saturn.
All Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Fatalities,
Unlockable Characters and Achievements
Guide, Cheats and Secrets 15 September 2009 4 Comments Posted by:Josh Romero Welcome to the Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 fatality cheats and unlockable characters page. Below you will find out all of the secrets in the game for all platforms (Xbo 3!" #i$e %rcade& 'enesis& ()*( and (aturn+. ,his game features characters from e$ery Mortal Kombat along with some new ones& and returning characters that didn-t make the cut in the original $ersion. ,here is a whopping .! characters total to choose from for a $ery large cast/ 0ou can purchase this game for modern consoles $ia Xbo #i$e %rcade on the Xbo 3!". 1ere is the button key for the cheats and 2inishers below. 13 4 1igh 3unch #3 4 #ow 3unch 1K 4 1igh Kick #K 4 #ow Kick 5 4 5un B#K 4 Block U 4 Up # 4 #eft 5 4 5ight 6 4 6own Table of Contents 7yra Mo$es and 2atalities *rmac Mo$es and 2atalities 1uman (moke Mo$es and 2atalities 8ade Mo$es and 2atalities 8a Mo$es and 2atalities Kabal Mo$es and 2atalities Kano Mo$es and 2atalities Kung #ao Mo$es and 2atalities #iu Kang Mo$es and 2atalities Mileena Mo$es and 2atalities Motaro Mo$es and 2atalities )ightwolf Mo$es and 2atalities )oob (aibot Mo$es and 2atalities 5ain Mo$es and 2atalities 5eptile Mo$es and 2atalities (corpion Mo$es and 2atalities (ektor Mo$es and 2atalities (hang ,sung Mo$es and 2atalities (hao Khan Mo$es and 2atalities (hee$a Mo$es and 2atalities (indel Mo$es and 2atalities (moke Mo$es and 2atalities (onya Mo$es and 2atalities (tryker Mo$es and 2atalities (ub9:ero (Masked+ Mo$es and 2atalities (ub9:ero (Unmasked+ Mo$es and 2atalities 1ow ,o 3erform % 2atality 1ow to 3erform % Mercy 1ow to 3erform % 2riendship or Bability XB;X 3!" (XB#%+ %)6 %57%6* <*5(=;) 71*%,( %)6 (*75*,( U)#;7K%B#* 71%5%7,*5( #=(, 1ow to Unlock 7lassic (ub9:ero 1ow to Unlock Mileena 1ow to Unlock *rmac 1ow to (a$e the Unlockable 7haracters 1ow to 3lay %s 1uman (moke 1ow to Make 6an 2ordan (ay >75=(30/? 1ow to Make 6an 2ordan (ay >2rosty/? <*5(U( (75**) K;MB%, K;6*( #=(, XB;X 3!" %71=*<*M*),( #=(, *asy Way to 'et the >Beat the )oob? %chie$ement ()*( <*5(=;) 71*%,( %)6 (*75*,( ()*( BU,,;) 7;6*( #=(, ()*( <*5(U( K;6*( (*'% '*)*(=( <*5(=;) 71*%,( %)6 (*75*,( '*)*(=( 71*%,( #=(, 'enesis 1ow to Make the 7omputer %lways 3erform a 2atality or Brutality 'enesis 1ow to *nter a Bonus (tage 'enesis 5andom (elect 'enesis 1ow to (kip % (tage (*'% (%,U5) <*5(=;) 71*%,( %)6 (*75*,( (aturn 7heats Index of Mortal ombat !"#des: This Page: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat 3 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat ! Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat Gold Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat Trilog" Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat: #eadl" $lliance Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat: #ece%tion Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat: $rmageddon Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat &s #C Uni&erse Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide New Page: Mortal Kombat '11 Fatalities and Unlockable Characters Guide Ho To !erform A Fatalit" 0ou must stand at a specific point of the screen (relati$e to your opponent+ and press a series of buttons. 1ere is the list of 2atality 3ositions (stand here+ 7lose@ 0ou ha$e to be beside your opponent (weep@ 'et close to your opponent and take . steps backwards. ;utside (weep@ Mo$e more than two steps back but no more than Aumping distance. 8umping@ 'et close to your opponent and do B Aump backwards. 2ull (creen@ 0ou gotta be standing on the other side of the screen. Ho To !erform A Merc" =n order to perform an %nimality 2inisher on your opponent& you must first do a Mercy. ,o perform a Mercy you must be on the third round. When it says >2inish 1im?& press@ 1old 5un& press 6own twice& 5elease 5un. ,his will gi$e your opponent a tiny sli$er of health. Beat them again and you-ll be able to perform an %nimality. Ho to !erform A Friendshi# or $abilit" 0ou must be able to defeat your opponent without using Block at all during the last round. %$&% 3'( )%$*A+ A,- A.CA-/ 0/.S1&, CH/ATS A,- S/C./TS U,*&CKA$*/ CHA.ACT/.S *1ST 1ere is how to unlock characters (the first three+ and sa$e them in the Xbo 3!" $ersion of UMK3 which is downloadable from Xbo #i$e %rcade for C"" Microsoft 3oints. ,hese characters can be unlocked easier using a trick that allows you to unlock them without ha$ing to play through the whole single9player campaign to beat (hao Khan& a feat that is etremely difficult due to how cheap the game %= is and how it will e$en cheat to beat you (by pulling of things& like multiple fireballs from Motoro& that you can-t do in the game+. 1ere-s the trick@ B. (elect arcade mode. .. #ose a match. 3. #et the 'ame ;$er timer run out. C. 0ou will now be at the Ultimate Kombat 7ode screen and will ha$e B" seconds to enter the code. 1ere are the codes for each character@ Ho to Unlock Classic Sub23ero 3layer B 3ress@ 139D& #39B& B#9E& #K93& 1K9E 3layer . 3ress@ (ame Buttons as 3B. Ho to Unlock Mileena 3layer B 3ress@ 139C& #39.& B#9.& #K9!& 1K9. 3layer . 3ress@ (ame buttons as 3B. Ho to Unlock /rmac 3layer B 3ress@ 139C& #39.& B#93& #K9C& 1K9B 3layer . 3ress@ 139B& #39C& B#93& #K9.& 1K9C Ho to Save the Unlockable Characters %fter unlocking them as described abo$e& enter the 7haracter (elect (creen. While on the 7haracter (elect (creen& press the 3ause Button. ,hen select *it. )ow you will ha$e the characters until you turn the game off. (o here is how to keep them 3*5M%)*),#0 so e$en after you turn the game off& you-ll still ha$e the characters. %fter turning the game off& the net time you boot Ultimate MK3 up& you will 2=5(, need to go into %rcade Mode. ,his will load the pre$iously unlocked characters from your last game. )ow once you reach the 7haracter (elect (creen& 3ause and *it. 0ou can now play with the unlocked characters online. =f you screw up the part about going into %rcade Mode first& the unlocked characters in single9player will be erased. But if you go into ;nline 3lay& that will still sa$e them for online battling. Ho To !la" As Human Smoke 2irst pick 5obo (moke& then before the fight& hold@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& Block& 5un& and #eft (or 5ight if you are 3layer .+. Keep these buttons held until the match begins. %lthough this will allow you to play as 1uman (moke& you cannot >permanently? unlock him on the 7haracter (elect (creen. Ho to Make -an Fordan Sa" 4C.1S!567 %fter performing a (tage 2atality on the F(corpion-s #air- 1ell stage& you ha$e two choices. 0ou can press and hold both 13 buttons to hear 6an 2orden say F7rispy/-& or you can press and hold both 5un buttons to hear (hao Kahn say F7rispy/-. Ho to Make -an Fordan Sa" 4Frost"67 When playing as either (ub9:ero (7lassic or Unmasked+& freeGe your opponent while their health is in 6anger and 6an 2orden will pop out and say >2rosty/?. 0/.SUS SC.//, K&M$AT K&-/S *1ST *nter the following codes at the <( (creen when playing two9players. 1$ %&old 'l#ppers ("r#n) Cas#no R"n* messa)e H 3layer B@ #3I& B#KE& #KJ H 3layer .@ #3!& B#K!& #K! 2$ %Ra#n Can +e 'o"nd #n the !ra,eyard* Messa)e H 3layer B@ #3J& B#KB& #KB H 3layer .@ #33& B#KB& #K3 -$ Is /o no0led)e .hat Is /ot Po0er* Messa)e H 3layer B@ #3B& B#K.& #K3 H 3layer .@ #3I& B#K.& #K! 4$ %1hat2ha !"n (o3* Messa)e H 3layer B@ #KC H 3layer .@ #3C 5$ +lo24#n) (#sabled H 3layer B@ B#K. H 3layer .@ B#K. 5$ (ar4 ombat 9 3layer B@ #3!& B#KE& #KE H 3layer .@ #3!& B#KE& #KE 6$ (#splay %S4"n4y 77* Messa)e H 3layer B@ #3B& B#K.& #K. H 3layer .@ #3.& B#K.& #KB 8$ (on9t J"mp at Me H 3layer B@ #3C& B#KC& #KE H 3layer .@ #3E& B#KC& #KC 9$ :xplos#,e Combat ;2 on 2 only< H 3layer B@ #3.& B#K.& #KJ H 3layer .@ #3.& B#K.& #KJ 10$ 'ast =pper2"t Re2o,ery :nabled H 3layer B@ #3!& B#KE& #KE H 3layer .@ #3C& B#K.& #K. 11$ ombat >one: +ell .o0er H 3layer B@ B#KI& #3B H 3layer .@ #3B& B#KI 12$ ombat >one: Jade9s (esert H 3layer B@ #33& B#K3 H 3layer .@ B#K3& #K3 1-$ ombat >one: ahn9s a,e H 3layer B@ #KC H 3layer .@ B#KJ 14$ ombat >one: ahn9s .o0er H 3layer B@ #3E& B#KE H 3layer .@ #3.& B#K. 15$ ombat >one: ombat .emple H 3layer B@ #3!& 3layer .@ B#KC 15$ ombat >one: /oob Sa#bot (orfen H 3layer B@ B#KD H 3layer .@ B#KD 16$ ombat >one: R#,er ombat H 3layer B@ #K. H 3layer .@ #K3 18$ ombat >one: Rooftop H 3layer B@ #33& B#KC& #K3 H 3layer .@ #33& B#KC& #K3 19$ ombat >one: S2#sla2 +"sore? H 3layer B@ #3I& B#3& #K3 20$ ombat >one: S2orp#on9s @a#r H 3layer B@ #3!& B#K!& #K! H 3layer .@ #3C& B#KC& #KC 21$ ombat >one: So"l Chamber H 3layer B@ #3B& B#K.& #K3 H 3layer .@ #3I& #KB 22$ ombat >one: Street H 3layer B@ B#KJ& #KI H 3layer .@ B#K3& #KD 2-$ ombat >one: S"b0ay H 3layer B@ #3E& B#KE H 3layer .@ B#KE& #KE 24$ ombat >one: .he +r#d)e H 3layer B@ B#KJ& #KJ H 3layer .@ B#K.& #K. 25$ ombat >one: .he !ra,eyard H 3layer B@ #3!& B#K!& #K! H 3layer .@ #33& B#K3& #K3 25$ ombat >one: .he P#t - H 3layer B@ #3E& B#K. H 3layer .@ B#K.& #KE 26$ /o 'ear A :+ +"ttonB S4yd#,eB Max Co"ntdo0n H 3layer B@ #3.& B#KE& #K. H 3layer .@ #3.& B#KE& #K. 28$ /o Po0erbars H 3layer B@ #3I& B#KE& #KJ H 3layer .@ #3B& B#K.& #K3 29$ Player 1 &alf Po0er H 3layer B@ B#K3& #K3 -0$ Player 1 C"arter Po0er H 3layer B@ #3J& #KJ -1$ Player 2 &alf Po0er H 3layer .@ B#K3& #K3 -2$ Player 2 C"arter Po0er H 3layer .@ #3J& #KJ --$ RandPer ombat ;Method 1< H 3layer B@ #3C& B#KC& #KC H 3layer .@ #3C& B#KC& #KC -4$ RandPer ombat ;Method 2+ H 3layer B@ #3C& B#K! H 3layer .@ #3C& B#K! -5$ Re,#s#on H 3layer B@ #3I& B#KI& #KI H 3layer .@ #3I& B#KI& #KI -5$ See the Mortal ombat @#,e .o"r77 H 3layer B@ #3D& B#KD H 3layer .@ #3D& B#KD -6$ S#lent ombat H 3layer B@ #33 H 3layer .@ #33 -8$ .hro0#n) (#sabled H 3layer B@ #3B H 3layer .@ #3B -9$ .0oDPlayer M#n#D!ame of !ala)a H 3layer B@ #3!& B#KC& #K. H 3layer .@ #3C& B#K!& #KE 40$ =n#4or#, Referr#: Sans Po0er H 3layer B@ B#KC& #KC H 3layer .@ #3C& B#KC 41$ =nl#m#ted R"n H 3layer B@ #3C& B#K!& #K! H 3layer .@ #3C& B#K!& #K! 42$ 1#nner of .h#s Ro"nd +attles Motaro H 3layer B@ #3I& B#K!& #KI H 3layer .@ #3B& B#KC& #KB 4-$ 1#nner of .h#s Ro"nd +attles Shao ahn H 3layer B@ B#K3& #K3 H 3layer .@ #3D& B#K!& #KC 44$ 1#nner of th#s Ro"nd +attles Smo4e H 3layer B@ #3.& #KD H 3layer .@ #3.& #KD 45$ 1#nner of .h#s Ro"nd +attles /oob Sa#bot H 3layer B@ #3J& B#!& #KI H 3layer .@ #33& B#C& #K. %$&% 3'( ACH1/0/M/,TS *1ST 7omplete each of the following achie$ements below to get the allotted gamerscore. ,here are B. achie$ements worth a total of ."" points. 1$ +eat the /oob7 ;25< H Beat the hidden character& )oob (aibot while playing the 73U. 2$ Cent"ry ;-0< H Win a total of B"" Xbo #i$e 5anked <ersus matches -$ Combo /"mber 5 ;15< H 7omplete a D hit combo against the 73U. 4$ Compet#tor ;12< H Win a total of B" Xbo #i$e 5anked <ersus matches. 5$ (o"ble .#me ;8< H 7omplete a . hit combo against the 73U. 5$ 'atal#ty ;15< H 7omplete a 2atality during an Xbo #i$e <ersus game. 6$ 'la0less ;11< H 7omplete a 2lawless $ictory against the 73U (B round+. 8$ Mat2h '#,e ;12< H 5each the fifth M%,71 in any single player tournament. 9$ Mat2h .hree ;10< H 5each the third M%,71 in any single player tournament. 10$ My 'r#end ;20< H 7omplete a 2riendship during an Xbo #i$e <ersus game. 11$ Soother ;20< H 7omplete a Babality against the 73U. 12$ =lt#mate ;22< H Become the champion in any single player tournament. /as" 8a" to Get the 4$eat the ,oob7 Achievement ;ne of the hardest %chie$ements to get is the >Beat the )oob? %chie$ement which tasks you with defeating )oob (aibot by beating him in two rounds. =t-s hard to get because the computer %= is etremely cheap& %)6 because you can normally only fight )oob by first beating the game (on any difficulty+ on single9player mode and then selecting the Cth bo (a 3 logo+ when you come to the >#ost ,reasures of (hao Kahn? screen. ,his allows you to fight against )oob (aibot& BU, if you lose both rounds then you ha$e to start all o$er again. 0ou don-t get any second chances. ,hankfully there is a a much easier way to get this %chie$ement with a special trick. )ote that the trick W=## );, W;5K if you use a <( 7ombat 7ode to fight )oob. 1ere are the steps you need to take@ B. (elect the E93erson ,ournament Mode (0ou must ha$e a second controller a$ailable+. .. (elect (ub9:ero as your fighter for all rounds of the ,ournament. 3. 3lay through the ,ournament. C. When you reach the >#ost ,reasures of (hao Kahn? screen& select the Cth Bo (a 3 logo+. ,his will allow you to fight again )oob (aibot. D. )ow here comes the trick& playing as Unmasked (ub9:ero (the cheat also works with Kano& the female ninAas and most& but not all& other characters+& back up a bit and allow )oob (aibot to come towards you. ,hen simply keep pressing the #ow 3unch button without stopping. )oob (aibot will get caught in an animation loop as he tries to sweep you& where he will keep getting hit by your punches but will not be able to get out from under your swinging arms. =f the trick works you should be able to successfully beat )oob (aibot with two 2lawless <ictories %)6 will earn the >Beat the )oob? %chie$ement/ = know this cheat works because = tested it out myself and was able to get my final Ultimate MK3 %chie$ement by using this trick to beat )oob. 'ood luck/ 1ere is a $ideo of the Beat the )oob trick in action. (th to gokuren+ S,/S 0/.S1&, CH/ATS A,- S/C./TS S,/S $UTT&, C&-/S *1ST 1$ ool St"ff Cheats Men" H %t the Main Menu press@ 5ight& Up& B& B& %& 6own& Up& B& 6own& Up& B 2$ ooler St"ff Cheats Men" H %t the Main Menu press@ Up& B& %& #eft& 6own& and 0 -$ S2ott9s St"ff Cheats Men" H %t the Main Menu press@ B& %& 6own& 6own& #eft& %& X& B& %& B& and 0 4$ So"nd .est Men" H 3ress@ #eft& 6own& 0& 0 5$ 8DonD8 :nd"ran2e Mat2h H %t the title screen& highlight ?(tart? and then press the (tart Button while holding the # and 5 Button. 5$ Play as &"man Smo4e H ;n the 7haracter (elect (creen& select 5obo (moke and then before the match starts hold@ Back& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& Block K 5un 6$ Random Sele2t H %t the 7haracter (elect (creen& hold Up and 3ress (tart. =t will randomly pick a fighter for you. S,/S 0S K&-/S *1ST 3layers one and two must enter these button combinations on the $s. screen with the 0& B& and % buttons respecti$ely. ,he number indicates the times you must press each button. 1$ &#t #lls H 3B@ (BC& %C+ 3.@ (0C& BC+ 2$ 1E2 &alf :ner)y H 3B@ (B3& B3+ 3.@ )othing -$ 1E4 &alf :ner)y H 3B@ )othing 3.@ (0J& %J+ 4$ 8 Man .o"rnament ;Random Chara2ters< H 3B@ (0I& BE& %I+ 3.@ (0E& BI& %E+ 5$ +lo24#n) d#sabled H 3B@ (B.+ 3.@ (B.+ 5$ (#sable +lo24#n) H 3B@ (B.+ 3.@ (B.+ 6$ (#sable InD2lose 2ombos H 3B@ (0I& BI& %I+ 3.@ (0I& BI& %D+ 8$ (#sable S0eep#n) H 3B@ (BI& %B+ 3.@ (0.& BI& %3+ 9$ (#sable .hro0#n) H 3B@ (0B+ 3.@ (0B+ 10$ :xtended 'atal#ty .#me H 3B@ (0I& BD& %D+ 3.@ (0I& BD& %D+ 11$ '#)ht at Jade9s (esert H 3B@ (03& B3+ 3.@ (B3& %3+ 12$ '#)ht at ahn9s a,e H 3B@ (%C+ 3.@ (0J+ 1-$ '#)ht at P#t III H 3B@ (0E& B.+ 3.@ (B.& %E+ 14$ '#)ht at S2orp#on9s @a#r H 3B@ (0!& B!& %!+ 3.@ (0C& BC& %C+ 15$ '#)ht at .he R#,er H 3B@ (%.+ 3.@ (%3+ 15$ '#)ht on .he Roof H 3B@ (03& BC& %3+ 3.@ (03& BC& %3+ 16$ 'l#pper Messa)e H 3B@ (0I& BE& %J+ 3.@ (0!& B!& %!+ 18$ &ealth Re2o,ery H 3B@ (BB& %.+ 3.@ (BB& %.+ 19$ &yper Speed H 3B@ (0B& BI& %B+ 3.@ (0B& BI& %B+ 20$ InDClose Combos (#sabled H 3B@ (0I& BI& %I+ 3.@ (0I& BI& %D+ 21$ In,#s#ble '#)hters H 3B@ (0C& BC& %I+ 3.@ (0C& BC& %I+ 22$ M#n#mal (ama)e H 3B@ (0C& B3& %.+ 3.@ (0.& B3& %C+ 2-$ /o 'ear Messa)e H 3B@ (0.& BE& %.+ 3.@ (0.& BE& %.+ 24$ /o M"s#2 H 3B@ (03+ 3.@ (03+ 25$ Fne +"tton +r"tal#t#es ;Press &#)h P"n2h< H 3B@ (BB& %.+ 3.@ (03& BC& %D+ 25$ Fne +"tton 'atal#t#es ;Press @o0 P"n2h3< H 3B@ (0I& BC& %C+ 3.@ (0I& BC& %C+ 26$ .hro0#n) :n2o"ra)ed H 3B@ (BB+ 3.@ (BB+ 28$ .#mer (#sabled H 3B@ (0C& BC& %D+ 3.@ )othing 29$ .#mer (#sabled ;2nd opt#on< H 3B@ %nything 3.@ (0C& BC& %D+ -0$ =nl#m#ted R"nn#n) H 3B@ (0C& B!& %!+ 3.@ (0C& B!& %!+ -1$ =pper2"t Chan)es Sta)e :,ery .#me H 3B@ (0.& B.& %B+ 3.@ (0D& BD& %J+ -2$ 1#nner '#)hts Motaro H 3B@ (B3& %3+ 3.@ (0D& B!& %C+ --$ 1#nner '#)hts /oob H 3B@ (0J& B!& %I+ 3.@ (03& BC& %.+ -4$ 1#nner '#)hts Shao ahn H 3B@ (0I& B!& %I+ 3.@ (0B& BC& %B+ -5$ 1#nner '#)hts Smo4e H 3B@ (0.& %D+ 3.@ (0.&%D+ S/GA G/,/S1S 0/.S1&, CH/ATS A,- S/C./TS G/,/S1S CH/ATS *1ST 1$ Cheat Men" H %t the ,itle (creen that says ?(tart and ;ptions?& 3ress@ B& %& 6own& #eft& %& 6own& 7& 5ight& Up& 6own. %lternati$ely you can also press@ %& 7& Up& B& Up& B& %& 6own. *nter the code correctly and you-ll hear a sound. 0ou-ll then see a >7heats& (ecrets and Killer Kodes option on the Main Menu. 2$ 8 l#,es #n !alax#an H 0ou will need a (i9Button controller for this cheat. *nable the 7heat Menu with one of the codes abo$e and select ?3lay 1idden 'ame?. While the intro screen is running& hold down X& %& : and 7. 1old this down until the game starts. 0ou should know the code has worked if you hear a firing sound and see no laser9fire on the screen. 0ou will now ha$e E li$es/ Genesis Ho to Make the Com#uter Ala"s !erform a Fatalit" or $rutalit" %s you lose a (ingle 3layer match against the computer %=& hold 6own on controllers one and two before he does a 2inisher. 0our opponent will end the match with a 2atality or Brutality. Genesis Ho to /nter a $onus Sta9e 7omplete the game using any character& then make sure there-s a controller in the second socket. 3ress (tart on controller two when the green lightning appears o$er (hao Kahn-s ,ower. Genesis .andom Select %t the 7haracter (elect (creen& hold Up and press (tart. ,his will make the computer automatically select a fighter for you. Genesis Ho to Ski# A Sta9e (tart a (ingle93layer game. 3ress (tart on 7ontroller ,wo after the first round ends& you-ll then ad$ance to the net opponentLstage. S/GA SATU., 0/.S1&, CH/ATS A,- S/C./TS Saturn Cheats *ist 1$ G22ess 'reeplay H ;n the ,itle (creen& 3ress@ Up& Up& 5ight& 5ight& #eft& #eft& 6own& 6own. 2$ %@ots of St"ff* Cheats Men" H ;n the ,itle (creen& 3ress@ 7& 5& %& :& 0& 7& 0& 5& %& X& then press Up when the Kube is on >Kombat?. -$ Play as :rma2 H ;n the Ultimate Kombat Kode screen& 3ress@ X(I+& 0(!+& :(C+& %(.+& B(C+. 4$ Play as &"man Smo4e H (elect 5obo (moke then press and hold #M13MBM1KM5. 5$ Play as M#leena H ;n the Ultimate Kombat Kode screen& 3ress@ X(J+& %(J+& B(.+& 7(3+. 5$ Play as S"b >ero H ;n the 7haracter (elect (creen& 3ress@ X(J+& 0(!+& %(D+& B(.+. [email protected].: MFR.G@ FM+G. - MFH: G/( '[email protected]:S @IS. Brutalities& marked with an asteriskN& can only be performed in the arcade $ersion of Ultimate MK3. C"ra: Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 'reen )et@ Back& Back& #ow Kick. (hort Bomb@ (1old #ow Kick+ Back& Back& 1igh Kick. #ong Bomb@ (1old #ow Kick+ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. %ir ,hrow@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& Block& #ow 3unch. ,eleport@ 2orward& 6own& Block. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ 6own& 6own& 6own& 1igh 3unch. 2atality .@ (7lose+ 6own& 6own& 2orward& Up& 5un. %nimality@ (7lose+ (Use Block+ Up& Up& 6own& 6own. Babality@ 2orward& 2orward& Back& 1igh 3unch. 2riendship@ (7lose+ (Use Block+ Up& Up& 6own& 6own. (tage 2atalities@ 5un& Block& 5un. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& #ow 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e /rmac Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2ireball@ 6own& Back& #ow 3unch. ,eleport 3unch@ 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. ,elekinetic (lam@ Back& 6own& Back& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& BackM#ow 3unch& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ 5un& Block& 5un& 5un& 1igh Kick. 2atality .@ ((weep+ 6own& Up& 6own& 6own& 6own& Block. N%nimality@ (7lose+ Back& Back& 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& 6own& 1igh Kick. N2riendship@ 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (tage 2atalities@ 5un& 5un& 5un& 5un& #ow Kick. NN Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Human Smoke Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (pear@ Back& Back& #3 ,eleport@ 2oward& 6own& Back& 13 %ir ,hrow@ Block in the air 2inishing Mo$e 3ress@ (7lose+ 5un& Block& 5un& 5un& 1K N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e ;ade Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es Boomerang@ Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Upward Boomerang@ Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 6ownward Boomerang@ Back& 2orward& #ow Kick. 5eturning Boomerang (5eturns if it misses opponent+@ Back& Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. (hadow Kick@ 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick. 3roAectile (hield@ Back& 2orward& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ Up& Up& 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2atality .@ (7lose+ 5un& 5un& 5un& Block& 5un. %nimality@ (7lose+ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& 6own& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ Back& 6own& Back& Back& 1igh Kick. (tage 2atalities@ Back& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 5un. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e ;a: Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (ingle Missile@ Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 6ouble Missile@ 2orward& 2orward& Back& Back& 1igh 3unch. >'otcha? 'rab (,ap #ow 3unch for etra hits+@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Back Breaker@ Block in air when net to airborne opponent. Body (lam@ 3erform a ,hrow and repeatedly tap 1igh 3unch. 'round 3ound@ 1old #ow 3unch for 3 seconds& then release. 6ash 3unch@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& Back M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #3& Block& BackM1igh 3unch. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #3& BackM1igh 3unch. 7ombo C@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo D@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 6own M 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow 3unch& Back M 1igh 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ Up& Up& 6own& 2orward& Up& Block. 2atality .@ 5un& Block& 5un& 5un& #ow Kick. %nimality@ 1old #ow Kick& 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 2orward. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 6own& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ #ow Kick& 5un& 5un& #ow Kick. (tage 2atalities@ 6own& 2orward& 6own& #ow 3unch. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Kabal Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2ireball@ Back& Back& 1igh 3unch. Web (pin@ Back& 2orward& #ow Kick. 'round (aw@ Back& Back& Back& 5un. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo C@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (1alf (creen %way+ 6own& 6own& Back& 2orward& Block. 2atality .@ (7lose+ 5un& Block& Block& Block& 1igh Kick. %nimality@ (7lose+ (1old 1igh 3unch+ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& (5elease 1igh 3unch+. Babality@ 5un& 5un& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ 5un& #ow Kick& 5un& 5un& Up. (tage 2atalities@ Block& Block& 1igh Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Kano Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 7annonball@ 1old #ow Kick for 3 seconds and release. Knife ,hrow@ 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. Blade (wipe@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 'rab and (hake@ 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. %ir ,hrow@ Block in air when net to airborne opponent. NN #ow 7annon Ball@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick. NN 1igh 7annon Ball@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (1old #ow 3unch+ 2orward& 6own& 6own& 2orward& (5elease #ow 3unch+. 2atality .@ (7lose+ #ow 3unch& Block& Block& 1igh Kick. %nimality@ (1old 1igh 3unch+ Block& Block& Block& (5elease 1igh 3unch+. Babality@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 6own& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ #ow Kick& 5un& 5un& 1igh Kick. (tage 2atalities@ Up& U3& Back& #ow Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Block& 1igh 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Kun9 *ao Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 1at ,hrow@ Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. ,eleport@ 6own& Up. (pinning (hield (Keep tapping 5un to keep spinning+@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 5un. 6i$ing Kick@ (=n %ir+ 6own M 1igh Kick. NN 6ouble ,eleport@ 6own& 6own& Up. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ 2orward& 2orward& Back& 6own& 1igh 3unch. 2atality .@ (1alf (creen %way+ 5un& Block& 5un& Block& 6own. %nimality@ 5un& 5un& 5un& 5un& Block. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2riendship@ 5un& #ow 3unch& 5un& #ow Kick. (tage 2atalities@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e *ui Kan9 Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 1igh 2ireball@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. #ow 2ireball@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Bicycle Kick@ 1old #ow Kick for C seconds and release. 2lying Kick@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. NN 5ed Bicycle Kick@ (1old #ow Kick+ Back& 2orward& 5elease #ow Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M #ow Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M #ow Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 6own& #ow Kick. 2atality .@ Up& 6own& Up& Up& 5un M Block. %nimality@ ((weep+ 6own& 6own& Up. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 6own& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ 6own& 6own& 6own& 5un. (tage 2atalities@ 5un& Block& Block& #ow Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Mileena Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (ai ,oss (7an also be done in air+@ 1old 1igh 3unch for . seconds and release. ,eleport Kick@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. 'round 5oll@ Back& Back& 6own& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 'round 5oll. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Up M #ow Kick& Up M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (;ne (creen %way+ Back& Back& Back& 2orward& #ow Kick. 2atality .@ (7lose+ 6own& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. %nimality@ (7lose+ 2orward& 6own& 6own& 2orward. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2riendship@ 6own& 6own& Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (tage 2atalities@ Block& 5un& Block& Block. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Motaro Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 'rab and (mack@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. 2ireball@ 2orward& 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. ,eleport@ 6own& Up. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e ,i9htolf Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es %rrow@ 6own& Back& #ow 3unch. 1atchet Uppercut@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (houlder 7harge@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. 'low (hield@ Back& Back& Back& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh Kick. 7ombo C@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo D@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1atchet Uppercut. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ Up& Up& Back& 2orward& Block. 2atality .@ Back& Back& 6own& 1igh 3unch. %nimality@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 6own. Babality@ 2orward& Back& 2orward& Back& #ow 3unch. 2riendship@ 1igh 3unch& 5un& 5un& 5un& 6own. (tage 2atalities@ 5un& 5un& Block. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& Block& Block& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e ,oob Saibot Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (hadow ,oss@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. ,eleport (lam@ 6own& Up. 2ireball@ 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ #ow Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch& #ow Kick. 2inishing Mo$es N 2atality B@ ((weep+ Back& Back& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. N 2atality .@ (7lose+ 1old Block& 6own& Up& 5un. N %nimality@ (7lose+ Back& 2orward& Back& 2orward& 1igh Kick. Babality@ 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. N 2riendship@ 2orward& 2orward& Back& 1igh 3unch. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& Block. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e .ain Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es #ightning@ Back& Back& Back& 1igh 3unch. Mind 7ontrol ;rb (Use the Aoystick to mo$e your opponent in the air+@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (uper 5oundhouse@ Back M 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es N 2atality B@ (7lose+ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 1igh 3unch. N 2atality .@ (1alf (creen %way+ 6own& 6own& Back& 2orward& 1igh Kick. N %nimality@ ((weep+ Block& Block& 5un& 5un& Block. Babality@ 2orward& Back& Back& 1igh 3unch. N 2riendship@ 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick. Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e .e#tile Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es %cid (pit@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (low 2orceball@ Back& Back& 1igh 3unch M #ow 3unch. 2ast 2orceball@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch M #ow 3unch. (lide@ Back M #ow 3unch M Block M #ow Kick. =n$isibility@ (Use Block+ Up& Up& 6own& 1igh Kick. 5e$erse *lbow@ Back& 2orward& #ow Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (;ne 8ump %way+ Back& 2orward& 6own& Block. 2atality .@ ((weep+ 2orward& 2orward& Up& Up& 1igh Kick. %nimality@ (7lose+ 6own& 6own& 6own& Up& 1igh Kick. Babality@ 2orward& 2orward& Back& 6own& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ (7lose+ 6own& 2orward& 2orward& Back& 1igh Kick. (tage 2atalities@ Block& 5un& Block& Block. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& Block& Block M #ow 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Scor#ion Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (pear@ Back& Back& #ow 3unch. ,eleport 3unch (7an also be done in air+@ 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. %ir ,hrow@ Block in air when net to airborne opponent. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Up M #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& #ow Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (;utside (weep+ 6own& 6own& Up& 1igh Kick. 2atality .@ (7lose+ (Use Block+ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& Up& 5un. %nimality@ (7lose+ (Use Block+ 2orward& Up& Up& 1igh Kick. Babality@ 6own& Back& Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2riendship@ Back& 2orward& 2orward& Back& #ow Kick. (tage 2atalities@ (Use Block+ 2orward& Up& Up& #ow 3unch. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Sektor Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es Missile@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. (MK, ;nly+ 6ouble Missles@ Back& Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. 1oming Missile@ 2orward& 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. ,eleport Uppercut (7an also be done in air+@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow 3unch. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ ((weep+ #ow 3unch& 5un& 5un& Block. 2atality .@ (1alf (creen %way+ 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& Back& Block. %nimality@ (7lose+ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& Up. Babality@ Back& 6own& 6own& 6own& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ 5un& 5un& 5un& 5un& 6own. (tage 2atalities@ 6own& 6own& 6own& 5un. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Shan9 Tsun9 Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2ireball@ Back& Back& 1igh 3unch. 6ouble 2ireball@ Back& Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. ,riple 2ireball@ Back& Back& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. <olcanic *ruption@ 2orward& Back& Back& #ow Kick. Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs (onya@ 6own M 5un M #ow 3unch M Block. 8a@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& #ow 3unch. )ightwolf@ Up& Up. Kano@ Back& 2orward& Block. (ub9:ero@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (ektor@ 6own& 2orward& Back& 5un. (indel@ Back& 6own& Back& #ow Kick. (tryker@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. 7yra@ Block& Block& Block. Kung #ao@ 5un& 5un& Block& 5un. Kabal@ #ow 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick. (hee$a@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick& #ow Kick. #iu Kang@ 5otate Aoystick 3!" degrees counter9clockwise from opponent. (moke@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs (%ll $ersions+ Kitana@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 5un. 5eptile@ 5un& Block& Block& 1igh Kick. 8ade@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 6own M Block. (corpion@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. *rmac@ 6own& 6own& Up. Mileena@ 5un& Block& 1igh Kick. 7lassic (ub :ero@ Block& Block& 5un& 5un. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Morphs ('enesis& (uper )intendo $ersions+ 5ain@ 5un& Block& #ow Kick. )oob (aibot@ 2orward& 6own& 6own& Back& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ (1old #ow 3unch+ 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 6own& (5elease #ow 3unch+. 2atality .@ (7lose+ (1old #ow 3unch+ 5un& Block& 5un& Block& (5elease #ow 3unch+. %nimality@ (7lose+ (1old 1igh 3unch+ 5un& 5un& 5un& (5elease 1igh 3unch+. Babality@ 5un& 5un& 5un& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ #K& 5un& 5un& 6own. (tage 2atalities@ Up& Up& Back& #ow 3unch. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& Block& Block& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Shao Kahn Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (hadow 7harge@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Upwards (hadow 7harge@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. (ledge 1ammer@ Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2ireball@ Back& Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. ,aunt@ 6own& 6own& #ow Kick. #augh@ 6own& 6own& 1igh Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Sheeva Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es ,eleport (tomp@ 6own& Up. 2ireball@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 'round (tomp@ Back& 6own& Back& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 2orward M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ 2orward& 6own& 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. 2atality .@ (7lose+ (1old 1igh Kick+ Back& 2orward& 2orward& (5elease 1igh Kick+. %nimality@ 5un& Block& Block& Block& Block. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 6own& Back& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& pause BL. second& 1igh 3unch. (tage 2atalities@ 6own& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Block& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Sindel Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2ireball@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow 3unch. (cream@ 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. #e$itate@ Back& Back& 2orward& 1igh Kick. %ir 2ireball (7an be done while Aumping or floating+@ 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick. NN 6ouble 2ireball@ Back& Back& 2orward& #ow 3unch. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #3& 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #3& 1igh Kick. 7ombo C@ #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ 5un& 5un& Block& 5un& Block. 2atality .@ 5un& 5un& Block& Block& 5un M Block. %nimality@ 2orward& 2orward& Up& 1igh 3unch. Babality@ 5un& 5un& 5un& Up. 2riendship@ 5un& 5un& 5un& 5un& 5un& Up. (tage 2atalities@ 6own& 6own& 6own& #ow 3unch. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& Block& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& Block& #ow 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Smoke Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es (pear@ Back& Back& #ow 3unch. ,eleport Uppercut (7an also be done in air+@ 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. %ir ,hrow@ Block in air when net to airborne opponent. =n$isibility@ (1old Block+ Up& Up& 5un& (5elease Block+. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow 3unch. Murdoink-s 2a$ourite 7ombo@ %nti9air 8ump Kick& ,eleport Uppercut& anti9air 1igh 3unch& (pear& 7ombo O3. (!3P+ 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (More than half screen away+ (1old Block+ Up& Up& 2orward& 6own& (5elease Block+. 2atality .@ (;utside (weep+ (1old Block M 5un+ 6own& 6own& 2orward& Up& (5elease Block M 5un+. %nimality@ 6own& 2orward& 2orward& Block. Babality@ 6own& 6own& Back& Back& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ 5un& 5un& 5un& 1igh Kick. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& #ow Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Block& Block& #ow 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& Block. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Son"a Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 5ing ,oss@ 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. #eg 'rab@ 6own M #ow 3unch M Block. (Quare Wa$e 3unch@ 2orward& Back& 1igh 3unch. 5ising Bicycle Kick@ Back& Back& 6own& 1igh Kick. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo 3@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& Back M 1igh 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ Back& 2orward& 6own& 6own& 5un. 2atality .@ (1old 5un M Block+ Up& Up& Back& 6own& (5elease 5un M Block+. %nimality@ (1old #ow 3unch+ Back& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& (5elease #ow 3unch+. Babality@ 6own& 6own& 2orward& #ow Kick. 2riendship@ Back& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 5un. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& 2orward& 6own& 1igh 3unch. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& Block& 1igh 3unch& Block& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Str"ker Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es #ow 'renade@ 6own& Back& #ow 3unch. 1igh 'renade@ 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. (MK, ;nly+ 6ouble #ow 'renade@ 2orward& 6own& Back& #ow 3unch. (MK, ;nly+ 6ouble 1igh 'renade@ 2orward& 6own& Back& 1igh 3unch. Baton ,rip@ 2orward& Back& #ow 3unch. Baton ,oss@ 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. (UMK3& MK,+ 5apid 2ire 'un@ Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 7ombo .@ 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ 6own& 2orward& 6own& 2orward& Block. 2atality .@ (%lmost ;ne (creen %way+ 2orward& 2orward& 2orward& #ow Kick. %nimality@ (;utside (weep+ 5un& 5un& 5un& Block. Babality@ own& 2orward& 2orward& Back& 1igh 3unch. 2riendship@ 5un& #ow 3unch& 5un& #ow Kick. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& Up& Up& 1igh Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& #ow Kick. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Sub23ero )Masked+ Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2reeGe@ 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. 'round 2reeGe@ 6own& Back& #ow Kick. (lide@ Back M #ow 3unch M Block M #ow Kick. NN =ce (hower@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 2orward M #ow Kick& Back M 1igh Kick& 2orward M #ow Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 6own M #ow 3unch& 6own M 1igh 3unch. 7ombo 3@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& BackM1igh Kick& 2orwardM#ow Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ 6own& 6own& 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2atality .@ Unknown. %nimality@ Unknown. Babality@ 6own& Back& Back& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ Unknown. (tage 2atalities@ 2orward& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. N Brutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& Block& #ow Kick& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e Sub23ero )Unmasked+ Moves and Fatalities (pecial Mo$es 2reeGe@ 6own& 2orward& #ow 3unch. =ce (hower@ 6own& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. 2ront =ce (hower@ 6own& 2orward& Back& 1igh 3unch. Behind =ce (hower@ 6own& Back& 2orward& 1igh 3unch. =ce 7lone@ 6own& Back& #ow 3unch. 'round (lide@ Back M #ow 3unch M #ow Kick M Block. Basic 7ombos 7ombo B@ 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 7ombo .@ 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& Back M 1igh Kick. 2inishing Mo$es 2atality B@ (7lose+ Block& Block& 5un& Block& 5un. 2atality .@ (;utside (weep+ Back& Back& 6own& Back& 5un. %nimality@ 2orward& Up& Up. Babality@ 6own& Back& Back& 1igh Kick. 2riendship@ #ow Kick& 5un& 5un& Up. (tage 2atalities@ Back& 6own& 2orward& 2orward& 1igh Kick. NBrutality@ 1igh 3unch& #ow Kick& 1igh Kick& #ow 3unch& 1igh 3unch& 1igh Kick& 1igh Kick& 1igh 3unch& 1igh 3unch& #ow 3unch. N 4 MK ,rilogy *clusi$e 5ead more@ http@LLwww.$ideogamesblogger.comL.""IL "ILBDLall9ultimate9mortal9kombat939fatalities9list9 and9unlockable9characters.htmOiGG.0(BcI<6% 2ollow us@ R$ideogamesblog on ,witter S $ideogamesblogger on 2acebook