1. Tamil Nadu was ruled by three major dynasties during the Sangam Age, a classical period of Tamil literature lasting around 1000 years after Christ. The Pallava dynasty was influential in the 6th and 7th centuries as evidenced by monuments at Mamallapuram.
2. In the 14th century, the Vijayanagar Empire became firmly established, covering all of South India. However, by the 16th century it disintegrated and various small rulers like the Nayaks ruled southern India.
3. By the middle of the 18th century, the British were victorious in conflicts with other European powers over control of these areas, integrating most of South India into the Madras Pres
1. Tamil Nadu was ruled by three major dynasties during the Sangam Age, a classical period of Tamil literature lasting around 1000 years after Christ. The Pallava dynasty was influential in the 6th and 7th centuries as evidenced by monuments at Mamallapuram.
2. In the 14th century, the Vijayanagar Empire became firmly established, covering all of South India. However, by the 16th century it disintegrated and various small rulers like the Nayaks ruled southern India.
3. By the middle of the 18th century, the British were victorious in conflicts with other European powers over control of these areas, integrating most of South India into the Madras Pres
1. Tamil Nadu was ruled by three major dynasties during the Sangam Age, a classical period of Tamil literature lasting around 1000 years after Christ. The Pallava dynasty was influential in the 6th and 7th centuries as evidenced by monuments at Mamallapuram.
2. In the 14th century, the Vijayanagar Empire became firmly established, covering all of South India. However, by the 16th century it disintegrated and various small rulers like the Nayaks ruled southern India.
3. By the middle of the 18th century, the British were victorious in conflicts with other European powers over control of these areas, integrating most of South India into the Madras Pres
1. Tamil Nadu was ruled by three major dynasties during the Sangam Age, a classical period of Tamil literature lasting around 1000 years after Christ. The Pallava dynasty was influential in the 6th and 7th centuries as evidenced by monuments at Mamallapuram.
2. In the 14th century, the Vijayanagar Empire became firmly established, covering all of South India. However, by the 16th century it disintegrated and various small rulers like the Nayaks ruled southern India.
3. By the middle of the 18th century, the British were victorious in conflicts with other European powers over control of these areas, integrating most of South India into the Madras Pres
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Tamil Nadu was ruled by three major dyasties!the "holas i the
east# the $adyas i the %etral area ad "heras i the west& This was duri' the Sa'am A'e!the %lassi%al (eriod o) Tamil literature! that %otiued )or some *++ years a)ter the birth o) "hrist& The $alla,a dyasty was i)luetial (arti%ularly i the -th ad .th %eturies# the testimoies to whi%h are the moumets at Mamalla(uram& I the /*th %etury# with threats o) Muslim i,asios )rom the orth# the souther Hidu dyasties %ombied ad the em(ire o) 0ijaya'ar 1also s(elt as 0ijayaa'ar2# whi%h %o,ered all o) South Idia# be%ame )irmly established& Howe,er# by the /-th %etury# due to the disite'ratio o) the 0ijaya'ar 3m(ire# ,arious small rulers li4e the Naya4s ruled souther Idia& 5y the middle o) the /.th %etury# there were )re6uet %o)li%ts betwee the 5ritish# Fre%h# Daes# ad Dut%h due to their iterest i these areas& The 5ritish were )ially ,i%torious# while small (o%4eted areas i%ludi' $odi%herry ad 7arai4al remaied uder Fre%h %otrol& Uder the 5ritish rule# most o) south Idia was ite'rated ito the re'io %alled the Madras $reside%y& I /89:# the Madras $reside%y was disbaded ad Tamil Nadu was established& Tamilnadu - A Temple State : Tamil Nadu# the %radle o) south Idia tem(le ar%hite%ture# is a li,i' museum o) styles that ori'iated i the -th %etury ad matured i the hu'e tem(le %om(le;es studded with toweri' 'ateways!<=o(urams<!that soar abo,e the mar4ets o) almost e,ery tow& Mahabali(uram# 7a%hi(uram# "hidambaram# 7umba4oam# Rameswaram# $alai# Srira'am# Tirutai ad 7aya4umari are some o) the )amous (il'rim %etres i Tamil Nadu& The )amous Meea4shi tem(le o) Madurai is a must see& Tamilnadu A Vegetarian's paradise! Tamil Nadu# true home o) Idia ,e'etariaism# is the lad o) the deli%ious $o'al# Idli# Dosa# Sambar ad Rasam& Tamilia>s sta(le diet is steamed ri%e ad most o) their )ood %osists o) 'rais# letils ad ,e'etables& >Sadhams> 1ri%e dishes2 with di))eret )la,ours are their s(e%ialty& S(i%es are added )or most dishes to 'i,e a disti%ti,e taste& "o%out# tamarid# asa)eotida are a must )or most ,e'etaria dishes& Desserts su%h as bur)is ad (ayasams are also (o(ular& Acknowledged cookery : <Tamilia %oo4ery has always had its ow disti%ti,e traditio# but to most o!Tamilias# oly the stereoty(es are disti'uishable?the ubi6uitous dosai# idlis# sambars ad %huteys# without whi%h souther %uisie would be i%om(lete& Few are aware o) the ri%h re(ertoire o) traditioal Tamilia %oo4ery# the o!,e'etaria dishes# ot hea,ily s(i%ed# or oily# but deli'ht)ul i their ,ariety ad ra'e# ad their ,e'etaria %outer(arts<& @5esie'ed by re6uests )rom you' brides ad ot!so!you' oes# to 'i,e them the early la'uished re%i(es )rom the Tamilia %ommuities# Sabita Radha4risha was is(ired to write this boo4# ad )or a be'ii'# re%orded her mother>s traditioal re%i(es# tryi' ea%h oe out i her 4it%he ad the stadardisi' ad re)itti' it to suit the %otem(orary woma with her moder 'ad'ets& She (resets i Aharam a i,aluable re%ord o) autheti% Tamilia )ood&< Simple yet unique : There is o oe disti'uished style o) Tamilia %oo4i'& Ad )or those wati' to taste somethi' di))eret# there are some orthodo; %ommuities who (re(are deli%ious )ood without usi' oio# 'arli% ad some s(i%es& The meu also ma'i)ies a%%ordi' to the di))eret )esti,als o) the re'io& To 'et a sam(le o) the tasty %uisie oe %a (arti%i(ate i the %elebratios o) $o'al also (o(ularly 4ow as Ma4ar Sa4rati# whe the )ood (re(ared is deli%ious CUISI! Introduction I) you (lai' a tour to Tamil Nadu ma4e sure that you try out the %uisie o) Tamil Nadu )or a autheti% taste o) the %ulture o) Tamil Nadu& The %uisie o) Tamil Nadu li4e that o) the rest o) Idia is a bled o) a umber o) s(i%es ad %odimets& The 'eo'ra(hy o) Tamil Nadu (lays a im(ortat role i sha(i' the )ood habits as well as the %uisie o) Tamil Nadu& Surrouded by water# the )ertile soil o) Tamil Nadu yields a e;%ellet %ulti,atio o) ri%e# whi%h i tur )orms the sta(le )ood o) most o) the (eo(le o) Tamil Nadu& The usa'e o) wheat ad its (rodu%ts are ,irtually abset i the daily dietary ita4e o) homes o) Tamil Nadu& The easy a,ailability o) )ish also shows itsel) i the dietary (atter o) the (eo(le o) Tamil Nadu& A umber o) (re(aratios are made usi' )ish o a daily basis i most households o) Tamil Nadu& "o%out (lays a ,ery im(ortat role i the daily dietary (atters o) most )amilies i Tamil Nadu& "o%out is used i almost all its )orms# with "o%out oil bei' the most used %oo4i' medium i Tamil Nadu& A ty(i%al midday meal i Tamil Nadu is 'eerally made u( o) steamed ri%e# letils or dal# ,e'etables ad o) %ourse )ish# i) the )amily is a o! ,e'etaria oe& 3,ery re'io o) Tamil Nadu has its ow dietary (re)ere%es with a umber o) re'ios (re)erri' to remai ,e'etaria& Some o) the re'ios whi%h )ollow a o!,e'etaria diet i%lude "hettiad# whi%h is )amous )or its "hettiad $e((er "hi%4e# a )a,orite the world o,erA TAMILNADU "UISIN3 Li4e all other South Idia states# Tamil Nadu is also 4ow )or a wide ,ariety o) deli%ious )ood both )or the ,e'etarias as well as the o!,e'etarias& =rais# letils# ri%e ad ,e'etables are the mai i'rediets o) the traditioal )oods o) Tamil Nadu& S(i%es add )la,or ad 'i,e a disti%ti,e taste to the Tamil %uisies& Some o) the most %ommo ad (o(ular dishes o) the re'io are idly# dosai# ,ada# (o'al ad U((uma& "o%out %hutey ad sambhar i,ariably )orm a (art o) most o) the Tamil dishes& The ty(i%al Tamil brea4)ast i%ludes dosai# whi%h is a (a%a4e made )rom a batter o) ri%e# idly 1steamed ri%e %a4es2 ad letils 1%ris( )ried o a (a2# ,ada 1dee( )ried dou'huts (re(ared )rom a batter o) letils2# (o'al 1a mash o) ri%e ad letils boiled to'ether ad seasoed with %ashew uts# 'hee# (e((er ad %ummi seed2# u((uma 1%oo4ed semolia seasoed i oil with mustard# (e((er# %ummi seed ad dry letils2& These are the mai lo%al dishes but there are se,eral ,ariatios that are eate with %o%out %hutey ad mula'a (odi& For lu%h ad the mai %ourse# the )ood %osists o) boiled ri%e# whi%h is ser,ed with a assortmet o) ,e'etable dishes# sambar# %huteys# rasam 1a hot broth (re(ared )rom tamarid jui%e ad (e((er2 ad %urd& O the other had# the o!,e'etaria lu%h ad dier i%lude %urries ad dishes %oo4ed with %hi%4e# mutto or )ish& "ris(y $a(adB$a(ar ad a((alam )orm a im(ortat (art o) a ty(i%al Tamil meal& Filter %o))ee is a )amous ad (o(ular be,era'e o) the (eo(le o) Tamil Nadu i 'eeral ad "heai i (arti%ular& It is iteresti' to ote that ma4i' o) )ilter %o))ee is li4e a ritual as the %o))ee beas are )irst roasted ad the (owdered& A)ter the 'ridi' wor4 is o,er# the (owder is (ut ito a )ilter set ad the boili' water is added to (re(are the de%o%tio# whi%h is allowed to set )or about /9!/. miutes& The de%o%tio is ready ad %a be added to mil4 with su'ar a%%ordi' to taste& The %o))ee is (oured )rom oe %otaier to aother i 6ui%4 su%%essio so that the ideal )rothy %u( o) )ilter %o))ee is ready& C"ettinad Cuisine "hettiad %uisie is oe o) the s(i%iest ad most aromati% i Idia& The ame "hettiad %uisie %omes )rom the (la%e o) its ori'i# "hettiad& "hettiad %uisie ad deli%a%y is a s(e%ialty o) Tamil Nadu ad is a deli'ht )or o!,e'etaria )ood lo,ers& The "hettiad %uisie %osists o) se,eral ,ariatios o) mutto# )ish# ad %hi%4e items& The "hettiad $e((er "hi%4e is a s(e%ialty o) all the o!,e'etaria dishes& Dishes li4e biryai ad (aya are (o(ular Tamil style o) Mu'hali )ood& $aya is a ty(e o) s(i%ed trotters broth ad is usually eate with either (arathas or a((am& "UISIN3 OF TAMILNADU The state o) Tamil Nadu has a disti%t (la%e i %uliary ma( o) the %outry& May )amous dishes )rom Tamil Nadu are ejoyed by oe ad all ad are ow a (art o) the atioal %uisie& # T"e Ingredients and T"e Cuisine Tamil Nadu has a wide ra'e o) ,e'etaria ad o!,e'etaria deli%a%ies to o))er& The )ood here 'ets its )la,or )rom a host o) s(i%es ad %odimets used i Tamil Nadu& "o%out# tamarid ad asa)oetida are a must )or almost all ,e'etaria re%i(es& =aram masala is a,oided i Tamil %uisie& I Tamil Nadu "o%out oil is ormally used as the medium o) %oo4i'& "huteys ad mi;ed s(i%e are ser,ed i the lu%h ad eha%e the taste o) the meal& I Tamil Nadu# a ty(i%al meal %osists o) ri%e 1mostly steamed2# letils# 'rais ad ,e'etables& "hettiad %uisie o) Tamil Nadu is (arti%ularly )amous all o,er the %outry& This %uisie is hot ad s(i%y ad (ro,ides dele%table ,ariety i mutto# %hi%4e ad )ish dishes& "hettiad $e((er "hi%4e is oe o) the most )amous dishes i Tamil Nadu& The Tamil style o) Mu'hali )ood %a be tasted i the 5iriyais ad $aya& $aya is a ty(e o) s(i%ed trotters broth ad is eate with either $arathas or A((am& # $electa%le Tamil &eals I Tamil Nadu %uisie# brea4)ast or ti))i i%ludes idly1steamed ri%e %a4es2# dosai 1a (a%a4e made )rom a batter o) ri%e2 ad letils %ris( )ried o a (a# ,ada1dee( )ried dou'huts made )rom a batter o) letils2# (o'al 1a mash o) ri%e ad letils boiled to'ether ad seasoed with 'hee# %ashew uts# (e((er ad %ummi seed2# u((uma1%oo4ed semolia seasoed i oil with mustard# (e((er# %umi seed ad dry letils2& Most o) the dishes i Tamil Nadu are eate with %o%out %hutey# sambar 1seasoed letil broth2 ad mula'a (odi 1a (owdered mi; o) se,eral dried letils eate with oil2& The Tamil Lu%h or meals %osists o) %oo4ed ri%e ser,ed with di))eret 4ids o) ,e'etable dishes# Sambar# %huteys# Rasam 1a hot broth made with tamarid jui%e ad (e((er2 ad %urd1yo'urt2& The o!,e'etaria lu%h i%ludes %urries or dishes %oo4ed with mutto# %hi%4e or )ish& Tamil meals are i%om(lete without %ris( $a(ads or A((alam& # 'e(reas"ing Tamil $rinks Tamil Nadu# es(e%ially "heai# is )amous )or its )ilter %o))ee& Most Tamils ha,e a subtle disli4i' )or istat %o))ee# there)ore )ilter %o))ee is more (o(ular& The (re(aratio o) )ilter %o))ee is almost li4e a daily %hore# the %o))ee beas ha,e to be )irst roasted ad the 'roud& The %o))ee (owder is the (ut ito a )ilter set ad hot boiled water is added to (re(are the boili' ad allowed to set )or about /9 miutes& The de%o%tio is the added to mil4 with su'ar to taste& The dri4 thus (re(ared is the (oured )rom oe %otaier to aother i ra(id su%%essio to ma4e the (er)e%t )rothy %u( o) )ilter %o))ee& A e;oti% dri4 that re)reshes you ad the taste that li'ers& # Treat )our Taste *uds The %uisie o) Tamil Nadu is %outed amo' the (o(ular %uisies i Idia& It is ejoyed by the (eo(le o) the %outry ad e6ually relished by the )orei'ers %omi' to Idia& Dishes li4e Idli# Dosa# Sambhar ad Rasam are the most e;oti% dishes amo' the south Idia %uisie& The south Idia (latter or Thali is also ,ery (o(ular# %om(risi' ,arious ,e'etables# alo' with domiat %o%out )la,or& Aother hi'hli'ht o) south Idia %uisie is# $o'al# a sweet dish (re(ared duri' the the har,est )esti,al >$o'al>& 3,ery ,isitor %omi' to Idia# ma4es sure that he does ot miss tasti' this mouth wateri' %uisie& So# just loo4 )or restaurat that ser,es south Idia %uisie ad taste some o) the re%i(es ad dri4s )rom Tamil Nadu# a)ter whi%h you wot be able to resist tasti' other deli%ious dishes o) this state also& +ongunad Cuisine Comes ,rom -. Cities /( Tamil adu0 Jacob Sahaya Kumar Aruni, head of the department, Department of Catering Science & Hotel Management, Cherraan's Arts Science College, Kangayam, tells Ashish K Tiwari about their research into Kongunad Cuisine !12C: 1ow did +ongunad cuisine come into e3istence4 $id t"e cuisine go t"roug" 5arious stages o( de5elopment %e(ore getting its (inal s"ape4 6AC/* SA1A)A +U&A' A'UI: 7o'uad %uisie is basi%ally a %olle%tio o) e;oti% re%i(es bei' %reated by the (eo(le residi' i the 7o'u re'io& The %uisie is 6uite e;tesi,e )or a sim(le reaso that the 7o'u re'io is ,ery ,ast ad i%ludes (la%es li4e Ooty# "oimbatore 1the (reset head6uarters o) 7o'u 7i'dom2# $olla%hi# Tiru((ur# Udumal(et# A,iashi# $alladam# 7a'ayam 1the (re,ious head6uarters o) 7o'u 7i'dom2 to 7arur# 3rode# Aathur# Salem# $alai Mettur ad Dhara(uram& As )ar as its bradi' as >7o'uad "uisie> is %o%ered# it is our (ersoal iitiati,e& Ce ha,e (ersoally tra,elled i the 7o'uad re'io ad %olle%ted re%i(es )rom housewi,es# marria'e %otra%tors ad seior %itiDes& A)ter ha,i' tried the re%i(es ad 'etti' them a((ro,ed )rom their res(e%ti,e i,etors ! )or its tastes ad te;tures ,is!a!,is the ori'ial ! we ha,e ow (ut the whole )ood %ulture as 7o'uad %uisie& >The "he) Fa%tory> team at the istitute has doe a lot o) resear%h ad de,elo(met 1RED2 o this %uisie whi%h has ow ta4e the sha(e o) a autheti% braded %uisie& It ow e))e%ti,ely suits %ommer%ial tastes ad we ha,e started (romoti' the %uisie by holdi' )ood )esti,als i star %ate'ory hotels 1three (romotios ha,e bee made so )ar2& 7"at are t"e 5arious aspects t"at make +ongunad cuisine special4 7"y4 Some o) the as(e%ts that ma4e 7o'uad %uisie ,ery s(e%ial are as )ollowsF The re%i(es ha,e their ow ati,ity ad style& 5esides# 7o'uad %uisie is a %olle%tio o) re%i(es )rom more tha 9+ %ities Tamil Nadu# 1uli4e "hettiad %uisie# whi%h is the )ood o) oly oe %ity o) Tamil Nadu# %alled 7arai4udi2 Uli4e other %uisies# 7o'uad %uisie does ot i,ol,e mariatio o) ay raw material& As a result the )ood has a di))eret taste ad ui6ue te;ture Additio o) roasted 'roudut (aste i %urries ad 7hormas %reates a ,ery di))eret )la,our Turmeri% is always added ito %urries as )reshly 'rated ad 'roud a)ter roasti'& This 'i,es the (rodu%t a dee( yellow %olour ad a aromati% substa%e 7o'uad %uisie is ot ,ery s(i%y ad oily# whi%h is ot the %ase with other %uisies The %uisie is healthy ad utritious owi' to use o) %osiderable amout o) (ulses $id t"e residents o( +ongu region (ollow any standard recipe design (or t"is cuisine4 Not really& There was o (ossibility o) stadard re%i(es )or this %uisie& The re%i(es )oud their ori'i based o the s(e%iality o) that (arti%ular %ity o) 7o'uad& This is e,idet )rom the )ollowi' ista%esF Use o) %o(ra 1dry %o%out2 was ,ery (romiet i %ities li4e 7a'ayam# Tiru((ur# Dhara(uram et%# due to the abuda%e o) %o%out trees ad %o%out oil re)ieries& The i,etio o) (i%4les ha((eed due to abuda%e o) 'i'elly seeds i the areas su%h as Ar%halur# 3rode# Natha4adaiyur et% The %uisie has a ti'e o) Muslim taste i Hidu )ood ad ,i%e ,ersa i the areas o) Dhara(uram# 7eeraoor# 7a'ayam# et%# be%ause there was a major %o%etratio o) Hidus ad Muslims i these areas who li,ed i ,ery %lose amity& Thus# shari' o) re%i(es ad ada(ti' to their tastes was but ob,ious Dry mutto %ubes 1su dried ad used as a a%%om(aimet a)ter )ryi'2 were i,eted due to the (rese%e o) umerous mutto ad bee) slau'hter houses i %ities li4e Dhara(uram# "oimbatore# Tiru((ur# et% >$a%hamritham># a sweet mi;ture o) (latais# dates# ja''ery ad su'ar %ady o))ered i the Lord Muru'a tem(le at $alai as >$rashadham># was %o%e(tualised i 7ulithalai ad $olla%hi be%ause (latais ad dates are 'row e;tesi,ely there Residets i 7arur# 7a'ayam# 3rode ad $alladam (re(are a s(e%ial dish %alled >7ali> )rom %ereals li4e jowar# ra'i ad bajra as these (la%es ha,e the lar'est yield o) the said %ereals "hi%4e )ids its (la%e i the daily meu as 'ra,ies ad %urries be%ause %hi%4e )armi' was the 4ey o%%u(atio )or most i ad aroud $alladam Sweets li4e >$athaeer Halwa># >$athaeer $ayasam># >3lair Halwa># >3lair $ayasam> )ormed (art o) the re'ular )ood i areas li4e Athur ad Salem as (alm trees ad %o%out trees were a,ailable i abuda%e i these re'ios The abo,e!metioed are just a )ew e;am(les& >The "he) Fa%tory> resear%h team is %urretly i the (ro%ess o) %om(ili' the )idi's o the same to(i% ad we will soo (ublish a boo4 elu%idati' its itty! 'ritties& )ou earlier mentioned t"at uneart"ing t"is cuisine was an initiati5e %y t"e researc" team o( t"e institute8 7"at was t"e moti5ating (actor4 As )ar as Tamil Nadu is %o%ered# "hettiad is the oly %uisie that has a%hie,ed (o(ularity amo'st the masses& 7ee(i' this i mid# ad also the e;iste%e ad i%om(arable tastes o) 7o'uad re%i(es# I iitiated this idea o) uearthi' 7o'u %uisie with my studets& Ce made a tri( to the (arti%ular %ities ad %olle%ted ,arious re%i(es& A)ter a%hie,i' the obje%ti,e o) i,eti' somethi' di))eret )or )ood lo,ers# the e;t ste( is to ta4e it a%ross the world by way o) holdi' )ood )esti,als i ,arious hotel ad restaurat %hais aroud the world& Ce would li4e to establish >7o'uad %uisie> as oe o) the best %uisies o) Idia& Is sourcing t"e raw material and ingredients (or +ongunad cuisine a pro%lem in current times4 1ow do you go a%out dealing wit" it4 It is ot mu%h o) a (roblem to sour%e the raw materials )or 7o'u %uisie& Howe,er# there are a )ew i'rediets su%h as >7o'u Masala> ad >$alli(alayam Masala> whi%h are ot a,ailable aywhere e;%e(t i 7a'ayam ad 3rode re'ios ad that too with a (arti%ular )amily oly& Are t"ere any unique practices w"ilst preparing +ongunad Cuisine4 There are o ui6ue (ra%ti%es as su%h )or %oo4i' these dishes& Howe,er# there are di))eret (ro%edures li4e assembli' o) 'ra,ies# usi' su!dried meat )or %oo4i'# usi' u(eeled (otatoes# o mariatio o) )lesh or ,e'etables )or ay (re(aratio# usi' %o%out shells to so)te the meat# et%& )our institution "as taken a lot o( initiati5es to %uild awareness a%out t"is cuisine8 1ow "as %een t"e response among "otels and end consumers4 Ce ha,e already %odu%ted three )ood )esti,als i =RT =rad! "heai# The Reside%y =rou(s o) Hotels ad "lub Mahidra Holidays ad Resorts& This a(art# we %odu%ted a 7o'uad "uisie )esti,al %alled >NILA "hour> at 3rode wherei o,er G#9++ 'uests were ser,ed a sele%tio o) 7o'uad %uisie deli%a%ies& The New Delhi Tele,isio Networ4 ,isited our de(artmet )or a ews u(date o) our resear%h wor4 o 7o'uad %uisie whi%h was trasmitted i their daily ews& These are a )ew 4ey measures bei' ta4e to (ubli%ise the %uisie& The res(ose has bee stu(edous )rom both hotels ad %osumers& I )a%t# we are i the (ro%ess o) )ialisi' some more )ood )esti,als with leadi' hotel ad restaurat %hais i the %outry& 5y doi' this# we ited to moti,ate restaurateurs to o(e s(e%iality restaurats o the 7o'uad theme i ear )uture& 7"at are your (uture plans wit" respect to '2$ acti5ities in t"e institute4 Ce ha,e %om(leted three more resear%h (roje%ts o di))eret %uisies o) Idia# ,iD& >The 3thi% "uisie o) the Mo(lah Muslims># >The Autheti% "uisie o) the A%iet 7i'doms o) Tamil Nadu> ad >Rede)ii' "hettiad "uisie>& 3;%e(t the third to(i%# the other two ha,e already bee (ublished as boo4lets )or the hotelier )raterity& Our )uture (las i%lude %odu%ti' resear%h o the )ollowi' to(i%sF a& $arsi )ood %ulture ad habits b& "uisie o) the 7o4a %oast %& A 'eeral study o the )ood o) tem(les# mos6ues ad %hur%hes d& The %uisie o) Thodai 7i'dom ad e& The tribal %uisie o) south Idia& A ,ew 9opular $is"es I all there are /.. re%i(es i 7o'uad "uisie# whi%h are a %ombiatio o) ,e'etaria ad o!,e'etaria dishes& Some o) the most (o(ular dishes are 'i,e belowF $a%hai(uli Rasa4 ! It is a s(i%y# assembled rasam made o) tamarid (ul( ad small oios 7arimee 7olambu ! This is a basi% )ish %urry added with mutto %ubes ad sto%4 7eeraoor 7olambu ! A basi% ,e'etable 'ra,y added with %hose %outry ,e'etables ad mutto $alli(alayam "hi%4e Fry ! A ,ery s(e%ial dry (re(aratio (re(ared usi' $alli(alayam Masala# 1a had (ouded masala made by a )amily i a %ity $alli(ayalam ear 3rode2 $athair Halwa ! A ui6uely )la,oured halwa whi%h %a beat the taste ad te;ture o) the (resetly )amous Tiruel,eli Halwa& It is made )rom $athaeer 1the toddy be)ore )ermetatio2 7ollu Masiyal ! A brea4)ast dish made out o) mashed horse'ram a%%om(aied with a watery salt!)ish 'ra,y& The dish is ,ery utritious ad is %osumed by )armers ad the li4es as a eer'y dri4 $olla%hi Mutto 7olambu ! A medium s(i%y mutto (re(aratio made with e6ual 6uatity o) small oios to mutto Nila 7olambu ! This %urry is (re(ared )rom )our ,arieties o) ,e'etables whi%h 'row uder the soil# amely (otato# %olo%assia# yam ad sweet (otato 5eia ! A white )la4y (oori li4e sweet made oly by the housewi,es o) Muslim )amilies i ad aroud Dhara(uram Aathur 7oli 7olambu ! This %hi%4e %urry# thou'h made without usi' tomato# 'i'er ad 'arli%# tastes mu%h better tha ay other %hi%4e %urry e,er made i Idia $ayaru Thirattal ! This is a >7ootu> li4e (re(aratio where 'rouduts are (asted ad added to the mashed (ulses ad %oo4ed i a (e%uliar masala (aste made o) small oio ad (e((er %ors +ongunad Special The residets o) 7o'u re'io were the )irst toF Use "o(ra 1dry %o%out2 i %urries ad 'ra,ies rather tha )resh %o%out Use ma'oes to (re(are ,arious sweets "oo4 deli%a%ies usi' ,arious %ereals su%h as rye# bajra# jowar )or their mai %ourse Assemble 'ra,ies Shu mariatio Ma4e 'ra,ies ad 4ootus usi' (otatoes without remo,i' its s4i Use mil4 to (re(are %urries ad 'ra,ies $re(are >Hu' Meat> )rom mutto ad bee) ad )ry them as >0ada'ams> Use oly small oio i their (re(aratios "oo4 hard!)ibred meat by addi' %o%out shells i the li6uid used to %oo4 meat $re(are ,arious 4ids o) (i%4les usi' >=i'elly Oil> $ra%ti%e the tawa )ryi' method istead o) dee( )at )ryi' $re(are white (o'al 1a brea4)ast dish2 whi%h is a mi;ture o) ri%e ad (ulses "osume butter mil4 ad sweet as the se%od last %ourse ad rasam as the last Use drumsti%4 lea,es to %lear butter while ma4i' 'hee I,et the ,ery (o(ular >(rashadham> ! $a%hamritham# whi%h is o))ered i the tem(le o) Lord Muru'a i $alai "o%ei,e >Hasmie Idlis># whi%h has a s(e%ial %hara%ter o) re'aii' its sha(e ad te;ture e,e i) aybody (resses or s6ueeDe it ! the re%i(e o) whi%h is still a se%ret I,et >7ootu># a (re(aratio o) ,e'etable ad (ulses mi;ed to'ether ad tem(ered i little oil Deri,e ew sweets su%h as >3lair $ayasam># >$athaeer Halwa># out o) sa'o Tamil cuisine From Ci4i(edia# the )ree e%y%lo(edia Tamil Nadu is )amous )or its hos(itality ad its dee( belie) that ser,i' )ood to others is a ser,i%e to humaity as is %ommo i may re'ios o) Idia& Traditioally# ,e'etaria dishes (redomiate the meu# i%ludi' a ,ariety o) sweets ad sa,ories& It was de,elo(ed o,er may %eturies by Tamils who li,e i the re'io o) (reset day Tamil Nadu i Souther Idia# Idia ad Tamils o) Sri La4a& It is %hara%teriDed by the use o) ri%e# le'umes ad letils# its disti%t aroma ad )la,our a%hie,ed by the bledi' o) s(i%es i%ludi' %urry lea,es# tamarid# %oriader# 'i'er# 'arli%# %hili# (e((er# %iamo# %lo,es# %ardamom# %umi# utme'# %o%out ad rosewater& The word <%urry< is deri,ed )rom the Tamil word >4ari> whi%h meat <sau%e<& I/J Ri%e ad le'umes (lay a im(ortat role i Tamil %uisie& Letils are also %osumed e;tesi,ely# either a%%om(ayi' ri%e (re(aratios# or i the )orm o) ide(edet dishes& 0e'etables ad dairy (rodu%ts are essetial a%%om(aimets& O s(e%ial o%%asios# traditioal Tamil dishes are (re(ared i almost the same way as they were %eturies a'oK(re(aratios that %all )or elaborate ad leisurely %oo4i'# ad ser,ed i traditioal style ad ambie%e& The traditioal way o) eati' a meal i,ol,es bei' seated o the )loor# ha,i' the )ood ser,ed o a baaa lea)# ad usi' %lea )i'ers o) the ri'ht had to tras)er the )ood to the mouth& A)ter the meal# the )i'ers are washed# ad the baaa lea) be%omes )ood )or %ows& This is a ,ery e,iromet )riedly way o) li)e& Icitation neededJ
These traditios are also %ommo i other re'ios su%h as i Adhra $radesh E 7erala& 5e%ause o) moderiDatio# %osmo(olita %ulture ad the brea4!u( o) the joit )amily system# %om(romises ad ada(tatios are bei' made& A mo,emet towards a sim(ler %uisie %a be sesed& UrbaiDatio has itrodu%ed Cester!style seati' arra'emets at traditioal e,ets with tables# %hairs# (lates ad %utlery be%omi' the orm# ad )ood bei' ser,ed bu))et!style& Icitation neededJ Des(ite %ha'es i (ra%ti%es ad their %ultural im(li%atios# Tamil %uisie retais its basi% %hara%ter i the use o) i'rediets# ad its aroma ad )la,our remai u%ha'ed& Regional O,er a (eriod o) time# ea%h 'eo'ra(hi%al area where Tamils ha,e li,ed has de,elo(ed its ow disti%t ,ariat o) the %ommo dishes i additio to dishes ati,e to itsel)& The "hettiad re'io %om(risi' o) 7arai4udi ad adjoii' areas is 4ow )or both traditioal ,e'etaria dishes li4e a((am# utha((am# (aal (aiyaram ad o!,e'etaria dishes made (rimarily usi' %hi%4e& "hettiad %uisie has 'aied (o(ularity i o!Tamil s(ea4i' areas as well& Icitation neededJ Madurai ad the other souther distri%ts o) Tamil Nadu are 4ow )or o!,e'etaria )ood made o) Mutto# %hi%4e ad )ish& $arota made with maida or all!(ur(ose )lour# ad loosely similar to the orth Idia wheat )lour!based $aratha# is ser,ed at )ood outlets i Tamil Nadu# es(e%ially i distri%ts li4e 0irudhua'ar# Madurai ad the adjoii' areas& $arota is ot %ommoly (re(ared at home as it is a laborious ad time!%osumi' (ro%ess& Madurai ha,e its ow ui6ue )oods su%h as Jigirdanda# Muttaiarotta13'' $arotta2# aruthipal E !nnaiDosai 1Dosai with lot o) oil2whi%h are rarely )oud i other (arts o) Tamil Nadu& The wester 7o'u re'io has s(e%ialities li4e Satha4aiBSadha,ai 1a oodle li4e item o) ri%e2# o(uttu 1a sweet tasti' (iDDa!li4e dish that is dry outside with a sweet stu))i'2# ad 4ola urudai 1meat balls2& "eylo Tamil %uisie# ot oly bears similarities to Tamil Nadu! ad 7erala %uisie but also has may ui6ue ,e'etaria ad o! ,e'etaria dishes& It )eatures dishes su%h as (uttu 1steamed ri%e %a4e2 ad Idiya((am or Se,ai# 14ow i other (arts o) the world as stri' ho((ers2# whi%h is (arti%ularly ,ery (o(ular& 3ati'!out i its %a(ital %ity "heai# is a 'reat e;(erie%e ad (ro,ides a 'lim(se o) the ui6ue li)estyle o) the %ity& "heai is 4ow )or its %uisie# brou'ht to the %ity by (eo(le who ha,e mi'rated )rom di))eret (arts o) Tamil Nadu& Its ri%h traditios o))er a ,ariety o) dishes# ot oly ,e'etaria but also No!0e'etaria )ood& "heai has a lar'e %olle%tio o) restaurats# some o) them are ui6ue >S(e%iality Restaurats># whi%h ser,e >Idia "uisie> with a ambie%e to mat%h# while most others %ater South Idia ti))i ad meals# at ,ery reasoable (ri%es& :edit; &eals - Traditional Food is 'eerally %lassi)ied ito si; tastes ! sweet# sour# salt# bitter# (u'et E astri'et ad traditioal Tamil %uisie re%ommeds that you i%lude all o) these si; tastes i ea%h mai meal you eat& 3a%h taste has a bala%i' ability ad i%ludi' some o) ea%h (ro,ides %om(lete utritio# miimiDes %ra,i's ad bala%es the a((etite ad di'estio& Sweet 1Mil4# butter# sweet %ream# wheat# 'hee 1%lari)ied butter2# ri%e# hoey2 Sour 1Limes ad lemos# %itrus )ruits# yo'urt# ma'o# tamarid2 Salty 1Salt or (i%4les2 *itter 15itter 'ourd# 'rees o) may 4ids# turmeri%# )eu'ree42 9ungent 1"hili (e((ers# 'i'er# bla%4 (e((er# %lo,e# mustard2 Astringent 15eas# letils# turmeri%# ,e'etables li4e %auli)lower ad %abba'e# %ilatro2 A ty(i%al meal 1Lu%h or Dier2 will be ser,ed o a baaa lea)& As the sta(le diet is ri%e# steamed ri%e will be ser,ed alo' with a ,ariety o) ,e'etable dishes li4e sambar# dry %urry# rasam ad 4ootu& Meals are o)te a%%om(aied by %ris( a((alams& A)ter a )ial roud o) ri%e ad %urds or buttermil4 or both# a meal is %o%luded with a small baaa ad a )ew betel lea,es ad uts& For a o!,e'etaria meal# %urries or dishes %oo4ed with mutto# %hi%4e or )ish are i%luded& :edit; &eals - 'estaurant A Idia meal i restaurats is 'eerally %alled >Thali>& Its usually ser,ed o a roud tray made o) either Sil,er# Stailess steel or e,e 5rass# with a sele%tio o) di))eret dishes i small bowls& De(edi' o the re'ioal %uisie they s(e%ialiDe# they o))er a %hoi%e o) ,e'etaria or o!,e'etaria deli%a%ies whi%h are ati,e to that re'io& For e;am(le oe may e%outer South Idia 1,e'2 thali# "hettiad thali# Mumbai thali# Rajasthai thali or =ujarati thali& Ri%e# e,e i) it is i a modest amout seems to be essetial to the (o(ular de)iitio o) thali& Chile North Idia Thali %osists maily Idia 5read# li4e "ha(ati# Roti# $aratha# $hul4a or Naa alo' with ri%e# South Idia Thali %omes mostly with ri%e& I North Idia %uisie $ooris# "ha((attis are o))ered )irst ad the waiter ser,es the ri%e later# o)te i a se(arate bowl& The rest o) the items li4e di))eret "urries# Sweet ad other mis%ellaeous items 1A((lams# $a(ad# $i%4les ad 5eeda2 is similar )or both North Idia ad South Idia Talis& Thalis i some restaurat>s may i%lude <bottom!less< re)ills o all %om(oets o) )ood# the idea is that oe eats util )ully satis)ied& Su%h thalis are re)erred to as >ulimited> thalis& I some (la%es the term meas that e,erythi' i the (late e;%e(ti' a )ew items li4e the Sweet or 0ada is o(e to ulimited hel(i's& Fially a baaa# beeda# ad a 'lass o) jui%e or lassi will be o))ered& $ure ,e'etaria restaurats uder the brad ame o) Udu(i %uisie# whi%h is syoymous with deli%ious ,e'etaria )ood all o,er world# ser,e a ,ariety o) ti))i ad ,e'etaria meals# mostly )rom South Idia state o) 7arata4a& May o) these restaurats ha,e owadays di,ersi)ied ad o))er other Idia ad IdiaiDed "hiese dishes as well& [edit] Typical Tamil feast - Virundhu Sappadu Tamil %ulture is 4ow )or its hos(itality& L0irudhuM i Tamil meas LFeastM# whe 'uests 1Frieds# Relati,es2 are i,ited duri' ha((y %eremoial o%%asios to share )ood# lo,e ad lau'hter& LSa((aduM meas a )ull %ourse meal# whi%h %a be either Lu%h or Dier& Duri' 0irudhu Sa((adu# 'uests sit o a %oir mat whi%h is rolled out o the )loor ad a )ull %ourse meal is ser,ed i the traditioal way# o a L5aaa Lea)M whi%h is s(read i )rot o) the 'uests# with the ti( (oited le)t& The host will esure that the meu i%ludes as may ,ariety o) dishes as (ossible ad 'uests are ser,ed as may hel(i's as re6uested& The dishes are ser,ed i a (arti%ular se6ue%e# ad ea%h dish is (la%ed o a (arti%ular s(ot o) the baaa lea)& =uests are e;(e%ted to be'i ad ed eati' the meal to'ether ad do ot lea,e i middle o) a meal& Oe loo4 at the lea) a)ter the )ood is ser,ed ad 'uests will 4ow the %ommuity# the status# the e;a%t wealth o) the )amily# ad )rom whi%h (art o) Tamil Nadu they ori'iate& The to( hal) o) the baaa lea) is reser,ed )or a%%essories# the lower hal) )or the ri%e& I some %ommuities# the ri%e will be ser,ed oly a)ter the 'uest has bee seated& The lower ri'ht (ortio o) the lea) may ha,e a s%oo( o) warm sweet mil4y ri%e $ayasam# 7esari# Sweet $o'al or ay Dessert items& Chile the to( le)t i%ludes a (i%h o) salt# a dash o) (i%4le ad a thimble)ul o) salad# or a smid'e o) %hutey& I the middle o) the lea) there may be a odd umber o) )ried items li4e small %ir%les o) %hi(s either baaa# yam or (otato# thi %ris( (a(ads or )rilly wa)ers A((alams ad ,adai& The to( ri'ht had %orer is reser,ed )or s(i%y )oods i%ludi'# "urry# hot# sweet# or sour ad the dry items& I) it is a ,e'etaria meal# the ,e'etables are %are)ully %hose# betwee the %outry oes!'ourds# drumsti%4s# brijals!ad the >3'lish> oes# whi%h %ould be %arrot# %abba'e# ad %auli)lower& 1I) it is a o!,e'etaria meal# a se(arate lea) is (ro,ided )or the )ried meats# %hi%4e# )ish# %rab# ad so o&2 5ut a'ai# the ,ariatios are (reseted %are)ully# oe dry oe e;t to a 'ra,ied oe& There may be side attra%tios su%h as $oli# $oori# "ha((ati# )ew o) the )amed ri%e (re(aratios su%h as =hee $o'al or $uliodarai (arti%ularly i) the )amily %omes )rom Thaja,ur# 4ow as the ri%e bowl o) Tamil Nadu& Traditioally# sweets are eate )irst& A)ter ha,i' wor4ed throu'h the (relimiaries# the lo' haul starts with the ri%e# whi%h is 'eerously doused with =hee alo' with steam %oo4ed letils# Sambar the hi'hly s(i%ed letil!based dish )ollows ad this is su%%eeded by More! 7ulambu1yo'hurt ad s(i%es with %o%out2# $uli!7ulambu 1s(i%y sour %urry with ,e'etables ad tamarid2 ad Rasam& Cith e,ery %ourse the lea) is %are)ully re(leished# the 'uest>s (rotests bei' totally i'ored& A)ter a )ial roud o) ri%e with %urds or buttermil4 or both# it %o%ludes with a small baaa a )ew betel lea,es ad uts& The beetel lea) %hewi' is a traditioal habit said to aid di'estio ad i olde days it was reser,ed )or %ou(les oly& I today>s world o su%h restri%tios are im(osed& The beetel lea) is (a%4ed ito a little >(a%4a'e> with edible %al%ium (aste layered o to( ad a (i%h o) %oarsely (owdered beetel uts or a hal) beetel ut& [edit] ommonly consumed items Ri%e# the major sta(le )ood o) most o) the Tamil (eo(le& Lu%h or Dier is usually a Meal o) steamed ri%e# ser,ed with a%%om(ayi' items# whi%h ty(i%ally i%lude sambar# dry %urry# rasam# 4ootu ad thayir 1%urd2 or moru 1buttermil42& Ti))i or Li'ht meals# whi%h is o)te ser,ed )or brea4)ast or as a e,ei' sa%4# usually i%lude oe or more dishes li4e Idli>s#$o'al# Dosai# "ha(ati# Se,ai# 0ada whi%h is o) G 4ids ! 1methu"adai ad paruppu"adai2 0adai & Ti))i or li'ht meals is ser,ed )or brea4)ast or as a sa%4& These are usually oe or more dishes li4e Idli# Dosai# Idiya((am# $o'al ad 0adai alo' with %o%out "hutey# Sambar ad Mila'ai (odi& Ti))i is usually a%%om(aied by hot )ilter %o))ee# the si'ature be,era'e o) the %ity& "hettiad dishes li4e a((am# utha((am& $arota made with maida or all!(ur(ose )lour# (erha(s similar to the orth Idia wheat )lour!based (aratha& U(ma# made )rom wheat 1ra,a2# oio# 'ree %hillies& Se,ai or idiya((am# Ri%e oodles made out o) steamed ri%e %a4es& "o))ee is the most (o(ular be,era'e& "o))ee is a major so%ial istitutio i Souther Idia Tamil traditio& Its also %alled the Madras 1a2 "heai Filter "o))ee ad is ui6ue to this (art o) the world& They 'eerally use 'ourmet %o))ee beas o) the Arabi%a ,ariety& The ma4i' o) )ilter %o))ee is li4e a ritual# as the %o))ee beas are )irst roasted ad the (owdered& Sometimes they add %hi%ory to eha%e the aroma& They the use a )ilter set# )ew s%oo(s o) (owdered %o))ee# eou'h boili' water is added to (re(are a ,ery dar4 li6uid %alled the de%o%tio& A *BN mu' o) hot mil4 with su'ar# a small 6uatity o) de%o%tio is the ser,ed i DabarahBTumbler set# a ui6ue "o))ee %u(& Aother (o(ular be,era'e is stro'ly brewed tea )oud i the thousads o) small tea stalls a%ross the state o) Tamil Nadu ad adjoii' areas& Dosai# %re(es made )rom a )ermeted batter o) ri%e ad urad dal 15la%4 'ram2# ad is a%%om(aied by SambarO also see Masala dosai Idli# steamed ri%e!%a4es# (re(ared )rom a )ermeted batter o) ri%e ad urad dal 15la%4 'ram2# ad side!dishes are usually di))eret 4ids o) %hutey or sambhar U(maBU((ittu# (re(ared )rom semolia 1ra,a2# oio# 'ree %hillies# ad %ertai s(i%es $uliyodarai# $uliPTamarid# thoraiBthoraP)ry# is a e;oti% Tamil dish ad widely s(e%ialised amo' Tamil Iye'ars ad )amous throu'hout 7arata4a as $uliyo'are# it is a mi;ture o) )ried tamarid (aste ad %oo4ed ri%e# the tamarid (aste )ried with sesame oil# aso)oetida E )eu'ree4 (owder# dried %hilly# 'rouduts# s(lit %hi%4(ea# urad dal# mustard seeds# %oriader seeds# %umi seeds# %urry lea,es# turmeri% (owder ad seasoed with li'ht ja''ery ad salt& Sambar# a thi%4 stew o) letils with ,e'etables ad seasoed with e;oti% s(i%es Rasam# letil sou( with (e((er# %oriader ad %umi seeds Thayir sadam# steamed ri%e with %urd Se,ai or Idiya((am# Ri%e oodles made out o) steamed ri%e %a4es& A((am 7ottu South Idia "o))ee# also 4ow as Madras Filter "o))ee# is a sweet mil4y %o))ee (o(ular i Tamil Nadu& It is 6uite similar to the "a((u%%io ad Latte ,arieties o) %o))ee i the Uited States o) Ameri%a& Other sa%4 items i%lude muru##u# seedai# ba$$i# mi%ture# se"u# ad pa#oda whi%h are ty(i%ally sa,ory items& [edit] Specialities 7ooDh ! $orrid'e& They also ha,e 7ooDh whi%h is (oor ma>s brea4)ast ad lu%h but its %osidered ri%h ma>s health dri4& Icitation neededJ [edit] !nfluence abroad Histori%ally# Tamil %uisie has tra,elled to 5urma# Sri La4a# Malaysia# Si'a(ore ad Thailad ,ia traders 1Na'arathar2 )rom Tamil Nadu& Alo' with "hiese# it has i)lue%ed these iteratioal %uisies to what they are today& South A)ri%a Idia %oo4i' is also i)lue%ed by Tamil %uisie# whi%h was brou'ht by idetured labourers i the late /8th %etury& [edit] ulinary influence from other parts of the world "heai is a major tourist destiatio# so it>s also (o(ular )or %uisies )rom other (arts o) the world& Chile Idia 1whi%h i%ludes a di,erse ra'e o) %uisies )rom other states o) Idia2# 3uro(ea "otietal# ad "hiese %uisie ha,e bee aroud )or a lo' time# Me;i%a# Italia# Thai# 7orea# Ha(aese ad Mediterraea %uisie to ame a )ew# ha,e be%ome (o(ular with may restaurats e;%lusi,ely s(e%ialisi' i these %uisies& [edit] Tamil culinary terminology absorbed in "nglish The word curry is a a'li%isatio o) the Tamil word #ari& IGJ
The Tamil (hrase milagu thanni# meai' (e((er sou(# literally (e((er water# has bee ada(ted i 3'lish as mulligata&ny& I*J
The word Mango is deri,ed )rom the Tamil word Maanga or Maangaai& INJI9J
The word 'ice ad the e6ui,alet Tamil word Arisi may ha,e the same roots& "H3TTINAD "UISIN3 C"ettinad cuisine is the %uisie o) the "hettiad re'io o) Tamil Nadu state i South Idia& "hettiad is oe o) the driest re'ios o) south Idia& The "hettiar %ommuity# who are a majority i this re'io are a ,ery su%%ess)ul tradi' %ommuity& "hettiad %uisie is oe o) the s(i%iest ad the most aromati% i Idia& "hettiad %uisie is )amous )or its use o) a ,ariety o) s(i%es used i (re(ari' maily o!,e'etaria )ood& The dishes are hot ad (u'et with )resh 'roud masalas# ad to((ed with a boiled e'' that is usually %osidered essetial (art o) a meal& They also use a ,ariety o) su dried meats ad salted ,e'etables# re)le%ti' the dry e,iromet o) the re'io& The meat is restri%ted to )ish# (raw# lobster# %rab# %hi%4e ad mutto& "hettiars do ot eat bee) ad (or4& Most o) the dishes are eate with ri%e ad ri%e based a%%om(aimets su%h as dosais# appams# idiyappams# adais ad idlis& The "hettiad (eo(le throu'h their mer%atile %ota%ts with 5urma# leart to (re(are a ty(e o) ri%e (uddi' made with sti%4y red ri%e& "hettiad %uisie o))ers a ,ariety o) ,e'etaria ad o!,e'etaria dishes& Some o) the (o(ular ,e'etaria dishes i%lude idiyappam# paniyaram# "ellai paniyaram# #aruppatti paniyaram# paal paniyaram# #u(hi paniyaram# #o(ha#attai# masala paniyaram# adi#oo(h# #andharappam# seeyam# masala seeyam# #a"uni arisi E athirasam& [edit] Spices used I "hettiad )ood# the most im(ortat s(i%es are marathi mo##u 1dried )lower (ods2# anasipoo 1star aiseed2 ad #alpasi 1dried bar42& I additio# tamarid# whole red %hillies ad saunf 1Feel seeds2 are also used alo' with %iamo# %lo,es# bay lea)# (e((er%or# %umi seeds ad )eu'ree4&