Eco 162 - Quiz 1 FEB 2014

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Answer ALL Qes!i"ns
Tre (T) "r #$%se (#) &
I' #$%se (#) ( w)* !)e s!$!e+en! is '$%se ,
1.. A%-i , an economist by training and a young coconut $--i.! , says that he would buy one
young coconut a day regardless of the price . If he is telling the truth , Aldis demand
for young coconut is perfectly elastic .
2 If Obama , an American basketball player decides to stay in university for his final
year rather than sign an !A contract , the opportunity cost to him of his final year of
university could be well over "# $ % million
% . &conomics is an art ..
'. (alaysia is a capitalist economy .
). *he +atin phrases ceteris paribus means , prices being e-ual , .
.. *he price of a good and the -uantity demanded are inversely related .
/. (icroeconomics focuses on issues such as economic growth , inflation 0 unemployment
1. #upply curves are usually downward2sloping .
3. *o measure how much demand responds to changes in its determinants , economists use
the concept of revenue .
14. 5emand curve tend to be more elastic in the short run .
6rice of 7ood A 89(: ;uantity 5emanded for 7ood A 8<g: ;uantity 5emanded for ! 8 <g:
2 1. 14
' 1' 12
. 12 1'
1 14 1.
a: =alculate the price elasticity of demand for good A if the price of good A increases
from 9( 2 to 9( . per <g. . Is the demand price elastic > ?hy >
b: =alculate the cross elasticity of demand of good ! when the price of A falls from 9(
. to 9( 2 . #tate whether good A and good ! are complements or substitutes .
c: #ketch a diagram to show what will happen to demand for good ! when the price of
good A decreases 8 based on -uestion 28b: above :
d: ?hen <u +ees allowance increases from 9( 1444 to 9( 2444 , his demand for
good @ falls from 24 to 14 units . =alculate the income elasticity of demand for
good @ and identify the type of good @ .
e: +ist two 82: factors influencing the price elasticity of demand .
2 *he following table shows the maAimum possible combination of good @ and good
B in a country .
7ood B 7ood @ Opp. =ost 8 O= : O= 6er "nit of @
A 1)4 4
! 1%4 144
= 144 244
5 .4 %44
& 4 '44
a: #ketch the 6roduction 6ossibilities =urve 8 66=: for this economy
b: ?hat will happen if the country decides to produce the following combinations C
8i: 144 units of good @ and .4 units of good B
8ii: %)4 units of good @ and 124 units of good B
c: =alculate the opportunity cost 8O=: and the O= per unit of good @ when moving
down from point A to ! , = , 5 , and & .
d: 5oes these combinations 8 66=: demonstrate increasing opportunity cost > ?hy >
e: A straight line 66= shows a DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD opportunity cost .
f: ?hat are the two 8 2 : assumptions for a given 66= >

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