The document discusses the challenges posed by increasing globalization and transnational provision of higher education. It suggests that the 1997 ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel could provide useful guidelines in areas like institutional autonomy, academic freedom, employment conditions, and quality assurance. Adopting principles from the Recommendation could help establish international frameworks for recognition of qualifications and quality assurance across borders. The ILO and UNESCO could work together through the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts to promote the Recommendation's application.
The document discusses the challenges posed by increasing globalization and transnational provision of higher education. It suggests that the 1997 ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel could provide useful guidelines in areas like institutional autonomy, academic freedom, employment conditions, and quality assurance. Adopting principles from the Recommendation could help establish international frameworks for recognition of qualifications and quality assurance across borders. The ILO and UNESCO could work together through the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts to promote the Recommendation's application.
The document discusses the challenges posed by increasing globalization and transnational provision of higher education. It suggests that the 1997 ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel could provide useful guidelines in areas like institutional autonomy, academic freedom, employment conditions, and quality assurance. Adopting principles from the Recommendation could help establish international frameworks for recognition of qualifications and quality assurance across borders. The ILO and UNESCO could work together through the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts to promote the Recommendation's application.
The document discusses the challenges posed by increasing globalization and transnational provision of higher education. It suggests that the 1997 ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel could provide useful guidelines in areas like institutional autonomy, academic freedom, employment conditions, and quality assurance. Adopting principles from the Recommendation could help establish international frameworks for recognition of qualifications and quality assurance across borders. The ILO and UNESCO could work together through the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts to promote the Recommendation's application.
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Expert Meeting on the Impact of Globalization on Quality Assurance,
Accreditation and the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education
!E"#$, %aris, &'(&& "eptember )''& ILO perspectives Bill Ratteree, ILO, Geneva The international context 1. The background document prepared by ro!. van "amme clearly #et# out the changing context and challenge#$ the regulation o! ne% educational provider# out#ide the traditional public #ector, nationally ba#ed higher education in#titution or #y#tem& the international tran#!erability and recognition o! 'uali!ication# and credit#, e#pecially in employment term#& developing an international approach to 'uality a##urance and accreditation, more o! an in#titutional concern than that o! employment( related i##ue#, but neverthele## important in an era o! increa#ingly tran#national educational provi#ion. ). *ithin thi# context I %ould like to !ocu# on the challenge# po#ed by the range o! employment con#ideration# %hich %ill condition mobility o! educational provi#ion in higher education, either through tran#national provi#ion +electronically ba#ed virtual, open or corporate univer#itie#, public or private con#ortia, etc, or mobility o! pro!e##ional#. The examination o! -uropean experience# in thi# !ield contained in .r. /iri "ivi#0 paper provide# a very good #tarting point !or di#cu##ion by !ocu##ing on #everal key i##ue#$ advance# in the area o! *acceptance+ of professional ,ualifications a# a !orm o! recognition of e,ui-alence %ithin or out#ide national border#& important %ork done by 12-34O, 4--3, the 4ouncil o! -urope and the -uropean 4ommi##ion in developing recommendation# and code# o! good practice in area# o! transparency instruments and international net.or/s recognition o! %hat are termed *regulated+ professions through -uropean 1nion directive#& the need !or #imilar initiative# in non(regulated professions0 the emerging challenge o! ,ualifications structures and1or competencies systems in the !rame%ork o! increa#ing diver#ity o! learning alternative# and li!elong learning. Extending the focus to other employment issues2 the use of international standards 5. I %ant to #ugge#t that an important addition to the regional or international e!!ort# to addre## the#e challenge# come# in the !orm o! the !E"#$ Recommendation concerning the "tatus of Higher(Education 3eaching %ersonnel, &445. Thi# in#trument ha# begun to be monitored beginning in )666 by the /oint ILO712-34O 4ommittee o! -xpert# on Teacher#. 1 It could be a u#e!ul #et o! good practice# in the area# o! in#titutional autonomy, academic recognition, academic !reedom and e#pecially employment condition# %hich enhance the context o! recognition !or labour market deci#ion#. 8. In the realm o! institutional autonomy and accountability !or example, the Recommendation contain# provi#ion# on$ international academic co(operation .hich transcends national, regional and other barriers and promoting e'ual partner#hip o! academic communitie# around the %orld +9rt )) +n,& urge# the creation o! statements or codes of ethics at in#titutional level in negotiation# %ith higher education per#onnel organi:ation# to guide teaching, re#earch and exten#ion %ork +9rt )) +k,, %hich could be important element# o! a regulatory !rame%ork !or tran#national 'uality control or recognition o! competence to %ork in another country a# a ba#i# !or employment recognition& development o! appropriate accountability #y#tem#, including 'uality a##urance mechani#m# at in#titutional level, including the participation o! teacher#0 organi:ation# +9rt )8, %ith detailed de!inition# o! criteria in 9rt. )),, %hich could a##i#t the #earch !or 'uality a##urance at regional or international level. ;. In term# o! individual right# and !reedom# ( civil right#, academic !reedom, publication right# and international exchange# ( the Recommendation contain# an important #et o! guideline# in the#e !ield# %hich underpin the contextual !rame%ork o! #y#tem# a# much in the ne% globali:ed context a# in more traditional, nationally ba#ed #y#tem#$ re#pect !or basic ci-il or human rights in terms of freedom of thought, expression, assembly and association +9rt )<,+important !or individual# 1ILO and 12-34O, Report, 3eventh 3e##ion o! the /oint ILO712-34O 4ommittee o! -xpert# on the 9pplication o! the Recommendation concerning the 3tatu# o! Teacher#, Geneva, 11(1; 3eptember )666. and in#titution#, and important to evaluate in term# o! tran#national educational provi#ion,& academic freedom .ithout discrimination in teaching, research and professional acti-ities +9rt )=(56, a# a corner#tone o! international #tandard# +12-34O, in a##ociation %ith the ILO, i# launching a multi( year re#earch pro>ect on thi# #ub>ect %hich could provide important point# !or re!lection in de!ining ho% thi# principle can be incorporated into regional or international regulatory !rame%ork#,& <. In term# o! expected duties and responsibilities o! higher education teaching and re#earch per#onnel a# the nece##ary balance to right# and !reedom#, the Recommendation contain# 1) detailed guideline# inherent in academic !reedom +9rt 58, %hich include principle# #uch a#$ re#pect !or ethical #tandard# on teaching, re#earch and di##emination o! in!ormation7publication# derived !rom re#earch& avoid con!lict# o! intere#t in !ull con#ultation %ith in#titution# and appropriate di#clo#ure +a potentially important con#ideration in the #pread o! national or tran#national re#earch and teaching %hich i# #upported by large private !inancial intere#t#,& avoid mi#repre#entation o! pro!e##ional experti#e to the public +and by exten#ion #tudent#, other member# o! the academic community,, etc. =. 9rea# o! the employment relation#hip, notably entry into the academic profession and career de-elopment, security of employment, appraisal and discipline 6 dismissal provide #ome key pointer# on i##ue# underpinning recognition$ a >u#t and open #y#tem o! career development, ba#ed on !air procedure# !or appointment, tenure, promotion, di#mi##al, etc +9rt 85,, %hich provide# the general principle !or national application o! non(di#criminatory employment practice# among member# o! a regional bloc +!or in#tance the increa#ingly contentiou# i##ue o! -1 national#, #uch a# teacher# o! !oreign language#,& #ecurity o! employment in the !orm o! tenure or its functional e,ui-alent +9rt 8;(8<,, %hich al#o may come under increa#ing #crutiny or challenge %ithin entitie# #uch a# the -uropean 1nion, but %hich %ill probably emerge in other regional #etting#, and indeed acro## border# a# tran#national educational provi#ion #pread#. The ILO, in a##ociation %ith 12-34O and other #takeholder#, i# beginning a complementary re#earch pro>ect on thi# i##ue to that on academic !reedom& appraisal systems of higher education staff, #till a relatively underdeveloped and al#o highly #en#itive i##ue a# to criteria and procedure#, but a 'ue#tion at the heart o! recognition i##ue#. The Recommendation +9rt 8=, lay# out #ome recommended guideline# !or both criteria and procedure# %hich merit con#ideration in national, and by exten#ion, tran#national #etting#& #imilarly, criteria especially .hich condition disciplinary and dismissal actions %hich may bear on portability o! capacity and aptitude to teach or re#earch in tran#national #etting#. ?. In the area o! salaries, .or/load and social security benefits +9rt ;=( <@,, %e enter a realm %hich may or may not have direct implication# !or recognition o! 'uali!ication# and 'uality a##urance, but %ill #urely have indirect e!!ect# on the practical application o! mobility +are the #tandard# the #ame, ho% do you compen#ate !or #alary di!!erential#, %orkload re'uirement# and content, portability o! #ocial #ecurity bene!it#,. O! #pecial intere#t are study and research lea-e pro-isions +9rt <;(<@, %hich are 'uite di!!erent among educational #y#tem# and in#titution# but directly impact on 'uali!ication# and competence#. @. There i# another #imilar domain %hich %e might 'uali!y a# a A#econdary generationB o! i##ue#, namely tho#e %hich concern #pecial categorie# #uch a# disabled and part(time higher education personnel +the latter a large component o! the overall %ork !orce and gro%ing,, but %hich are likely to gro% in importance a# tran#national provi#ion and mobility o! per#onnel increa#e#, particularly in the context o! national and regional non(di#criminatory la%#. "umming up2 a proposal for action 16. Thi# revie% #ugge#t# that a# a ne% and #till underutili:ed international #tandard, the 1@@= Recommendation, complemented by !or in#tance international labour #tandard#, could play an important contextual, and even direct role in a##i#ting the e#tabli#hment o! regional or international regulatory !rame%ork# !or recognition and 'uality a##urance in the !uture. In that re#pect, 12-34O, along %ith the ILO and notably the /oint ILO712-34O 4ommittee o! -xpert# could play a u#e!ul role in #ynthe#i:ing and a##uring complementarity in application.