The MF-STAR is a multi-function solid-state active phased array radar system developed by ELTA Systems for naval platforms. It incorporates 4 active arrays in S-band frequency and employs advanced technologies like multi-beam formation and pulse Doppler techniques to track low radar cross section targets in complex environments. The lightweight antenna can be configured for ships ranging from corvettes to larger vessels and provides capabilities like air surveillance, threat detection, missile guidance and gunnery support.
The MF-STAR is a multi-function solid-state active phased array radar system developed by ELTA Systems for naval platforms. It incorporates 4 active arrays in S-band frequency and employs advanced technologies like multi-beam formation and pulse Doppler techniques to track low radar cross section targets in complex environments. The lightweight antenna can be configured for ships ranging from corvettes to larger vessels and provides capabilities like air surveillance, threat detection, missile guidance and gunnery support.
The MF-STAR is a multi-function solid-state active phased array radar system developed by ELTA Systems for naval platforms. It incorporates 4 active arrays in S-band frequency and employs advanced technologies like multi-beam formation and pulse Doppler techniques to track low radar cross section targets in complex environments. The lightweight antenna can be configured for ships ranging from corvettes to larger vessels and provides capabilities like air surveillance, threat detection, missile guidance and gunnery support.
The MF-STAR is a multi-function solid-state active phased array radar system developed by ELTA Systems for naval platforms. It incorporates 4 active arrays in S-band frequency and employs advanced technologies like multi-beam formation and pulse Doppler techniques to track low radar cross section targets in complex environments. The lightweight antenna can be configured for ships ranging from corvettes to larger vessels and provides capabilities like air surveillance, threat detection, missile guidance and gunnery support.
Group & S u b s id ia ry o f I S R A E L A E R O S P A C E I N D U S T R I E S LT D .
ELTA Systems Ltd.
The MF-STAR antenna includes 4 active arrays in S-band frequency. The hardware architecture and technology ensure high system availability, low maintenance and low life cycle cost. Incorporating advanced technology and robust system architecture, the MF-STAR employs multi-beam and pulse Doppler techniques as-well-as robust ECCM techniques to extract low RCS targets from complex clutter and jam- ming environments. The MF-STAR incorporates a lightweight antenna that can be tailored to fit even relatively small ship sizes (corvettes and above). Illuminator enslavement for semi-active missiles Automatic splash detection and measurement for gunnery support Instantaneous multi-beam Advanced beam forming techniques for ECCM Lightweight antenna Scalable, modular active solid-state phased array High reliability and high availability General The MF-STAR (EL/M-2248) is a multi-function solid-state active phased array radar system for the new generation of naval platforms. The radar system delivers high quality situation picture and weapon support, under severe target/ environmental conditions in the current and future naval arena. Features EL/M-2248 MF-STAR - Multi-Function Surveillance, Track and Guidance Radar Short Search frame/TWS revisit time Mid-course guidance of active/semi-active anti-air missiles Fast threat alert response time Very high tracking update rate and accuracy for priority targets D E F E N S E
S E L F - P R O T E C T I O N 1500 kg per face 900 kg below deck UNATTENDED PIPELINE PROTECTION E L /I -6 0 5 5 E L T A
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6 1 6 8
M A R C H - 2 0 0 9
( E ) Performances and Parameters Weight: Spatial coverage: - Azimuth: 360 - Elevation: -20 - +85 Antenna: 4 static arrays Rx/Tx: S-band solid state Automatic track initiation: - Low flying attacking missile - High flying fighter aircraft >25 km >250 km Operational Capabilities Blue water and Littoral warfare support Simultaneous multi-engagement support Active and Semi active missile support 3D long-range air surveillance 3D medium range automatic threat alert Missile horizon search and threat alert Maritime surface surveillance Target classification (including Helo) Gunnery control and splash spotting EL/M-2248 MF-STAR - Multi-Function Surveillance, Track and Guidance Radar w w w . e l t a - i a i . c o m E- mai l : mar ket @el t a. c o. i l Innovation. Solutions. Control. Tel: (703)875-3726. Fax: (703)875-3770 The contents of this brochure are presented as general information only and are not meant to, nor do they, constitute any representation or warranty by ELTA Systems Ltd. The contents are not meant to serve or be used in substitution for the information contained in any approved specification, manual or the like issued by ELTA Systems Ltd. The contents shall not in any way add to, amend, delete or change any term of any contract in which ELTA Systems Ltd. is a party. ISRAEL E-mail: U.S.A. EUROPE Tel: (972)8-857-2312/2410. Fax: (972)8-856-1872 Tel: (33)1- Fax: (33)1- Group & S u b s i d i a ry o f I S R A E L A E R O S P A C E I N D U S T R I E S LT D . ELTA Systems Ltd.