Vessel Cleaning Procedure

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The key takeaways are the procedure for conducting internal cleaning of pressure vessels including requirements, responsibilities, cleaning process and safety instructions.

The general requirements specify the cleaning medium, its temperature, vessel preparation before cleaning and filling the vessel with cleaning medium.

The cleaning steps include filling the vessel, holding time for cleaning, and draining after cleaning.


Name Designation Signature Date
Prepared By
Approed By
Reie!ed By
" Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to defne the requirements and activities
involved for conducting pressure vessel internal cleaning.
# S$ope
This procedure is applicable for internal cleaning of completed Pressure
retaining items or part fabricated in accordance with Code after completion of
all heat treatment and NDE, as applicable, but prior to painting. t would also be
applicable prior to an! repair or alteration of pressure retaining items.
% Terms & De'nitions
" # "uthori$ed nspector
"%&E # "merican %ociet! of &echanical Engineers
Equipment # Pressure retaining items constructed as per Code.
PPE # Personnel Protective Equipments
P'(T # Post 'eld (eat Treatment
)"*)C # )ualit! "ssurance + )ualit! Control
)C # )ualit! Control nspector
( Responsi)i*ities
n,charge Production
n,charge )"*)C
)ualit! Control nspector
+ Genera* Re,uirements
+-" C*eaning .edium/
+-"-" Clean fresh water shall be used as cleaning -uid during vessel internal
cleaning. n case of "ustenitic %tainless steel materials, potable water with
ma.imum chlorine content /00 parts per million shall be used as a cleaning
+-"-# The cleaning -uid 1water2 shall be treated if called for b! the Client3s
specifcation with corrosion inhibitors.
+-# Temperature o0 C*eaning .edium/
+-#-" t is recommended that the metal temperature during cleaning be maintained
at least /0C above the minimum design metal temperature specifed on the
manufacturing drawing and ma.imum temperature shall not be more than
+-% Preparation 0or C*eaning/
+-%-" The ).C. nspector shall verif! that all welding, non,destructive e.amination,
P'(T 1if applicable2 and other related inspections have been completed and
accepted to the satisfaction of the " before ta6ing up the item for cleaning.
The item should not have an! coating applied prior to test at weld 7oints
+-%-# n case of repair or alteration 7ob, )C inspector shall verif! that no wor6ing
has been started before cleaning of vessel internall! has been completed.
+-%-% "ll instruments, e.pansion 7oints and appurtenances 1control valves,
compressors, pumps, turbines + indicating devices2 which do not form part of
the cleaning shall be removed or otherwise isolated from the cleaning
8.9.4 :lind -anges, spades and gas6ets shall be installed as necessar!. "ll fttings
shall be tightened e.cept the vent points.
+-%-+ t should be ensure that the vessel is supported adequatel! before flling
cleaning medium.
+-( 1i**ing !it2 C*eaning .edium
+-(-" The cleaning -uid 1water2 is usuall! flled from the lower end of the item,
progressing towards the vents on completion. The rate of -ow should be
such that it does not cause e.cessive bubbles which ma! be entrapped in
3 C*eaning/
;././ Cleaning should be progressed either pumping water with pressure or b! 7ust
flling the vessel and giving it a suitable hold time.
;./.< (old time or cleaning time should be su=cient enough that it carries awa! all
rust , deposits, debris , process -uids 1in case of repair of in service pressure
3-# Draining o0 Test .edium
mmediatel! after completion of the cleaning activit!, vents and drains shall be
opened for empt!ing the vessel. Dr! air should be used to force evacuation
and dr! the inside of the vessel preventing it from rusting.
4 5SE Instru$tions
Testing shall be carried out b! following safet! instructions specifed b! n,
charge (%E and as per compan! safet! polic!.
n case of repair vessel no no$$le or valve should be opened unless approval
has been ta6en from the pressure vessel operator, as there could be
ha$ardous fumes or -uids causing some serious in7uries.
The man wor6ing inside or near tan6 shall have non,permissive coat, gloves,
boots, airline mas6 or anti,organic gas mas6 1if applicable2.
"ll concerned personnel should stand at safe distance and shall wear
mandator! PPE3s.
(ouse 6eeping shall be ensured and drained water or an! other spillage shall
be managed properl!.
6 Re*ated Do$uments
The )C nspector shall record the results of test on the >essel Cleaning ?eport. f
the result of the report is acceptable, designated )C and Client3s representative
shall sign the report.
Do$ument Name Do$ument No-
0/ >E%%E@ C@E"NNA ?EPB?T )"*)C,C?&,/0/

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