Mars in 9th House
Mars in 9th House
Mars in 9th House
Auspicious Results : Scholars believe that it will lead to mixed results. One
will have a sharp and intelligent mind. One will be enlightened. One will be cul
tured and fond of education. One will attain fame. Good fortunes occur in the 28
th year. One may be in service. One will travel in a boat for business purposes.
One may be a leader, an official, famous and valiant. One may win an election f
or a district board, local board or assembly. There will be foreign travel and f
avoring fortunes. One has good sources of earnings. So upto a limit one is recog
nized by society and enjoys many comforts. One will be wealthy due to wealth bes
towed by fate. One is recognized in the royal family, respected by all, fortunat
e and happy where one lives. One may be the king's friend or on good terms with
the government and may receive honor from them. Planetary positions are goo
d for sisters and fatal for brothers. The planetary positions are very ausp
icious. Doctors attain fame and do not lack anything. It is not so favorabl
e for police and excise officers because they have to fight with their superiors
for promotion. The person is recognized by the state, is wealthy and famo
us. The person is scholarly but irreligious. The person is energetic,
liberal, friendly and an officer. One will be religiously inclined increasi
ngly. Inauspicious Results : The person is harsh, short tempered, proud, jealous
, inimical, untruthful, suspicious, insistent, dissatisfied and migratory. The p
erson is irreligious, violent, sinful and inclined to commit sinful acts. The pe
rson is of bad character, bad habits, lacking manliness, in the company of lowly
people and will face hardships. One's mental bent of mind may be towards violen
ce. One will have little faith in religion. One may have insistent and ill thoug
hts about spiritualism. One's valor is in vain. One profits very little inspite
of hard work. Any amount of effort and physical hardship undertaken in order to
accumulate wealth may not give results equivalent to the efforts put in any plan
ned project. One may be unskilled at work and people envy him. One may have illi
cit relations with the opposite sex and be unfortunate, impious and have less we
alth. One may wander around aimlessly. People may envy him. One may assault peop
le. One may not have good clothes. One may be unfortunate and pitiable and surro
unded by many people. One will be famous but unfortunate. One will oppose one's
brothers. One may be deprived of an elder brother in law. Mars in a masculine ra
shi is fatal for the brother. Two brothers may expire. The father will not get a
ny happiness. One may be deprived of the bliss of a mother. Youth will be reform
ists and enlightened. They may not consider marriage as a permanent bond. Relati
onship with any female may be their attitude of life. They may even stay unmarri
ed. They may even have two spouses. The first spouse looks after the children an
d the second after the household. Wife's relatives may cause harm. The person mi
ght be very ill with pain in eyes, hands and body. These parts have a reddish ye
llow tinge. One may suffer on account of poison or fire. One may have blood infe
ction and the legs may be weak. One's eyesight may be lost. Skin ailments and ph
ysical ailments may be felt. One's children may be unfortunate and problematic f
or one. The planetary combination is good for lawyers. One will be arrogant
and stubborn. One will have no restraint over one's mind and will behave as one
wishes. The person is stubborn.