Dey (2008)
Dey (2008)
Dey (2008)
Journal of Accounting Research
Vol. 46 No. 5 December 2008
Printed in U.S.A.
Corporate Governance
and Agency Conicts
COMPLEX 0.0017 0.0109 0.0032 0.1052 0.1765 0.0021
GROWTH 0.0628 0.0012 0.0488 0.0045 0.0427 0.0026
LEV 0.1992
RISK 0.3012
0.1864 0.1362
0.0784 0.1343
FCF 0.0415 0.0185 0.0414 0.0913
This table presents the Pearson and Spearman correlation coefcients between the seven agency
variables. Pearson correlations are reported above the diagonal and Spearman correlations are reported
below the diagonal. SIZE is measured as the natural logarithm of sales; COMPLEX is measured as the
number of industries the rm operates in, where the industries are measured by two-digit SIC code;
OWNERSHIP is calculated as one minus the value of shares held by executives, directors, and institutional
investors divided by the total market capitalization of the rm; GROWTH is measured by the book-to-market
ratio; LEV is measured as the ratio of long-term debt to total assets; RISK is measured as the standard
deviation of quarterly operating cash ows divided by total assets computed over the immediately preceding
four quarters; FCF is measured as the free cash ow of the rm scaled by current assets (free cash ows are
dened as the difference between the cash ow from operations of the previous quarter and the preceding
three quarter average of the rms capital expenditures scaled by the current assets of the previous quarter).
indicates a variable that has signicant factor loadings when principal factor analysis is performed on
all of the seven agency variables.
The results of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney two sample tests for differences in medians of SIZE, OWNERSHIP,
LEV , and RISK and t-tests for differences in means of SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK and the agency
score, AGENCY, between the three agency groups are reported below (
, and
indicate signicance at
less than the 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively):
t-statistic for the differences in means and z-statistic for differences in medians between the HIGH agency
group and the MEDIUM agency group:
SIZE: t = 24.35
; z = 20.82
OWNERSHIP: t = 13.66
; z = 12.34
RISK: t = 1.84
; z = 2.04
AGENCY: t = 26.39
t-statistic for the differences in means and z-statistic for differences in medians between the HIGH agency
group and the LOW agency group:
SIZE: t = 49.61
; z = 27.51
OWNERSHIP: t = 15.34
; z = 17.43
LEV : t = 2.27
; z = 2.13
RISK: t = 2.25
; z = 3.24
AGENCY: t = 43.64
t-statistic for the differences in means and z-statistic for differences in medians between the MEDIUM
agency group and the LOW agency group:
SIZE: t = 36.09
; z = 26.20
OWNERSHIP: t = 6.90
; z = 8.60
LEV : t = 1.98
; z = 0.19
RISK: t = 0.70; z = 0.84
AGENCY: t = 40.82
1166 A. DEY
also have higher leverage than rms in the other two groupsthe mean
(median) LEV is 1.64 (1.40) for group HIGH, followed by 1.27 (0.76) for
group MEDIUM and 0.30 (0.59) for group LOW. The mean and median
values for RISK are also increasing in the level of agency conicts, with
the mean (median) being 0.07 (0.06) for group HIGH, followed by 0.05
(0.04) for group MEDIUM and 0.02 (0.02) for group LOW. Finally, the
mean (median) values for FCF are 0.22 (0.07) for group HIGH, 0.20 (0.07)
for group MEDIUM, and 0.10 (0.05) for group LOW.
Although the individual agency variables are, on average, higher in the
higher agency groups (with the exception of COMPLEX), the overall agency
score indicates that the variables SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK have
the maximumfactor loadings. This suggests that the overall factor primarily
reects the variability in these three variables. Given this result, I perform a
t-test (Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test) of the differences in the means (medi-
ans) of these variables across the groups. I nd that, except for the mean of
LEV between the HIGH and the MEDIUM groups and the median of LEV
and mean and median of RISK between the MEDIUM and LOW groups,
all four variables are signicantly higher in the higher agency groups (see
table 5, panel B).
The above result suggests that rms inthe three agency clusters differ from
each other primarily in SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK. I thus rene
the overall agency score by performing a factor analysis on only these four
variables, SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK.
This rened agency mea-
sure is called AGENCY. This procedure eliminates any noise in the agency
score owing to the other agency measures that are not signicantly different
across the three groups (namely, COMPLEX, GROWTH, and FCF ). For the
groups HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW the mean values of AGENCY are 1.59,
1.45, and 0.38, respectively. Not surprisingly, AGENCY is also signicantly
different across the three groups. I use this score as a measure of the overall
level of agency conicts in rms in subsequent analyses.
One potential probleminusingsize andgrowthopportunities as measures
of agency conicts is that these variables could also be viewed as investment
opportunity variables (Smith and Watts [1992]). To be more condent that
these measures are capturing the level of agency conicts, I conduct the
following robustness check. I repeat my analyses using the variable OWN-
ERSHIP (described above) as my measure of agency conicts. This variable
measures how diffuse the ownership structure of the rmis and the amount
One possibility for only four of the seven agency variables to be signicantly different
across the clusters is likely to be due to forming three instead of seven clusters. If I could form
seven clusters with the data, the formation of ner clusters would most probably have rms in
each of the clusters signicantly different in more of the agency variables (except possibly for
the variable COMPLEX, given that there is not much variation in this across the sample rms).
I thank the referee for this suggestion.
I also repeat my analyses using the original factor obtained by performing factor analysis
on all seven variables and obtain very similar results. Thus, I only report results using the factor
AGENCY, which is a cleaner measure.
of control the manager has, and is a more traditional measure of agency con-
icts (Wareld, Wild, and Wild [1995], Morck, Shleifer, and Vishny [1988]).
As in these studies, I form agency conict groups based on three levels of
managerial control: when OWNERSHIP 95% (highest agency conicts),
when 75% < OWNERSHIP < 95% (medium agency conicts), and when
OWNERSHIP 75% (lowest agency conicts). The results obtained by us-
ing this alternate specication are consistent with those reported in the
4. Tests and Results: Agency Conicts and Governance Quality
I begin by investigating the relation between agency conicts and gover-
nance quality. Table 6 reports the median values of the seven governance
factors for the entire sample, as well as for the three agency conict groups
(the factors have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one by con-
struction). The median values of the factors Board I, Board II, Auditor,
Audit Comm, and Fin Rep are highest in group HIGH and lowest in group
LOW, indicating that rms with greater agency conicts have better quality
of governance in these dimensions. Such rms are likely to have greater
demands for more monitoring mechanisms and thus have stronger gover-
nance systems in place. Interestingly, for Exec Comp, the median value is
the highest for group LOW and the lowest for group HIGH, implying a
negative relation between the percentage of stock and option compensa-
tion of executives and agency conicts. One explanation for this inverse
relation could be the effect of substitution between governance mecha-
nisms. Prior studies document that the composition of the board is inversely
related to managerial equity holdings (Weisbach [1988], Mehran [1992],
Barnhart and Rosenstein [1998]). Given that both the board-related factors,
Board I and Board II, are positively related to agency conicts, this could
explain the negative relation between executive compensation and agency
I conduct two-sample Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney tests to test whether the
medians of these factors are signicantly different across the three groups
(the z-statistics obtainedare presentedintable 6). The three factors Board I,
Board II, and Audit Comm are signicantly higher in the HIGH versus the
MEDIUM, the HIGH versus the LOW, and the MEDIUM versus the LOW
agency groups. Among the other factors, Auditor is signicantly higher in
the HIGH versus the LOW groups andthe MEDIUM versus the LOW groups.
Exec Comp is signicantly lower in the HIGH versus the MEDIUM, the
HIGH versus the LOW, and the MEDIUM versus the LOW agency groups.
Dir Comp is not signicantly different across any of the three groups, and
Fin Rep is signicantly higher in the HIGH versus the LOW and HIGH ver-
sus the MEDIUM groups, andis marginally higher inthe MEDIUM versus the
These are not reported for the sake of brevity, but are available on request.
1168 A. DEY
TA B L E 6
Principal Factors: Descriptive Statistics
Agency Group
Principal Factor All HIGH MEDIUM LOW
Board I 0.1563 0.3548 0.1992 0.0359
Board II 0.0077 0.2529 0.1626 0.3859
Exec Comp 0.1927 0.3151 0.2535 0.0227
Dir Comp 0.1688 0.1464 0.2418 0.1616
Auditor 0.0397 0.1210 0.0782 0.0373
Audit Comm 0.2012 0.4061 0.3138 0.1233
Fin Rep 0.0208 0.1343 0.0263 0.0564
This table presents the median values of the seven governance factors for all rms, and for rms in the
three agency conict groups. The seven governance factors are obtained by performing principal compo-
nents analysis on 22 individual corporate governance variables.
The results of Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney two sample tests for differences in medians between the gover-
nance factors for the three agency groups are reported below (
, and
indicate signicance at the less
than 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively):
z-statistic for differences in medians between the HIGH agency group and the MEDIUM agency group:
Board I: z = 5.41
z-statistic for differences in medians between the HIGH agency group and the LOW agency group:
Board I: z = 6.81
z-statistic for differences in medians between the MEDIUM agency group and the LOW agency group:
Board I: z = 5.18
LOW groups. These results support the theory that rms with higher levels
of agency conicts have higher quality of governance structures in place,
particularly those related to the board of directors, the audit committee, the
boards control over the nancial reporting process, and the auditor.
In order to perform a more formal test of the relation between agency
conicts and the governance factors, I estimate the following regression:
j q
= +
i =1
+ (1)
In the above equation AGENCY corresponds to the principal factor analysis
of the four signicant agency variables, SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK,
TA B L E 7
Agency Conicts and Governance Quality
= +
i =1
Intercept 0.1768
Board I
Board II
Exec Comp
Dir Comp
Audit Comm
Fin Rep
Adjusted R
F -value (Pr > F) 78.58 (<0.0001)
No. of rms 371
This table analyses the association between the level of agency conicts, as represented by the agency
score, AGENCY, and the various dimensions of governance, as represented by the seven governance factors.
t-statistics and the levels of signicance are reported in parentheses. For each rm j and quarter q, the
dependent variable, AGENCY, is computed by performing principal factor analysis of the four variables
SIZE, OWNERSHIP, LEV , and RISK; Board I, Board II, Exec Comp, Dir Comp, Auditor, Audit Comm,
and Fin Rep are the seven governance factors obtained by performing exploratory principal components
analysis on 22 individual governance variables.
indicate signicance at the less than 5% and 1% levels, respectively.
and GOV FACTOR variables correspond to the seven governance factors,
namely, Board I, Board II, Exec Comp, Dir Comp, Auditor, Audit Comm,
and Fin Rep.
The results of this regression are reported in table 7. The results of the
regression correspond to the univariate results discussed earlier. The factors
Board I, Board II, Auditor, and Audit Commare positive and highly signi-
cant, indicating that rms with higher levels of agency conicts have higher
qualities of governance structures in place with respect to the board and the
auditor. As in the univariate tests, Exec Comp is negative and signicant,
indicating an inverse relation between agency conicts and the stock and
options owned by executives. Finally, the factors Dir Comp and Fin Rep are
not signicantly related to the level of agency conicts.
The above results support the hypothesis that governance structures arise
in response to the agency conicts in rms. Firms with higher levels of
agency conicts have more efcient governance structures in place, par-
ticularly, more independent and better functioning boards and audit com-
mittees, and a better quality auditor. A natural extension of the result that
1170 A. DEY
governance structures vary as a function of the agency conicts in rms is
that the role played by these governance mechanisms in affecting overall
rm performance is also likely to vary as a function of the agency conicts.
In the next section I investigate this conjecture.
5. Additional Analyses: Firm Performance and Governance
One important question that has been rigorously studied in the gover-
nance literature is whether governance, or various aspects of governance,
affects overall rm performance. The empirical evidence on this relation,
however, is mixed. For instance, Hermalin and Weisbach [1991] and Bhagat
and Black [2001] nd no relation between the proportion of outsider direc-
tors and various performance measures. In contrast, Baysinger and Butler
[1985] and Rosenstein and Wyatt [1990] showthat the market rewards rms
for appointing outside directors.
A few studies also suggest that rms with a high percentage of indepen-
dent directors may perform worse. For instance, Yermack [1996] reports a
signicant negative correlation between the proportion of independent di-
rectors and contemporaneous Tobins Q, but no signicant correlation for
several other performance variables (sales/assets, operating income/assets,
operating income/sales). Yermack [1996] also documents an inverse rela-
tion between board size and protability, asset utilization, and Tobins Q.
Agrawal and Knoeber [1996] report a negative relation between the pro-
portion of outside directors and Tobins Q. Klein [1998] does not nd
a signicant relation between rm performance and board structure as
a whole, but documents that inside director representation on a boards
nance and investment committees correlates with improved rm perfor-
mance. She nds little evidence that the audit, compensation, and nomi-
nating committees, which are usually dominated by independent directors,
affect performance.
More recently, LRT document that some of their governance indices are
associated with future return on assets (ROA). They nd that institutional
ownership, long-term and bonus compensation of the CEO, and certain an-
titakeover measures have a positive relationwithfuture ROA, andboardsize,
audit committee size and compensation committee size, and the busyness
of directors have a negative relation with future ROA.
I conjecture that one explanation for the mixed association between gov-
ernance and performance is that governance mechanisms are likely to pos-
itively affect overall rm performance only under certain circumstances.
Specically, I test whether the relation between governance mechanisms
and rm performance varies as a function of the level of agency conicts
in rms. The governance mechanisms in place are important in monitor-
ing the actions of managers in rms with high agency conicts. In contrast,
The literature on governance and rm performance is vast, and I discuss only some of
the important and relevant studies. See Shleifer and Vishny [1997], John and Senbet [1998],
and Hermalin and Weisbach [2003] for more detailed literature reviews.
managers in low agency conict rms are not likely to require as much mon-
itoring, and so these governance mechanisms are not likely to be important
in affecting future performance.
I expect the performance of high agency rms to be positively related to
the factors Board I, Board II, Auditor, Audit Comm, and Fin Rep. As be-
fore, the associationwithExec Comp and Dir Comp is not clear. Incontrast,
for the lower agency companies the governance factors are not expected to
be important determinants of their performance. Based on prior research
I use two proxies for rm performance: Tobins Q (Q) dened as (market
value of equity + total debt)/total assets, and return on assets (ROA), de-
ned as (net income before extraordinary items)/total assets (Agrawal and
Knoeber [1996], Yermack [1996], Bhagat and Black [1999], among others).
I use the one-year-ahead values of the above variables to control for potential
endogeneity issues.
The mean (median) values of the variable Q for the HIGH, MEDIUM,
and LOW agency groups are 1.97 (1.77), 1.61 (1.14), and 1.24 (1.06), re-
spectively. The mean (median) values of the variable ROA for the HIGH,
MEDIUM, and LOW agency groups are 0.04 (0.02), 0.02 (0.01), and 0.01
(0.01), respectively. There is a monotonic relationbetweenthe performance
measures and the level of agency conicts, and as expected, the high agency
group has higher values for both performance measures. Next, I formally
examine whether the relation between governance and rm performance
is a function of agency conicts. I perform the following regression for each
of the three agency groups:
j,t +1
= +
i =1
+ (2)
where PERFORMANCE MEASURE represents the variables Q and ROA, and
GOV FACTOR represents the seven governance factors, Board I, Board II,
Exec Comp, Dir Comp, Auditor, Audit Comm, and Fin Rep. Given that I
performthe above regression separately for each of the three agency groups
that have similar characteristics of the various agency measures (particularly
for size, operating risk, and leverage), I do not include these variables as ad-
ditional controls inthe regression. However, basedonprior studies, I include
the lagged values of the dependent variables (L PERFORMANCE MEASURE
in equation (2) is either the lagged value of Q or the lagged value of
ROA), a proxy for the assets in place measured by the sum of inventory
and gross property, plant and equipment divided by total assets (INV +
PPE)/TOTALASSETS, and a proxy for growthopportunities measured as the
research and development expenses divided by sales (RD/SALES) (Mehran
[1995], Klein [1998]).
Table 8 reports the results of this analysis. Panel Areports the results when
Q is the dependent variable, and panel B reports the results when ROA is
1172 A. DEY
used as the dependent variable. The results in panel A indicate that Q is
positively associated with the two factors related to the composition and
functioning of the board, Board I and Board II; director compensation,
Dir Comp; the independence of the auditor, Auditor; and audit committee
effectiveness, Audit Comm, for the HIGH agency rms. The factor Fin Rep
is positive and marginally signicant. Only the factors Board I, Board II,
TA B L E 8
Firm Performance and Governance Quality
Panel A: Tobins Q and governance quality
j,t +1
= +
i =1
+ L Q
Agency Agency Agency
Expected Coefcient Coefcient Coefcient
Sign (t-Statistic) (t-Statistic) (t-Statistic)
Intercept 4.2476 0.9307 0.8996
) (2.08
) (3.48
Board I
+ 0.1451 0.4609 0.0117
) (3.76
) (1.11)
Board II
+ 0.1302 0.2857 0.0503
) (2.35
) (1.18)
Exec Comp
? 0.0721 0.0299 0.0203
(1.18) (1.24) (0.51)
Dir Comp
? 0.2569 0.1352 0.1518
) (1.56) (1.89
+ 0.2407 0.1747 0.0278
) (1.02) (1.19)
Audit Comm
+ 0.1689 0.5972 0.1174
) (3.16
) (1.43)
Fin Rep
+ 0.1832 0.0906 0.0143
) (0.50) (0.26)
+ 0.3677 0.4488 0.4266
) (7.58
) (4.56
+ 0.1349 0.1172 0.0904
(1.47) (0.08) (1.09)
(INV +PPE)/ + 0.2029 0.0429 0.1611
(1.18) (0.48) (2.31
Adjusted R
0.4135 0.4338 0.2903
F -value (Pr > F) 12.87 (<0.0001) 14.10 (<0.0001) 11.06 (<0.0001)
No. of rms 110 142 111
This table analyses the association between future Tobins Q and the various dimensions of governance
as represented by the seven governance factors. t-statistics and the levels of signicance are reported in
parentheses. For each rm j and year t, the dependent variable, Q, is the one-year-ahead (market value of
equity + total debt)/total assets; Board I, Board II, Exec Comp, Dir Comp, Auditor, Audit Comm, and
Fin Rep are the seven governance factors obtained by performing principal components analysis on 22
individual corporate governance variables; L Q is the lagged value of the dependent variable Q; RD/SALES
is measured as research and development expenses divided by sales; (INV +PPE)/TOTALASSETS is
measured as the sum of inventory and gross property, plant, and equipment divided by total assets.
, and
indicate signicance at the less than 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
TA B L E 8 Continued
Panel B: Return on assets and governance quality
j,t +1
= +
i =1
HIGH Agency MEDIUM Agency LOW Agency
Expected Coefcient Coefcient Coefcient
Sign (<t-Statistic) (<t-Statistic) (<t-Statistic)
Intercept 0.0511 0.0514 0.0348
) (2.54
) (4.05
Board I
+ 0.0169 0.0643 0.0037
) (2.40
) (0.70)
Board II
+ 0.0488 0.0054 0.0012
) (0.41) (0.49)
Exec Comp
? 0.0048 0.0100 0.0075
(0.41) (1.12) (1.54)
Dir Comp
? 0.0221 0.0045 0.0057
) (0.30) (0.61)
+ 0.0023 0.0135 0.0021
(0.49) (1.24) (0.67)
Audit Comm
+ 0.0705 0.0431 0.0245
) (2.38
) (4.02
Fin Rep
+ 0.0041 0.0126 0.0026
(0.64) (0.94) (0.66)
+ 0.2231 0.1139 0.1799
) (3.73
) (3.86
+ 0.0093 0.0312 0.0447
(0.23) (0.59) (0.66)
(INV +PPE)/ + 0.0371 0.0537 0.0325
(0.98) (0.79) (1.86
Adjusted R
0.2269 0.1153 0.1542
F -value (Pr > F) 6.98 (<0.0001) 5.63 (<0.0001) 6.88 (<0.0001)
No. of rms 110 142 111
This table analyses the association between future return on assets and the various dimensions of
governance as represented by the governance factors. t-statistics and the levels of signicance are reported
in parentheses. For each rm j and year t, the dependent variable, ROA, is the one-year-ahead (net income
before extraordinary items)/total assets; Board I, Board II, Exec Comp, Dir Comp, Auditor, Audit Comm,
and Fin Rep are the seven governance factors obtained by performing principal components analysis on
22 individual corporate governance variables; L ROA is the lagged value of the dependent variable ROA;
RD/SALES is measured as research and development expenses divided by sales; (INV +PPE)/TOTALASSETS
is measured as the sum of inventory and gross property, plant, and equipment divided by total assets.
, and
indicate signicance at the less than 10%, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.
and Audit Commare positive and signicantly related to Q for the MEDIUM
group. However, for the LOW agency group, only the factor representing
director compensation, Dir Comp, is positive and marginally signicant.
The factor Exec Comp is not signicant for any of the agency groups.
Among the control variables, as expected, the lagged dependant variable
L Q is positive and signicant for all three agency groups. The variable
RD/SALES is not signicant for any of the three agency groups. This result is
not surprising giventhat this variable is a proxy for growthopportunities and
growth is one of the variables used to separate rms into the various agency
1174 A. DEY
groups. Thus, there is unlikely to be much variation in growth opportunities
across rms in each agency group. The proxy for assets in place, (INV +
PPE)/TOTALASSETS, is positive and signicant only for the LOW agency
group and insignicant for the other two groups.
The results for the performance measure ROAhave a similar avor as well.
The factors representing the composition and functioning of the board,
Board I and Board II, director stock and option compensation, Dir Comp,
and audit committee effectiveness, Audit Comm, are positive and signi-
cant for the HIGH agency group, while one of the board-related factors,
Board I, and audit committee effectiveness, Audit Comm, is positive and
signicant for the MEDIUM agency group. For the LOW agency group only
audit committee effectiveness, Audit Comm, is positive and signicant. The
factors Exec Comp and Fin Rep are not signicant for any of the agency
The results for the control variables are similar to those obtained earlier.
The lagged variable L ROA is positive and signicant for all three agency
groups. The variable RD/SALES is not signicant for any of the three agency
groups and (INV + PPE)/TOTALASSETS is positive and marginally signi-
cant only for the LOW agency group.
The above evidence suggests that the composition and functioning of
the board, an effective audit committee, and the stock and option com-
pensation provided to directors are signicantly associated with future rm
performance. However, this relation holds primarily for rms in the high-
est agency group for both the performance variables. Interestingly, for the
performance variable ROA, the audit committee factor is signicant for all
agency groups, indicating that a strong audit committee is associated with
higher ROA for all rms. These results support the conjecture that the re-
lation between various aspects of governance and rm performance is a
function of the rms level of agency conicts. In other words, the result in
the prior literature that there is no noticeable relation between the propor-
tion of outside directors (which is part of the factor Board I in my analysis)
and rm performance is probably true only for rms where the level of
agency conicts is low (Hermalin and Weisbach [1991], Bhagat and Black
[2001]). Overall, these results provide greater reinforcement for the theory
that the presence and role of governance structures vary across rms de-
pending on various rm-specic characteristics, one of which is the level of
agency conicts present in rms.
6. Conclusion
I examine the relation between the level of agency conicts in a rm
and its governance structure. I nd that rms with higher levels of agency
conicts also have better governance mechanisms in place, particularly re-
lated to the composition and functioning of the board of directors, the
audit committee, and the independence of the auditor. These results sup-
port the theory on corporate governance that governance mechanisms are
an endogenous response to a rms business and economic environment.
I also examine whether the relation between governance and overall rm
performance varies as a function of the agency conicts, and nd evidence
consistence with this conjecture. The evidence documented in the paper
provides support for the argument raised by several researchers on gover-
nance that one size does not t all.
These results are also important from a regulatory point of view. The
objective of improving shareholder value and investor condence in corpo-
rate disclosures and other operating decisions by introducing governance
reforms will be better met if there is evidence on the aspects of governance
that need to be modied, and the types of rms for which such measures
will be more effective. Finally, this analysis reiterates the importance of fur-
ther research on how governance structures develop, and the relations be-
tween the different dimensions of governance. This will not only help in
increasing our knowledge on why rms have different governance struc-
tures, but also enable more sophisticated examinations of the importance
of governance mechanisms in affecting organizational performance and
shareholder value.
Cluster Analysis
Cluster analysis (CA) is a multivariate procedure for detecting natural
groupings in data. CA classication is based upon the placing of objects into
more or less homogeneous groups, in a manner such that the relationship
between groups is revealed. CA lacks an underlyingbody of statistical theory
and is heuristic in nature. It requires decisions to be made by the user
relating to the calculation of clusters, decisions that have a strong inuence
onthe results of the classication. CAis useful for the classicationof groups
or objects and is more objective than subjective.
In the classication literature, two kinds of clustering algorithms are re-
ported: partitioning and hierarchical methods. A partitioning method clas-
sies objects into a speciednumber of groups (say k), whichtogether satisfy
the following criteria:
1) Each group must contain at least one object
2) Each object must belong to one group
These conditions imply that k n, where n is the total number of objects.
Hierarchical algorithms do not construct a single partition with k clusters,
but they deal with all values of k in the interval [1, n]. Thus in hierarchical
clustering the data are not partitioned into a particular cluster in a sin-
gle step. Instead, a series of partitions takes place, which may run from a
single cluster containing all objects to n clusters each containing a single
object. Hierarchical clustering is subdivided into agglomerative methods,
which proceed by series of fusions of the n objects into groups, and divisive
methods, whichseparate n objects successively intoner groupings. Since all
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agglomerative hierarchical techniques ultimately reduce the data to a single
cluster containing all the individuals, and the divisive techniques will nally
split the entire set of data into n groups each containing a single individual,
the researcher needs to determine an optimal number of clusters and de-
cide on a particular stage to stop (the determination of the optimal number
of clusters is discussed below). Hierarchical agglomerative techniques are
more commonly used.
An agglomerative hierarchical clustering procedure produces a series of
partitions of the data, P
, P
, . . . . . . . , P
. The rst P
consists of n sin-
gle object clusters, the last P
, consists of a single group containing all n
cases. At each particular stage the method joins together the two clusters
that are closest together (most similar). (At the rst stage, of course, this
amounts to joining together the two objects that are closest together, since
at the initial stage each cluster has one object.) Differences between meth-
ods arise because of the different ways of dening distance (or similarity)
between clusters. Some important agglomerative techniques include single
linkage clustering, complete linkage clustering, average linkage clustering,
average group linkage, and Wards hierarchical clustering method.
I use
Wards hierarchical clustering method in this paper, which is also the most
commonly used method (see Everitt [1993]). It produces spherical clusters
that are roughly the same size. The aim is to join objects together into ever
increasing sizes of clusters using a measure of similarity of distance.
An important issue in the CA procedure is determining the optimal num-
ber of clusters. Unfortunately, there are no completely satisfactory methods
for determining the number of population clusters for any type of cluster
analysis (Everitt [1979, 1980], Hartigan [1985]). If the purpose in clustering
is dissection, that is, to summarize the data without trying to uncover real
clusters, it may sufce to look at the R
for each variable and pooled over all
variables. Plots of R
against the number of clusters are also useful. Ordinary
signicance tests, such as analysis of variance F -tests, are not valid for testing
differences between clusters. Since clustering methods attempt to maximize
the separation between clusters, the assumptions of the usual signicance
tests, parametric or nonparametric, are drastically violated. For the same
reason, methods that purport to test for clusters against the null hypothesis
that objects are assigned randomly to clusters (Klastorin [1983]) are useless.
Most valid tests for clusters either have intractable sampling distributions or
involve null hypotheses for which rejection is uninformative.
For clustering methods based on distance matrices, a popular null hy-
pothesis is that all permutations of the values in the distance matrix are
equally likely (Ling [1973]). Using this null hypothesis, one can do a per-
mutation test or a rank test. The trouble with the permutation hypothesis
Other possible hierarchical methods are described in Rohlf [1970], Lukasova [1979], and
Hansen and Tukey [1992].
is that with any real data, the null hypothesis is implausible even if the data
do not contain clusters. Rejecting the null hypothesis does not provide any
useful information (Hubert and Baker [1977]). Another common null hy-
pothesis is that the data are a random sample from a multivariate normal
distribution (Wolfe [1978], Duda and Hart [1973]). The multivariate nor-
mal null hypothesis is better than the permutation null hypothesis, but it is
not satisfactory because there is typically a high probability of rejection if
the data are sampled from a distribution with lower kurtosis than a normal
distribution, such as a uniform distribution. Hawkins, Muller, and Krooden
[1982] discuss a highly conservative Bonferroni method for hypothesis test-
ing. The conservativeness of this approach may compensate to some extent
for the liberalness exhibited by tests based on normal distributions when
the population is uniform.
A number of more formal techniques have also been suggested. Sarle
[1983] uses extensive simulations to develop the cubic clustering criterion
(CCC), which can be used for crude hypothesis testing and estimating the
number of population clusters. The CCC is based on the assumption that
a uniform distribution on a hyperrectangle will be divided into clusters
shaped roughly like hypercubes. In large samples that can be divided into
the appropriate number of hypercubes, this assumption gives very accurate
results. In other cases the approximation is generally conservative.
Beale [1969] gives an F -test, which may be used to test whether a sub-
division into c
clusters is signicantly better than a subdivision into some
smaller number of clusters, c
. The test statistic is dened as follows:
F (c
, c
) =
n c
n c
where R
= (n c)S
, and S
is the mean square deviation from cluster
centers in the sample, n is the number of objects, and p is the number of
variables. This statistic is compared with F , with p(c
) and p(n c
degrees of freedom. A signicant result indicates that a subdivision into c
clusters is an improvement over a subdivision into the smaller number, c
This procedure is more useful when the clusters are fairly well separated
and approximately spherical in shape.
Another method suggested by Calinski and Harabasz [1974] is to take the
value of c that corresponds to the maximum value of C, where C is given by:
C =
c 1
n c
where B and W are the between and within cluster sum of squares
and cross-product matrices, i.e., B =
i =1
( x
x)( x
and W =
i =1
j =1
i j
i j
i =1
j =1
i j
i j