English Dialogue at The Airport

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The passage describes an English dialogue between an airport agent and passenger going through the different stages of airport check-in, security, boarding a flight, and arriving at their destination.

The different steps involved in airport check-in described are presenting your passport, checking bags, getting your boarding pass, being informed about where and when to board your flight.

Some important vocabulary words related to air travel described are terms like airline, aircraft, boarding pass, customs, immigration, luggage/baggage, departure, arrival etc.

English Dialogue at the Airport

Fernanda Rojas Chinchn
Ethel Rodrguez Acosta


At the Check-in Desk
Agent: Good morning Miss. How are you doing today?
Pax: I am fine, and you?
Agent: Fine Miss, thanks for asking. Where are you flying?
Pax: I'm flying back to home at United States, Miami.
Agent: Okay, let me see your Passport. I will check you in the system.
Pax: Okay, Do I have to put my bags on the weight machine?
Agent: Yes, please, How many bags are you carrying?
Pax: Just one and my carry on.
Agent: Do you have anything dangerous on your bags like lighters or corrosive
Pax: Oh, no miss, I don't have anything like that, just clothes.
Agent: Perfect, please, I need you to write down a contact number in case of
Pax: Oh, I will write the number of my sister, she is in Miami, waiting for me.
Agent: Thats okay Miss. I'm done. There is your boarding pass and the ticket
for your bag stocked at the back of your boarding pass.
Pax: Okay, Where do I have to board?
Agent: You have to board at gate 25 by 7 PM.
Pax: Its okay, thanks you were really help full. Have a nice day.
Agent: Thanks you for the trust. I hope you have a nice flight. Bye.
Security control
Pax: Good morning
Agent: Good morning Miss, please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and
use the bins for small objects
Pax: Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Agent: Yes, you do. Take off your jewels and shoes, too.
Pax: Its okay Why the metal detector is ringing?
Agent: Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets like keys or cell
phone? Do you have belt or something?
Pax: Oh, yes, Im wearing belt. Now I take it off.
Agent: Okay, come on through.
Pax: Excuse me, Where I go to the gate 25?
Agent: Turn on to the right and on the first left door thats gate 25.
Pax: Okay, thanks you, bye
Agent: Your welcome, have a nice flight, bye.
On the plane
Pax: Good morning Miss, Where is the seat 22A?
Stewardess: Good morning Miss, follow me, please. There is your seat. If you
have any question, you can press the red button.
Pax: Thanks Miss
Stewardess: (On loudspeakers) Welcome aboard, and thank you for flying with
us today. Now please, fasten your seatbelt, hold back in his seat
upright and folded table. Please remember that smoking is not
allowed on the plane. Thanks and have a nice flying.
- After a few minutes -
Stewardess: What do you want to eat? Chicken or pasta?
Pax: Chicken, please
Stewardess: Anything to drink?
Pax: What kind of soda do you have?
Stewardess: Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite and Orange
Pax: A Coke, no ice, please.
Stewardess: Here you are
Pax: Thanks.

Arriving- Customs
Customs Agent: May I see your passport please?
Pax: Here you are.
Customs Agent: How long are you staying in America?
Pax: Two weeks.
Customs Agent: What is the purpose of your visit?
Pax: I am visiting my sister.
Customs Agent: Here you are. Welcome to America.
Pax: Thank you.

Word in English Pronunciation Classification Meaning
Air hostess Ear hstes Nouns Azafata
Air traffic control Ear trufik
Nouns Control de trafico
Aircraft earkrft Nouns Avion, aeronave
Airline earlin Nouns Aerolinea
Airline counter Earlin caunter Nouns Mostrador
Aisle seat Aisl sit Nouns Asiento del lado del
Arrivals arraivals Nouns Llegadas
Baggage / luggage Bgagch /
Nouns Equipaje
Baggage carousel Bgagch
Nouns Transportador de
Baggage claim Bgagch cleim Nouns Reclamo de equipaje
Nouns Compartimiento de
Bins bins Nouns Contenedores
Boarding pass Bording pasz Nouns Pase a bordo
Brescase briscais Nouns Maletn
Bumpy flight Bumpi flait Nouns Vuelo turbulento
Cabin cabin Nouns Cabina
Carry-on luggage Carrion
Nouns Equipaje de mano
Checked luggage Chequed
Nouns Equipaje facturado
To check in Tu check in Verb Registrar ingreso
Cockpit cokpit Nouns Cabina de piloto
Connecting flight Conecting flait Nouns Conexin
Control tower Control tauer Nouns Torre de control
Copilot copilot Nouns Copiloto
Conveyor belt Convior belt Nouns Cinta transportadora
Crew criu Nouns Tripulacin
Customs office Castoms ofiz Nouns Aduana
Customs official Castoms
Nouns Funcionarios de
Delayed delaied Verb Demorado
Departure lounge Deparchure
Nouns Saln de espera
Departures deparchures Nouns Salidas
Direct flight Dairect flait Nouns Vuelo directo
Domestic flight Domestik flait Nouns Vuelo de cabotaje
Duty free Duiti frii Nouns Libre de impuestos
Emergency landing Emerjenci
Nouns Aterrizaje de
Flight attendant Flait atendant Nouns Azafata, auxiliar de
Flight number Flait namber Nouns Numero de vuelo
Gate gait Nouns Puerta
Immigration inmigreitchion Nouns Emigracin
Immigration official Inmigreitchion
Nouns Funcionario de
International flight International
Nouns Vuelo internacional
Jet bridge yiet bridch Nouns Manga, pasarela
Jet lag Yiet lag Nouns Descompensacin por
diferencia horaria
Life vest Laiv vest Nouns Salvavidas
Loudspeakers loudspikers Nouns Altoparlante
Meal tray Mil trai Nouns Bandeja de comida
Round trip Raund trip Nouns Viaje de ida y de
Runway ranwai Nouns Pista
Scales squeils Nouns Escala
Seatbelt sitbelt Nouns Cinturn de seguridad
Take-off Teikof Verb Despegue
To board Tu board Verb Abordar
To check out Tu chek aut Verb Registrar salida
Trolley trolei Nouns Carrito
Window seat Guindou sit Nouns Asiento al lado de la
Weight machine Ueit machin Nouns Pesa
Dangerous denyerous Adjective Peligroso
Nice Nais Adjective Bien
Small smol Adjective Pequeo
Red Red Adjective Rojo

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