This document contains an English proficiency test for 7th grade students. It consists of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and descriptive writing prompts.
The multiple choice section covers topics like verb conjugation, articles, adjectives, and irregular verbs. The fill-in-the-blank exercises test verb tenses and forms. Students are also asked to describe their best friend in 3 sentences or less.
The test evaluates students' foundational English skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and descriptive writing ability in a concise yet comprehensive manner. It provides an initial assessment of students' English language proficiency level.
This document contains an English proficiency test for 7th grade students. It consists of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and descriptive writing prompts.
The multiple choice section covers topics like verb conjugation, articles, adjectives, and irregular verbs. The fill-in-the-blank exercises test verb tenses and forms. Students are also asked to describe their best friend in 3 sentences or less.
The test evaluates students' foundational English skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and descriptive writing ability in a concise yet comprehensive manner. It provides an initial assessment of students' English language proficiency level.
Original Description:
Test de evaluare initiala
Original Title
Teste de Evaluare Initiala engleza l2 Cl. Vii Viii
This document contains an English proficiency test for 7th grade students. It consists of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and descriptive writing prompts.
The multiple choice section covers topics like verb conjugation, articles, adjectives, and irregular verbs. The fill-in-the-blank exercises test verb tenses and forms. Students are also asked to describe their best friend in 3 sentences or less.
The test evaluates students' foundational English skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and descriptive writing ability in a concise yet comprehensive manner. It provides an initial assessment of students' English language proficiency level.
This document contains an English proficiency test for 7th grade students. It consists of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and descriptive writing prompts.
The multiple choice section covers topics like verb conjugation, articles, adjectives, and irregular verbs. The fill-in-the-blank exercises test verb tenses and forms. Students are also asked to describe their best friend in 3 sentences or less.
The test evaluates students' foundational English skills such as grammar, vocabulary, and descriptive writing ability in a concise yet comprehensive manner. It provides an initial assessment of students' English language proficiency level.
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Test de evaluare ini ial - Englez L 2
Anul colar 2014-2015
Clasa a VII-a I. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be or to have, as necessary: a. Hello, Tom! . I..fine, thanks. n! you? c. brother, "aniel. He ..#$ years ol!. e%&ensive car. d. 'ast weeken! the circus. It.a sunny !ay an! we....a (reat time. e. I.. only a cat but na..two. ! 10" # II. . )ut the ri(ht article a , an or the : I am from *eattle, +ashin(ton. *eattle is .., - . city in the /nite! *tates. It is near the bor!er of 0ana!a in the north1west corner of the /*. I live in ., # . town calle! 2lym&ia which is on the )u(et *oun!. I live in a house in a street in the countrysi!e. The street is calle! 34ear *treet3 an! the house is ol! 1 more than -$$ years ol!! I am ... , 5 . 6n(lish teacher at a school in the center of the town. I like books an! takin( &hoto(ra&hs. I usually have lunch at school. I usually (o home by car. +e have all kin!s of foo! in 2lym&ia. I like Italian foo! very much. *ometimes, I (o to .. , 7 . Italian restaurant in *eattle , 8 . restaurant is calle! 3'ui(i9s3. Italian foo! is (reat! ! 10" # 4. nswer True or False : a. I live in a town from the /* . b. The house I live in is not very ol!. c. I teach 6n(lish at a school in the center of the town. !. I never (o home by car. e. I like Italian foo! very much. ! 10 " # III. )ut the verbs in brackets in the ri(ht tense: a. Tim ( read). a story every !ay but to!ay he , rea! . the news&a&er. . I , !o .my homework when Father , arrive ..home. c. :ester!ay they ,(o.. to the circus.They , not; ( school. d. *usan , not; like.. strawberries but nne , !o.. e. I <ust , miss.. the bus so I ,be.. late for school. ! 10 # IV. 0hoose the ri(ht form: a. There is/ there are many photos/ photoes in this album. . =y <oke is funniest/ funnier than yours. c. :ester!ay =other doesnt stay / didnt stay in!oors. d. He dont/ doesnt make coffee every mornin(. e . I go/ am going to school now. $. Helen smile! at me happy/ happily yester!ay. g. I usually clean my tooths/ teeth twice a !ay. %. Do / Does it usually rain in your country? i. I am very worrie! about my mothers health so I must/ have to (o to hos&ital an! see her. ! 10" # V. "escribe your best frien!! ,a(e, a&&earance, likes;!islikes. ! 40" # Test de evaluare ini ial - Englez L 2 Anul colar 2014-2015 Clasa a VIII-a I. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be/ to have as necessary: a. Hi! =y name=artha an! I#7 years ol!. 'ast year Ia nurse. . Thismy husban! Tom. He#7 too . He .a vi!eo camera. c. +e..two chil!ren, Tim an! *arah. d. +hat..the weather like yester!ay? It..sunny an! warm . e. 'ast week we a very !ifficult e%am. ! 10" # II. A. Fill in the blanks with either a, an, or >the. ?im, -. ..ol! frien! of mine, use! to work in !owntown 'os n(eles. He ha! #. (oo! <ob in one of 5. law firms in 7. He was 8. honest, har!1workin( lawyer, but he hate! his <ob. *o he !eci!e! to @uit, an! to become A. ..surfer instea!. Bow ?im s&en!s his !ays surfin( C. .waves of =alibu. It isn9t D. .. easy life, but it makes him ha&&y. *oon after he @uit his <ob, ?im met E.beautiful surfer name! ?enny. fter they went out for -$. cou&le of months, they !eci!e! to (et marrie!. &. nswer True or 'alse : a. ?im was a lawyer who love! his <ob. b. ?im !eci!es to @uit his <ob an! become a surfer. c. He surfs in Hawaii. !. ?im wants to marry an u(ly surfer name! ?enny. e. They !eci!e to marry after a cou&le of months. ! 20" # III. )ut the verbs in the brackets into the ri(ht tense. a. Tom ., (o. to school every Fri!ay but to!ay he. , (o. to the museum. b. you .., like. strawberries? :es, I . but my brother,not; like. them at all. c. It .., rain. this time yester!ay. !. Tomorrow I., buy. a &resent for my mother because I <ust ,earn. some money. e. If I .., not;have. money, I wont come to 6n(lan! . f. :ester!ay Tim., not; make. the be! in his room. , 10" # IV. +rite the !e(rees of com&arison for the followin( a!<ectives: (oo!, beautiful, ha&&y, ba!, fat. ! 10" # V. +rite the other two forms of the followin( irre(ular verbsF a. !o GGGGGGG GGGGGGG b. be GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG c. have GGGGGGG GGGGGGG !. !rink GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG e. eat GGGGGGG GGGGGGG f. come GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG (. cut GGGGGGG GGGGGGGG h. write GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG i. rea! GGGGGGG GGGGGGGG <. say GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGG
VI. "escribe your best frien! ,a(e, a&&earance, likes;!islikes. (0" TEST DE EVALUARE INIIAL Anul colar 2014-2015 Limba n!l"# $la%a a VII-a L2 &ARE' DE EVALUARE I DE N(TARE S )unc*a"# oricar al* +ormul#ri, mo-ali*#*i - r" corc*# a crin*lor/ Nu % acor-# )unc*a0 in*rm-iar1 al*l -c2* cl )rci"a* 3)lici* )rin barm/ S acor-# 10 )unc* -in o+iciu No*a +inal# % calcula"# )rin 4m)#r5ira )unc*a0ului *o*al acor-a* )n*ru *%* la 10/ )artea I ! 50" # I. a. are b. m c. is, is, has (ot !. were, was, ha! e. have, has , - %-$ H -$&. II. . -. a #. a 5. an 7. an 8. the , # % 8 H -$ &. 4. -. T #. F 5. T 7. F 8. T , # % 8H -$ & . III. a. rea!s, is rea!in( b. was !oin(, arrive! c. went, !i! not (o !. !oes not like, !oes e. have <ust misse! , will be , - % -$H -$ & . II. a. there are, &hotos b.funnier c. !i!nt stay !. !oesnt make e. am (oin( f. ha&&ily (. teeth h. !oes i. must , -% -$ H -$& . 6ar*a a II-a 740 - )unc*8 20 points for correct grammar structures and connectors 10 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary 10 points for the general impression TE*T +E EVAL,A-E I.I/IAL0 Anul 1colar 2011-2012 Li2a englez Clasa a VIII-a L2 &A-E3 +E EVAL,A-E I +E .4TA-E *e "uncteaz oricare alte $or2ulri5 2odalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor. .u se acord "uncta6e inter2ediare7 altele dec8t cele "recizate e9"licit "rin are2. *e acord 10 "uncte din o$iciu .ota $inal se calculeaz "rin :2"r;irea "uncta6ului total acordat "entru test la 10. )artea I ! <0 " # I. a. is, am, was b. is, is, has c. have !. was, was e. ha! , - % -$ H -$& . II. . -. an #. a 5. the 7. the 8. an A. a C. the E. a -$. a , - % -$ H-$& . 4. a. F b. T c. F !. F e. T , # % 8 H-$ & . III. a. (oes, is (oin( b. !olike, !o, !oes not like c. was rainin( !. will buy; am buyin( , have <ust earne! e. !ont have f. !i!nt make , - % -$ H -$ & . II. a!<ective com&arative su&erlative (oo! better best beautiful more beautiful most beautiful ha&&y ha&&ier ha&&iest ba! worse worst fat fatter fattest , 8 %#H -$ & . I. a. !o !i! !one b. be was; were been c. have ha! ha! !. !rink !rank !runk e. eat ate eaten f. come came come (. cut cut cut h. write wrote written i. rea! rea! rea! <. say sai! sai! , 8 % # H -$ & . )artea a II-a !(0 de "uncte# -$ &oints for correct (rammar structures an! connectors -$ &oints for the use of a&&ro&riate vocabulary -$ &oints for the (eneral im&ression