Teste de Evaluare Initiala Engleza l2 Cl. Vii Viii

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Test de evaluare ini ial - Englez L 2

Anul colar 2014-2015

Clasa a VII-a
I. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be or to have, as necessary:
a. Hello, Tom! How.you?
. I..fine, thanks. n! you?
c. This.my brother, "aniel. He ..#$ years ol!. He..an e%&ensive car.
d. 'ast weeken! we...at the circus. It.a sunny !ay an! we....a (reat time.
e. I.. only a cat but na..two. ! 10" #
II. . )ut the ri(ht article a , an or the :
I am from *eattle, +ashin(ton. *eattle is .., - . city in the /nite! *tates. It is near the
bor!er of 0ana!a in the north1west corner of the /*. I live in ., # . town calle!
2lym&ia which is on the )u(et *oun!. I live in a house in a street in the countrysi!e. The
street is calle! 34ear *treet3 an! the house is ol! 1 more than -$$ years ol!! I am ... , 5 .
6n(lish teacher at a school in the center of the town. I like books an! takin( &hoto(ra&hs. I
usually have lunch at school. I usually (o home by car. +e have all kin!s of foo! in
2lym&ia. I like Italian foo! very much. *ometimes, I (o to .. , 7 . Italian restaurant in
*eattle , 8 . restaurant is calle! 3'ui(i9s3. Italian foo! is (reat! ! 10" #
4. nswer True or False :
a. I live in a town from the /* .
b. The house I live in is not very ol!.
c. I teach 6n(lish at a school in the center of the town.
!. I never (o home by car.
e. I like Italian foo! very much.
! 10 " #
III. )ut the verbs in brackets in the ri(ht tense:
a. Tim ( read). a story every !ay but to!ay he , rea! . the news&a&er.
. I , !o .my homework when Father , arrive ..home.
c. :ester!ay they ,(o.. to the circus.They , not; (o..to school.
d. *usan , not; like.. strawberries but nne , !o..
e. I <ust , miss.. the bus so I ,be.. late for school. ! 10 #
IV. 0hoose the ri(ht form:
a. There is/ there are many photos/ photoes in this album.
. =y <oke is funniest/ funnier than yours.
c. :ester!ay =other doesnt stay / didnt stay in!oors.
d. He dont/ doesnt make coffee every mornin(.
e . I go/ am going to school now.
$. Helen smile! at me happy/ happily yester!ay.
g. I usually clean my tooths/ teeth twice a !ay.
%. Do / Does it usually rain in your country?
i. I am very worrie! about my mothers health so I must/ have to (o to hos&ital an!
see her. ! 10" #
V. "escribe your best frien!! ,a(e, a&&earance, likes;!islikes. ! 40" #
Test de evaluare ini ial - Englez L 2
Anul colar 2014-2015
Clasa a VIII-a
I. Fill in the blanks with the present/ past forms of the verbs to be/ to have as necessary:
a. Hi! =y name=artha an! I#7 years ol!. 'ast year Ia nurse.
. Thismy husban! Tom. He#7 too . He .a vi!eo camera.
c. +e..two chil!ren, Tim an! *arah.
d. +hat..the weather like yester!ay? It..sunny an! warm .
e. 'ast week we a very !ifficult e%am. ! 10" #
II. A. Fill in the blanks with either a, an, or >the.
?im, -. ..ol! frien! of mine, use! to work in !owntown 'os n(eles. He ha!
#. (oo! <ob in one of 5. ..bi((est law firms in 7. ..city. He was
8. honest, har!1workin( lawyer, but he hate! his <ob. *o he !eci!e! to @uit,
an! to become A. ..surfer instea!. Bow ?im s&en!s his !ays surfin(
C. .waves of =alibu. It isn9t D. .. easy life, but it makes him ha&&y.
*oon after he @uit his <ob, ?im met E.beautiful surfer name! ?enny. fter they
went out for -$. cou&le of months, they !eci!e! to (et marrie!.
&. nswer True or 'alse :
a. ?im was a lawyer who love! his <ob.
b. ?im !eci!es to @uit his <ob an! become a surfer.
c. He surfs in Hawaii.
!. ?im wants to marry an u(ly surfer name! ?enny.
e. They !eci!e to marry after a cou&le of months.
! 20" #
III. )ut the verbs in the brackets into the ri(ht tense.
a. Tom ., (o. to school every Fri!ay but to!ay he. , (o. to the museum.
b. you .., like. strawberries? :es, I . but my brother,not; like. them
at all.
c. It .., rain. this time yester!ay.
!. Tomorrow I., buy. a &resent for my mother because I <ust ,earn.
some money.
e. If I .., not;have. money, I wont come to 6n(lan! .
f. :ester!ay Tim., not; make. the be! in his room.
, 10" #
IV. +rite the !e(rees of com&arison for the followin( a!<ectives:
(oo!, beautiful, ha&&y, ba!, fat. ! 10" #
V. +rite the other two forms of the followin( irre(ular verbsF

VI. "escribe your best frien! ,a(e, a&&earance, likes;!islikes. (0"
Anul colar 2014-2015
Limba n!l"#
$la%a a VII-a L2
S )unc*a"# oricar al* +ormul#ri, mo-ali*#*i - r"ol.ar corc*# a crin*lor/
Nu % acor-# )unc*a0 in*rm-iar1 al*l -c2* cl )rci"a* 3)lici* )rin
S acor-# 10 )unc* -in o+iciu
No*a +inal# % calcula"# )rin 4m)#r5ira )unc*a0ului *o*al acor-a* )n*ru *%* la
)artea I ! 50" #
I. a. are
b. m
c. is, is, has (ot
!. were, was, ha!
e. have, has , - %-$ H -$&.
II. . -. a
#. a
5. an
7. an
8. the , # % 8 H -$ &.
4. -. T
#. F
5. T
7. F
8. T , # % 8H -$ & .
III. a. rea!s, is rea!in(
b. was !oin(, arrive!
c. went, !i! not (o
!. !oes not like, !oes
e. have <ust misse! , will be , - % -$H -$ & .
II. a. there are, &hotos
c. !i!nt stay
!. !oesnt make
e. am (oin(
f. ha&&ily
(. teeth
h. !oes
i. must , -% -$ H -$& .
6ar*a a II-a 740 - )unc*8
20 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
10 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for the general impression
Anul 1colar 2011-2012
Li2a englez
Clasa a VIII-a L2
&A-E3 +E EVAL,A-E I +E .4TA-E
*e "uncteaz oricare alte $or2ulri5 2odalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor.
.u se acord "uncta6e inter2ediare7 altele dec8t cele "recizate e9"licit "rin are2.
*e acord 10 "uncte din o$iciu
.ota $inal se calculeaz "rin :2"r;irea "uncta6ului total acordat "entru test la 10.
)artea I ! <0 " #
I. a. is, am, was
b. is, is, has
c. have
!. was, was
e. ha! , - % -$ H -$& .
II. . -. an
#. a
5. the
7. the
8. an
A. a
C. the
E. a
-$. a , - % -$ H-$& .
4. a. F
b. T
c. F
!. F
e. T , # % 8 H-$ & .
III. a. (oes, is (oin(
b. !olike, !o, !oes not like
c. was rainin(
!. will buy; am buyin( , have <ust earne!
e. !ont have
f. !i!nt make , - % -$ H -$ & .
a!<ective com&arative su&erlative
(oo! better best
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
ha&&y ha&&ier ha&&iest
ba! worse worst
fat fatter fattest
, 8 %#H -$ & .
I. a. !o !i! !one b. be was; were been
c. have ha! ha! !. !rink !rank !runk
e. eat ate eaten f. come came come
(. cut cut cut h. write wrote written
i. rea! rea! rea! <. say sai! sai!
, 8 % # H -$ & .
)artea a II-a !(0 de "uncte#
-$ &oints for correct (rammar structures an! connectors
-$ &oints for the use of a&&ro&riate vocabulary
-$ &oints for the (eneral im&ression

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