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staff and duty
qualification and interview
wage, salary and pay
"Miss Romsbottom, l'm sure your dog wos the best-behoved
in its c/oss
yeors running, but it's your quolificotions I'm
interested in!"
Key Words for Fluency
lntermediate 29
+ job
apply for a
get a
hold down a job
look for a
lose your
+ job
a challenging
a boring job
a rewarding
a responsible
a stressful
the perks of the
the pressures of the
qualifications for the
l. Verb
Complete the sentences with the correct
ofthe obove verbs:
l. Max had better be careful. lf he's late
for work again, he might . . . his job.
2. I've been - . . for a
for 3 months,
but I haven't had much success so far.
3. I've . . . . for a job
with a company in Berlin.
The interview is next weer.
4. Brian left after only a week. He never manages
to ........... down a
for long.
5. I finally ....atemporary
dishes in a hotel, but it's only for a month.
very well-poid, but it's olso o
very stressful job."
+ job
Choose the correct collocotion:
l. I don't think doctors are paid enough for doing such a high / responsible
2. Pilots are well-paid, but it's a very stressful / nervous job.
I'd rather have my health.
3. Helping sick people is very satisfying. For me, it's a very rewarding / thanl<ful job.
4. My
is so routine that I hate it. Filing papers all day is such a boring / flat job.
5. The
isn't difficult / challenging enough for me
| want something more creative.
Comblete the sentences with the obove nouns:
l. I get five free flights a year. lt's one of the . .. of the job.
2. Well, there's no doubt that you've got the right . . . for the
but your
lack of experience might count against you.
3. He resigned when he realised that the . . . of the
were making him ill.
Notes L We talk about'full-time' and'part-time'
jobs,'temporary' and 'permanent' jobs:
While studying ot university I olso hod o port-time job in o supermorket.
After yeors of temporory employment he londed o permonent job with o locol newspoPer.
2. Note the different verbs that we use to describe
Whot exoaly does the job entoil? Does it involve o lot of poperwork?
3 Note the way we describe the qualities needed for a
This job requires good mentol skills.
The job demands good eyesight and o high level of concentrotion.
4. Note these job +
noun phrases:
Lots of people ore more interested in
job sotisfoction thon in eorning high solories
There's hardly ony
security in octing.You ore only employed
short periods of time.
30 Key Words for Fluency
career Adjective
career Noun
preposition I
begin a career a brilliant career a change of career
choose a career a promising career a turnrng pornt In your career
pursue a career a worthwhile career your choice of career
further your career the height / pinnacle of your career
wreck your career the greatest performance of your ...
l. Verb
Complete the sentences with the correct
of the obove verbs:
l. This scandal has . . . his career as a politician. lti now in ruins.
2. Hei the owner of a chain of hotels, but he . . . his career as a porter.
3. Getting more qualifications is probably the best way to . . . your career.
4. lthink money is a bigfactorfor mostpeople when rtcomesto...........acareer.
5. I graduatefrom university soon and I'm hopingto...........a careerin business.
2. Adleccive
Complete the sentences below with the obove odjectives:
L She considers teaching a...........career. lt is very satisfying to feel thatyou are
helping people to develop.
2. He had a...........career in politics,becoming Prime Minster atthe young age
of 46.
3. He had a...........career ahead of him in football until a knee injury put him out
of the game at the age of 2 l.
3. Noun
+ preposition +
Motch the two holves
L She is now the managing director of the organisation.
2. At 50 he felt like a change of career.
3. Parents should advise and support their children in their choice of career.
4. At a concert in front of 40,000 people,
5. Moving to a new company marked a turning point rn my career.
a. Gabrielle gave the greatest pet{ormance of her career so far.
b. So he gave up his job
as a lawyer and went into teaching.
c. I'm much happier in my new
d. However, it's important that they don't try to influence their choice.
e. At the age of only thirty, she has reached the height of her career.
Notes l. Note rhe following career
verb collocations:
Her singing coreer took off ofter her oppeoronce on the Chris Evons Show. (become successfu/.)
George Mackoy ployed more thon 700 gomes in a coreer sponning 20 yeors.
2. Note these exoressrons:
Most working women monoge to successfu/ly combine
life with o coreer.
She wonts to get oheod in her coreer. She's eoger to climb the coreer ladder.
3. Note these rwo ways of saying the same thing:
Have you ever thought of teoching os o coreer I o coreer in teoching?
Key Words for Fluency
staff and duty
employ staff
t prep +
5f3ff Verb
the dedication of the staff carry out your duties
recruit i take on staff a member of staff fail in your duties
train staff
lay off staff
the turnover of staff report for duty
vacancies for staff be suspended from duty
your duties include (tasks)
l. Verb
Choose the correct collocotion:
l. Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to decrease / lay off staff.
At least 50 will have to go.
2. All our sales staff are educated / trained to handle difficult cusromers.
3. Our embassy in Paris employs / uses around twenry full-time staff.
4. I hear the bank is recruiting / starting staff at the moment. I believe they are taking
on about a hundred people.
2. Noun
preposition +
ComDlete the sentences with the obove nouns:
l. There are always plenty of . . . for staff in bars and hotels.
2. This project has been a great success,thanks to the...........ofthe staff.l'd like
to thank you for all the hard work you've put into it.
3. There is a high ... of staff in the catering trade. Most restaurants find it
difficult to hold on to staff.
4. The police suspect that a . . . of staff tipped off the thieves who stole the
computers last night.
3. Verb
duty j
Complete the sentences with the correct
of the obove verbs:
l. You should . . . for duty at seven o'clock on Monday morning.
2. She is a hard-working employee who . . . out all her duties conscientiously.
3. The police officer has been . . . from duty until the claims of corruption
against him have been investigated.
4. Your duties will . . . opening and answering the mail every morning.
5. The social worker is accused of ...........in her professional duties and she is
facing dismissal as a result.
Notes l. Note these adjective collocations with 'staff':
The compony hos o lorge workforce of permanent ond temporory stoff.
Our hord-working and dedicoted stoff provide on excellent service to our customers.
We only hove o skeleton stoff over the Christmos period so seryice will be slower thon usuol.
2. Note these expressions with'duty':
Whot time ore you on duty I off duty? (when do you stort work I when do you
Firefighters worked above ond beyond the coll of duty during the disoster.
Two police officers were killed in the line of duty. (while doing their job)
Key Words for Fluency
qualification and interaiew
qualification Verb
have a qualification be invited to an interview
get / obtain a qualification have an interview
study for a qualification dread the interview
courses lead to a qualification prepare for the interview
+ qualification
hold an interview
an academic qualification Expressions with interview
a further qualification make a good impression at the interview
a recognised qualification dont do yourself justice
at the interview
come across badly at the interview
l. Verb
Complete the sentences with the correct
ofthe obove verbs:
l. The course . . . to a professional qualification in business administration.
2. Sadly, some children leave without . .i a single qualification.
3. You'll never
a good job if you don't . . . any qualifications.
4. ... . .. . . . . . for further qualificarions is one way of getting promotion.
2. Adjective
Complete the sentences below with the obove odjectives:
l. For employers, practical experience is as important as . . . . qualifications.
2. You must have a university degree or a . .. . qualification of equal status.
3. Some graduates go on to take . . . qualifications
e.g.a master's degree.
3. Verb
ComDlete these sentences with the obove verbs:
l. I've. .a lot of job
interviews since lgraduated,but not one job
offer yet.
2. Candidates who are successful in the written testwill be..........to an interview.
3. The best way to . . for an interview is to find out all you can about the
4. Interviews will be . . in London next week.
5. I'm . . my interview later today. I'm already a bundle of nerves.
4. Expressions with interview
Motch the holves:
l. He made a good impression at the interview a. He never looked atthem!
2. He came across very badly in the interview. b. They want to interview him again.
3. He didn't do himself juscice
in the interview. c. They offered him a
Notes L Note that'qualification' is often followed by'in':
She hos quolificotions in mothemotics ond chemistry.
2. Note rhese expressions with'interview':
lnitiol interviews will be conduaed by telePhone
They gove me o reolly hord time ot the intervtew.
My whole
is riding on this interview.
I blew my chonces of getting the job
by oniving late
the interview.
Key Words for Fluency
skill Adjective
skill Noun
learn a skill basic skills use of your skills
hand down skills communication skills test of your skills
test skills computer skills degree of skill
update your skills practical skills
equip someone with skills social skills
l. Verb
Choose the correct collocotion:
l. The aim of the examination is to investigate / test your problem-solving skills.
2. The company is looking for staff who are willing to learn / train new skills.
3. This weekend refresher course is designed for staff wishing to lift / update their
comouter skills.
4. These traditional skills have been given / handed down from generarion to generation.
5. The introductory course aims to equip / educate students with good study skills.
2. Adjective
Complete the sentences below with the obove odjectivesr
l. In schools,all children are taught the...........skills of reading,writing and
2. At present, there is a shortage of people with . . . skills like
joinery and
3. To be an effective teacher, you must have good . . . skills.
4. Nowadays, you need basic . . . . skills for most office
5. The
involves organising and attending receptions and conferences.We're looking
for someone with good . . . skills
the sort of person who is equally at home
talking to a duchess o; a refuse collector.
3. Noun
ComDlete the sentences with the obove nounsr
l. Keepingcontrol ofthecarontheicewasareal ...ofmyskillasadriver.
2. Brain operations are complicated and the surgeon needs a high . . . of skill.
:::#:rnTK:,:lfiit7 l*
given meniar tasks to do' which made rittre
Notes l. Note the verbs we use to describe the skill needed to do something:
It tokes greot skill to build one of these tiny mochines.
The job requires I demonds I colls
greot skill ond on eye
2. Note the following prepositional phrases:
He performed the tosk with greot skill.
She hos exce/lent I no skills in mop-reoding
3. Note these expressions:
The stoff development progromme provides opportunities
you to ocquire new skills.
A good monoger requires o number of highly speciolised skills.
fhese exercises will develop the students'speoking ond /istening skills.
34 Key Words for Fluency
complete your training
provide training
recerve trarnrng
requrre trarnrng
basic training
formal training
Intensrve trarnrnS
regular training
Complete the sentences wrth the correct
of the obove verbs:
l. We. ..on-line training and support in the use of all our software packages.
2. Please note that operation of this equipment...........special training.
3. All employees of this bank . . . special training in dealing with armed robbers.
4. Although my sister has...........her medical training,she has no intention of
becoming a doctor. What a waste of time, effort and money!
Complete the sentences below with the obove odjectives:
l. All new recruits undergo six weeks' .training at the army camp.
2. No one must operate this machine without . . training.
3. His paintings sell for thousands of pounds, but he's had no .training as an
artist. He's completely self-taught.
4. As technology changes so quickly these days, it is essential that all employees
recerve . trarnrnt.
5. Last year I tool< a course in learning how to fly, and afcer a period of three months'
. training, I qualified as a pilot.
bosic troining!"
Notes Note the prepositions that follow'training':
We received troining in severol different teoching methods.
We'll need to provide training
the new members of stoff.
Note that'in-service training'is training that you do while you have a job.
The college runs o number of ocodemic courses ond olso provides in-service troining
chefs and mechonics.
Note these noun expressions:
All our odvisors hove completed o comprehensive troining progromme.
Iroining sessions will be held on Mondoys ot 9om.
I hove to go on o troining course to leorn new soles techniques.
The shop opens late on Mondoys
stoff troining.
Key Words for Fluency
lntermediate J5
wage, snlary and pay
wage / salary Common expressions with pay
earn a wage / salary receive equal pay
live on / survive on your ... award a pay rise to someone
demand a higher ... accept a pay cut
my ... goes on / is spent on (rent) get full pay
tax is deducted from your ... qualify for sick pay
reject a pay offer
pay: the money you get for doing your job, paid as a weekly wage or as a salary
waSe: usually paid weekly
the pay of manual workers
salary: usually paid monthly
the pay of non-manual workers
l. Verb
wage I salary
Complete the sentences with the correct
of the obove verbs:
l. She . . . a good salary, but nothing compared to what her boss gets.
2. Most of my wages . . . on the rent and bills.
3. He lost his job
so they have to...........on one wage now.
4. In the UK,tax is automatically ........... from your salary.
5. Angry teachers are .. . . ...... . higher salaries and better conditions.
2. Wage or salaryl
Choose woge or solory:
l. The government plans to raise the minimum wage / salary from f4.50 to f5 per hour.
2. He was offered a six-figure wage / salary to move to a rival company.
3. The owner of the restaurant only pays the waiters a weekly wage / salary of f90.
4. He earns a good wage / salary as a doctor, but not as much as a consultant gets.
5. My wage / salary goes directly into the bank on the lastWednesday of each month.
6. The basic wage / salary is lowso l'll have to do overtime to make enough money.
3. Common expressions with pay
Only poy is possible in these sentences. Motch the holves:
l. Nurses have been awarded a. a 5%
2. As a temporary employee I don't qualify for b. equal pay for the same work.
3. Men and women should receive c. a 5% pay rise.
4. The unions have rejected d. sick pay.
5. Women employees get l8 weeks'maternity leave e. the latest pay offer.
6. In order to save the company,the staff accepted f. on full pay.
Notes l. Note the expression'on my wage I salary I pay':
How con they possibly support their
on such a low woge I solory?
I con't afford to run o cor on my woge I solory I poy.
2. Note the following expressions:
She osked
on odvonce on her solory so thot she could poy her medical bills. (get poid early)
There ore two woge eorners in our
so we /ive quite comfortobly.
Whot's the poy I solory like?Whot are the woges like?
3. A'living wage' is one which provides enough for your basic needs'
Teoching no longer poys o living woge ond I hove to give private lessons to get by.
JO Key Words for Fluency
Choose the correct alternative to complete each sentence.
As business was bad, they had to ................. some of their staff.
A put down B lay off C take on D hang up
At last the recession seems to have
A topped off B slimmed down C bogged down D bottomed out
Mary applied for the post but she was
A turned down B checked out C kept under D pushed ahead
The workers decided to ................. until their demands were met.
A stand up B lie behind C sit in D sleep out
How are you .............. in your new post?
A getting on B going along
C getting down D coming by
The union threatened to ......................
the workers on strike.
A call out B ask up
C hear out D see down
l'm so tired! l've been
with work this week!
A clogged up B snarled up
C held down D snowed under
ttt ttltt'rt1's sttrttt'ed tttulcr in tl.le
t tt i tklle of' stt t tt ttter.t'
On an impulse he ........... .. his
and went abroad.
A gave in B put off C threw up D set down
The staff in support of their pay claim.
A fell off B walked out C kept back D turned off
lf orders keep coming in like this, l'll have to ................. more staff.
A give up B add in C gain on D take on
His assistant had to for him the last time he was ill.
A stand down B keep on C take on D fill in
Once again poor Colin has been for promotion.
A stood by B passed over C locked out D struck off
lf my working conditions don't improve, l'll ............ . my notice.
A give up B fire off C hand in D give out
We're looking for someone who can with the rest of our team.
A get up B fit in C act up D work off
Unit 44
::r Work
* Complete the words. The first letter is given.
i0 marks
Example: S.Ms-..... a.?.111?tMl..: Sells goods to the public.
1 U . . .. ....... r............... : Looks after the interests of staff/workers, for example in getting better
pay and conditions.
2 R... ......... : Sits in the lobby or entrance area of a company. Greets and checks in visitors.
3 D. . ........... : Very senior person. Sits on the board of the company.
4 P............... o............... : Takes care of filling vacant posts. Is responsible for general matters
concerning staff/employees.
5 S... . ...... .. o............... : Makes sure there are no dangers from machines, etc., and that
accidents at work are properly investigated.
6 E...............: An expert in financial matters.
7 L..............: Does very hard, physical work.
8 S............... w............... : Does specific tasks that he/she is trained for (e.g. assembling a TV set).
9 S............... : Makes sure everyone knows their
and is doing it properly.
10 A............... : Looks after the day-to-day organisation of the company.
* Match the words on the left with words that collocate with them on the rieht.
7 marks
1 Get
2 Earn
3 Apply for
4 a lecturer
t a carpenter
Explain the following.
5 marks
1 shift work
2 flexi-time
a early retiremgnt
b a responsibility
c the sack
d shift-work
e nine-to-five
f a living
g aiob
h redundant
* Are these
jobs (a) a profession, (b)
unskilled work or
(c) a trade.
13 marks
1 an electrician 6 a school caretaker 10 checkout assrstant
4 Take on
6 Be made
7 Work
8 Take
2 an office cleaner 7 a receptionist
3 an architect B a olumber
1 1 a dentist
12 a newspaper seller
13 a publisher 9 a lawyer
3 maternity leave 5 promotion
4 on strike
* What's wrong with these sentences? Correct them.
5 marks
Example: I was laid off, so I have a
I nas l .d. o(t, so I don't h*ve *job nor,r.
1 She's a workaholic; she hates going to work every day.
2 | feel very well, so I'm on sick leave.
@ : Lg":
laid off from my
at the factory, so I still work there.
4 You're so good at your
we've decided to fire you.
5 Bill's wife tas
had a baby, so he's on mate.rriiy leave.
IestYourEnglishVocobuloryinUse(upper-intermediote) 43

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