This document contains instructions for 14 SQL queries to be performed using various databases like Pubs and Northwind. The queries involve joining multiple tables to retrieve customer names, order details, product details, employee details, author details and other related information. Inner joins are used to link tables based on primary and foreign keys and retrieve the specified columns in the result.
This document contains instructions for 14 SQL queries to be performed using various databases like Pubs and Northwind. The queries involve joining multiple tables to retrieve customer names, order details, product details, employee details, author details and other related information. Inner joins are used to link tables based on primary and foreign keys and retrieve the specified columns in the result.
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This document contains instructions for 14 SQL queries to be performed using various databases like Pubs and Northwind. The queries involve joining multiple tables to retrieve customer names, order details, product details, employee details, author details and other related information. Inner joins are used to link tables based on primary and foreign keys and retrieve the specified columns in the result.
This document contains instructions for 14 SQL queries to be performed using various databases like Pubs and Northwind. The queries involve joining multiple tables to retrieve customer names, order details, product details, employee details, author details and other related information. Inner joins are used to link tables based on primary and foreign keys and retrieve the specified columns in the result.
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Using Pubs and Northwind database solve the following queries. 1) Get Shippers Company name for an order SELECT s.CompanyName , o.OrderID FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Shippers s ON o.ShipVia=s.ShipperID; 2) Display Products name and there Suppliers name SELECT p.ProductName , s.ContactName FROM Products p INNER JOIN Suppliers s ON p.SupplierID=s.SupplierID;
3) Display Which Customers were served by which Employees SELECT c.ContactName , e.FirstName FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Employees e ON e.EmployeeID=o.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Customers c ON c.CustomerID=o.CustomerID;
4) Write a Query to display the following table Customer Name Order Id Order Date
SELECT c.ContactName , o.OrderID , o.OrderDate FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID; 5) Write a query to display the following table for any order Customer Name Product Name Unit Price Quantity Discount
SELECT c.ContactName , p.ProductName , od.UnitPrice , od.Quantity , od.Discount FROM Orders o INNER JOIN Customers c ON o.CustomerID=c.CustomerID INNER JOIN [Order Details] od ON o.OrderID=od.OrderID INNER JOIN Products p ON p.ProductID=od.ProductID;
6) Make a list of all the titles and there authors. SELECT a.au_fname , t.title FROM titleauthor ta INNER JOIN titles t ON ta.title_id=t.title_id INNER JOIN authors a ON ta.au_id=a.au_id;
7) Name the store that offer initial customer discount. SELECT s.stor_name FROM discounts d INNER JOIN stores s ON d.stor_id=s.stor_id;
8) Name the Titles that have been sold the most. SELECT t.title FROM ( select * from sales where qty = ( select max(qty) from sales ) ) s INNER JOIN titles t ON s.title_id=t.title_id; 9) List all the employees working for New Moon Books. SELECT e.emp_id,e.fname FROM employee e INNER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE pub_name='New Moon Books' ) p ON e.pub_id=p.pub_id;
10) Who is the production manager of Lucerne Publishing? SELECT e.fname as [Production Manger of Lucerne Publishing] FROM ( SELECT pub_id,pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_name='Lucerne Publishing'
) p INNER JOIN employee e ON p.pub_id=e.pub_id INNER JOIN ( SELECT job_id,job_desc FROM jobs WHERE job_desc='Productions Manager'
) j ON e.job_id=j.job_id;
11) Make the list of all Authors sales. SELECT a.au_id,a.au_fname,s.qty,s.ord_date FROM sales s INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON s.title_id=ta.title_id INNER JOIN authors a ON a.au_id=ta.au_id; 12) Name the publisher that has authors whose name ends with e. SELECT p.pub_name,a.au_lname FROM titles t INNER JOIN publishers p ON t.pub_id=p.pub_id INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON t.title_id=ta.title_id INNER JOIN ( SELECT au_id,au_lname FROM authors WHERE au_lname LIKE '%e' ) a ON a.au_id=ta.au_id;
13) Which publisher has got most titles in store in Seattle? SELECT p.pub_name,t.[Most title] FROM ( SELECT TOP 1 Count(title_id) as [Most title],pub_id FROM titles GROUP BY pub_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) desc ) t INNER JOIN publishers p ON t.pub_id=p.pub_id; 14) List all the authors available in Barnums store. SELECT a.au_fname FROM sales sa INNER JOIN ( SELECT stor_id FROM stores WHERE stor_name='Barnum''s' ) st ON sa.stor_id=st.stor_id INNER JOIN titleauthor ta ON ta.title_id=sa.title_id INNER JOIN authors a ON a.au_id=ta.au_id;