M.M. Lazaro & Associates For Petitioners. The Solicitor General For Respondents
M.M. Lazaro & Associates For Petitioners. The Solicitor General For Respondents
M.M. Lazaro & Associates For Petitioners. The Solicitor General For Respondents
G.R. No. 96541 August 24, 1993
-) .-s o//-0-(1 0(2(0-t3, ()*4o5 t.6 E760ut-86 S6056t(53, ()* C&ARMAN MATEO A.T.
CAPARAS, respondents.
M.M. Lazaro & Associates for petitioners.
The Solicitor General for respondents.
#E!!OS!!O, J.:
All thirty-five (!" petitioners in this #pecial Civil Action for Prohibition and Manda$us %ith Prayer for
Preli$inary &n'unction and(or Restrainin) *rder see+ to en'oin the Presidential Co$$ission on ,ood
,overn$ent (PC,," fro$ proceedin) %ith the auction sale scheduled on -- .anuary -//- by
Christie0s of Ne% 1or+ of the *ld Masters Paintin)s and -2th and -/th century silver%are sei3ed
fro$ Malaca4an) and the Metropolitan Museu$ of Manila and placed in the custody of the Central
5he antecedents6 *n / Au)ust -//7, Mateo A.5. Caparas, then Chair$an of PC,,, %rote then
President Cora3on C. A8uino, re8uestin) her for authority to si)n the proposed Consi)n$ent
A)ree$ent bet%een the Republic of the Philippines throu)h PC,, and Christie, Manson and
9oods &nternational, &nc. (Christie0s of Ne% 1or+, or C:R&E0#" concernin) the scheduled sale on
-- .anuary -//- of ei)hty-t%o (2;" *ld Masters Paintin)s and anti8ue silver%are sei3ed fro$
Malaca4an) and the Metropolitan Museu$ of Manila alle)ed to be part of the ill-)otten %ealth of the
late President Marcos, his relatives and cronies.
*n -< Au)ust -//7, then President A8uino, throu)h for$er E=ecutive #ecretary Catalino Macarai),
.r., authori3ed Chair$an Caparas to si)n the Consi)n$ent A)ree$ent allo%in) Christie0s of Ne%
1or+ to auction off the sub'ect art pieces for and in behalf of the Republic of the Philippines.
*n -! Au)ust -//7, PC,,, throu)h Chair$an Caparas, representin) the ,overn$ent of the
Republic of the Philippines, si)ned the Consi)n$ent A)ree$ent %ith Christie0s of Ne% 1or+.
Accordin) to the a)ree$ent, PC,, shall consi)n to C:R&E0# for sale at public auction the
ei)hty-t%o (2;" *ld Masters Paintin)s then found at the Metropolitan Museu$ of Manila as %ell as
the silver%are contained in seventy-one (>-" cartons in the custody of the Central Ban+ of the
Philippines, and such other property as $ay subse8uently be identified by PC,, and accepted by
C:R&E0# to be sub'ect to the provisions of the a)ree$ent.
*n ;? *ctober -//7, the Co$$ission on Audit (C*A" throu)h then Chair$an Eufe$io C. @o$in)o
sub$itted to President A8uino the audit findin)s and observations of C*A on the Consi)n$ent
A)ree$ent of -! Au)ust -//7 to the effect that6 (a" the authority of for$er PC,, Chair$an Caparas
to enter into the Consi)n$ent A)ree$ent %as of doubtful le)alityA (b" the contract %as hi)hly
disadvanta)eous to the )overn$entA (c" PC,, had a poor trac+ record in asset disposal by auction
in the B.#.A and, (d" the assets sub'ect of auction %ere historical relics and had cultural si)nificance,
hence, their disposal %as prohibited by la%.
*n -! Nove$ber -//7, PC,, throu)h its ne% Chair$an @avid M. Castro, %rote President A8uino
defendin) the Consi)n$ent A)ree$ent and refutin) the alle)ations of C*A Chair$an @o$in)o.
the sa$e date, @irector of National Museu$ ,abriel #. Casal issued a certification that the ite$s
sub'ect of the Consi)n$ent A)ree$ent did not fall %ithin the classification of protected cultural
properties and did not specifically 8ualify as part of the Cilipino cultural herita)e.
:ence, this petition
ori)inally filed on > .anuary -//- by @ean .ose .oya, Car$en ,uerrero Na+pil, Ar$ida #i)uion
Reyna, Prof. Ricarte M. Puru)anan, &r$a Potenciano, Adrian Cristobal, &n)rid #anta$aria, Cora3on
Ciel, A$bassador E. A)uilar Cru3, Clorencio R. .acela, .r., Mauro Malan), Cederico A)uilar Alcua3,
Ducrecia R. Brtula, #usano ,on3ales, #teve #antos, Ephrai$ #a$son, #oler #antos, An) Eiu Eo+,
Eeri$a Polotan, Ducrecia Easila), Di)aya @avid Pere3, Fir)ilio Al$ario and Di%ay%ay A. Arceo.
After the oral ar)u$ents of the parties on / .anuary -//-, %e issued i$$ediately our resolution
denyin) the application for preli$inary in'unction to restrain the scheduled sale of the art%or+s on
the )round that petitioners had not presented a clear le)al ri)ht to a restrainin) order and that proper
parties had not been i$pleaded.
*n -- .anuary -//-, the sale at public auction proceeded as scheduled and the proceeds of
G-,7;,?7<.2? %ere turned over to the Bureau of 5reasury.
*n ! Cebruary -//-, on $otion of petitioners, the follo%in) %ere 'oined as additional petitioners6
Charito Planas, :elena Benite3, Ana Maria D. :arper, Rosalinda *rosa, #usan Carlo Medina,
Patricia Rui3, Bonnie Rui3, Nelson Navarro, Mandy Navasero, Ro$eo #alvador, .osephine @aran)
and Pa3 Feto Planas.
*n the other hand, Catalino Macarai), .r., in his capacity as for$er E=ecutive #ecretary, the
incu$bent E=ecutive #ecretary, and Chair$an Mateo A.5. Caparas %ere i$pleaded as additional
Petitioners raise the follo%in) issues6 (a" %hether petitioners have le)al standin) to file the instant
petitionA (b" %hether the *ld Masters Paintin)s and anti8ue silver%are are e$braced in the phrase
Hcultural treasure of the nationH %hich is under the protection of the state pursuant to the -/2>
Constitution and(or Hcultural propertiesH conte$plated under R.A. <2<?, other%ise +no%n as H5he
Cultural Properties Preservation and Protection ActAH (c" %hether the paintin)s and silver%are are
properties of public do$inion on %hich can be disposed of throu)h the 'oint concurrence of the
President and Con)ressA
(d" %hether respondent, PC,, has the 'urisdiction and authority to enter into an a)ree$ent %ith
Christie0s of Ne% 1or+ for the sale of the art%or+sA (e" %hether, PC,, has co$plied %ith the due
process clause and other statutory re8uire$ents for the e=portation and sale of the sub'ect ite$sA
and, (f" %hether the petition has beco$e $oot and acade$ic, and if so, %hether the above issues
%arrant resolution fro$ this Court.
5he issues bein) interrelated, they %ill be discussed 'ointly hereunder. :o%ever, before proceedin),
%e %ish to e$phasi3e that %e ad$ire and co$$end petitioners0 3ealous concern to +eep and
preserve %ithin the country )reat %or+s of art by %ell-+no%n old $asters. &ndeed, the value of art
cannot be )ainsaid. Cor, by servin) as a creative $ediu$ throu)h %hich $an can e=press his
inner$ost thou)hts and unbridled e$otions %hile, at the sa$e ti$e, reflectin) his deep-seated
ideals, art has beco$e a true e=pression of beauty, 'oy, and life itself. #uch artistic creations )ive us
insi)hts into the artists0 cultural herita)e I the historic past of the nation and the era to %hich they
belon) I in their triu$phant, )lorious, as %ell as troubled and turbulent years. &t $ust be for this
reason that the fra$ers of the -/2> Constitution $andated in Art. J&F, #ec. -<, that is the sole$n
duty of the state to Hfoster the preservation, enrich$ent, and dyna$ic evolution of a Cilipino national
culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a cli$ate of free artistic and intellectual
e=pression.H And, in ur)in) this Court to )rant their petition, petitioners invo+e this policy of the state
on the protection of the arts.
But, the altruistic and noble purpose of the petition not%ithstandin), there is that basic le)al 8uestion
%hich $ust first be resolved6 %hether the instant petition co$plies %ith the le)al re8uisites for this
Court to e=ercise its po%er of 'udicial revie% over this case.
5he rule is settled that no 8uestion involvin) the constitutionality or validity of a la% or )overn$ental
act $ay be heard and decided by the court unless there is co$pliance %ith the le)al re8uisites for
'udicial in8uiry, na$ely6 that the 8uestion $ust be raised by the proper partyA that there $ust be an
actual case or controversyA that the 8uestion $ust be raised at the earliest possible opportunityA and,
that the decision on the constitutional or le)al 8uestion $ust be necessary to the deter$ination of
the case itself.
But the $ost i$portant are the first t%o (;" re8uisites.
*n the first re8uisite, %e have held that one havin) no ri)ht or interest to protect cannot invo+e the
'urisdiction of the court as party-plaintiff in an
5his is pre$ised on #ec. ;, Rule , of the Rules of Court %hich provides that every action
$ust be prosecuted and defended in the na$e of the real party-in-interest, and that all persons
havin) interest in the sub'ect of the action and in obtainin) the relief de$anded shall be 'oined as
plaintiffs. 5he Court %ill e=ercise its po%er of 'udicial revie% only if the case is brou)ht before it by a
party %ho has the le)al standin) to raise the constitutional or le)al 8uestion. HDe)al standin)H $eans
a personal and substantial interest in the case such that the party has sustained or %ill sustain direct
in'ury as a result of the )overn$ental act that is bein) challen)ed. 5he ter$ HinterestH is $aterial
interest, an interest in issue and to be affected by the decree, as distin)uished fro$ $ere interest in
the 8uestion involved, or a $ere incidental interest.
Moreover, the interest of the party plaintiff $ust
be personal and not one based on a desire to vindicate the constitutional ri)ht of so$e third and
related party.
5here are certain instances ho%ever %hen this Court has allo%ed e=ceptions to the rule on le)al
standin), as %hen a citi3en brin)s a case for $anda$us to procure the enforce$ent of a public duty
for the fulfill$ent of a public ri)ht reco)ni3ed by the Constitution,
and %hen a ta=payer 8uestions
the validity of a )overn$ental act authori3in) the disburse$ent of public funds.
Petitioners clai$ that as Cilipino citi3ens, ta=payers and artists deeply concerned %ith the
preservation and protection of the country0s artistic %ealth, they have the le)al personality to restrain
respondents E=ecutive #ecretary and PC,, fro$ actin) contrary to their public duty to conserve the
artistic creations as $andated by the -/2> Constitution, particularly Art. J&F, #ecs. -< to -2, on Arts
and Culture, and R.A. <2<? +no%n as H5he Cultural Properties Preservation and Protection Act,H
)overnin) the preservation and disposition of national and i$portant cultural properties. Petitioners
also anchor their case on the pre$ise that the paintin)s and silver%are are public properties
collectively o%ned by the$ and by the people in )eneral to vie% and en'oy as )reat %or+s of art.
5hey alle)e that %ith the unauthori3ed act of PC,, in sellin) the art pieces, petitioners have been
deprived of their ri)ht to public property %ithout due process of la% in violation of the Constitution.
Petitioners0 ar)u$ents are devoid of $erit. 5hey lac+ basis in fact and in la%. 5hey the$selves
alle)e that the paintin)s %ere donated by private persons fro$ different parts of the %orld to the
Metropolitan Museu$ of Manila Coundation, %hich is a non-profit and non-stoc+ corporations
established to pro$ote non-Philippine arts. 5he foundation0s chair$an %as for$er Cirst Dady &$elda
R. Marcos, %hile its president %as Bienvenido R. 5antoco. *n this basis, the o%nership of these
paintin)s le)ally belon)s to the foundation or corporation or the $e$bers thereof, althou)h the
public has been )iven the opportunity to vie% and appreciate these paintin)s %hen they %ere placed
on e=hibit.
#i$ilarly, as alle)ed in the petition, the pieces of anti8ue silver%are %ere )iven to the Marcos couple
as )ifts fro$ friends and di)nitaries fro$ forei)n countries on their silver %eddin) and anniversary,
an occasion personal to the$. 9hen the Marcos ad$inistration %as toppled by the revolutionary
)overn$ent, these paintin)s and silver%are %ere ta+en fro$ Malaca4an) and the Metropolitan
Museu$ of Manila and transferred to the Central Ban+ Museu$. 5he confiscation of these properties
by the A8uino ad$inistration ho%ever should not be understood to $ean that the o%nership of these
paintin)s has auto$atically passed on the )overn$ent %ithout co$plyin) %ith constitutional and
statutory re8uire$ents of due process and 'ust co$pensation. &f these properties %ere already
ac8uired by the )overn$ent, any constitutional or statutory defect in their ac8uisition and their
subse8uent disposition $ust be raised only by the proper parties I the true o%ners thereof I
%hose authority to recover e$anates fro$ their proprietary ri)hts %hich are protected by statutes
and the Constitution. :avin) failed to sho% that they are the le)al o%ners of the art%or+s or that the
valued pieces have beco$e publicly o%ned, petitioners do not possess any clear le)al ri)ht
%hatsoever to 8uestion their alle)ed unauthori3ed disposition.
Curther, althou)h this action is also one of $anda$us filed by concerned citi3ens, it does not fulfill
the criteria for a $anda$us suit. &n Legaspi v. Civil Service Commission,
this Court laid do%n the
rule that a %rit of $anda$us $ay be issued to a citi3en only %hen the public ri)ht to be enforced
and the conco$itant duty of the state are une8uivocably set forth in the Constitution. &n the case at
bar, petitioners are not after the fulfill$ent of a positive duty re8uired of respondent officials under
the -/2> Constitution. 9hat they see+ is the en'oinin) of an official act because it is constitutionally
infir$ed. Moreover, petitioners0 clai$ for the continued en'oy$ent and appreciation by the public of
the art%or+s is at $ost a privile)e and is unenforceable as a constitutional ri)ht in this action for
Neither can this petition be allo%ed as a ta=payer0s suit. Not every action filed by a ta=payer can
8ualify to challen)e the le)ality of official acts done by the )overn$ent. A ta=payer0s suit can prosper
only if the )overn$ental acts bein) 8uestioned involve disburse$ent of public funds upon the theory
that the e=penditure of public funds by an officer of the state for the purpose of ad$inisterin) an
unconstitutional act constitutes a $isapplication of such funds, %hich $ay be en'oined at the re8uest
of a ta=payer.
*bviously, petitioners are not challen)in) any e=penditure involvin) public funds but
the disposition of %hat they alle)e to be public properties. &t is %orthy to note that petitioners ad$it
that the paintin)s and anti8ue silver%are %ere ac8uired fro$ private sources and not %ith public
Anent the second re8uisite of actual controversy, petitioners ar)ue that this case should be resolved
by this Court as an e=ception to the rule on $oot and acade$ic casesA that althou)h the sale of the
paintin)s and silver has lon) been consu$$ated and the possibility of retrievin) the treasure trove is
nil, yet the novelty and i$portance of the issues raised by the petition deserve this Court0s attention.
5hey sub$it that the resolution by the Court of the issues in this case %ill establish future )uidin)
principles and doctrines on the preservation of the nation0s priceless artistic and cultural possessions
for the benefit of the public as a %hole.
Cor a court to e=ercise its po%er of ad'udication, there $ust be an actual case of controversy I one
%hich involves a conflict of le)al ri)hts, an assertion of opposite le)al clai$s susceptible of 'udicial
resolutionA the case $ust not be $oot or acade$ic or based on e=tra-le)al or other si$ilar
considerations not co)ni3able by a court of 'ustice.
A case beco$es $oot and acade$ic %hen its
purpose has beco$e stale,
such as the case before us. #ince the purpose of this petition for
prohibition is to en'oin respondent public officials fro$ holdin) the auction sale of the art%or+s on a
particular date I -- .anuary -//- I %hich is lon) past, the issues raised in the petition have
beco$e $oot and acade$ic.
At this point, ho%ever, %e need to e$phasi3e that this Court has the discretion to ta+e co)ni3ance of
a suit %hich does not satisfy the re8uire$ents of an actual case or le)al standin) %hen para$ount
public interest is involved.
9e find ho%ever that there is no such 'ustification in the petition at bar to
%arrant the rela=ation of the rule.
#ection ; of R.A. <2<?, as a$ended by P.@. ><, declares it to be the policy of the state to preserve
and protect the i$portant cultural properties and national cultural treasures of the nation and to
safe)uard their intrinsic value. As to %hat +ind of artistic and cultural properties are considered by
the #tate as involvin) public interest %hich should therefore be protected, the ans%er can be
)leaned fro$ readin) of the reasons behind the enact$ent of R.A. <2<?6
9:EREA#, the National Museu$ has the difficult tas+, under e=istin) la%s and
re)ulations, of preservin) and protectin) the cultural properties of the nationA
9:EREA#, inu$erable sites all over the country have since been e=cavated
for cultural relics, %hich have passed on to private hands, representin) priceless
cultural treasure that properly belon)s to the Cilipino people as their herita)eA
9:EREA#, it is perhaps i$possible no% to find an area in the Philippines, %hether
)overn$ent or private property, %hich has not been disturbed by co$$ercially-
$inded di))ers and collectors, literally destroyin) part of our historic pastA
9:EREA#, because of this the Philippines has been char)ed as incapable of
preservin) and protectin) her cultural le)aciesA
9:EREA#, the co$$erciali3ation of Philippine relics from the contact period, the
eolithic Age, and the Paleolithic Age, has reached a point perilously placin) beyond
reach of savants the study and reconstruction of Philippine prehistor!" and
9:EREA#, it is believed that $ore strin)ent re)ulation on $ove$ent and a li$ited
for$ of re)istration of i$portant cultural properties and of desi)nated national cultural
treasures is necessary, and that re)ardless of the ite$, any cultural property
e=ported or sold locally $ust be re)istered %ith the National Museu$ to control the
deplorable situation re)ardin) our national cultural properties and to i$ple$ent the
Cultural Properties Da% (e$phasis supplied".
Clearly, the cultural properties of the nation %hich shall be under the protection of the state are
classified as the Hi$portant cultural propertiesH and the Hnational cultural treasures.H H&$portant
cultural propertiesH are cultural properties %hich have been sin)led out fro$ a$on) the innu$erable
cultural properties as havin) e=ceptional historical cultural si)nificance to the Philippines but are not
sufficiently outstandin) to $erit the classification of national cultural treasures.
*n the other hand,
a Hnational cultural treasuresH is a uni8ue ob'ect found locally, possessin) outstandin) historical,
cultural, artistic and(or scientific value %hich is hi)hly si)nificant and i$portant to this country and
5his Court ta+es note of the certification issued by the @irector of the Museu$ that the
&talian paintin)s and silver%are sub'ect of this petition do not constitute protected cultural properties
and are not a$on) those listed in the Cultural Properties Re)ister of the National Museu$.
9e a)ree %ith the certification of the @irector of the Museu$. Bnder the la%, it is the @irector of the
Museu$ %ho is authori3ed to underta+e the inventory, re)istration, desi)nation or classification, %ith
the aid of co$petent e=perts, of i$portant cultural properties and national cultural
Cindin)s of ad$inistrative officials and a)encies %ho have ac8uired e=pertise because
their 'urisdiction is confined to specific $atters are )enerally accorded not only respect but at ti$es
even finality if such findin)s are supported by substantial evidence and are controllin) on the
revie%in) authorities because of their ac+no%led)ed e=pertise in the fields of speciali3ation to %hich
they are assi)ned.
&n vie% of the fore)oin), this Court finds no co$pellin) reason to )rant the petition. Petitioners have
failed to sho% that respondents E=ecutive #ecretary and PC,, e=ercised their functions %ith )rave
abuse of discretion or in e=cess of their 'urisdiction.
9:EREC*RE, for lac+ of $erit, the petition for prohibition and $anda$us is #$SM$SS%#.
#* *R@ERE@.
arvasa, C.&., Cruz, 'eliciano, Padilla, (idin, Gri)o*A+uino, ,egalado, #avide, &r., ,omero, ocon,
Melo, -uiason, Puno and .itug, &&., concur.
< "oot)ot6s
- ,ollo, pp. !!-??.
; ,ollo, pp. >-/.
,ollo, pp. <2-!.
< ,ollo, p. -2?.
! $/id.
? Cru3, &sa)ani A., Philippine Political Da%, -//- ed., p. ;!A @u$lao v. Co$$ission
on Elections, ,.R. No. D- !7;<!, ;; .anuary -/27, /! #CRA /;.
> #usti)uer v. 5a$ayo, ,.R. No. D-;/<-, ;- Au)ust -/2/, ->? #CRA !>/.
2 :ouse &nternational Buildin) 5enants Association, &nc. v. &nter$ediate Appellate
Court, ,.R. No. D->!;2>, 7 .une -/2>, -!- #CRA >7.
/ Bernas, .oa8uin B., 5he Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Fol. &&,
-/22 Ed., p. ;>/.
-7 5a4ada v. 5uvera, ,.R. No. D- ?/-!, ;< April -/2!, -? #CRA ;>A De)aspi v.
Civil #ervice Co$$ission, ,.R. No. D- >;--/, ;/ May -/2>, -!7 #CRA !7.
-- Pascual v. #ecretary of Public 9or+s, --7 Phil - (-/?7".
-; ,ollo, pp. -!?--!>.
- ,.R. No. D->;--/, ;/ May -/2>, -!7 #CRA !7.
-< Pascual v. #ecretary of Public 9or+s, --7 Phil - (-/?7".
-! ,ollo, pp. -><-->!.
-? See Note ?.
-> Manila .oc+ey Club, &nc. v. Montano .r., ,.R. No. D-;<<?!, ;2 Cebruary -/>>, >!
#CRA ;?<.
-2 @u$lao v. Co$elec, ,.R. No. D- !7;<!, ;; .anuary -/27, /! #CRA /;.
-/ #ec. ;, par. b, R.A. <2<?, as a$ended.
;7 #ec. , par. c, R.A. <2<?, as a$ended.
;- $d., #ecs. !->.
;; Bia+-na-Bato Minin) Co$pany v. 5anco, .r., ,.R. Nos. D-<;?>-?2, ;! .anuary
-//-, -/ #CRA ;.
5he Da%phil Pro'ect - Arellano Da% Coundation