Flexible Visual Quality Inspection in Discrete Manufacturing
Flexible Visual Quality Inspection in Discrete Manufacturing
Flexible Visual Quality Inspection in Discrete Manufacturing
in Discrete Manufacturing
Tomislav Petkovi c, Darko Juri c and Sven Lon cari c
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Email: {tomislav.petkovic.jr, darko.juric, sven.loncaric}@fer.hr
AbstractMost visual quality inspections in discrete man-
ufacturing are composed of length, surface, angle or intensity
measurements. Those are implemented as end-user congurable
inspection tools that should not require an image processing
expert to set up. Currently available software solutions providing
such capability use a owchart based programming environment,
but do not fully address an inspection owchart robustness and
can require a redenition of the owchart if a small variation is
In this paper we propose an acquire-register-analyze image
processing pattern designed for discrete manufacturing that
aims to increase the robustness of the inspection owchart by
consistently addressing variations in product position, orientation
and size. A proposed pattern is transparent to the end-user
and simplies the owchart. We describe a developed software
solution that is a practical implementation of the proposed
pattern. We give an example of its real-life use in industrial
production of electric components.
Automated visual quality inspection is the process of
comparing individual manufactured items against some pre-
established standard. It is frequently used both for small
and high-volume assembly lines due to low costs and non-
destructiveness. Also, ever increasing demands to improve
quality management and process control within an industrial
environment are promoting machine vision and visual quality
inspection with the goal of increasing the product quality and
production yields.
When designing a machine vision system many different
components (camera, lens, illumination and software) must be
selected. A machine vision expert is required to select the
system components based on requirements of the inspection
task by specifying [1]:
1) Camera: type (line or area), eld of view, resolution,
frame rate, sensor type, sensor spectral range,
2) Lens: focal length, aperture, ange distance, sensor
size, lens quality,
3) Illumination: direction, spectrum, polarization, light
source, mechanical adjustment elements, and
4) Software: libraries to use, API ease of use, software
structure, algorithm selection.
Selected components are then used to measure length, surface,
angle or intensity of the product. Based on measurements
a decision about quality of an inspected product is made.
Although software is a small part of an quality inspection
system usually, in addition to a machine vision expert, an
image processing expert is required to select the software and
to dene the image processing algorithms that will be used.
Nowadays, introduction of GigE Vision [2] and GenICam
[3] standards signicantly simplied integration of machine
vision cameras and image processing libraries making vision
solutions for the industry more accessible by eliminating the
need for proprietary software solutions for camera interaction.
Existing open source image processing libraries especially suit-
able for development of vision applications, such as OpenCV
(Open Source Computer Vision Library, [4]), provide numer-
ous algorithms that enable rapid development of visual quality
inspection systems and simplify software selection, however,
specic details of image processing chain for any particular
visual inspection must be dened by an image processing
expert on a case-by-case basis, especially if both robust and
exible solution is required.
To eliminate the need for the image processing expert state-
of-the art image processing algorithms are bundled together
into specialized end-user congurable measurement tools that
can be easily set-up. Such tools should be plugins or modules
of a larger application where image acquisition, image display,
user interface and process control parts are shared/reused. Usu-
ally a graphical user interface is used where owcharts depict
image processing pipeline, e.g. NI Vision Builder [5]. Such
environments provide many state-of-the art image processing
algorithms that can be chained together or are pre-assembled
into measurement tools, but there is no universally accepted
way of consistently addressing problems related to variations
in product position, orientation and size in the acquired image.
To further reduce the need for an image processing expert a
registration step that would remove variation due to product
position, orientation and size should be introduced. Included
registration step would enable simpler deployment of more
robust image processing solutions in discrete manufacturing
In this paper we propose an acquire-register-analyze image
processing pattern that is especially suited to discrete man-
ufacturing. Proposed acquire-register-analyze pattern aims to
increase reproducibility of an image processing owchart by
consistently addressing variations in product position, orienta-
tion and size through the registration step that is implemented
in a way transparent to the end-user.
Discrete manufacturing is production of any distinct items capable of being
easily counted.
Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
CCVW 2013
Poster Session 58
For discrete manufacturing once an image is acquired
processing is usually done in two steps [6], rst is object
localization that is followed by object scrutiny and measure-
ment. More detailed structure of an image processing pipeline
is given in [1], where typical image processing steps are listed:
1) image acquisition,
2) image preprocessing,
3) feature or object localization,
4) feature extraction,
5) feature interpretation,
6) generation of results, and
7) handling interfaces.
A. Acquire-Analyze Pattern
Seven typical image processing steps can be decomposed
as follows: Image preprocessing step includes image correc-
tion techniques such as illumination equalization or distortion
correction. Today this is usually done by the acquisition
device itself, e.g. GenICam standard [3] requires tools that
are sufcient for intensity or color correction. Feature or
object localization is a rst step of the image processing
chain and is usually selected on a case-by-case basis to adjust
for variations is object positioning. Feature extraction utilizes
typical processing techniques such as edge detection, blob
extraction, pattern matching and texture analysis. Results of
the feature extraction step are interpreted in the next step to
make actual measurements that are used to generate results
and to handle interfaces of an assembly line. We call this
image processing pattern acquire-analyze as feature or object
localization must be repeated for (almost) every new feature
of interest in the image
. A structure of this pattern is shown
in Fig. 1.
Image acquisition
Feature localization
Feature extraction
Feature interpretation
Generation of results
feature image
regions of interest
Fig. 1. Acquire-analyze image processing pattern.
This holds for discrete manufacturing. For other typed of manufacturing
processes registration is not always necessary, e.g. in fabric production feature
of interest is texture making registration unnecessary.
Shortcomings of acquire-analyze pattern in discrete man-
ufacturing are: a) image processing elements must be chosen
and chained together so variation in product placement does
not affect the processing, b) processing can be sensitive to
camera/lens repositioning or replacement during lifetime of
the assembly line, and c) for complex inspections image pro-
cessing chain requires an image processing expert. Processing
can be more robust and the image processing chain easier to
dene if a registration step is introduced in a way that makes
results of feature localization less dependent on variations in
When introducing a registration step several requirements
must be fullled. Firstly, registration must be introduced in
a way transparent to the end user, and, secondly, registration
must be introduced so unneeded duplication of the image data
is avoided.
B. Acquire-Register-Analyze Pattern
A common usage scenario for visual inspection software
in discrete manufacturing assumes the end-user who denes
all required measurements and their tolerances in a reference
or source image of the inspected product. Inspection software
then must automatically map the image processing chain and
required measurements from the reference or source image
to the image of the inspected product, the target image, by
registering two images [7]. End result of the registration step
is: a) removal of variation due to changes in position of the
product, b) no unnecessary image data is created as no image
transforms are performed, instead image processing algorithms
are mapped to the target image, c) as only image processing
algorithms are mapped overall mapping can be signicantly
faster then if the target image data is mapped to the source
image, and d) no image interpolation is needed which can lead
to overall better performance as any interpolation artifacts are
eliminated by the system design.
In discrete manufacturing all products are solid objects so
feature based global linear rigid transform is usually sufcient
to map the dened image processing chain from the source
to the target image; that is, compensating translation, rotation
and scaling by using simple homography is sufcient. Required
mapping transform is dened by a 4 4 matrix T [8]. This
transform matrix must be transparently propagated through
the whole processing chain. If a graphical user interface for
dening the processing chain is used this means all processing
tools must accept a transform matrix T as an input parameter
that can be optionally hidden from the end user to achieve
We call this image processing pattern acquire-register-
analyze as feature or object localization is done once at the
beginning of the pipeline to nd the transform T. A structure
of this pattern is shown in Fig. 2.
To test the viability and usefulness of the proposed acquire-
register-analyze pattern a visual inspection software was con-
structed. Software was written in C++ and C# programming
languages for the .Net platform and is using Smartek GigEVi-
sion SDK [9] for image acquisition, and OpenCV [4] and
Emgu CV [10] for implementing image processing tools.
Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
CCVW 2013
Poster Session 59
Feature localization
Feature extraction
Feature interpretation
feature image
regions of interest
Image acquisition
Fig. 2. Acquire-register-analyze image processing pattern.
Graphical user interface (Fig. 3) and logic to dene an image
processing chain was written from scratch using C#.
A. User Interface
Interface of the inspection software must be designed
to make various runtime task simple. Typical runtime tasks
in visual inspection are [1]: a) monitoring, b) changing the
inspection pipeline, c) system calibration, d) adjustment and
tweaking of parameters, e) troubleshooting, f) re-teaching, and
g) optimizing. Those various tasks require several different
interfaces so the test application was designed as a tabbed
interface with four tabs, rst for immediate inspection mon-
itoring and tweaking, second for overall process monitoring,
third for system calibration and fourth for denition of the
image processing chain (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. User interface for dening the image processing chain by owchart.
User interface for dening an image processing tool-chain
must be composed so the end-user is able to intuitively draw
any required measurement in the reference image. Interface
should also hide most image processing steps that are required
to compute the measurement and that are not the expertise of
the end-user, e.g. edge extraction, ridge extraction, object seg-
mentation, thresholding, blob extraction etc. This is achieved
by representing all measurements by rectangular blocks. Inputs
are always placed on the left side of the block while outputs are
always placed on the right side of the block. Name is always
shown above the block and any optional control parameters are
shown on the bottom side of the block. Several typical blocks
are shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Example for four image processing tools. Inputs are always on the
left side, outputs are always on the right side and optional parameters are on
the bottom of the block.
B. Registration
Two blocks that are present in every inspection owchart
are input and output blocks. For the acquire-register-analyze
pattern rst block in the owchart following the input block
is a registration block that internally stores the reference or
source image. For every target image the transform is auto-
matically propagated to all following blocks. Note that actual
implementation of the registration is not xed, any technique
that enables recovery of simple homography is acceptable.
Using OpenCV [4] a simple normalized cross-correlation or
more complex registration based on key-point detectors such
as FAST, BRISK or ORB can be used.
Figs. 5 and 6 show the source and the target images
with displayed regions of interest where lines are extracted
for the angle measurement tool. User can transparently switch
between the source and the target as the software automatically
adjusts the processing tool-chain.
C. Annotations and ROIs
One additional problem when introducing registration
transparent to the end-user are user dened regions-of-interest
(ROIs) and annotations that show measurement and inspection
results on a non-destructive overlay.
Every user-dened ROI is usually a rectangular part of
the reference or source image that has new local coordinate
system that requires additional transform matrix so image
processing chain can be mapped rst from the source to the
target, and then from the target to the ROI. Composition
of transforms achieves the desired mapping. However, as all
image processing tools are mapped to the input image or to
dened ROIs and as there can be many different mapping
transforms the inspection result cannot be displayed as a non-
destructive overlay unless a transform from local coordinate
Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
CCVW 2013
Poster Session 60
system to the target image is known
. This transform to
achieve correct overlay display can also be described by a
44 matrix D that must be computed locally and propagated
every time a new ROI is introduced in the image processing
So for the acquire-register-analyze pattern elements of the
image processing chain can be represented as blocks that
must accept T and D as inputs/outputs that are automatically
connected by the software (Fig. 4), and that connections can be
be auto-hidden depending on the experience of the end-user.
Fig. 5. Tools ROIs for line extraction and angle measurement shown in the
source image.
Fig. 6. Tools ROIs for line extraction and angle measurement shown in the
target image.
Developed prototype software using the proposed acquire-
register-analyze pattern is in production use at the Elektro-
Kontakt d.d. Zagreb plant. The plant manufactures electrical
switches and energy regulators for electrical stoves (discrete
manufacture). Observed variations in acquired images that
must be compensated using registration are caused by product
movement due to positioning tolerances on a conveyor and by
changes in a camera position
Regardless of the cause the variation in a product placement
with respect to the original position in the source image can
be computed. Thus every used image processing chain starts
Note that this is NOT a transform back to the source image.
After regular assembly line maintenance camera position is never perfectly
with a registration block that registers the prerecorded source
image to the target image and automatically propagates the
registration results through the processing chain.
Developed prototype software was accepted by the engi-
neers and staff in the plant and has successfully completed the
testing stage and is now used in regular production.
A. Contact Alignment Inspection
There are two automated rotary tables with 8 nests for
welding where two metal parts are welded to form the spring
contact. There are variations in product placement between
nests and variations in the input image due to differences in
camera placement above the two rotary tables (see Fig. 8).
Image processing chain is composed of the registration step
that automatically adjusts position of subsequent measurement
tools that measure user dened distances and angles and
compare them to the product tolerances. This proposed design
enables one product reference image to be used where required
product dimensions are specied and that is effectively shared
between production lines thus reducing the engineering over-
head as only one processing pipeline must be maintained.
Fig. 7. Rotary table for contact welding.
Fig. 8. Variations in product placement.
B. Energy Regulator Inspection
There are four assembly lines where an energy regulator
for electrical stoves is assembled. At least seventeen different
product subtypes (Fig. 3) are manufactured. There is a varia-
tion in product placement due to positioning tolerances on the
Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
CCVW 2013
Poster Session 61
conveyor belt and due to variations in cameras positions across
all four assembly lines. Dened inspection tool-chains must
be shareable across the lines to make the system maintenance
Fig. 9. Four different product variants (body and contact shape) of an energy
regulator recorded on the same assembly line.
Large number of product variants requires the user interface
that enables a exible adaptation and tweaking of the pro-
cessing pipeline. Here the graphical programming environment
(Fig. 3) was invaluable as it enables the engineer to easily
redene the measurements directly on the factory oor. Fur-
thermore, due to the registration step only one reference image
per product subtype is required so only seventeen different
image processing chains must be tested and maintained.
In this paper we have presented an acquire-register-analyze
image processing pattern that aims to increase the robustness
of an image processing owchart by consistently addressing
variations in product position, orientation and size. Benets
of the proposed pattern are: a) no unnecessary image data
is created from the input image by the application during
image processing, b) overall speed and throughput of the image
processing pipeline is increased, and c) interpolation artifacts
are avoided.
We have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed
pattern through case-studies and real-world use at the Elektro-
Kontakt d.d. Zagreb plant.
The authors would like to thank Elektro-Kontakt d.d. Za-
greb and mr. Ivan Tabakovi c for provided invaluable support.
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[9] (2013, Aug.) GigEVisionSDK Camera Acquisition PC-Software.
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[10] (2013, Aug.) Emgu CV .Net wrapper for OpenCV. [Online]. Available:
Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
CCVW 2013
Poster Session 62