WCG - Succession in Fam Bus 7-10-09

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Business continuity requires generation to generation transition. Timeliness

in the transition is essential. However, the parents may be unwilling to give

up control and authority at the time the next generation wants it or should

have it. On the other hand, the next generation may not be ready for their

responsibilities when they have to assume them.

The founder, as the most influential person in the organization, sets the tone

for management succession, makes the "rules" and, more than anyone else,

determines success or failure of the succession. Each family business will

eventually have a different generation of managers or it will no longer exist.

The founder's acceptance of this reality undergirds and fosters management

succession planning. Rejection of this reality stifles the planning.

Ideally, the founder integrates management succession concerns into

strategic planning. The founder has the responsibility of involving all

members of the management team in strategic planning. The founder must

also deal with the integration of plans for the business and plans for the

family because "family issues ultimately shape the business strategy."

Updating the mission statement causes the management team to

continuously answer the question, Why are we in business? This question

can easily be expanded to deal with questions of business and family values,

human resources including employees, role in the community and industry,

and long-run aspirations.

The next generation has multiple perspectives owing to its composition: sons

and daughters who enter the business, their siblings who do not enter the

business, the spouses of the founder's children and the founder's employees.

For each of these four groups, there are issues of career and financial

planning, career opportunity and career satisfaction, fairness of treatment by

the founder, and family relations.

More than the capacity to manage the business affects the next generation.

Factors impacting the next generation are personal need fulfillment, career

interests, personal identity, life stage, personal influence, mutual respect

and understanding between generations, sibling accommodation,

commitment to family business perpetuation and separation strains due to

family involvement.

Management succession can be a process taking place over many years

requiring cooperation of all people on the management team. The succession

steps involve planning, selection and preparation of the next generation of

managers, transition in management responsibility, gradual decrease in the

role of previous managers and finally discontinuation of any input by

previous managers.

In contrast to the above process, management succession can be by crisis.

The crisis may be brought about by the death or disability of the founder,

divorce, threat of departure by the heir apparent, or hiring of an outside

manager in an attempt to "finally fix things gone wrong." In the absence of

design and implementation of a process, succession will almost certainly be

by crisis.

Thirty percent of family businesses in this country survive to the second

generation and only half of these first generation survivors make it to the

third generation. Following are five actions for management succession

success consolidated from a list of more than 15 factors:

1. Select managers for the next generation. A person can rarely be

successful in declaring himself or herself the new manager.

2. Put in place a comprehensive development program for these

managers. There needs to be some combination of formal training,

self-study, mentoring, communication, performance evaluation,

strategizing about overcoming specific weaknesses and employment

outside the family business.

3. Provide opportunities for next-generation managers to fulfill their

personal and career goals. Delegation of specific responsibilities and

the necessary authority is also important.

4. Develop plans for management succession, strategies for the

continued operation of the business, retirement of the current

managers and transfer of assets before and through the estate.

5. Develop positive associations and good working relations among the

family members in all generations in and out of the family business.

For more information on succession planning, visit eRuralFamilies.org.

The United States Department of Agriculture, the University of Wyoming, and Weston
County Extension cooperate..

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