1. Light is confined within the core of an optical fiber by total internal reflection at the core-cladding boundary.
2. Optical fibers are immune to electromagnetic interference because they transmit signals as light rather than electric current. Magnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fiber.
3. The advantages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections for board-to-board or frame-to-frame connections in computer systems include no bandwidth limit, space saving, and avoiding electrical crosstalk.
1. Light is confined within the core of an optical fiber by total internal reflection at the core-cladding boundary.
2. Optical fibers are immune to electromagnetic interference because they transmit signals as light rather than electric current. Magnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fiber.
3. The advantages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections for board-to-board or frame-to-frame connections in computer systems include no bandwidth limit, space saving, and avoiding electrical crosstalk.
1. Light is confined within the core of an optical fiber by total internal reflection at the core-cladding boundary.
2. Optical fibers are immune to electromagnetic interference because they transmit signals as light rather than electric current. Magnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fiber.
3. The advantages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections for board-to-board or frame-to-frame connections in computer systems include no bandwidth limit, space saving, and avoiding electrical crosstalk.
1. Light is confined within the core of an optical fiber by total internal reflection at the core-cladding boundary.
2. Optical fibers are immune to electromagnetic interference because they transmit signals as light rather than electric current. Magnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fiber.
3. The advantages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections for board-to-board or frame-to-frame connections in computer systems include no bandwidth limit, space saving, and avoiding electrical crosstalk.
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Light is confined within the core of a simple optical fiber by
A. refraction. B. total internal reflection at the outer edge of the cladding. C. total internal reflection at the core cladding boundary. D. reflection from the fiber's plastic coating. 2. What maes optical fibers immune to !"#$ A. %hey transmit signals in as light rather than electric current. B. %hey are too small for magnetic fields to introduce current in them. C. "agnetic fields cannot penetrate the glass of the fiber. D. %hey are readily shielded by outer conductors in cable. &. Which of the following is not a reason to use fiber'optic cables for point to point data transmission$ A. (eed to assure data security. B. A)oidance of ground loops. C. Data'transfer rates too low to use metal cables. D. !limination of spar ha*ards. +. Which of the following describes a techni,ue to achie)e fault tolerance in optical networs with minimum costs$ A. Bypassing acti)e elements. B. A)oid the usage of star couplers.. C. Duplication of system properties. D. %opological reconfiguration. -. When would optical fibers be used in an !thernet'type LA($ A. (e)er. the standard calls for coa/ial cable. B. %o e/tend transmission distance to reach remote terminals. C. 0outinely. the standard allows for optical fiber. D. When transmission speeds e/eed -1 "bit2s. 3. What are the ad)antages of using parallel optical fiber interconnections within board'to'board or frame'to'frame connections in computer systems$ A. (o bandwidth limit. B. 4pace sa)ing. C. A)oids electrical crosstal. D. All of the abo)e. 5. What technological progress has allowed the full usage of fiber optics within parallel computer architechture$ #. %here are compilers and programming that recognise and e/ploit parallelism. ##. Widely tunable semiconductor lasers allow maultiple wa)elength system. ###. (ewly designed operating system for parallel processing. #6. "igration of architectural features pre)iously found on mainframes onto single'chip microprocessors. A. # and ### only. B. ##. ### and #6 only. C. #. ## and #6 only. D. #. ##. ### and #6. 7. Which of the following is (8% a reason to use fle/ible optical circuits$ A. Low loss distribution. B. 9rotection of fiber. C. 4mall si*e. D. Compact and bend easily. :. %he ;iber Distributed Data #nterface <;DD#= standard calls for nodes to be> A. attached to a data bus in the form of a transmissi)e star coupler. B. attached to a pair of fiber rings carrying signals in opposite directions. C. attached to a networ of star couplers that detect collisions and transmit only one signal to the ne/t le)el. D. attached to fibers by passi)e % couplers. 11. %he type of light source and fiber chosen for ;DD# networs are> A. single'mode fiber and 1--1'nm lasers. B. single'mode fiber and 1&11'nm lasers. C. multi'mode fiber and 1&11'nm lasers. D. multi'mode fiber and 1&11'nm L!Ds. 11. which of the following happen to be the limitations of optical fiber $ #. %he architecture of their couplers. ##. Costs of implementing them. ###. "odification of the software and hardware on e/isting systems. #6. %he difficulty of installing the cables. A. ## and #6 only. B. #.## and ### only. C. #.### and #6 only. D. #.##.### and #6. 12. 4peeds of laboratory fiber optic Local Area (etwors are now in the range of A. 1 "bits2s. B. 11 "bits2s. C. gigabits per second. D. hundreds of megabits per second. 13.Which of the following is (8% true about digital signals used in fiber optic transmissions $ A. #t's more compatible with people. B. #t's much simpler to design a circuit to detect the signal le)el. C. %here's less distortion in the signals as it goes through a system. D. #sn't difficult to differentiate the on from off state e)en if the signal is not reproduced e/actly. 1+. What method allows large number of independent. selectable channels to e/ist on a single fiber$ A. ;re,uency Di)ision "ultiple/ing. B. %ime Di)ision "ultiple/ing. C. Analague "odulation. D. 9hase "odulation. 1-. Which of the following statement about interconnection networs is true$ A. %he number of channels on a single fiber that can transmit data simultaneously refers to the degree of simultaneity. B. Degree is the number of channels on a single fiber. C. 9oint'to'point communication connections are called switches. D. Diameter is the number of lins in the largest path between any two nodes. 13. What type of optical fiber would best be used in the "ultiple Channel Architecture <"CA=$ A. 0efracti)e'#nde/. B. 4tep'#nde/. C. ?raded'#nde/. D. (one of the abo)e.
Chapter 3.8 Common Network Environments, Connectivity and Security Issues 3.8 (A) Different Media For Transmitting Data and Their Carrying Capabilities