Installation: Launching From A Toolbar
Installation: Launching From A Toolbar
Installation: Launching From A Toolbar
After running the setup and installing XRayUnwrap on your 3dsmax version, you can setup your User
Interface to open if from a toolbar, quad or menu
!aunching from a toolbar
Under the "#ustomi$e% menu, select %#ustomi$e User Interface%
&elect the "'oolbars% tab
Under the "(ain UI% group you can find the "Raylight'ools% category,
containing the "XRayUnwrap% macro script
)rag the script and drop it to a toolbar A button will be created, from
which you can now launch the tool*it
XRayUnwrap 1.5.5
+e introduced a lot of new features as follows,
- Redesigned interface
- XUnwrap at incredible speed
- Ama$ing !ive Unwrap, select your edges and see the result realtime
- +or*s on any primitive .o more editable poly restriction
- /ac*ing functionality added
- &eams can be edited inside uvwunwap modifier
- &ubob0ect unwrapping
- (ap seam flags are preserved within instanced unwrap
- Instanced unwrap over multiple ob0ects
- 1ac* compatibility with v23 4ld seam flags are converted into unwrap seams
User Interface
Add UVWUnwrap: adds U5+Unwrap modifier to selected ob0ect
Edit Seams, allows to select the seams by clic*ing on the edge
Point to Point Seam, advanced selection tool, also used in the 3dsmax pelt
map Allows to select a loop of seams within 6 vertexes
Ede Sel to Seam, converts a selected group of edges into seams
S!ow Peel Seams, hides or shows the seams
Anle "ased # $onformal, these are the two processes used by
XRayUnwrap for the automated unwrapping 'he process needs to be
selected according to the structure of the meshes 7enerally Angle 1ased
wor*s better with &oft &urfaces, while #onformal wor*s better with 8ard
%ill !oles, prevents from internal overlaps
"leed, since we introduced a tool for /ac*ing, 1leed is very useful to
manage the border space between different isles and better optimi$e the
/ac*ing process 1leed can be used also with the !ive option on, to chec*
the best result realtime
Pac& U's, allows to arrange isles to maximi$e the number of pixels per
polygon on a texture 'his tool is very useful to arrange isles of different
models on a single texture
(i'e Unwrap, this is the real goody of this new XRayUnwrap 299 'his
useful tool allows to chec* results of the unwrap realtime, while tracing the
seams 'his algorithm computes the cut over the mesh allowing to chec* if
the unwrap opens in the right way
Unwrap, starts the computation
XRayUnwrap 299 is currently under development and we need your help to improve it
'he following 3ds(ax versions are supported,
: 3ds(ax 633; x;<
: 3ds(ax 633; x<=
: 3ds(ax 633> x;<
: 3ds(ax 633> x<=
: 3ds(ax 6323 x;<
: 3ds(ax 6323 x<=
: 3ds(ax 6322 x;<
: 3ds(ax 6322 x<=
: 3ds(ax 6326 x;<
: 3ds(ax 6326 x<=
: 3ds(ax 6323 x;<
: 3ds(ax 6323 x<=
XRayUnwrap 299
? #opyright 6323 @ Raylight &rl
All rights reserved
)eveloped by,
Arancesco /aduano
Aausto #ardone
&imone Bsposito
'echnical support,
Aor info,