300 Spanish Verbs PDF

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Top 330 Spanish Verbs

Group A: Top 100 (more below)
1. to be (permanent) ser
2. to be (temp./location etc.) estar
3. to have tener
4. to do/make hacer
5. to be able to (can) poder
6. to say/tell decir
7. to go ir
8. to see ver
9. to give dar
10. to eat comer
11. to know (info) saber
12. to want querer
13. to arrive llegar
14. to owe, ought to, must deber
15. to put/place poner
16. to believe creer
17. to speak/talk hablar
18. to read leer
19. to sleep dormir
20. to understand entender
21. to find encontrar
22. to call llamar
23. to come venir
24. to carry/take/wear llevar
25. to leave salir
26. to open abrir
27. to live vivir
28. to bring traer
29. to write escribir
30. to think pensar
31. to look for buscar
32. to take/drink tomar
33. to walk caminar
34. to run correr
35. to need necesitar
36. to lose perder
37. to dance bailar
38. to buy comprar
39. to answer contestar
40. to ask preguntar
41. to close cerrar
42. to work trabajar
43. to begin comenzar
44. to study estudiar
45. to ask for/to order pedir
46. to sing cantar
47. to play jugar
48. to follow/continue seguir
49. to wear llevar
50. to pay pagar
51. to know (personally) conocer
52. to learn aprender
53. to listen to escuchar

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54. to hear or
55. to go up subir
56. to sell vender
57. to travel viajar
58. to change cambiar
59. to explain explicar
60. to finish terminar
61. to prefer preferir
62. to serve servir
63. to like (please) gustar
64. to feel sentir
65. to drink beber
66. to cook cocinar
67. to eat breakfast desayunar
68. to eat dinner cenar
69. to eat lunch almorzar
70. to look at/watch mirar
71. to receive recibir
72. to take out sacar
73. to count contar
74. to play (instrument) tocar
75. to get conseguir
76. to win/earn ganar
77. to visit visitar
78. to wait for esperar
79. to help ayudar
80. to remember recordar
81. to desire desear
82. to practice practicar
83. to clean limpiar
84. to converse conversar
85. to deliver entregar
86. to repeat repetir
87. to return volver
88. to get sick enfermarse
89. to wash oneself lavarse
90. to get dressed vestirse
91. to break romperse
92. to bathe (oneself) baarse
93. to burn quemarse
94. to brush cepillarse
95. to get up levantarse
96. to meet reunirse
97. to shave afeitarse
98. to forget olvidarse
99. to swim nadar
100. to invite invitar

Group B: Next Most Common Spanish Verbs: 101-330
101. to accept aceptar
102. to accuse acusar
103. to add agregar
104. to add aadir
105. to admire admirar
106. to admit admitir
107. to advance/to move forward avanzar

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108. to advise/to let know avisar
109. to agree estar de acuerdo
110. to announce/to advertise anunciar
111. to appear aparecer
112. to attack atacar
113. to attend asistir
114. to attract atraer
115. to be born nacer
116. to be busy estar ocupado
117. to be called/named llamarse
118. to be glad alegrarse
119. to be harmful/damaging hacer dao
120. to be important importar
121. to be left quedar
122. to be located quedar
123. to be located estar ubicado
124. to be mistaken equivocarse
125. to be quiet callarse
126. to be right tener razn
127. to be scared tener miedo
128. to be scared asustarse
129. to be worth valer
130. to be worth it valer la pena
131. to become hacerse
132. to bite morder
133. to boot/ to throw away botar
134. to break quebrarse
135. to carry out, fulfill realizar
136. to carry/recharge cargar
137. to celebrate celebrar
138. to charge/cash (a check) cobrar
139. to chat charlar
140. to choose escoger
141. to complain quejarse
142. to concentrate concentrar
143. to conquer, overcome vencer
144. to construct construir
145. to continue continuar
146. to contribute contribuir
147. to convince convencer
148. to cool enfriar
149. to correct corregir
150. to cost costar
151. to count on.. contar con
152. to cover cubrir
153. to create crear
154. to cross cruzar
155. to cry llorar
156. to cut cortar
157. to decide decidir
158. to declare declarar
159. to demand exigir
160. to depend depender
161. to deposit depositar
162. to describe describir
163. to deserve merecer
164. to destroy destruir

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165. to devote oneself (work) dedicarse a
166. to dial/mark marcar
167. to die morir
168. to direct dirigir
169. to disappear desaparecer
170. to discover descubrir
171. to discuss/debate discutir
172. to distract distraer
173. to doubt dudar
174. to draw dibujar
175. to dream about soar con
176. to drive manejar
177. to drive (Spain) conducir
178. to dry (oneself) off secarse
179. to employ emplear
180. to enter entrar
181. to establish establecer
182. to exist existir
183. to experiment/experience experimentar
184. to express expresar
185. to fall down caer
186. to fall in love enamorarse
187. to fascinate fascinar
188. to feel (well or ill) sentirse
189. to fight pelear
190. to find out averiguar
191. to finish acabar
192. to fit caber
193. to fix arreglar
194. to fly volar
195. to form, shape formar
196. to function, run (machine) funcionar
197. to get along well with llevarse bien con
198. to get angry enojarse
199. to get dirty ensuciar
200. to get married casarse
201. to get oneself ready arreglarse
202. to get someones attention llamar la atencin
203. to get tired cansarse
204. to get/grab agarrar
205. to give dar
206. to give as a present regalar
207. to give up darse por vencido
208. to go down/lower bajar
209. to gradate graduarse
210. to grow crecer
211. to grow up/to be raised criarse
212. to greet saludar
213. to guess adivinar
214. to guide guiar
215. to happen pasar
216. to have (past tense) haber
217. to have fun divertirse
218. to have just acabar de
219. to hide esconder
220. to Hill matar
221. to hit pegar

2010 Visual Link Languages all rights reserved
222. to hug abrazar
223. to hurt/ache doler
224. to imagine imaginarse
225. to improve mejorarse
226. to include incluir
227. to indicate indicar
228. to insist insistir
229. to interest/be interested in interesar
230. to interrupt interrumpir
231. to introduce presentar
232. to judge juzgar
233. to jump saltar
234. to jump brincar
235. to keep/maintain guardar
236. to lack faltar
237. to last durar
238. to laugh rerse
239. to lay down acostarse
240. to leave irse
241. to leave something or someone dejar
242. to let go soltar
243. to let/allow dejar
244. to lie mentir
245. to loan prestar
246. to love amar
247. to love/adore(things) encantar
248. to maintain mantener
249. to make fun of burlarse
250. to mention mencionar
251. to move mover
252. to occupy ocupar
253. to occur ocurrir
254. to offer ofrecer
255. to organize organizar
256. to paint pintar
257. to participate participar
258. to pass a course/exam aprobar
259. to pay attention hacer caso
260. to pay attention prestar atencin
261. to permit permitir
262. to pick up recoger
263. to plan planear
264. to prepare preparar
265. to produce producir
266. to promise prometer
267. to pronounce pronunciar
268. to propose proponer
269. to protect proteger
270. to rain llover
271. to reach alcanzar
272. to realize darse cuenta
273. to recognize reconocer
274. to register registrar
275. to remain/stay quedarse
276. to remember acordarse
277. to repair reparar
278. to require requerir

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279. to reserve reservar
280. to resolve resolver
281. to respond responder
282. to rest descansar
283. to return regresar
284. to return (an object) devolver
285. to rob robar
286. to save ahorrar
287. to say goodbye despedirse
288. to say/tell contar
289. to scream gritar
290. to seem/appear parecer
291. to send mandar
292. to send enviar
293. to separate separar
294. to show mostrar
295. to shower ducharse
296. to sign firmar
297. to sit down sentarse
298. to ski esquiar
299. to smell oler
300. to smile sonrer
301. to smoke fumar
302. to snow nevar
303. to sound/ring sonar
304. to spend gastar
305. to stand up ponerse de pie
306. to start empezar
307. to stop parar
308. to suffer sufrir
309. to suggest sugerir
310. to suppose suponer
311. to surprise sorprender
312. to switch on (light) prender
313. to take a walk pasearse
314. to take care of ones self cuidarse
315. to take care of/attend to atender
316. to take off, remove oneself quitarse
317. to teach ensear
318. to thank agradecer
319. to touch tocar
320. to translate traducir
321. to try tratar
322. to turn off apagar
323. to turn out (well) salir bien
324. to turn/fold doblar
325. to understand comprender
326. to use usar
327. to use utilizar
328. to wake up despertarse
329. to warm up calentarse
330. to worry preocuparse

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