Lesson Plan in Disaster Preparedness
Lesson Plan in Disaster Preparedness
Lesson Plan in Disaster Preparedness
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify the different risks in the Philippines.
II. Subject Matter:
Risk in the Philippines
Puzzle strips of paper and cartolina
DRRRM Chapter I pp. 11-32
III. r!ce"ure:
#. M!tivati!n
Find the folloin! ords in the puzzle
"arth#uake "l $ino Mudslides %a $ina &suna'is &yphoons
%andslides Floods Fire incidents
$. resentati!n:
Pupils arran!e the (u')led letters and !i*es the 'eanin! of the ord ++, I
D. Discussi!n:
Discussion of the lesson throu!h the use of !raphic or!anizer-
1. .hat are the to kinds of risks
2. "nu'erate the e/a'ples of risks that are occurrin! in the Philippines.
E. Generali%ati!n
.hat are risks- .hat are different risks in the Philippines- .hat are the effects of the risk
in the Philippines-
&. #''licati!n:
.rite $ if the !i*en risks are natural and M if the risks in 'an-'ade.
000000001. &yphoon 0000000001. 2olcanic eruption
000000002. Fire incidents 0000000003. &suna'i
000000003. %andslides 0000000004. 2ehicular accidents
000000005. "arth#uake 0000000006. Floods
000000007. 8renade e/plosion 00000000019. "pide'ic out)reak
I(. Evaluati!n:
:nser the folloin! #uestions.
1. .hat are risks-
2. .hat are the to kinds of risks-
3. .hat are natural risks-
5. .hat are 'an-'ade risks-
7-1 8i*e 3 e/a'ples of natural risks.
3-19 8i*e 5 e/a'ples of 'an-'ade risks
(. #ssi)n*ent:
Cut out so'e articles that tell a)out the different risks in the Philippines. .rite its effect.
Date: ______________
I. La+unin:
$atutukoy an! '!a ahensiya n! pa'ahalaan na tutu!on sa panahon n! kala'idad
II. a,san) #ralin:
Pa!tukoy sa '!a ahensiya n! Pa'ahalaan na tutut!on sa Panahon n! ,ala'idad
+an!!unihan; DRRRM Chapter II pp.33-33
,a!a'itan; &sart< laraan
III. a*a*araan:
#. ani*ulan) Ga-ain:
1. Pa!!anyak
,un! hali')aan! nakaranas kayo n! 'atindin! kala'idad o sakuna at naalan kayo n!
tirahan< saan kayo 'aaarin! tu'uloy pansa'antala-+ino kaya an! 'aarin! tu'ulon! sa
$. a)lala.a" / a)tala,a+
1. Ipakita sa '!a )ata an! laraan at pa!-usapan ito.
2. I)i!ay an! '!a pa'atnu)ay na tanon!.
a. :no-anon! kala'idad an !atin! nararanasan-
). :no an! epekto n! '!a kala'idad sa 'a'a'ayan-
c. +aan 'aaarin! pu'unta pansa'antala an! '!a )ikti'a n! kala'idad-
d. :no-anon! ahensiya n! pa'ahalaan an! tu'utu!on sa panahon n! kala'idad-
e. :non! pa!hahanda an! 'aarin! !ain n! 'a'a'ayan kapa! 'ay daratin! na sakuna o
3. Pa!sasaliksik n! '!a )ata !a'it an! Disaster Risk Reduction Resource Manual Chapter II
pp. 33-34.
0. a)lala.at:
:no-anon! ahensiya n! pa'ahalaan an! tu'utu!on sa panahon n! kala'idad-
D. a)lala'at:
Pan!katan! 8aain
1. =atiin sa dalaan! pan!kat an! klase.
2. :n! pan!kat a an! 'a!i!in! )ikti'a n! kala'idad at pan!kat > n'an an! '!a ahensiya n!
pa'ahalaan na tutulon! sa '!a )ikti'a
3. Pa!palitin an! !aain n! dalaan! pan!kat.
I(. a)tata+a:
>ilu!an an! titik n! ta'an! sa!ot.
1. :non! ahensiya n! pa'ahalaan an! na'a'ahala tuin! 'ay sakuna-
a. Depart'ent of =ealth c. Philippine $ational Police
). $ational Disaster Coordinatin! Council
2. :hensiya n! pa'ahalaan na tu'utulon! sa pa!)i)i!ay n! paunan! lunas sa '!a )ikti'a n!
a. Depart'ent of "ducation c. $ational >ureau of In*esti!ation
). $ational Red Cross
3. :non! ahensiya n! pa'ahalaan an! !u'a!a)ay sa '!a 'a!-aaral tuin! 'ay sakuna-
a. Depart'ent of "ducation c. :r'ed Forces of the Philippines
). Depart'ent of ?ustice
5. :no an! taa! sa pansa'antalan! tirahan n! )ikti'a n! kala'idad-
a. =ealth Center c. Police +tation
). "*acuation Center
(. 1a,"an)2#ralin:
Ma!saliksik n! i)a pan! ahensiya o pan!kat pri)ado na tu'utulon! sa panahon n! kala'idad.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify the different kinds of !eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards.
Practice precautionary 'easure )efore<durin! and after a !eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards.
Values; >rotherhood and cooperation
II. Subject Matter:
8eolo!ical Pheno'ena and =azards
#. Science 0!nce'ts/I"eas:
8eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards are earth#uake< tsuna'i< landslides and *olcanic
&he )est ay to 'ana!e disaster i'pacts is to )e aare of ho it occurs and its
acco'panyin! conse#uences and plan for actions to )e taken )efore< durin!< and after a
$. Science r!cesses:
Identifyin!< descri)in!< co''unicatin! and classifyin!.
0. Materials/References
DRRRM Chapter III pp. 65-193
Chart< pictures
III. r!ce"ure:
#. re'arat!r+ #ctivities:
.hat are the different kinds of !eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards. =o are they classified-
$. Devel!'*ental #ctivities:
1. +hoin! pictures of the 5 kinds of !eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards. :sk hat do they see
in each picture< such as earth#uake< tsuna'i< landslides< and *olcanic eruption.
2. Discuss hat ould happen to a place hit )y these natural disaster or cala'ities.
0. 0!nce't &!r*ati!n:
.hat are the different kinds of !eolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards.
.hat data should )e esta)lished in order to kno the needs of e*ery indi*idual in the da'a!e
D. #''licati!n:
a. @our )uildin! is *ery eak. .hat should you do durin! an earth#uake-
). @our house as )uilt near the sea shore. .hat should you do not to hit )y a )i! a*es or
c. @our house as )uilt near the 'ountain. &here is a hea*y rain and you kno that anyti'e
landslide 'ay occur< hat ill you do-
I(. Evaluati!n:
Identify hich !eolo!ical hazards )ein! descri)e in each sentences.
1. 0000000000000000000 is a shakin! of the !round cause )y sudden slippa!e of rock 'asses )elo
or at the surface of the earth.
2. 0000000000000000000 are !iant sea a*es !enerated )y under the sea earth#uakes and *olcanic
3. 0000000000000000000 is a 'assi*e outard and donard 'o*e of a slope for'in! 'aterials.
(. #ssi)n*ent:
Cut pictures of the different !eolo!ical hazards.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify different kinds of hydro-'eteorolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards.
Practice precautionary 'easures )eforeAdurin! and after hydro-'eteorolo!ical hazard
II. Subject Matter:
=ydro-Meteorolo!ical Pheno'ena and =azards
DRRRM Chapter III p.49
Filipino :ko Pilipinas an! >ayan ,o 5 p.76
III. r!ce"ure:
#. M!tivati!n:
.hat are the natural disasters you ha*e e/perienced- Do you kno hat to do durin! this
ti'e of trou)le-
$. resentati!n:
+ho the pictures of hydro-'eteorolo!ical hazards and let the' talk a)out their
&ell the' to ask #uestions a)out the pictures they ha*e seen.
Read the DRRRM Chapter III
0. Discussi!n:
a. .hat are the hydro-'eteorolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards- BDiscuss the hydro-
'eteorolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards one )y oneC
). .hat should you do )efore durin! and after these natural pheno'ena-BDiscuss preparedness<
response and reha)ilitation of each pheno'ena to the pupils.
c. .rite their ansers in a se'antic e).
D. Generali%ati!n:
.hat are the different kind of hydro-'eteorolo!ical pheno'ena and hazards-.hat
should you do if these pheno'ena- Disaster hit your locality-
E. #''licati!n:
P:8-:+: arned the pu)lic that there is a stron! typhoon co'in!. .hat is the )est thin! to do-
I(. Evaluati!n:
.rite & if the state'ent is true and F if the state'ent is false.
000000001. Monitor throu!h radio the late official report of P:8-:+: a)out the typhoon.
000000002. Continue outdoor acti*ities durin! thunderstor'.
000000003. Play in rpidly risin! ater.
(. #ssi)n*ent:
Practice safety precautions in =ydro-'eteorolo!ical Pheno'ena and =azards.