Ernest Holmes The 10 Core Concepts of Science of Mind

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The 10 Core Concepts of Science of Mind

Dr. Ernest Holmes

The complete text of the Core Concepts can be found in the Foundational Class workbook. Summarized, with ke words, the are!
1 - Oneness
" #od is the Source of all that is, and #od is all that is. E$erthin% in the &ni$erse is made of the #od"
substance and is a uni'ue, indi$idualized expression of #od.
2 Triune Nature -
#od expresses (tself in three aspects ""Spirit, Soul, and )od. Each human bein% also has these same three
aspects. Thus, there is #od as macrocosm, human bein%s as microcosm.
3 - Creative Nature -
#od thinks, and the world comes into bein%. *ikewise, all human accomplishments ori%inate in thou%ht.
+ur human thinkin% process is a reflection of the Di$ine Creati$e ,rocess in microcosm.
4 - Prayer -
-ll #ood is eternall a$ailable and read to flow into human experience. .e acti$ate this flow b means of
praer. Throu%h affirmati$e praer, or spiritual mind treatment, we increase our consciousness of #ood
eternall flowin% to us.
!ho"eness -
Spirit is a transcendent, perfect .hole that contains and embraces all seemin% opposites. -s human bein%s,
we ha$e free will and can choose what we experience, whether it be positi$e or ne%ati$e. The same
,rinciple that brin%s us freedom, prosperit, and /o also allows us to experience bonda%e, lack, or miser,
accordin% to our consciousness.
# - $%undance -
-ll that anone will e$er need or desire is alread pro$ided b &ni$ersal -bundance. This applies to
e$erbod, not /ust some people. E$er person is heir to the riches of Creation, without re%ard to merit.
& - The 'eciproca" (niverse -
For e$er $isible form there is an in$isible counterpart. This means that what we recei$e corresponds to
what we ima%ine and belie$e we can recei$e, the *aw of 0ental E'ui$alents. This also is the #olden 1ule!
that what we do to others will be done also to us, the *aw of Cause and Effect.
) - *or+iveness -
(n the Eternal 2ow, there can be no place for Di$ine an%er, unfor%i$eness, or punishment. (f we percei$e a
need for for%i$eness, this is a human condition. Human for%i$eness is the process that frees us to li$e in the
Eternal 2ow. (t is the essential step before real spiritual %rowth can flourish. Science of 0ind teaches that
the ultimate %oal of life is complete emancipation from all discord of e$er nature, and that this %oal is sure
to be attained b all.
, - -..orta"ity
The &ni$ersal Truth about life is that lifene$er ends. .hat we call death is simpl the chan%in% of oneform
of life for another. Death, the belief and perception that life must come to an end, is a human concept. -s in
birth the in$isible becomes $isible, so in din% the $isible a%ain becomes in$isible. *ife continues on another
plane when the bod has outli$ed its usefulness.
10 - The Christ -
Christ is not a person, but a ,rinciple, a &ni$ersal ,resence, the &ni$ersal (ma%e of #od that is present in all
Creation. This is the concept of the Cosmic Christ, which is present within e$er person. Each human
indi$idual partakes of the Christ nature to the de%ree that he or she reco%nizes the Cosmic Christ within and
li$es out of that re$elation. 3esus of 2azareth was a human indi$idual who re$ealed the Christ 2ature to the
hi%hest de%ree e$er known.

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