Best - Practices (Shopping Mall) PDF
Best - Practices (Shopping Mall) PDF
Best - Practices (Shopping Mall) PDF
We live in a world dominated by brands, a set of
perceptions and images that identify what a product or
service stands for and differentiates it from its
competitors. A brand communicates the essence or
promise of what will be delivered or experienced by the
A superior consumer-product brand can
dominate its retail category and may support higher
pricing and profitability than competing brands.
Many retailers have successfully branded their
concepts. A customer knows what to expect when
visiting, for example, Bloomingdales, Wal-Mart, Best Buy
or Lululemon. Why is that the case? Because these and
many other retailers have created brands which clearly
define their offerings. Such branding has a significant
competitive advantage, resulting in improved customer
traffic, sales and profitability.
If branding of retail products and retail stores
provides a competitive advantage, should shopping
center managers and owners seek to brand their
centers? The answer is an unequivocal yes.
Branded Shopping Centers
Even though the shopping-center industry is not
normally regarded as heavily branded, every shopping
center that has a name can be said to have a brand. Its
brand may well be involuntary, and it may be weak if the
owner never actively considered what its brand should
stand for or did not develop and execute an appropriate
branding strategy. By contrast, a number of successful
shopping centers have, in fact, established strong brands
that encapsulate their unique market position. Examples
of regional or superregional shopping centers in the U.S.
that are branded in this way include the Houston
Galleria, The Grove in Los Angeles and Water Tower
Place in Chicago, to name just a few. In Canada,
Yorkdale in Toronto and Metrotown in Vancouver boast
strong brands. Other international examples include Blue
Water in the U.K., Xanadu in Spain, Parly 2 in France and
Centre O in Germany. The brand in each case is multi-
faceted but its constituent parts signify in their totality
that the center is one of a kind.
What is it that creates their unique brands? Size,
tenant choice, architectural treatment, special
attractions, and consistent marketing all play significant
roles. However, one of the most important ingredients of
their success may have been the original developers of
these projects, who broke the mold of standard
conformity. Such unique talent may not be available to
the majority of existing shopping centers.
The Dos and Donts of Branding
Shopping Centers
Abstract: Successfully branding a shopping center creates competitive advantage. It is important to identify
the appropriate brand for a center, as well as to effectively communicate and maintain it. Co-branding and
branding multiple centers can be challenging.
* President, Kircher Research Associates, Ltd.
Persuasive Brands at
Source: Stephan Poulin, Ivanhoe Cambridge
Madrid Xanadu, Madrid, Spain
The meaning of a shopping-center brand has to be
easily understood by its customer base. It may, for
example, signify fashion leadership, best tenant and
merchandise selection in the market area, superior
customer service, price leadership, close integration with
the local community, or a pleasant environment in which
to shop, relax and linger.
Southgate Centre in Edmonton, Canada, for
example, strives to differentiate itself from the average
shopping center with key brand attributes such as
sophistication, premium status, the unexpected, style,
approachability and high quality. It is the dominant
fashion center in southern Edmonton, anchored by the
citys largest Bay store, Sears and Safeway, and it offers
150 national, regional and local retailers. The center
seeks to provide its 11 million annual customers with an
aesthetically pleasing and warm atmosphere, with soft
seating areas to make the shopping experience
enjoyable. Its customers are upscale and are drawn from
a trade area encompassing all of metropolitan Edmonton
and rural outlying communities.
The successful branding of any shopping center
requires consistency, patience, a clear concept, hard
work, a substantial promotional budget and the will to
succeed. The goal must be not only to become top of
mind for potential customers, but to stay there for the
long term. A well branded shopping center can dominate
its market and reach superior sales performance for its
A dominant branded center benefits not only by
attracting greater customer traffic, but it also tends to be
more successful in attracting desirable tenants,
particularly those new to the market. Finally, such a
center may find more favorable acceptance by its local
zoning authorities in the event that building changes are
required or an expansion is planned. The reason for this
may be that the wider community has taken psychic
ownership of the center; it has become an integral part
of the local community fabric.
Identifying the Appropriate Brand
There is a significant difference between establishing
a brand for a new center and doing so for an existing
center. For a new center, the branding is virgin territory,
and more than one branding option may exist.
Nevertheless, the overall development concept and
anchor tenants will influence the branding direction.
There needs to be a definitive plan about the offer that
will be presented to customers. It must recognize the
composition of the expected customer base from the
perspective of its socio-economic profile, age structure
and ethnic composition. A clear understanding of the
strengths and weaknesses of competing centers in its
trade area is essential as well, and can provide helpful
pointers about the appropriate branding for the new
For an established center, the basic question is how
to positively influence the existing brand. If the owner
has not proactively cultivated a brand image or if the
The Grove, Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Source: Wikimedia Commons/Bobak HaEri
Bluewater, Dartford, United Kingdom
Source: Wikimedia Commons/Badudoy
existing brand is weak, the branding is obviously
vulnerable and can easily be challenged through a more
targeted approach from a competitor. For an established
but neglected brand, it is very difficult to create
noticeable changes within a short time span.
A gradual change must be well planned if one of the
goals is to maintain the existing customer base. One
strategy is to upgrade the center through modernization
and new tenancies. Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood,
Washington, and Cumberland Mall in Atlanta are
examples of U.S. malls that have successfully changed
their brand.
Where a center is losing traffic and tenants, it may
need to target a more moderate customer and image,
replacing its mid-price tenants with discounters. In such
circumstances, the center needs a new branding strategy
that clearly defines its new brand and shows how it can
be effectively communicated to existing customers and
potential new ones. Proactive and positive
communication of the change will minimize the loss of
existing customers, while encouraging potential
customers who fit the centers new demographic to pay a
visit. Christown Spectrum Mall in Phoenix is an example
of a U.S. mall that was effectively transformed from a
regional mall into a power center because of increased
competition and a change in the demographic of its trade
Identifying the appropriate brand and implementing
it takes work, enthusiasm, consistency in approach, the
will to win and an adequate budget. In a highly
competitive climate, a well crafted and established brand
is the ticket to survival and prosperity.
Communicating the Brand to the Consumer
A brand does not remain relevant over time unless it
is constantly reinforced and refreshed. As the economy
changes and as the trade area evolves, the brand
message almost certainly needs to be updated. A
shopping center brand is communicated to its customers
in many different ways and through many different
The physical plant of the shopping center, its size,
architectural relevance, upkeep, anchor tenants, tenant
mix and approach to sustainability are all primary
channels for communicating its brand. Constant, active
promotional activity which associates the center with its
targeted brand message is indispensable. The way
customers are treated at the center communicates the
brand, as does the level of customer service, center
security, its ambiance and similar factors. A shopping-
center name that includes the name of a village, town or
city says that the center sees itself as part of the
community. To bring the brand to life, the center needs
to live up to the implied promise of local loyalty by
organizing community events at the center, participating
in other community events and making donations to
worthwhile local causes. A center might, for example,
operate blood donor clinics, used clothing drives and free
educational seminars; additionally, it could provide space
for community meetings, local not-for-profit agencies
and complementary childrens play areas.
Branding superregional shopping centers and retail
real-estate at tourist destinations is more complex. The
appropriate branding message may be that the center is
one of a kind because of a unique tenant selection,
extraordinary size and/or unusual supplementary
attractions. To advertise its brand, it will likely need to
target regional and national publications, convention
business, hotels, fairs and tourist operators. The Forum
Shops at Caesars in Las Vegas, which simulates ancient
Roman streets, provides spectacular entertainment, and
features a wide selection of upscale stores and
restaurants, is a notable U.S. example of highly
successful branding at a tourist destination.
Successful brand communication requires market
research to provide frequent consumer feedback about
brand awareness and the image conveyed. A message
that falls on deaf ears is a waste of resources. One of the
goals of successful branding is to create top of mind
awareness so that when a consumer has a specific need
the branded center becomes the first destination. Once
the customer has taken ownership of the center in this
way, the brands goal is reached.
Maintaining the Brand
A successful brand establishes a positive emotional
association with its customer base. The branding
strategy must be based on sound empirical research. The
brand objectives need to be clear and specified. Both the
message and the delivery must complement each other
in order to build up and maintain credibility.
Maintaining the brand requires diligence, consistency
and frequent repetition. Over time, it is easy to stray
from the key components of the brand due to
seasonality, special events or changing fashion. It is
important to maintain a well established brand, but that
does not mean freezing it for all time. A brand must
evolve with its market without losing its key components.
Bayview Village Shopping Centre in Toronto, Canada, is
an example of a center whose brand has successfully
evolved over time. It opened in 1963 as a suburban
community center with primarily convenience retailers,
anchored by a Kmart and a supermarket Loblaws. As the
surrounding area urbanized with a middle- to high-
income population, low- and high-density residential
developments, the center added an increasing number of
fashion retailers. When Kmart closed, Bayview Village
upgraded with more fashion venues and market-unique
stores, including a Restoration Hardware, a LCBO
Vintages liquor store, a large Chapters book store and a
handful of full-service restaurants. Loblaws modernized
and expanded its footprint, including the provision of an
underground parking garage. A large gourmet food store,
Pusateris Fine Foods, is due to open soon.
Brand communication is impacted by changes in
technology, from social media such as e-mail, Facebook
or Twitter and the ubiquitous use of hand-held devices.
The key to brand maintenance is to adopt all appropriate
new methods of communication and customer contact,
while maintaining the integrity of the original brand.
Kildonan Place in Winnipeg, Canada, for example,
uses social networking through Facebook and Twitter to
communicate its brand. The centers marketing director
walks the mall at least daily to identify copy for the
centers tweetsperhaps a great deal or some
interesting new merchandise at a specific store, or
maybe a store contest. Kildonan Place has garnered over
6,000 fans on Facebook, where it also posts photos of
mall events and notices to update fans on store
construction and renovation. The centers Facebook and
Twitter accounts are linked so that every time an item is
posted on Facebook it also appears as a tweet on
Twitter. Marketing Director Corey Quintaine says:
Weve made a point of talking to our
customers and opening up a dialogue. We want
them to feel like were a friend telling them whats
going on at the mall, as opposed to an ad . Well
respond to customer questions and concerns, often
surprising our fans who may not realize that
theres a real live person monitoring the page.
Adjusting the Brand
It may become necessary to adjust the brand when
physical changes to the shopping center are made, when
significant tenants change, when new competition enters
the market or when technological innovations occur. A
careful and frequent analysis of the customer base,
through appropriate market research, may discover
other reasons why the brand should be adjusted. For
example, in some North American markets, such as
Toronto, Miami and San Diego, the population turnover
may be 20-25% every five years, due to relocations,
births, deaths, migration and other factors that result in
a changed demographic customer mix. A successful
brand stays ahead of the change by management being
well informed and open to changing its branding
Adjusting the brand should be gradual, without
major surprises to the established customer base.
Nevertheless, it should also be fast enough that the
customer knows that her center is staying up to date.
Customer consultation is essential in maintaining a
relevant brand.
In theory, co-branding provides opportunities to
reinforce and extend the brand. However, in practice, it
is a delicate matter and needs to be handled carefully. A
center needs to think through how any potential
branding partner is able to contribute positively to the
image of the center, preferably on a complementary
basis. Who is likely to be the major beneficiary of the co-
branding? What is the risk that it could tarnish the
reputation of the center? How much influence will the
center have over the branding strategy of its partner?
What is the likelihood that the branding interests of the
partners will diverge? These are just some of the
From e-mail from Corey Quintaine, Marketing Director, Kildonan Place, Winnipeg, Manitoba, to Robert Boyle, Director, Market Research, Ivanhoe
Cambridge, dated February 17, 2010.
Metropolis at Metrotown,
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Source: Stephan Poulin, Ivanhoe Cambridge
questions that need to be answered before entering co-
branding arrangements.
Co-branding partners could include owners of
residential, office, hotel or institutional real estate in a
mixed use development that includes a shopping center
or occupying space close to an existing shopping center.
Under controlled circumstances, it may also include
complementary retail facilities. The name of an
established branded shopping center could be adopted
by adjacent property being developed for complementary
purposes. Adopting the established shopping center
brand could facilitate leasing or selling units in the new
development. Successful co-branding could give the
completed mixed-use development an enhanced market
presence which is beneficial to the original branded
center. In the U.S., Tysons Corner in Virginia has
successfully co-branded with two nearby upscale centers,
Tysons Galleria and Fairfax Square, as well as a
substantial office complex accommodating some 1,200
technology companies and including some residential
areas. Tysons Corner is now the central business district
of Fairfax County. Metrotown in Burnaby (Vancouver,
Canada) is also an example of successful co-branding. It
includes Metropolis at Metrotown, a superregional
shopping center, several adjacent office buildings, a sky
train station and nearby residential developments.
Co-branding that extends the reach of the brand in
a way that conflicts with its original core is usually
detrimental in the long term. Events that have a wide
draw on newer patrons that differ significantly from the
established customer base could harm a centers brand.
Promoting a teenage event in a center whose customer
base is significantly older could be counterproductive, for
example. Political events and promotions that fill the
parking lot with non-shoppers could also harm the brand.
Co-branding must be approached with great caution
because it is usually the new development that wishes to
take advantage of the established brand. Unless there is
a clear advantage to the original brand, one which
cannot be achieved by other means, co-branding by
successfully branded shopping centers is best avoided.
Multiple Center Brands
Developing a multiple center brand may be
tempting for large companies with multiple centers
locally, regionally, nationally or even internationally.
Doing so, perhaps supported by a loyalty card program,
requires a large advertising budget. As a result, it may
not be cost effective because the vast majority of
shopping largely depends on local conditions.
Even though the success of multiple center
branding on customer loyalty may be difficult to
substantiate, if done well it is likely to make it easier to
attract and retain tenants. Tenants with a great number
of locations may lack the local knowledge when
approached for a new location, but the shopping center
brand, reflecting the owners reputation as landlord,
may be a valuable support in securing a new tenant.
Local multiple-centre branding is illustrated by the
approach that Canadian developer Cadillac Fairview has
taken to centers that are located in the same metro
market. In Montreal, for example, it is co-marketing four
of its centers as Your Fashion Centres, including
Fairview Point Claire, Promenades St. Bruno, Carrefour
Laval and Galeries DAnjou. Joint advertising is not only
cost-effective, but it may also remind customers about to
seek a fashion item that one of the Cadillac Fairview
centers is a promising destination. Interestingly, Cadillac
Fairview has not so far repeated this approach in other
markets, such as Toronto, where it operates similar
shopping centers with a fashion focus.
National multiple-center branding is exemplified by
French developer Jean-Louis Solals approach when he
built American type shopping centers in France. Initially
he wanted to name his first shopping center Paris II, as a
second Paris retail destination, but the elected
representatives of the city opposed this choice. One of
the closest cities to Le Chesnaythe city where the
shopping center is locatedis Marly-le-Roi. Solal
therefore decided to mix the name Paris and Marly to
create Parly, and he added the suffix 2 to differentiate
the center from the town of Parly located in Burgundy.
The suffix 2 became almost overnight a symbol of
modern shopping in France. It was repeated in a number
of additional centers he built in various parts of France,
subsequent to the opening of Parly 2. This branding has
made an important contribution to the successful
introduction of a new type of retail real estate in an
established, historic market.
Multiple center branding on an international scale is
rare but can be illustrated by the approach taken by
Westfield, which operates some 120 shopping malls in
Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and the U.K. Its centers
are branded as Westfield or Westfield Shoppingtown in
all markets. The company has financed large advertising
campaigns to increase awareness of the Westfield brand.
This branding approach may have been a valuable tool
as it executed its international expansion strategy,
assisting Westfield as it entered new countries, obtained
financing and secured sites for new developments. It is
less obvious whether its international branding increased
the consumer appeal of its centers and enhanced its
competitive position in local markets.
The Limits of Branding
It is unlikely that all shopping centers can be
branded successfully, principally because of the lack of
interest in branding by owners, the doubt that spending
money on branding can be cost effective, the lack of
commitment due to short-term ownership and the
absence of experienced staff. As a result, shopping
center owners and managers that are prepared to do
what it takes to develop a successful brand can enjoy a
significant competitive advantage.
Successful branding, above all, depends on long-
term ownership. The payback of branding is seldom
reached in a short time frame. Developing a brand is like
growing a tree: It takes many years to grow, requires
pruning and grows faster with fertilizer (advertising in
the case of a brand). It also requires commitment at all
levels of the organization that owns and/or manages the
property, as well as a willingness to adjust the branding
strategy over time.
Shopping centers of all types can be branded from
neighborhood centers to enclosed malls, as well as power
and lifestyle centers and urban streets. The branding
strategy needs to be center-specific: It should convey
the promise that the center is making to its customers.
In some cases, it could simply involve an add-on to a
normal advertising program; in other cases, the branding
efforts may dictate the total promotional budget.
The ultimate purpose of a successfully branded
center is to differentiate it from all others, to build up
customer loyalty and an industry reputation that
facilitates the attraction of the most desirable tenants. A
successfully branded shopping center can be identified by
superior customer traffic, higher than average sales
productivity and rents, and a low vacancy rate.
Hermann J. Kircher is President of Kircher Research Associates Ltd., specializing in highest and best
land use analyses and research for retail developments, in North America and internationally, for more
than 40 years. He can be contacted at [email protected]. For additional information,
please visit