Project 1
Project 1
Project 1
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Built in normal distribution functions allow you to get cumulative probabilities and percentiles
for the normal distribution with parameters obtained as above for the PERT approximation. In
Pr(T <= 32) =NORMDIST(32,PERTmean,PERTstdev,TRUE)
T(0.99) =NORMINV(0.99,PERTmean,PERTstdev)
The TRUE argument at the end of the NORMDIST call gives you cumulative probability (rather
than density function value), which is what you want.
Activity Predecessor Modal Time EST EFT LST LFT Slack Critical Acts Critical Path
A Prepare architectural drawings 5 =MAX(0) =G2+E2 =J2-E2 =MIN($I$4,$I$5,$I$6) =I2-G2 =IF(K2 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L2=1,A2,"")
B Identify potential new tenants 11 =MAX(0) =G3+E3 =J3-E3 =MIN($I$10) =I3-G3 =IF(K3 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L3=1,A3,"")
C Develop prospectus for tenants A
4 =MAX($H$2) =G4+E4 =J4-E4 =MIN($I$10) =I4-G4 =IF(K4 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L4=1,A4,"")
D Select Contractor A 3 =MAX($H$2) =G5+E5 =J5-E5 =MIN($I$8) =I5-G5 =IF(K5 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L5=1,A5,"")
E Prepare Building Permits A 1 =MAX($H$2) =G6+E6 =J6-E6 =MIN($I$7) =I6-G6 =IF(K6 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L6=1,A6,"")
F Obtain approval for building permits E
4 =MAX($H$6) =G7+E7 =J7-E7 =MIN($I$8) =I7-G7 =IF(K7 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L7=1,A7,"")
G Perform Construction D, F 10 =MAX($H$5,$H$7) =G8+E8 =J8-E8 =MIN($I$9) =I8-G8 =IF(K8 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L8=1,A8,"")
H Painting & detail work G 4 =MAX($H$8) =G9+E9 =J9-E9 =MIN($I$11) =I9-G9 =IF(K9 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L9=1,A9,"")
I Finalize contracts with tenants B, C 12 =MAX($H$3,$H$4) =G10+E10 =J10-E10 =MIN($I$11) =I10-G10 =IF(K10 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L10=1,A10,"")
J Tenants move in H, I 2 =MAX($H$9,$H$10) =G11+E11 =J11-E11 =MIN($I$12) =I11-G11 =IF(K11 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L11=1,A11,"")
Z EOP J 0 =MAX($H$11) =G12+E12 =J12-E12 =$H$12 =I12-G12 =IF(K12 < 0.00000001,1,0) =CONCATENATE(M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11)
Activity Predecessor Max Time EST EFT LST LFT Slack Critical Acts Critical Path
A Prepare architectural drawings 13 =MAX(0) =G2+F2 =J2-F2 =MIN($I$4,$I$5,$I$6) =I2-G2 =IF(K2 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L2=1,A2,"")
B Identify potential new tenants 13 =MAX(0) =G3+F3 =J3-F3 =MIN($I$10) =I3-G3 =IF(K3 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L3=1,A3,"")
C Develop prospectus for tenants A 5 =MAX($H$2) =G4+F4 =J4-F4 =MIN($I$10) =I4-G4 =IF(K4 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L4=1,A4,"")
D Select Contractor A 4 =MAX($H$2) =G5+F5 =J5-F5 =MIN($I$8) =I5-G5 =IF(K5 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L5=1,A5,"")
E Prepare Building Permits A 4 =MAX($H$2) =G6+F6 =J6-F6 =MIN($I$7) =I6-G6 =IF(K6 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L6=1,A6,"")
F Obtain approval for building permits E 5 =MAX($H$6) =G7+F7 =J7-F7 =MIN($I$8) =I7-G7 =IF(K7 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L7=1,A7,"")
G Perform Construction D, F 12 =MAX($H$5,$H$7) =G8+F8 =J8-F8 =MIN($I$9) =I8-G8 =IF(K8 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L8=1,A8,"")
H Painting & detail work G 7.5 =MAX($H$8) =G9+F9 =J9-F9 =MIN($I$11) =I9-G9 =IF(K9 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L9=1,A9,"")
I Finalize contracts with tenants B, C 13.5 =MAX($H$3,$H$4) =G10+F10 =J10-F10 =MIN($I$11) =I10-G10 =IF(K10 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L10=1,A10,"")
J Tenants move in H, I 3 =MAX($H$9,$H$10) =G11+F11 =J11-F11 =MIN($I$12) =I11-G11 =IF(K11 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L11=1,A11,"")
Z EOP J 0 =MAX($H$11) =G12+F12 =J12-F12 =$H$12 =I12-G12 =IF(K12 < 0.00000001,1,0) =CONCATENATE(M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11)
Activity Predecessor Min Time EST EFT LST LFT Slack Critical Acts Critical Path
A Prepare architectural drawings 4 =MAX(0) =G2+D2 =J2-D2 =MIN($I$4,$I$5,$I$6) =I2-G2 =IF(K2 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L2=1,A2,"")
B Identify potential new tenants 9 =MAX(0) =G3+D3 =J3-D3 =MIN($I$10) =I3-G3 =IF(K3 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L3=1,A3,"")
C Develop prospectus for tenants A 1 =MAX($H$2) =G4+D4 =J4-D4 =MIN($I$10) =I4-G4 =IF(K4 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L4=1,A4,"")
D Select Contractor A 2 =MAX($H$2) =G5+D5 =J5-D5 =MIN($I$8) =I5-G5 =IF(K5 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L5=1,A5,"")
E Prepare Building Permits A 1 =MAX($H$2) =G6+D6 =J6-D6 =MIN($I$7) =I6-G6 =IF(K6 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L6=1,A6,"")
F Obtain approval for building permits E 3 =MAX($H$6) =G7+D7 =J7-D7 =MIN($I$8) =I7-G7 =IF(K7 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L7=1,A7,"")
G Perform Construction D, F 10 =MAX($H$5,$H$7) =G8+D8 =J8-D8 =MIN($I$9) =I8-G8 =IF(K8 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L8=1,A8,"")
H Painting & detail work G 2.5 =MAX($H$8) =G9+D9 =J9-D9 =MIN($I$11) =I9-G9 =IF(K9 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L9=1,A9,"")
I Finalize contracts with tenants B, C 11.5 =MAX($H$3,$H$4) =G10+D10 =J10-D10 =MIN($I$11) =I10-G10 =IF(K10 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L10=1,A10,"")
J Tenants move in H, I 1 =MAX($H$9,$H$10) =G11+D11 =J11-D11 =MIN($I$12) =I11-G11 =IF(K11 < 0.00000001,1,0) =IF(L11=1,A11,"")
Z EOP J 0 =MAX($H$11) =G12+D12 =J12-D12 =$H$12 =I12-G12 =CONCATENATE(M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,M7,M8,M9,M10,M11)